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  • in reply to: Cache & Cool Restaurant Names. Help me pick one out #79496

    Or, Button’s Bistro (instead of Bistro on Button) as a second choice.

    in reply to: Cache & Cool Restaurant Names. Help me pick one out #79495

    Hi mazed-up,

    Out of the choices I like “Recess Café” the best.

    This is why: If I’m on vacation or traveling, I actually have 100 things on my mind, albeit small . “Where did I park the car? Where are my kids? What are we doing? Do you have the keys to the hotel room?”

    Recess Café is EASY to remember, AND it rolls off the tongue. So if I’m texting or calling my friends or family I can tell them to meet me there without having to think.

    Good Luck on the new restaurant!!


    in reply to: Guilt from past relationship #79453

    Hi redcar,

    On the day you cheated, you found out that you, too, were only human, after all. No better and no worse than the rest of humanity. Now, if you’ve always imagined yourself a “good” person, a “morally upstanding” person, or had always looked down on cheaters that would be quite a shock to you! It is hard to settle and see yourself in the dreggy baseline of common humanity. (50% of people cheat). However! You, too, STILL deserve love and friendship!!

    Now, I hate to say it, but if YOU cheated, and your old boyfriend would never IMAGINE you doing such a thing ~ how do you know HE hasn’t cheated during the dull moments? Keep in mind, you, too, would NEVER IMAGINE him cheating either!

    We ALL have done things we’re not proud of. No exceptions. None.

    To save his feelings, if he later says, “Oh, I heard from so-and-so that you cheated on me with Bob from the bar” YOU say, “Yup, just ask John, Joe, and Peter with the glasses about me. I’m their head hoe!” and laugh it off. Make a joke out of any rumors by then EXAGERRATING it. This will make them feel you’ve been unfairly maligned.

    Be Easy on Yourself Now,


    in reply to: Advice Please! I will also try to help you! #79381

    Hi El,

    Oh my. So much. TOO much!

    You know, there is a reason why people are called Highschool Sweethearts. It’s because that was in high school. And you were sweethearts. WERE. In HS he didn’t know you’d come down with mental health issues (NO judgment here! NONE!) and you didn’t know he’d become a drug dealer who played mind games. You outgrew each other. It’s as simple as that. And you are both trying to fit into old shoes that’s you’ve outgrown. What was once comfortable and everyday became old, shabby and painful.

    What I would do is switch cell phone numbers, tell your mother you’re not talking to him, stay off social media and live your NEW life to the fullest! Live as a college aged girl ~ and have fun!!

    If you want to be “fair” tell him through text before you switch off your number that it’s getting old, and that you are going on vacation and you wish him well. Then, LEAVE! Travel or visit friends or relatives. Get some wind in your hair for perspective and to forget him before you come back.



    in reply to: What do I say to Guy#1? #79318

    Hi PryingMiMi,

    I would say, “I’m seeing someone.” This will go less awkwardly than you might imagine. He will say, “Oh! Well, OK then! Congratulations!” and maybe you guys can be friends and meet up AS friends one day. (Hey, it does happen!)

    However, I would first make sure Guy #2 is the Real Deal. Tell Guy 2, “I’ve been talking to someone even before we met, and he wants to meet. But I don’t want to tell him I’m seeing anyone unless we’re actually Official.” He will either immediately confirm your relationship, or he will get a little pissy. But this conversation first needs to happen.

    If Guy #2 hems and haws, or won’t commit, keep talking to and even meet up with Guy #1. And you won’t even have to tell the two guys anything!



    in reply to: Alone and unloved #79191

    Hi Elle,

    I would make a list of all the things, people and places you liked before him. List thirty things/people/places!! I’m serious.

    Then list thirty things, people and places you wanted or planned to see/enjoy in the future that have nothing to do with him!

    When you do this you should feel an inspired burst of happiness and optimism.

    Then, do and see those things/people/places!

    Good Luck!


    in reply to: Zentangle #79181

    Thank you J! 🙂

    in reply to: Zentangle #79166

    Hi J,

    Yes, I had bought a Zentangle book and used it as a tool. Though it’s not my style, I am making a point of learning new things/techniques. Let’s see if I can upload something…


    OK, this is a cross I made using the Zentangle technique, and I think it captures the crazy wild yet awesome feeling I got when I was suddenly baptized in the Spirit!



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.

    Hi bill,

    When a friend gives up on their dreams and even himself, it can be downright painful to see a cheerily optimistic pal “going for it”. It would be different if you succeeded in terms of fame/money (what the world views as “success”). Then it would be downright jealousy and he wouldn’t talk about you at all, even to his shrink! It’s kind of like, “I’m in the mud, and goddammit, you’re in the mud, even if you don’t believe it! And not only that, I’m going to make you stay there! Who do you think you are, Lotus Flower??”

    You know, I don’t hang around people who think so little of me. I would stay away from this friend for a while. And DON’T tell him your plans/dreams if you run into him. Keep your conversations to the present/mundane. Keep your goals away from the trolls, as they say. And if you do succeed in something and see him, don’t be surprised if he gets weirdly angry.

