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  • in reply to: dealing with boyfriends brother #56629

    You’re not going to like my advice, but, you will be so much happier not living with your boyfriend. I’m not old, but I’m old-fashioned. A group of girls sharing rent don’t get this as much as “Dude, we’re faaammmiiilllyyy!!!”

    That said, having to kick the renter/house guest out happens to the best of us. My solid, middle-aged, best friend and husband took a YEAR to jettison their sad panda renter turned house guest.

    My own parents moved on purpose to an impossibly small house after twenty years of my step-brother getting back on his feet.

    My friend is still stewing in anger when I told her “No” a few years ago. She would still be here rent free!

    And my God, your renter came back!! Bad omen!

    I would move. Or, play the Bad Blame it on the Girlfriend Card, because, at the end of the day, you’re NOT family, which is the only other “Out” I can see out of this situation.

    in reply to: My weekend #56607

    Disclaimer: The Above Advice is for Entertainment Purposes Only πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: My weekend #56606

    Hmm, that’s a tough one as you are wanting him to go against his nature. What me, myself and I would do is go Random.

    (It looks like I’m @Jasmine-3’s comedy relief, so here goes ;))…..

    1. Take a playing card deck. Shuffle. Draw. Most important rule ~ Don’t tell him you are playing!!!
    2. Spades are Disappear/Radio Silence Days. Number cards are days. i.e. Jacks are 11, Aces 1
    3. Hearts are Love Days. 2s are mere hand holding, Aces are XXX, fill in the blanks in-between πŸ˜‰
    4. Clubs are Bonding Days. Do bonding type activities. 2s are a mere two word text up to Kings Deep Talks
    5. Diamonds are Out and About Days. 2 coffee shops, up to Kings ~ Diamond shopping!

    Between the hot and cold, the disappearing acts, wild intensity, whatevery feelings, the guy will, *SHOULD* go nuts!! He will flee in confusion or terror. OR he will track you down when you’ve been gone for ten days and ravish you!!

    Variety is the spice of life to stoke his fire!

    Good Luck,


    in reply to: 9 months on, still not over my ex #56602

    Thanks, @Jasmine-3! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: 9 months on, still not over my ex #56597

    There’s a Podcast called Things Your Mother Never Told You. I think it’s great. One show I was entranced with was on “Crazy” Women. A lot of women have been through this:

    “Why did you break up?”

    “Oh, she was Crazy.”

    “Crazy” dismisses women. You might have real concerns, but God forbid you show any emotion, or you are written off as “Crazy”.

    Good for you for deleting your FB. You will have more peace in your life.

    At the office/around town act normal. And when asked say, “I’m not crazy. He MADE me crazy!” and laugh it off. Apologize as needed.

    I am sorry he is “friend poaching”.

    in reply to: Faced with a hard decision #56566

    Just my personal opinion (take it or leave it), but in ten/fifteen years that Having Children decision will be made for you by Mother Nature ~ I say Have Kids. Because once you have a child, you will never regret having your son or daughter. But if you don’t have him/her, it is possible you may regret it one day.

    It would be kind of unfair for him to have more kids but definitely unfair to you not to have them. I say date other people, but that’s just me. On the other hand, if you’re a step-mother, that could be the answer.

    in reply to: Buddhism vs Modern Psychology #56556

    All adults come to this cross roads of the mind at some point.

    Read The Bhagavad Gita.

    There is the Buddhist mind where all is acceptance, and then there is that ego thing. The thing that wants us to DO this, BE that, HAVE the other.

    The Gita talks about Action. Acting in your Nature. If it is in your nature to make music, then do that. If you don’t feel like making music today, and like to meditate, do that.

    There is also the idea of Dharma Yoga. You have something you want to Be, Do or Have. Fine. Release ALL attachments to the outcome, and just ACT. Don’t look at who’s a better musician, what you have to do to make it, or any of that. Just play the music.

    There are articles, books and, of course, the Gita text that explains this way more eloquently.

    See yourself swimming in a sea of Perfection, and have fun in this life!

    in reply to: Realizing I was someone's " Project Fix " #56534

    Hi Zita,

    If you write back to him at all, I would say, “Everything’s great! So many new things going on, one day I’ll tell you all about it! Blessings! :)”

    But that is purely, utterly, optional.

    There was a line in an old movie: “I don’t want to hear from you. I want to hear about you.” Of course, he wants the opposite! He will find out for himself that you are doing just fine as you are, and just fine without him. Your silence is its own answer, after all.

    Some people get angry when we bust out of the small box they have made for us.

    Deep deep down he knows you are all that. It’s like in a martial arts class there’s always someone who has taken a class ten years ago and assumes their partner is new. So they try to “help” them. The partner politely listens, and goes along with it. But at the end of the class, everyone knows where everyone really “is”.

    I don’t know you, but I can tell you are doing great!!



    in reply to: Daddy Issues #56465

    LOL, Matt, I could dance all night, you are so tempting me!!

