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  • in reply to: Really need your help in fixing this… #77163

    Hi gracen,

    OK, first of all, NEVER put anything personal in writing!! Like, ever. Not in business, not online, not in journals. It is SO easy for things to be misconstrued, or turned against you.

    **What I will write next is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended, but it is the truth**

    Second of all, you keep calling the couple “Them”/”They” or they are all “We”. There is no “Them” because.. He didn’t put a ring on it!! She has merely picked him to raise her children. She is not the wife. Nor a fiancée. She is just a girlfriend. Yes, I said it. Just a Girlfriend. Meaning, he can leave anytime, still keeping to his, God’s and the world’s morals! I think that he is not as into her as “they” say, simply because he was so into you (possibly as an escape), (and has found himself raising her kids, IMO). He has not proposed, has he?

    I’m not putting her down, believe it or not. Obviously, she should dump him, the two-timer.

    By showing her the letter he has made an “Us Against Her” or “Us Against the World” dynamic. This is called Triangulation. Instead of getting angry at him (and I love HIM apologizing to YOU for “leading you on”. Please.) She has chosen for “Them” to think you’re just some girl.

    No, don’t talk to him. If anything call the girlfriend and tell her, “Have your boyfriend stop contacting me” if he ever talks to you. If he gets incensed and “they” talk to you again, have your lawyer scare them a little with a Cease and Desist letter to cast them out of their fantasy land. Then maybe he’ll get real with her and propose or leave, once the distraction (you) is over.

    Reclaim your Dignity.


    in reply to: lost hope on finding love #77122

    Hi Laure,

    I’m going to offer you try something a bit different. We have a daughter about your age, and, wait for it… She doesn’t WANT a relationship with anyone (now)! This is because she’s majoring in the sciences and is on a crew team. These eat up literally all of her time, she knows it’s not fair to the guy, and she is one of those with a Time Table for her Life. Like, she knows she’ll probably live to be 80 – 100 and that love will come anyway. She’ll receive it when she’s less busy, thank you.

    Now, an interesting thing happens. She is the girl who gets asked out first!! NOT because she’s pretty (I think she’s gorgeous, but I am her mother!!) or because she’s socially with it, or smart, or a jock.. she is, but not any more than you are, I bet. It is because she’s all interested in and focused on other things! This is called The Cat Dish Affect. Other people think she’s got something going on! I’ve seen it again and again with other people!

    It’s also known as Non-Active Interest/Non-Disinterest. (Something like that). Meaning, you see it, you appreciate it, you think “It would be nice to have this” but you simply smile and don’t go after it! If it comes to you, you say, “Oh how nice!” and love the hell out of it. But never cling to it. Like you’re in a Butterfly House.

    So focus on your studies, job and/or team and see what happens!


    P.S. I was more like you and know what it feels like! … Also, I just thought of this ~ in the media, the sought after girl is always doing her own thing and doesn’t notice the hero until like Season 3. Know what I mean? 😉

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Fiance dated my close friend when we were exes #77088

    Hi Bluesses,

    YOU tell everyone you’ve been together for almost a year!! One starred FB status update should do it. A new profile picture of you and him. Saying, “After the most romantic year ever, BF proposed!” You can then write that, yes, you two “kept it a secret until the time was right!”

    He will get pissed that you let the cat out of the bag. The “friend” will be hurt. His other friends either already know, or don’t care. On the dark flip side it IS possible he’s been lying to everyone. That the “friend” is really his other GF and the other friends actually think that.

    Time to regain your pride by letting the truth set you free.

    In future conversations say “us” and “we” a lot. Never show any schism between you in public. And don’t mention this to him again. If he rants and raves say, “Oh, don’t be silly” and let HIM deal with the fall out from the “friend”. Who will think that HE was cheating on HER with YOU!

    Obviously, I’m supposed to write “Call off your engagement” but if it’s in less than 100 days I know that won’t happen, thus the throw back advice above!!

    This was a classic “Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining” situation.




    Hi Zita,

    What culture are you from? Because honestly no parents I know would lay this trip on their child. I’d rather eat rice living in my car than have my kid take care of me. 65 is not old, retired, or dead in my book. We come from families that live well into their 80s and 90s. They’d live simply, and be as vibrant as ever.

    The ex: Let me tell you, even if you did “well” he would still look down on you ONLY because people don’t like to be proven wrong! Why do you think they say “Living well is the best revenge”? All being successful will do is make him pissed. So who cares about what he thinks??

    Friend: Get new ones.

