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March 21, 2015 at 8:16 am in reply to: Getting a Temporary Restraining Order & Other Anxieties #74214
ParticipantDear cperrone,
You simply must protect yourself! The fact that a cop warned you and told you what to do is a sign from God that this is NOT in your head! Please get a second, bigger dog, take self defense classes and get a male roommate/tenant. Moving and getting another job might be good options if you can swing it! None of my suggestions are “fair”, but he’s not fair, treating you this way. Don’t even talk to him! Go ghost. Let him rage himself out ~ alone.
Good Luck and God Bless!!
ParticipantA woman’s shelter also came to my mind. Every community/county has one. Simply pack a small suitcase and two backpacks. Take all the paperwork (SS #s, ID, etc.) and some cash. There is no emergency. Get them as you come across them. “Take them to get haircuts” BAM! you’re at the shelter. You are abused. They don’t care if it’s emotional, physical, psychological. You are abused, and they will take you in and guide you through the legalities of the divorce. They’ve seen everything and helped women through everything. They will love having you because you have a job and thus are halfway there to getting your own place.
Get Out and Good Luck!
ParticipantThe first (and hardest) thing to do is to make peace with the probability that he won’t give you what you want. That would be an apology. Now, he might contact you years (decades) from now and say he’s sorry for the way he was as a young guy. But who has time to wait for that? Also, for some people, even if we know we did something wrong, are too prideful to admit it.
For you, feeling and acting “jealous” was perceived as “wrong”. Well, jealousy is a feeling. And as for acting jealous, it sure seemed to be what he wanted, despite his chidings.
In other words, you’re not crazy. He made you crazy. He was more wrong than you. And I bet he knows it.
Now, block his number. Do a made up I’m Starting Over ritual. To New Beginnings!
ParticipantHi ldr83,
He basically used you as a possession. Hell, HE is the one with the jealousy issues ~ he keeps bringing it up, accused you of cheating, and sees you as a possession. God forbid he ever sees you as a person! Then he would lose control. Sister, it is ALL about control with him. By the way, if you were jealous, that’s not a bad thing. Jealousy and insecurity are the body’s emotional response that ~ Something is Wrong.
If he ever catches you on the phone, say, “The therapist says and all our friends always warned me that you’re the jealous one.” Then hang up and block his number. Oh, hell, just block his number!!
ParticipantHi Bren,
You don’t need to tell anyone if you don’t have to because frankly it’s none of their business! If they catch wind that you were arrested/in jail/in court be all, “Legal system. Don’t want to talk about it.” Or, “I needed a good lawyer on that one. So, about those Mets..” Everyone will say that’s the worst advice ever, but it is great advice if you want to put this behind you and live in the present moment.
Here’s something. A few years ago *There Was An Incident*. I caught the guy. He got three felonies and was put on probation for two years. It’s a small town and I know he was filled with embarrassment, shame, depression, and, I hope, guilt. I would check his very open social media page over that time to keep tabs on him. The thing is, if he didn’t make these really stupid decisions (only made stupider by how his was caught) I would have really liked the guy IRL. In fact, I’m rooting for him to turn his life around, and I think he’s well on his way.
I tell my kids, “You’re bad at being bad, so you might as well be good.” That’s true for most people.
Even the people you may have done wrong will probably forgive you, and if it was a social crime, the State has already moved on, and the cops/judges/lawyers have already forgotten you. Believe me, everyone will forget, or frankly won’t care.
ParticipantIf it makes you feel any better, my college boyfriend was shorter than me, and I had a mad crush on someone years later who was shorter. Speaking for all women everywhere, as long as there’s something awesome going on (witty, fun, successful, doing something interesting) THAT is what will draw us in! And the older you get, the more attractive you are if a man.
I had a different problem, by the way. I’m taller than most guys, so they REALLY had to have swagger to mentally even consider me! My DH is taller ONLY because the other guys had a confidence problem ~ “It’ll look funny if I’m shorter than my woman!” The 6’4″ Viking was the only one left!! LOL
ParticipantHi sultana,
Dogs (and cats in a more general sense) represent chapters in our lives. It is no coincidence that he died right while you were downsizing/moving. And I’m not surprised that your ex suddenly wants you back. Harry was the Break Up Dog. And now his raison d’etre is done. You weren’t born to be there for the dog. He was born to be there for you. I’m sorry if this all sounds perhaps harsh/insensitive?
What I would do is continue with your plans and take your ex back on probation. No moving in, no sex, just dating. Also see a councilor for examining what led to the demise of your relationship in the first place!! If this advice feels “off” to you, then that “No” is your true answer.
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March 14, 2015 at 4:53 am in reply to: Help, being told I need to have a boyfriend to be happy #73918Inky
ParticipantHi Cynthia,
This is a perfect example of what They say is a Reflection of Them, not You.