    In all seriousness though, THANK YOU ~ I loved the line, “…here’s a kiss, daddy. Are you ready to see my beauty? See my tender love that waits like a flood behind these walls that you put up? No? OK, my dear alone daddy, maybe next time”… That really helped my perspective a lot!!



    in reply to: Daddy Issues #56449

    Matt, are you sure you’re not resonating with me as a fellow “garlic eater”? πŸ™‚

    Let it go.



    in reply to: Daddy Issues #56445

    Matt ~ You must be at least a little bit psychic. I was wondering this very day about how you would have responded to this post! You are right ~ growing up, you (meaning me) never, ever approached people directly about issues or grievances. You would get at worst physically beaten for it or iced out at the very least. I had to be a bit of a master at word play, subtlety, and sensing unspoken energies just to survive.

    Yes, I admit I mentally rolled my eyes at a few of your posts. But, everyone is at a different place. And, for solutions to problems, you never know what little, outside the box thing OR prayer/meditation will solve it!

    The Ruminant ~ My father was psychically castrated. I have heard that term referred to him in my past. You are dead on about what it’s like to be the son of the rich and/or famous.

    Matt and Ruminant ~ This is why I believe in past lives and why Archetypes are Real: There has to be something in me (general Me) that resonates with what a Parent Should Be. That, if I never knew it, why in the world would I miss it?? If that makes sense. On the flip side of that thought, if I had It to miss It, then It is already (at least in part) already inside of me. So I CAN appreciate every other aspect of my life!

    With my dad, most days, weeks or even months I’m OK with it, that this is the way it is. That, in the Present Moment, everything really is cosmically Perfect. However, Triggers. LOL

    Thank you both for your support and care!!



    Could you give them something to talk about beside gossiping? Could you go to the aunts/uncles and ask for advice? Or ask the cousins what they are up to. Or do a project, card game together. They are probably so used to this one way of being/communicating they aren’t used to other ways.

    in reply to: deep connections outside marriage #56425

    I think a lot of marriages has something like this cross its path. It’s not *un*natural, but who needs that energy around? Especially with little kids and working, etc.

    1. May I recommend the book Kosher Adultery. It’s already ten years old, but it still rings true. Coupled with Kosher Lust. They tell all about this phenomenon and also remedies. They go into passion, jealousy, spouses, reasons, the way men and women think, and basically how to have a love affair with your spouse!

    2. Here’s a story which contains many ways you could look at it:

    My DH hates to hold hands. Hates it. Hates PDA. Hates it all. However! One fourth of July we’re at a party. An old friend of mine from High School was there. We were never together, but back in the day people would try to set us up. This one really would be like dating a brother (ew). DH meanwhile is all threatened! He starts, wait for it ~ holding my hand!! He says, “Let’s take a walk”. We take a mile long walk on the beach. He is still holding hands! Won’t let go!

    The irony? HS friend wasn’t the one he should have been jealous of! A few years before another friend felt an intense emotional connection ~ with me! Like this girl. Emails. Confessions. “I love you”. I told DH. DH snorts and says, “Phht, he’s fat!” I’m all, “No, this is serious.” DH laughs.

    Which character do you see yourself as? Are you sure about that? Can you change it?

    3. Practical Advice: Have your own Mystique about you. Act happy! Look good! Sing! He will wonder what is going on with you! Entice him with your newness, your vibrancy! The girl? Don’t mention her at all. Leave the kids with him while you go out with girlfriends. Come back happy! Go on retreats of your own! Day trips! Come back inspired! Continue. You get the idea.

    Your husband won’t rest until he finds out what (or who!) flipped the switch in you! Truthfully say, “No one.” Then have a long, deep talk. Say (in your own words!!!) the email confession back to him. That he is more than a husband, he is your Brother, your Twin Soul. That yours is the deepest connection ever.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Forgiving #56409

    Could you try a media free house? He knows how you feel. Just say, “While you’re at home, I’m the only woman you need to see.” Have him do his “emails”, “TV”, “News”, “Internet time”, “cell phone” use out of the house. When he’s looking stuff up (ANY media!) at Starbucks, commuting, etc. it’s just not the same. Then when he’s home he’ll have to connect with you at some level. What will happen is he’ll grow to like the simplicity and quiet. You’ll have calmed down too. In the beginning there will be grousing lol.

    in reply to: I LOST EVERYTHING. #56406

    Absolutely add Chapters. It sounds like going after her now might backfire. BUT Maybe leave the ring and a note with her family members/parents so everyone knows you are serious. Apologize to the family. They are the ones who might have a talk with her, get through to her. But when you give the fam. the ring, say, “This is all I can do; I am gracefully withdrawing.” 1 in 100 chance she comes back? You will have to dump whatever girlfriend you currently have.

    OK, now date other girls. Good Luck!

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