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    Hi Agnes 1205,

    A long distance relationship is hard enough. Now add a depressed person. Now add the depressed person broke up with you.

    I would advise you to date other local, happy people.



    in reply to: Not sure where my life is going #270937

    Hi Ella,

    My husband is sixteen years older than me. Yes, he will probably die first but why live with thirty years of regret? Also, I could die first, who knows?

    I’d be more worried about him being a father at fifty. And you’re not crazy high risk, but your concerns are real.

    What is probably bugging you the most is the Time Limit of it all. Two years isn’t that long.

    What bothers me the most for you is the baggage he brings.

    What I would do is keep him as a lover. Then when the kids are totally grown and flown, you could always come back to the US and marry the guy. But kids would be off the table, unless you really want them. NOW.



    in reply to: Still struggling with my breakup #270721

    Hi Nairobi,

    It is too soon to get back together with the old boyfriend. It hasn’t even been a year. I’m glad he realizes he made the worst mistake of his life, but is he willing to provide the correct answer (for both of you)?

    It is also natural to feel this way towards him. Again, it hasn’t even been a year.

    The new guy may be awesome, but the old guy is still gold in your mind. But remember, HE broke up with YOU! Don’t be so eager to run back to him. Give it a good year.

    It also sounds like you’ve outgrown him and are ready for the next level.



    in reply to: How to deal with a situation #270571

    Hi Pinky3589,

    Did your Ex BF tell you that it was his father? Or is it your mind filling in the blanks?

    First thing’s first: If it WAS the father, YOU need to report him to the medical board, or whatever Board these psychologists answer to. That is SO unprofessional! And unethical! And P.S., that will teach him not to block you. You are a real person, and are not one to be gotten rid of so easily (or discarded once you knew the truth)!

    As for your Ex, if he has to get his PARENTS to pretend to be other women….. You dodged a bullet! On many levels!



    in reply to: Talking Behind My Back #270431

    Hi Carly,

    Body issues/sounds are a fact of life. The worst is night time meetings. It’s usually the guys that make literal noises about what they had for dinner. Sometimes you know exactly what they had for dinner even if there are no noises!

    You can do a preemptive strike you know. As long as you smell like roses (or nothing), you can always point out, “Beware of the whoever smelt it dealt it guy!” Imply that if he says it’s you or someone else it’s really him!

    If it makes you feel better, one night I had kielbasa sausages as part of our dinner. I went to a meeting. At the next meeting this guy said to me very pointedly in front of everyone: “YOU ARE NOT FORGIVEN!” I gave him a blank stare, said nothing, and, never missing a meeting, always (and I mean always!) sat right next to him after that. Payback’s a b@tch, baby!

    Hold Your Head Up,


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Running scared #270305

    Hi Krista,

    When people break up, they should STAY broken up for at least a year.

    Solution: Take all his stuff out of your place and dump them at wherever he’s staying. That includes things like his toothbrush, etc. Anything. Everything!

    YES, to answer your question, YES, those Things are calling cards so he has an excuse to come back.

    Then tell him you honestly don’t want to see him for a year. That he has to get over this issue, that you are not a toy to be cast aside and picked back up again. He will probably agree, first because you will be adamant, but secondly out of pride.

    When he does contact you (less than a year later because it’s all about him *sarcasm*) you will tell him that you are seeing other people (you will be).

    Then maybe, just maybe, one day, you might have a chance together (in, say, the 2020’s)



    in reply to: How to forgive myself for kissing someone else #270133

    Hi Anonymous,

    The things we don’t do when we’re drunk! (Raises hand. “Been there!”)

    I know you’re mortified now, but as the years parade by and this incident is further back in your rear view mirror, take comfort… You were Drunk! (And it won’t happen again)

    Repeat after me: “I was Drunk!” *shrug shoulders* (repeat as needed).

    People push alcohol on you: You push the 3rd/ glass away. “I’m not myself when I’m drunk!”




    Hi RoseQ,

    If I had to work 12 hour days, I would not be myself at all! What I would do is consider my father as a “Provider Dad” during the days that he works. Meaning, don’t bug him! I know that sounds horrible, but some people don’t have the capacity to interact with others after a grueling day.

    It sounds like he is also locked in this Traditional Role. Maybe have a family meeting. Does he have to work 12 hour days? Can you guys move to a smaller house? Can you and the rest of the family chip in? Can he find a job that’s only 8 hours? Can he work 12 hours but only on certain days?

    What I would do is interact with him more on the Holidays! “Fun Dad” might bond with you during those times. Who knows?

    Be careful not to blame everything on your parents. Regarding the boys, sometimes boys are just clueless.



    in reply to: My brother is hated by my entire town? #269969

    Hi Again,

    You need to reframe the story to anyone who asks/talks about it.

    It wasn’t just your brother. It was a GROUP of boys. And the parents of the girl who just wants to forget about it has chosen your brother TO MAKE AN EXAMPLE of because it was his phone.

    Here’s some context: In our town this kid got expelled for something outrageous. It’s only a few years later and I forget what it was. And in fact, I thought it was a different kid!!