    Sorry you’re going through this!


    in reply to: My best friend is possesive and I feel guilty #79086

    Oh Dear Lord Nicole!

    I know EXACTLY how you feel! Even as a grown 40 something year old woman I have recently had this.

    One neighbor, C, started calling me “BEST FRIEND”, really emphasizing the words. I felt kind of forced to say that back to her. I hemmed and hawed and said something like, “Well my childhood friend J is my historic best friend, and you are my best friend in this town, that’s for sure!” Now, that wasn’t entirely true, as I could easily say that to two other people in town! I think she got the hint and backed off.

    But THEN! We were at an event and I saw my dear friend B, who used to be my neighbor. We both have the same kind of mixed heritage and background, so we “get” each other. Now, I never talk on and on about B, or even barely mention her. But C was totally threatened! She was all, “That’s enough of B!” when I’m all, “Let’s sit together”.

    Now, being 40-ish, that’s a drag. I will now forever have to strategically plan get togethers and parties where they will not only be sparate, but so they each won’t hear about it (especially C!!). Thankfully everyone is saddled with kids so it’s not a big deal. But jealousy IS the most annoying feeling in the world! Understandable for romance NOT friendship IMO!

    I would call your friend’s bluff and say, “I have several friends, actually, as you do. Your reaction is really weird. So I WON’T mention E! I think you made the best decision for both of us, S.”

    Good Luck!


    in reply to: Advice welcomed please (Anxiety) #79014

    Hi Andrew 132,

    I would make a list of what, where and who is the LEAST offensive to you and start from there. So, I, too, hate supermarkets, but if I had to pick one (and I do), that is my “safe” market. I also go at a certain time of day. Same with people. Same with things. Little by little, you’ll get out of your comfort zone. Or, more commonly, you’ll be stuck in it.

    You’re not the only one who feels “different” and an “alien”. Those that act in the ways you described are just trying to be like everyone else. Or, they really are that way. (God help them!)



    in reply to: Life at crossroads…please Help #78949

    Hi There!

    You need to take the job, sweetheart.

    Not to compare us to birds, but ~ A woman wants to have a nest. But a man needs to be able to build one.

    Tell her that you ARE, in fact, doing this for her. Love never ends, you see. She can handle this. And you need to do this.



    I just want to add ~ And I am not technically Buddhist! For twenty years, I, too, had my doubts about God/Jesus/Christianity. But here’s the thing ~ people like labels. When people ask me what I “am” I say “I’m a Congregationalist” more for THEM, not for ME. I was baptized there. My kids were baptized there. I’m on a committee. I even go to an occasional service.

    And YET, and yet… I can read Tarot cards, almost converted to Judaism, read Buddhist books, can chant Hindu mantras, went to a Buddhist temple and was baptized in the Spirit (quite suddenly!!) so now I am technically a Born Again Christian.

    Listen, it all comes down to your own personal relationship with The Creator and/or Jesus.

    Don’t worry about what “Man” thinks. Go to the Religion/Spirituality section of your bookstore, pick up any book that resonates with you, and read your heart out! Go to any place of worship that the Spirit moves you to. Practice spirituality on your own or with others and see what works and where it goes.


    Hi kinghenry95,

    Yes, I tell my family that Buddhism is a train of thought/philosophy/way of thinking. With Buddhism, you don’t have to pick and choose. There is no Either/Or. There are Protestant Buddhists, Jewish Buddhists and even Catholic Buddhists. It’s best if you come from a place of being an expert rather than asking for permission. In a few years when you’ve read and experienced a lot in this, hold a workshop in your church called (let’s say you’re Protestant) “Protestant Buddhists ~ Putting God into Buddhist Thought” or something like that. So when you “come out” and they start questioning/judging you can say, “You should really come to my workshop on this on the 27th/!” 😉

    There are books that show the similarities between what Jesus said and what Buddha says.

    Have Buddhist and Eastern coffee table books. Give to your parents because the images are so beautiful. If they open it up the book may explain the “Tao/Now” and Buddha’s history. But not what to believe!

    Good Luck!


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: I am young, yet so much has already happened #78896

    Hi classic,

    I know what you mean about certain issues that seem to follow you around wherever you go! It could be fate/karma, but for now, let’s just chalk it up to coincidence. Within the next ten years you will have the power to move to be with the one you love. In fact, I predict the moment you have your own money, car, will and intention to do that you will suddenly find yourself surrounded by homebodies who would never leave the area!

    I would concentrate on one thing at a time. So this summer your goal is to get your license. Then in the fall get your own car or job, whichever one comes first. Then in the winter get the car if you have a job or the job if you have a car. Then during the holidays send out applications to the school that makes sense. This could be trade school, night school, getting an associates degree, a travel-work program.

    It sounds like your parents are “done” so you have to do this yourself. But just remember support, advice and good wishes are here!

    Good Luck,


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