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  • in reply to: Past Life #74955

    Hi Trixie,

    I believe in past lives on a spiritual level.

    I also believe that people bond with each other through bred-in-the-bone recognition. Like if I am attuned with someone and dig deeper into our family trees, I sometimes find that their ancestors lived in the town next to mine or in the same region (i.e. Carpathian Mountains). Or that our grandparents worked together once. That kind of thing.

    Most of the time I accept it, and don’t try to figure it out.

    And remember, sometimes we just hit it off with someone ~ we really are meeting them for the first time! Fodder for future life run-ins!

    in reply to: all over again #74866

    Hi pantarei,

    On a practical level, also research in which countries it’s easiest to borrow money and to open a brick and mortar store.

    Here’s an interesting, fun idea: Write an ebook/pamphlet filled with vegetarian ice cream recipes. Invite people over and have a private ice cream party/workshop! People will discover the joys of making their own ice cream (and vegetarian at that!), will look at your book, and get the word out. Meanwhile, online, I’m sure you’ll connect with like minded fans who will want to help you through your blog/website!


    in reply to: Reach out to a guy I dated briefly or no? #74780

    Hi autumnair,

    A few things:

    1. Spending the night with someone before you are truly serious is always a bad idea.

    2. Show them don’t tell them. It would have been more powerful if you simply dropped the rope at your end without saying a word. He would be more likely to get nervous and uncomfortable at his end, prompting him to call. By making a statement, it’s doubtful he will call now.

    3. Don’t call him. Unfortunately you boxed yourself into a corner by saying “Don’t expect to hear from me”. I’d rather him never hear from you again thinking you are a strong woman true to her word than him hearing from you and thus thinking you are a wishy-washy girl.




    Hi BellyButton,

    I think two things have to happen here:

    1. He has to fully “Get” what happened, what he did (didn’t do) and how it made you feel

    2. He has to completely apologize and treat you like a queen. You want him to make up for it!

    He hurt your pride. That’s all. You want reassurance that you are loved and adored. You hated his attitude. You wanted to be pursued and his face light up when he saw you.

    Unless he had said something really hurtful, I would chalk it up to past immaturity. The problem is, you want a fairy tale to tell about when you look back on your relationship. No one wants to say, “Well, kids, dad basically ignored me. But later he came to his senses and I pretended to be swept off my feet.”

    The question is: How does he treat you now?

    Can you say: “Honey, I want a do-over. Hi. I’m BellyButton. What’s your name? Oh, flowers! How nice.” Revisionist History!

    in reply to: Heart Full Of Hurt #74715

    Hi thethinker2015,

    If the fights were Fights That Matter, you wouldn’t be all lovey dovey the next week. Know what I mean? So when you fight about something, assume (I know it’s hard) that the fight really doesn’t matter.

    Practice Radical Acceptance. He/she’s right. Say “Yes”. Listen. Agree. This may drive the other person crazy if they’re looking for a fight. But do this and see what happens. See how it goes. If you’re lucky, it may change the whole dynamic of the relationship. At the very least, you might learn something.

    Good Luck,


    in reply to: How to stop moving too fast with a new relationship #74645

    Hi Paul,

    Yeah, I agree with Will.

    I love the title of the book Three Cups of Tea. The premise for the title is: In that part of the world you don’t ask anything from anyone without having “three cups of tea”. That means three social visits that might take all afternoon. No pressure. No diving right in. Just hanging out, enjoying each other’s company.

    As a girl AND an introvert, it is a real turn off for me personally when someone is all touchy-feely. One caveat: if I have already decided I really am fond of somebody, that is the one exception!

    I would say: A hug in greeting. A hug when leaving. And a touch on the upper arm.

    Proceed three cups of tea style from there.


    in reply to: Heartbroken #74587

    Hi ericah89,

    It sounds like you are unevenly yoked. I would respect his decision. You don’t have to understand it (as he himself may not understand it), but do respect it. Moving in together maybe pushed him over the edge. That this is Real. That he is a Grown Up and things are now Real. Why else would he have gotten drunk? What is at the root of why he let himself do that and get behind the wheel?

    I am sorry he is so conflicted, but that is not your problem to fix. Maybe when he’s in his thirties you two will be equals, but I wouldn’t wait for that.

    Good Luck!


    in reply to: Confused..sad.. #74561

    Hi buddha123,

    Well, you rightly told him it’s over. It was his choice to retaliate by switching his number off. But for all he knows, you didn’t call him at all! I have a feeling he will one day contact you again, if only by habit.

    You are single in your thirties and want to change that. That’s a whole separate issue, and that’s great! Keep it separate from your old relationship.

    There was a book and/or movie about a girl who went on 100 dates. After about 50 she met someone she liked. The trick is to not get attached, or you will end up with a guy like your old boyfriend. When you are actively looking and meeting a new person a week you become very good very fast at discernment. You will find someone based on the number game.