You can counter them by saying, “Wow, if one of you dies first the other will be so sad and lonely, how would you handle that?” Turn it back on them a little.
“Have you ever been alone?”
“Do you feel you need the radio/TV on in the background all the time?”
“What would you do if you were alone on a desert island?”
“Would you ever do a solo campout, to have a direct experience with God?”
“Why do you think everyone needs a mate?”
Don’t ask these questions defensively. Ask with curiosity. You might have a Real conversation and make them self-reflect!
ParticipantHi thirdear,
The obvious solution is to just drop them both. Cut your hanging out with them by half. And then when you do see them have it be for a few hours rather than the whole night. And if you’re physical with the girl turn it down by a lot.
You will then be in higher demand, they’ll be wondering about you. They can’t say anything bad about you because they wouldn’t know ~ you’re not around! And you won’t be calling them, and not seeing them as much so they will appreciate you more.
But the true answer is to drop them both and replace them with higher quality people to be friends with.
Good Luck,
ParticipantHi Kyniska,
Oh my goodness, I see myself in half your list!! (and then there’s more on my own!! LOL)
Here’s the thing. With people “like us”, assuming we are indeed “A Mess”, we can’t really hide certain aspects of ourselves. Like, a dumb person can’t fake being smart and an out of shape person can’t fake being a Navy Seal. We are also energetic beings, so people will pick up on our energy anyway.
What we can do is to seek refuge in politeness and a low level of formality. Basically, make the other person feel comfortable, when in doubt say nothing at all, say thank you, make small talk. People will still sense that there is a youthful aspect about us (what we might label immaturity). If they’re OK with that, the relationship/friendship will progress naturally. But we will have done what we are supposed to or can, without resorting to that icky quasi-manipulative social hacking behavior.
If someone doesn’t like me for ME, what’s the point, you know?
In the meantime, we can get out of bed, wash the dishes and do the laundry! 😉
ParticipantHi Line,
If you live at home, get your own place. If the occasional visits and phone calls still annoy you, limit the visit to an hour or two and the phone to fifteen minutes. If they still make you uncomfortable, it could just be your “allergic reaction” to them. Like, you know they will be this way, then when they are, you’re all, “I Knew It”! At some point you have to accept them as the way they are. They are this way out of years and perhaps decades of acting like this. It is all a bad habit.
ParticipantTake it easy, Matriarch! Blessings!!! Always enjoy your Role!! 🙂
ParticipantHi bphkhss,
The on and off nature of the relationship kept you in this weird limbo (“He loves me, loves me not?”) mindset. Then when he broke up with you it was “official”. So you feel rejected. Rather than facing that feeling you feel empty, which is a safer feeling than rejected. Maybe your depression is safer to deal with than the anger, disappointment, and heartache.
You also seem to need to be in a relationship to be happy. But what will happen if you find true love, and the guy dies when you’re an old lady? What I’m saying is that nothing is truly permanent, and at the end of the day you have to be comfortable just being you.
So your situation is compounded. You have to get over the breakup, and be comfortable with you, and (optional!) find someone.
And then to find someone? The best way is to tell the Universe, “I release this desire for a relationship. I’m not looking. If it happens, great (I get to have dynamic duo adventures)! If not, great (I get to have amazing solo adventures)!” And truly mean it. That’s when you meet someone. I’ve seen it time and time again.
ParticipantHi ElleTinker700,
It sounds like you’re physically exhausted! If you have wonky sleep schedules, trust your body. It will give you the perfect amount of sleep you need at the perfect time. Don’t stress about when or how much you “should” sleep. Think of midwives LOL!
I will say that it’s better to have a family member who’s seldom around but really wants to be there than a family member always around who’d rather be somewhere else! So don’t beat yourself up!!
So day by day I’m a terrible aunt. I can barely handle my husband, own children and my cat. But at the holidays I have everyone over and have a great time!! And everyone else does, too! I’ve labeled myself The Holiday Aunt. Everyone has his/her “role”. Is it the role you want? Can you fill it gracefully? It sounds like you are Fully Present when you are there, and that’s all that really matters, IMO!!
Your Family is Blessed to Have You!
ParticipantHi Becky,
When you lived together, you saw his Shadow Side. Everyone has one, by the way. He made the mistake of showing his. Constantly for two years!! I can see getting back together with someone after they had said something in anger or had one good fight. But this was emotional abuse.
If you get back together with him, don’t move in with him. And would you really marry or have a child with him? Then you’re stuck.
Him not knowing where you live? Very wise.
The more you “deal” with the flashbacks, the more they stay with you. But if you push them back, they are still in you subconscious. Time, time, and more time will make it a little better by increments.
Pick Someone who Treats you like a Queen,
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