    Work: Just get up and show up. Showing up is 90% of life.

    Grad Schools: Apply. You have several months before applications for Fall 2016 would be due. Relax until then, but apply.

    Other Work: Frankly, in this economy, you might not get anything (YET!). Think of it as one more day the Universe will let you live in your comfort zone (Yay! That is secretly what you want!) but keep searching out new opportunities. Follow them, and something will fall into place.

    Move: Put the ‘rents in affordable housing or senior housing and get a modest apartment with roommates. Time to live like you’re 20!

    Family/Marriage/Kids: You still have a decade to enjoy yourself. Relax about this now!

    Good Luck!


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: How do I survive an event with mean in-laws? #76994

    Hi raven11,

    No one can argue with a tooth ache. I’m serious. The day of the event, make like you’re all ready to go and then go “DAMMIT!!” and “run to the dentist” and text once you’re “there” to go on without you. Cracked tooth, root canal, whatever. In reality you will be at a spa, having a well deserved massage.

    Now, what you should also do is call/visit “his” side of the family, each individually. Tell them that there are rumors that you are abusive, and/or about your husband’s shenanigans, and that you don’t know what to do! Confide in them in a “what do you think I should do” kind of way. You have to get out from under this family mob mentality that you are the bad guy. Pick the weakest link and become their best friend. Next year, do this with the next weakest link. One day, at a funeral or something, BIL will be all, “How come everyone’s clustered around HER?” LOL

    An easier thing to do, of course, is to shed your DH, but if you have kids I can see why you might not want to do that (yet).

    in reply to: I feel like I've been used. #76946

    Hi hotfuzz,

    What struck me was that at one point you wrote, “…I wasn’t THAT into her” (after she visited her ex for a month) and… then you fell for her fast and hard.

    As soon as she showed her own agency and power (to run off, have adventures, to pick and choose) you got emotionally attached.

    You were like the “girl/feminine/passive force” in the relationship ~ where the “guy/masculine/active force” runs off and thus someone was left pining ~ you!

    You weren’t upset because she didn’t communicate. Come on. You’re upset because she made major relationship decisions without you being a factor. But here’s the thing: You WEREN’T in a relationship, and TWO people have to say “yes” for one to exist. And here’s the other thing: No matter how much you love her, she has all the power in the world with one word, as flippant as it may be: “No”. That’s what’s driving you nuts.

    It’s all about control. Otherwise you wouldn’t be all, “Why him and not me?” She doesn’t have to justify her decisions to you from a place of “No”. You cannot change her mind to get her from a “No” to a “Yes”. And even if you could, we don’t have the Playbook for her mind.

    This is what I tell my daughter, and, yes, my sons: Only sleep with someone AFTER you’re in a committed relationship. It is so easy to get hurt, or to hurt the other person. Sex is NOT casual. There’s too much bio-chemical stuff going on. At some point you get attached. Usually it’s the girl, but guys do to!! That’s the way it’s meant to be. Mother Nature uses sex as a glue to help keep couples together.

    Sorry so tough!!


    in reply to: If it was meant to be… #76915

    Hi korrasamus,

    Wow, people make their lives so complicated! If you guys want to be together one day ~ be together now! You don’t have to get married. Just enjoy each other’s company. He doesn’t have to “struggle” or “grieve”. You don’t have to be “strong” or “confident”. I mean, when would he or you be ready then? Next year? Five years? Ten years? Throw out your “shoulds” and be together NOW!

    Caveat: Sometimes when people say, “I’m not ready for a relationship” they really mean “I don’t want a relationship ~ with YOU!” Make sure that’s not what was going on. If so then throw my above advice out the window.



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: i work with my ex. #76880

    Hi Claudiii,

    Working with your ex would test anyone’s enlightened nature LOL. Even if you were completely over him, the niggling memories would be there. This is why as a general rule people don’t date their work colleagues. Short of going to another branch, working from home for the company or switching jobs, there’s not a whole lot you can do.

    Maybe don’t talk to him unless you have to, be polite, tell him, “No, I don’t want to hear about your new girlfriend/amazing weekend” (God forbid he says something like that).

    Just think of him as someone from your distant past who’s a different person now (he eventually will be). Or that this is his identical twin Skippy.

    Hang in There,


    in reply to: I don't know what to do #76871

    Yeah, I didn’t want to say anything, but I was reminded of a distant relative who thought that the Republican party bugged her house.


    in reply to: Wanting female perspective on relationship breakdown #76853

    Hi myheartbleeding,

    They have a name for people like this: Friends.

