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  • in reply to: I kissed my work colleague #227615

    Hi Jackie,

    One day the tipping point will come. The morning you enter work and find him drunk/drugged and flirting with girl #72. The moment he becomes a HUGE turn off. The day when saying “NO” is all too easy.

    Hang Tough!

    You Got This!

    in reply to: I kissed my work colleague #227477

    Hi Jackie,

    You in particular can’t really enjoy sex in and of itself. So let’s clear that option off the table. Not happening. The trick is for you not to feel or be apologetic about it. Everyone has their preferences, and you have yours! Yours happens to be sex within a serious, loving relationship. Period.

    If your crush flirts with you again, make sure you stay far away from your or his front door so there is not even a temptation. Tell him you are looking for a real relationship. You can say this in a laughing flirty way or in a serious way. You can opt not to say it at all as actions speak louder than words.

    What you want is easier to get than what he wants. He just wants to have fun. One day he may very well find a girl that just wants to have fun, but before he knows it… he’ll be in a serious relationship despite himself.

    I hope by now you’re seeing that he’s not all that and a bag of chips.



    in reply to: I don't know what happened #227011

    Hi Penguin,

    Forgiveness is an inside job. It is actually HIS job to ask forgiveness of YOU! There can be no true forgiveness without a modicum of redemption from the other person, IMHO. So let that crap go. YOU don’t HAVE to do anything! No, not even forgive. HE has to EARN it!

    He probably is a different person by now. (I should hope so!) If you are brave enough, look him up. If you find out that he’s married and has a daughter I would contact him and say pointedly, “I hope the boys in your daughter’s life one day don’t treat her the way you treated me.” He will get flustered and defensive. Then simply remind him of THE TRUTH. You bet you’ll get an apology. If not, say, “In the words of Elenore Roosevelt ‘Life gets easier when you accept an apology you didn’t get’.”

    Then hang up.



    in reply to: Advice please #226485

    Hi Rai,

    Karma will bite him in the butt, don’t worry. The best part is you don’t have to be the one to deliver it. Just pray that you will one day be able to see it happen.

    Of course, it is tempting to plant the seed. You could do this as an anonymous note in the mail to her and have it be in someone else’s handwriting. For all he knows (she will show him) it’ll be from another girl he wronged long ago. He will tell her that this mystery girl is “crazy”, but the seed will be planted, and she will always wonder…..

    Anyway, up to you how you want to handle!

    The only reason he came back to you is because he’s in it for the attention, and he LOVES the drama!



    in reply to: I HURT THE MAN I LOVE #226299

    Hi Cat,

    I know he blocked you, but in this situation he needs to know the truth. Or HE’LL internalize it. Have a mutual friend tell him that you couldn’t handle your daughter’s father’s suicide and your parents’ impending (?) divorce. That YOU had a breakdown. Truly. That is what it was. You just acted it out by abruptly breaking up with him.

    Ask a professional how you can handle telling your daughter the truth about how her father died when she asks. She WILL ask. Would you rather her to find out through the internet, gossip, or from you?



    in reply to: Single #226145

    Hi Lilly,

    I think it’s best if it just happens, myself.

    And it’s great that you don’t have crushes. RELISH THE GIFT! I was plagued with crushes throughout my youth, and when one day I found I didn’t have any, I felt so incredibly FREE! And sane. Sane is always a good thing.

    Other than going on dating sites and having your friends set you up with people, what else can you do?



    in reply to: Jealousy issues/Infinite Love? #226089

    Hi Jenny,

    I love how some men can do and say the right thing…… and then proceed to dig their own graves, shoot themselves and bury their own body. *headsmack*

    Go to Staples or online and get the “NO” Button. It is a button that says a very startling “NO!” when pushed. I used it with my mother one Thanksgiving when she started talking about how half of us in the family should lose weight.

    Him: “… blah blah blah… Infinite Love…”

    You press the NO Button: “NO!”

    Him: *startles* “What I MEANT to say was…”

    You: *presses NO! Button*

    Him: *mentions the skanky hoe and Infinite Love*


    Anyway, not to minimize the problem, but it worked with my mother after a very awkward fifteen minutes. She never talked about weight loss/diets/other people’s bodies again! You may not be about to fix his mentality, but you can teach people how to treat you.



    in reply to: Anger/Frustrating and annoyance with boyfriend #225941

    Hi Laika,

    Long distance relationships are tough. It’s OK to say, “It’s not working”. You don’t need a reason to break up with someone. Even if he was perfectly perfect, this long distance thing would still bother you, methinks. It’s hard enough to control someone local, but getting annoyed at him long distance because he won’t find a job? Forget about it! Don’t be surprised if he breaks up with you!