    Another context: One of my sons hung out with a bunch of kids. I HATED them. All of them were up to no good. Five years later one of the kids that I hated (HATED!) went up to me apologetically. He said, “I got my Eagle Scout merit badge, Mrs. Inky”. It was like a penance.

    Instantly the kid was REDEEMED! Now I see him for the mature young adult he is than the kid who got my kid in trouble long ago.

    Trust me, in a few years your brother can say, “Yeah, I really made a bonehead mistake and was the one that got in trouble for it.” If he joins the Scouts or a Youth Group people will know he is so much more than one stupid mistake. Make sure he gets in the paper for some charitable/awesome thing he does.

    And as for you and your mother give the whole neighborhood a big dose of cognitive dissonance (a fancy term for making them think they’re crazy). Become MORE social. Hang out with friends that will still talk to you. Throw PARTIES at your house! Show your faces around town! Join clubs! Committees! If anyone gives your mother a hard time she should say, “It’s a shame about all those boys and my son got caught up in it. That poor girl.” Hold your heads up! The town will think that what happened wasn’t that big a deal (though unfortunate) and may even turn on the other family for drawing attention to it.

    They are all running on rumors, remember. Your brother is under age, so none of this is really on public record. Every year change the facts. He was twelve. Another boy stole his phone. No, you’re thinking of ANOTHER kid with his last name. No, that was that OTHER kid that looks just like him. No, your brother was just the fall guy for the group. There was a party?

    Hope this helps!


    in reply to: My brother is hated by my entire town? #269785

    Hi Katie,

    I don’t mean to downplay what he did AT ALL!! But the good news: He was only 14. Use that.

    When someone brings it up, the response should be, “That was so long ago!” One day it will be.

    “He was such a baby, he JUST turned 14 and now he’s like a different person.” One day he will be.

    Is the court case still going on? If so:

    “We’re not supposed to talk about it while the court case is still going on, but you know that he’s not the only person who spread the film around. They’re actually the one’s in more trouble.”

    By the time he’s in college he’ll be That Kid. He’ll be “Oh, I remember That Kid, he went to my brother’s HS!”

    By the time he’s out of college it’ll be, “Wasn’t there This Kid who…?”

    By the time he’s 30, only one creep will be around (or remember, or care) to point out, “Hey! Weren’t you that kid who…?”

    By 40 literally no one will remember. Even the girl will forgive him because she’ll have a 14 year old son and he’ll look like such a baby that she can’t help but to forgive him.

    Again, I’m not minimizing this AT ALL!! I’m just giving you strategies to get you through this. I would also have everyone in the family get rid of all social media. You really do want people to forget and have it all get hazy in their memories.



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Confused and need advice! #269655

    Hi Eriads,

    You made the right decision. You’re not “hurting” him. He’s hurting himself in a convoluted way.

    Wait for him to reach out to you. But NO FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS. Keep your clothes on, and date other people. A day will come when he’ll be sick of you keeping your pants on around him and you dating other people. Then he’ll be magically over his divorce.



    in reply to: Should I stay or should I go #269453

    Hi Cheryl,

    Even if you didn’t get angry or impulsive over this…. I think you made the right decision concerning your childhood love/friend. Let’s put it this way: you take second place to the ex wife’s dogs. His daughter, yes, you should take second place while she is so young. But the work? The dogs? THE DOGS!?

    Date this guy again: When the daughter is grown and the dogs are (all) dead.

    I’m serious,


    in reply to: Don't blame please I m with married man #269451

    Hi Eli,

    For what it’s worth: YES! You should date other people.

    And not make a secret of it, either.

    Good Luck,


    in reply to: Don't blame please I m with married man #269363

    Hi Eli,

    He has other mistresses besides you. Don’t kid yourself.

    Even if you got your wish and he leaves his wife and marries you, all that means is that YOU will be the one who gets cheated on.

    My advice? Tell him it’s over sexually. For one thing, you don’t want to catch a disease from the other mistresses (don’t kid yourself). Second, he has to prove his love for you. If sex is off the table, if he TRULY loved you, that would be the kick in the pants he needs to leave his wife. But he won’t do that, because he’ll just find other mistresses. (He already has. Don’t kid yourself.)

    So you can’t compete with his wife (who can?) or random mistresses (some he hasn’t even met yet).

    I think it would be far easier for you to meet single wealthy guys than put up with this guy. Who does he think he is?



    in reply to: I'm lost, feel hopeless #269269

    Hi sparkle00.

    There is this legend. Saying? Parable? Anyway…

    Back in the days when women still had dowries (don’t get me started)…..

    This father thought his little girl was plain, a wash out, nothing special. So her dowry was one sick, old, weak cow. Better get married quick, girl, or you’re dowry will die on you!

    This prince came to the village, took one look at her, and gave the father (not the other way around)….(are you sitting down?) 100 cows, 50 donkeys, 20 sheep, 10 camels and a water buffalo. The father was amazed. Protesting, he said it was all too much. The prince looked confused. The father looked over at his daughter, who was now beaming! She was the most stunning Princess you’ve ever seen! And very special. One of a kind. Irreplaceable.

    The prince’s love made it so.

    Carry yourself like a queen! There’s a reason he wants to go out with you! Own it!!



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Inky.
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