    Good Luck!

    in reply to: Advice needed…. #74526

    Hi Blake,

    I’ve suffered on and off from social anxiety. As you get older it gets a little easier. One thing I’m learned (am learning) is that to have a friend you have to be a friend. So I had this list of likely people I would love to hang out with more. I looked at the list and was literally sweating bullets. I called some of them, and invited them over/went out for coffee. They LOVED it! I didn’t “want” anything form them, and I called them for THEM. They know they have a friend. Everyone is so busy now or has an agenda, it’s hard to have real friends. What a gift you are giving potential people. Think of it that way.

    Maybe it’s time to live on your own? You might feel temporarily isolated, but that soon changes as you get roommates and a relationship.

    Work on your diet. Take herbal supplements or chamomile tea to calm you down.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Inky.

    Hi Crys,

    I second everything Will said.

    If he dumps you over this, guess what? Fine!
    If he gives you the pouty silent treatment, guess what? Fine!
    If he gets jealous, guess what? Fine!

    Make is simple.

    Say, “Honey, I know you get jealous, but that’s on you, not me. I have a level of Integrity, and I would hope after all these years that you would know that too. I will promise you this: I will never hang around another man alone, I would always be in a group with other girls. You are always invited to come along with me on all my outings and adventures. And at all times I would act appropriately as if you were there with me.”

    The next time he gets all jealous, whatever you do, don’t feed it! If you ignore it, it might get worse temporarily, but then when he sees he’s not being “fed”, the behavior will go away.

    in reply to: Sister in Law hates me! #74408

    Don’t be on audition for people who already don’t like you. Which means don’t talk to her. Why bother?

    When she met you (and it could have been anyone), she knew that the party’s over concerning her brother. I doubt any other person in her life would allow her to treat them that way, so of course all her ire is taken out on you. And guess what, her parents already know that that is how she is. If she took offence at what some passing joking comment online, she would take offence at anything.

    What you do is see the family on holidays. Be super polite to her, no matter what she says or does. Then you will have done “your part”. She won’t do hers, but everyone knows that already. No worries.

    in reply to: Giving yourself Strength (Share your story and tip) #74350

    In college I went through a heart breaking break up. Usually I would be the one to leave, but now I was the one being dumped. It wasn’t so much that HE was dumping me, so much as that *I* was being dumped, know what I mean? It triggered all my abandonment issues I had had with my original family.

    What helped get me through the tears and despair was to have ONE outside thing that had NOTHING to do with HIM. For me, our art history class was building a Byzantine style Arch with real stones. We had a mason help us with the work. Really, he just did it while we all stood around. He wouldn’t let us touch the damn rocks or cement at all LOL! But wouldn’t you know it, that one hour twice a week was the only time when my mind was actually CLEAR.

    in reply to: Sibling Rivalry & Parental Favouritism #74265

    The Hard Truth is: Most parents are very diplomatic and treat everyone the same. But some do not. To be clear, every parent has a favorite. Sometimes the favorite changes over time, or there will be a favored one in a certain situation. Your parents make it so obvious. I’d be hurt, too.

    Your sister sounds too “perfect”. You may be labeled as “difficult”. Your Asperger’s son may also be labeled “difficult”. And the fact that the parents are willing to move into a “perfect” home with five kids?? Something is going on. That’s just nutty. I hope that the “perfect” family scene dissolves into base normalcy for the parents!

    I would either scare them by packing your bags and saying, “Well, HERE we are!!” and make believe like you’re both staying at her house (“Until I get back on my feet” LOL). Or, just move across the country. Then have THEM see YOU! That may never happen, by the way, but at least you’d have PEACE.

    in reply to: Being called ugly. #74257

    I have had the best luck, thinking about it, when I said, “Are you OK??”

    Guy: “Yer OK fer a fugly gal.”

    Me: “Are you OK??”

    Guy is stunned, stammers, “What I meant was, um, OK, whatever…”

    Me: concerned stare, I look at my friend and we whisper compassionately amongst ourselves while looking at him…Back slowly away from the crazy guy. He vanishes.

    Try it!

    in reply to: Being called ugly. #74232

    Hi faber castell,

    Sadly, men (even gay men) are culturally trained on the Back-Handed Compliment. They truly want to say they’re interested in you or like you, but they can’t just SAY it! And most of us are not in the cookie-cutter ideal of “beauty”. So they don’t want us to think we’re all that. So they say we’re “a little ugly”, “there are prettier girls” etc. When they are the judge, they put themselves on a higher level.

    There are no/only a few gentlemen left. They want to be charming and have us like them. But they don’t know how. But I’ll tell you one thing! The guy that doesn’t necessarily say you’re beautiful ~ BUT!! After you spend time with him makes you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. THAT is what it is all for! When a woman is loved, she becomes beautiful. It radiates from within.

    You can say to these guys: “Don’t fall in love with me.” “Where I come from this is actually considered beautiful.” “I have a boyfriend”. “Should you be calling someone ugly when you’re so, um, short/bald/a nebbish??” “Are you OK??” Laugh at him. Call your girlfriends/text them/take his photo while saying “Hashtag Nice Try!”

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Inky.
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