    “Laika, it’s not working. It’s bad enough it’s long distance and now you’re harping on me?”

    THEN you’d be annoyed. How dare he!

    Imagine how his beleaguered mother feels.


    in reply to: Confused… about love and everything in between… #225767

    Hi noted,

    Throughout your post you report again and again feeling numb. This may have nothing to do with the boys. It could be a sign of depression. Could you check in with your doctor about that at your next physical?

    It could also be helpful to say to yourself, “I am not my father”. (Where else would this be coming from?) You are not evil. You are not even manipulative. You are silent because you don’t want to hurt these guys’ feelings. Your actions and non-actions are coming from a good place, actually.

    You are young! No need to be tortured by your relationships! Enjoy them! (The good ones)



    in reply to: I don't love my boyfriend #225765

    Hi Again,

    My sister went to college at 17. She always felt a step behind Freshman year. I can’t even imagine. Sometimes our brains are ready to leave the nest, but our psyches are still high schoolers. I think your anxiety isn’t actually about your boyfriend. It’s about being away from home at a younger age than your peers (even though these older college kids technically are your peers now). There’s a huge difference between a 17 year old and a 19 year old (boys whose moms strategically held them back) when it comes to being out in the world.

    The relationship is optional. Most are.


    in reply to: I don't love my boyfriend #225659

    Hi Holly,

    Nothing’s wrong with you. Well. I don’t like the throwing up because of anxiety. THAT is your problem. Not the boy.

    You are only seventeen! Why all this pressure? You should be pressured into upping you SAT score, getting into a good college and figuring out how you and/or your family can financially swing it. And if you’re not planning on continuing your education, THAT’S your problem.

    And if you do go away to college, this boy would be a long distance relationship anyway. Unless he follows you. Then THAT’S your problem.

    Seriously, tell him that you like him a whole lot, but that it’s your Senior years and you should have Fun!!



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Why did I do this #225531

    Hi Silvina,

    Time to change the script here: Your old boyfriend blew it. HE made his bed. Let HIM lie in it. You broke up with him because the relationship was unstable and he was constantly lying.

    Why would you dump a truthful, wonderful, committed being for the HIGH RISK of jumping back together with a liar you always fought with? Would the renewed relationship magically be more stable this time? If you had never met your old boyfriend, would you break up with your current boyfriend? I would break up with your new boyfriend ONLY because you don’t really love him. But here’s the thing: if you do, DON’T run immediately back to Mr. Trouble. Or you’ll REALLY be kicking yourself!

    Good Luck,


    in reply to: Unsure of where I stand #225315

    Hi knowlegeispower,

    The trouble with sex is everyone pretends to be cool about it. Here’s the thing: NO ONE is actually cool about it! Not you. And no, not even him.

    It’s going to be awkward around Christmas. I’m not going to lie. Him not responding to you is only making it worse. You reaching out to him is only making it worse. This is not two cool people who had sex (one for the first time) and are cool about it (remember, no one is actually cool about it!). This is a Pit of Awkwardness.

    I advise you say, “Hi Simon (or whatever his name is).” And say it in a one part questioning, one part “Are you OK?” and one part “Why are you not cool with this” tone. Greet him as if his name really was Simon. Then sit down in class and have HIM come to YOU.

    And lastly, make a vow TO YOURSELF that you will ONLY have sex after you are in an established loving relationship.

    You are worth so much more than this.



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Am I over-reacting? I need a fresh perspective #225143

    Hi Lauren,

    He knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s FORCING you to witness his talking to another girl for hours at a time and even FOLLOWS you to MAKE SURE you are his captive.

    I would avoid him like the plague. Unless you do the same to him (asking about where to go with your new boyfriend, accidentally on purpose showing him pics of his package, bring new guy to the same parties, call the other guy, keeping him waiting, following him while still talking to your new guy) it will never be the same.

    Can you possibly (POSSIBLY??) work at another job and take a break from him and your common friend group for at least a year? I think this will calm down tremendously when you are no longer his daily victim.



    P.S. I think he must like you a whole lot to got through all this trouble. Tell him that I say it looks like Lauren is the one that got away!

    in reply to: Can you ever pinpoint where things went wrong? #224983

    Hi Lindsay,

    Sometimes our subconscious minds hijack our current reality. What’s better: moving away from true love or moving away from someone you just had a falling out with? The former part is more heartbreak but the latter part is a relief. Also, you both were REALLY fighting about the move, maybe.

    You did your part in rectification. She is the one who is moving. You might never see her again, who knows? Let her do her part in rectifying things. IF she wants to!



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Inky.
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