    I know exactly what she’s talking about when she says you are spiritual friends. You will always have a connection. You will always think about and support each other.

    But my dear, when she tells you she has Aspergers, has a child/other priorities, doesn’t want physical contact, BELIEVE HER. I’m not even counting the hoarding.

    For your own sanity, cast her in the “Friend” category in your mind, and have NO expectations from this girl.

    She might not become conventionally normal, even if she tried. Don’t try to change her nature. Don’t carry a torch for her, either.



    in reply to: I don't know what to do #76838

    Hi wayfinder,

    Ugh, this is why I hate FaceBook. Like, IRL, in the old days, you would never go on a double date and then proceed to call 100 of your closest friends and tell them about it. I think it should be used for Private Messaging, saying “Happy Birthday” and to tell everyone about something that matters (moving, job change, engagement, etc.). But no matter what you post, someone’s going to be unhappy. This time it’s you. (I hate when it’s me getting upset over a FB post!!).

    What I would do is “Hide” him on social media and take what he posts/says at face value. If he doesn’t say, “I like you” and writes “Hang in there!” assume he really means “Hang in there!”

    He might also still look at you as a wounded bird of sorts. Maybe a “Thanks for all your help! I’m fine now, but thanks!” Show him an independent streak, or shoo him away a little.

    OK, Good Luck!


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Overwhelmed – thankful for your thoughts #76775

    Oh, and move closer to your job. Like, within half an hour. Bam, you have up to two hours of your life back! You might have move to a smaller place, but it’s worth it!

    in reply to: Overwhelmed – thankful for your thoughts #76772

    Hi coffee,

    For the long commute try listening to books on tape, a comedy, or meditation CDs.

    For work, have rest stops throughout the day. Chair yoga… And everyone has to use the bathroom, right? Have like a mini spa experience in the bathroom. Skin brushing, moisturizing, relaxation, breathing, visualizing. For lunch or a snack have goat’s milk or goat cheese, nuts, lemon water, a salad. Drink a lot of water so you don’t get fatigued.

    OK, when my MIL was dying, I told my frazzled, weary DH, “On any given day you can work, take care of the house/kids/family or visit your mother. Pick two.” It was such a relief to him that he didn’t have to Do It All in a day, every day.

    Like, I don’t know your job, but Batching helps: Do paper work Monday, Phone Calls Tuesday, Travel Wednesday, Email Processing Thursday, Wrap Up Friday.

    Also, usually people feel stressed when there’s competing interests. Can you let everything else go? Hire a house cleaner? Car pool? Have groceries delivered? Imagine that you didn’t have a house, family, friends or hobbies, and your job was your life. You live in the office. This is all you do. This is all there is. That thought should actually relax you. If you feel more stressed thinking that thought, explore other options.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Inky.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Inky.

    Hi hopelesslycharmed,

    Wow, this girl is so, um, HONEST about “choosing between you”. TBH, women do this all the time. It’s just that we are way more discreet about it. Like, you would never know that it is happening. If a girl has a lot of admirers, then it is natural that she would want to go on a (discreet) date with each one, and then pick and choose. But this is just wrong what she’s doing.

    I’m sorry she was so obvious about having you as an option. The only thing you can do now is tell her that you are “No Longer an Option”. And tell the other guy that she’s playing both of you. It would be great if you both dump her at the same time so her little ego boost is over, and she never plays people so openly again.

    I hope you find true love. All three of you. With different people. Because this is not it. This is a game (at least to her).



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: The Cult Next Door #76654

    Hi Will,

    Hi Matt!

    OK, there are two things you can do. One is to find websites that list organizations that are a cult. It might be already well known. If not, tell the moderators about it and have it put on the list.

    The other thing is to make a couple dozen flyers and put them strategically around the city where the kids are. No kid wants to feel duped and will give the place a side-eye after seeing a “Warning: Cult!” flyer.

    I mean my attitude is Yes, live and let live. But if my inner alarms are going off, and red flags are everywhere, Knowledge is Power. If a kid wants to join a cult or cult-like organization with both eyes open, fine. But I would want to give the people a heads up simply because I am part of the community. The organization has to earn the community’s trust and act legit (drop the outrageous prices, charismatic leaders and hypnotism of our young people).

    P.S. I once met a woman whose sister had been part of a cult. The woman had mob connections (this was back in the 70s/80s) and the mob got the sister out. Yes, it was one of *Those* cults where they sequester the family members away, and they had the sister’s daughter too.

    OK, Good Luck Will!


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