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ParticipantHi Jas,
OK, be very careful not to get caught in that mind trap!
I’ve noticed that the friends and family of jerks, rapists, murderers, animal abusers, cheaters, tax evaders, the list goes on, will ALWAYS “Stand by their son/man”. Have you noticed that it’s usually men?? Have you also thought, “Maybe if someone in their life said, ‘No’ to them once in a while maybe they wouldn’t be jerks, rapists, murderers”, you get the idea?
I think jerks and men somehow have a higher social value than nice women. Don’t jump down my throat people, that’s just what I’ve noticed in my own life. Jerky women seem to get away with some stuff, and nice men (when they do something wrong by accident LOL) but the nice girl seems to get steamrolled by the rest of humanity.
My own sister scolded me for inadvertently making her ex-husband feel bad, and the man cheated on her with two different women!!
If it makes you feel any better, there ARE some people who I would ask, “What did you say/do so s/he would act that way??” That could mean that they actually do view you on the same level as him and not a victim. Or, your ex REALLY knows how to play them and manipulate!
ParticipantHi Jas,
Everyone goes through times when they think, or actually are, relatively isolated. I remember I was a young mom living in a new suburban town surrounded by mommies at LEAST ten years older than me! So there I was, 25, surrounded by other parents (some 40), and I felt so alone. Now twenty years later I’m surrounded by my “Tribe” (friends, neighbors and parents of my kids’ friends).
Sometimes, though, the “Tribe” frankly sucks. Some days I have trouble counting on one hand who would be there for me, or even who is still physically here (moving, death, new job).
Some decades, you suddenly realize that you have “outgrown” everyone. (Moving, job, marriage, stage of life, parenthood, out of school).
Also realize that if you’re not Receiving from your friends and family, that sometimes means that they have nothing to Give. Everyone is selfish first. It’s when people feel really good (or have really good breeding) that they feel a yen to give to others.
Hang in There,
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
ParticipantDon’t be surprised if they ask you to work for him again, or invite you over, suddenly show up at family events and want to Friend you on FaceBook. Now that the secret is out, they are going to want everything to be “OK”. If you go over there or have to be around them at holidays, that will be proof that everything is “OK”.
I don’t know how old you are, but nothing creates distance like distance. Get out of the area and only see the family that isn’t connected to them. If a parent is, have them visit you where you are and don’t be ambushed by “Surprise! Uncle’s here!”
They may also make YOU the “problem”. You led him on, nothing happened, it’s no big deal, you misinterpreted. Or, when you’re a no-show for the holidays, “What’s HER problem??”
I just/”just” got kissed by an uncle and for years I was the family “problem”. But, nothing like decades after becoming an adult for them to be properly mortified and slink away from the rest of the family tree.
Block their number. Go to college/work far from them. Get out of that environment. Now, please.
ParticipantHi Charlotte,
This may not be what’s happening AT ALL, but here is a shot in the dark…
Is it possible that:
1. In the rare instance when you’ve had that “I’m falling in love” feeling. That “I have a crush” feeling. That you don’t often pursue it? Or when you had you came to grief?
2. In the meantime, really, really nice guys would ask you out and you would go out with them at first out of politeness?
3. Do you have that “Who do you think you are?” feeling/thought when you want to say “No thank you” to going out/being with someone?
4. I can see feeling guilty for not wanting to be with someone. But shame is from your deep past or childhood. Someone or something did a number on you. What was it? Ferret out what that “thing” was. Knowing is half the battle.
5. Hypnotherapy can help with dealing with shame. Or the “Tapping Technique” (google it).
ParticipantHi M,
If possible, move out and move in with other room mates. This will do several things. Your boyfriend will appreciate you more and will want to make plans to be with you. Probably without Bob. Also, you will be more likely to get married down the line. Right now you are just “there” to the point where your boyfriend literally cannot see that someone is trash talking his girlfriend!
Say “No” to hanging out with Bob. You’re not telling BF what to do. Just say, “No thanks” to going out. If you get flack just use the broken record technique ~ keep saying “No thanks”. When BF comes back talking about what Bob said, especially concerning you, say, “I don’t want to hear it.”
Then make plans for romantic dinners, boat rides, picnics, a couple’s cooking class, a chick flick movie ~ something that only couples do together. So Bob would be the third wheel if he tries to join in LOL (he won’t).
A curious thing will happen. On the odd chance that you are “stuck” with Bob, if it’s been over a month since he’s seen you, he will probably be polite. You will have broken the old dynamic. Now, if Bob starts in with his crap, simply see him less and less and plan more and more one on one dates with your boyfriend (but don’t forbid him to see Bob, either, just not on your couple’s time!)
This will all work more powerfully if you have your own place.
Good Luck,
April 24, 2015 at 5:00 am in reply to: I LEFT A JOB I LOVE ONLY TO BE MISERABLE WHATS WRONG WITH ME #75759Inky
ParticipantHi Amby,
Well, I mean, who wouldn’t take the second job sight unseen?? The first place was taking advantage of your youth/inexperience with the healthcare bull crap which is huge. HUGE!!
I would use this current job as a platform to find something better. The benefits really do matter. Like I’d be all over that gym membership LOL! And you don’t “need” health insurance ~ until you suddenly do. My neighbors almost went bankrupt without it. One intestinal problem = $15,000, thank you!
What do the older people who have been there a while do? I bet they use their cell phones and check email. I bet they walk around the hallways/outside/have a “restroom” break. I doubt everyone’s a perfect cubicle slave.
So don’t beat yourself up about the first job, and view this job as temporary. Make the best of it while finding something else.
ParticipantHi poeticanthology,
Most people go through at least a few relationships before finding The One that lasts. I mean, you were essentially four years out of the running, so it’s not like you were rejected then. More like, dejected (totally understandable!) Also, look at the pool where you generally are meeting guys. Bars? Clubs? Not the best places. Friends of the family? Friends of friends? Church? Better! May I suggest looking for slightly older guys ~ late twenties/early thirties. Those will probably be more serious about things like that.
View dating as a game! Go out ONLY to have fun and to have a good time. Yes, you will run into lemons, but they might know someone perfect for you! You never know.
April 22, 2015 at 7:48 am in reply to: I'm left heartbroken and I can't move on. Need help, advice and guidance please #75666Inky
ParticipantLet’s deal with your broken heart when you are back home. That is where all your energies should be RIGHT NOW. Getting OUT, going HOME. Just get through that. Physical first, emotional later. Worst case scenario have a family member or an old friend fly out and get you.
Trust Me.
April 22, 2015 at 5:24 am in reply to: I'm left heartbroken and I can't move on. Need help, advice and guidance please #75663Inky
ParticipantHi innnaaa,
Oh, sweetie!! {{{hugs}}}
I know, I know. As women we get crazily competitive when we even think we sniff another woman in the background. And you actually had one! What I would have done is keep losing or destroying his phone, but that’s just me when I’m crazy! LOL! Let this other girl “win”. Believe me, she’ll get her heart broken too. Look at his string of failed marriages!
Anyway, speaking as a slightly older person, let me assure you that you are STILL YOUNG. Not metaphorically young. Not comparatively young, but young enough so that this is a blip in your life and even résumé . Yes, indeed you can go back and start over.
OK, the only love advice my mother gave us was, “Never marry a foreigner”. Anyone can say the right things, but you need someone with your own core values. Also, never live with anyone before marriage. As you can see, you are helpless and beholden to them. Especially in another country when you have no money or job!! Right, lessons learned.
Please, this week, just concentrate on getting OUT. Go back home. Go back to your family, your parents, siblings, cousins, anyone. Have a good cry. Let them build you up. Begin again.
April 21, 2015 at 4:22 am in reply to: Tough time moving, despite me being the one who broke it off #75628Inky
ParticipantHi lukas-kovac,
Well, sometimes life throws us a “freebie”. And you said, “No thanks”. Let’s be honest, you didn’t have to work for her (dating, wooing, courting) and that part was missing. Psychologically essential in my opinion. You’re thinking about her more now because it’s not a sure thing anymore ~ if at all!
Make it a general rule not to “date” your flat mates. No good ever comes of it.
Time, time, and more time will help you. Also meeting new people. Eventually your life’s memories will become an archeological dig and her memory will be somewhere under layers of other experiences, places and relationships.
ParticipantHi hakko,
At your age, even if you had the best family on the planet, you would still feel an urge to make your dreams come true and travel. And a good family would want you to spread your wings and be happy. Pretend you come from that wonderful family!
ParticipantHi Hannah,
I think the panic attacks come from the aftermath of being blindsided when you think everything is fine. And it happened twice. So, why should you feel confident and good when it really might not be??
Oh my goodness, what a great actor he was. Well, either he will always be a perennial bachelor, or he was keeping something from you ~ or even something from himself. Bah, he may not get it together for another ten or twenty years ~ or maybe never!
I echo the above advice. Take exquisite care of yourself. Make your home into a retreat center. Only eat wholesome foods. Do yoga in the yard or park bare footed. Light scented candles when you take a bubble bath/are in the shower. Read Classic Literature. Watch Classic Films. Listen to Classical Music. Have a routine. Go to events. Join a new club/team/organization. Buy a new dress. Get your nails done. Get a new hair style. Get a makeover. Get a massage. Go on a road trip.
And if nothing else, get a daily meditation book or daily affirmation book. Say it until you think it!
When I had broken up I literally got a book called How to Get Over a Broken Heart. I followed the book. It held my hand. Get some book like that.
ParticipantHi nonamenoname,
I would just hang around him. And be consistent in how you contact him and how often. Like, I used to text or make a phone call once a week and hang out once a month for a certain friend of mine. That’s just an example. People like patterns. When he knows you’re often (not always, don’t smother him!) there and dependable, that will eventually make him feel closer to you. Like a brother, probably.
Keep it simple, don’t over analyze the friendship, and relax!
ParticipantHi There!
I’m speaking as someone who also had your fortunate beginnings and was also overwhelmed with impending Freedom.
Life is long, so you can do it all. The important thing though is to begin.
I’m sensing that you need One Big Adventure and one Mission from God, as long as you’re out of the box and can do it.
1. Find out where TLotR and The Hobbit were filmed. (Ireland? Australia? Iceland? I don’t know.) Then make it a point to spend a couple weeks in each of those places.
2. Save the World by doing things like Habitat for Humanity, and join the Peace Corp. Go to churches that do a lot of outreach. Find out what organizations they’re part of/help out with. Go to those organizations. Help out. Like Will said, meet those like minded people. See what the organization does. Mimic their model to start your own organization.
I also see you running for office on a local level. Go to town meetings. Get involved. Even in affluent communities there may be a languishing food pantry and there are always people in need.
3. One day you may in fact need to start grad school, find a job and, if you want to, settle down. You are not failing yourself by going on that track. You will have already made new ones!
ParticipantI think my attitude towards myself has been like a line from Oklahoma ~ “Now I’m not saying that I’m better than anybody else ~ But I’ll be damned if I’m not just as good!” LOL
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by