Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHey Patricia. Awesome name Shasta.
It might not such a bad thing if she has ADHD…at least she will keep you on your toes and bouncing around LOL.
Stay well and keep in touch.
ParticipantThis moment is indeed a blessing. Thanks for sharing your insight.
I hope you are keeping well 🙂
ParticipantHi Patricia
Thanks for updating us. I was thinking about you a few days ago so your update was a pleasant surprise. I am so pleased to hear that you are finding yourself again and moving forward. And and and and how lucky is this new doggie ? He must be getting ooooodles of love and cuddles 🙂 What have you named him ? Is he into meditation much ?
My younger one is going through a phase currently whereby he is not interested in meditation anymore so he has been sitting outside watching out for the neighbours cat and birds lol
Best wishes and may you continue to feel more and more bliss in life and thank you so much for getting another doggie friend. Rook and Cirrus must have a big smile on their faces now 🙂
ParticipantHey Lightsource @lightsource …….How are you ? Long time no see on TB…All good in life ? Whats cooking in your kitchen ? We have been experimenting with cakes lately as couple of birthdays in the coming week and need to include the dogs in the party so it needs to be doggie friendly as well lol
You are awesome as well 🙂 Short and simple visions
@minismita ‘s description of Jasmine is the closest to heart now. I shall be known as Rafiki from now on – human form of the baboon LOL
Rafiki signing off from this thread
August 3, 2014 at 2:06 am in reply to: You cannot be both unhappy and fully present in the Now. #62473@Jasmine-3
ParticipantThanks Little Awesome Buddha
I wrote this just for you as you were seeking. When we seek something, it appears before us. Not all experiences are of benefit to other TB members 🙂
Read your other post – walking on eggshells….You need to stop the self doubt and jeopardising your forward journey. Let it go for once and all and restart. Life doesn’t give us too many opportunities to make a restart so don’t give up on this ripe opportunity.
How do you know if an action is a good one or a bad one ? When an action feels good in the core of your heart and it is not carried out with an intention to harm yourself or others. Every other action falls into the other category. I hope this will answer some of your queries and you will continue to move forward.
Best wishes
August 1, 2014 at 8:32 pm in reply to: You cannot be both unhappy and fully present in the Now. #62434@Jasmine-3
ParticipantAugust 1, 2014 at 8:26 pm in reply to: You cannot be both unhappy and fully present in the Now. #62433@Jasmine-3
Heyyyyy Little Buddha
You asked for my story so here it is – straight from my heart to yours. Don’t freak out mate…
There are 2 broad kinds of people in my mind. One who is seeking inner peace and meaning to exist in balance with the nature and second, who just wants to get on with their lives with the least hurdles.
I have always sought for “calm” as I call it. I didn’t know what peace was. I would just say all the time in my mind – I don’t want chaos. I want things to be calm. Home / school / college / Uni / work were always calm so I am not sure where the chaos feeling was coming into my mind.
So my first teacher who taught me the meaning of calm was our first dog in my late twenties (instead of kids, my and my husband decided to adopt a dog few years into our marriage).
I enjoy reading and self-help was my pet read. I came across Eckhart Tolle’s book in a second hand book shop and he defined peace for me just the way I had experienced it with my dog. The calm that I was looking for in literal terms. After this, I read many other stories, biographies of people who have found peace, trialled with different religions etc. It was great for a while.
And in 09/10, something changed. I was like what next ? I felt so near to my inner peace goal and yet so far. I had achieved a lot of materialistic things at a young age and done a lot of things, which not many get to do. Life was still boring and I had enough of everything. In this quest, I came across work of Indian spiritual teachers like Osho, Isha, Anandmoorti, Sai Baba, Niluma etc. They were saying similar things to Buddha / Eckhart but had a different twist to it. So it took my fancy and I dwelled more into it and came across BK Shivani’s lectures and that was another turning point. Suddenly, I could understand things in a simple manner and I started to incorporate her teachings into my life.
I would discuss her teachings with my husband and family members and suddenly they became my teachers. We all started to grow together.
I learnt during this process that we do not have to look for teachers. Teachers find us when we are ready for the next step and teachers do not have to be physically there with you. Everyone has the potential to become our teacher if we are open to self growth and WANT self development. I came across my current teacher couple of years ago unexpectedly during an Asian retreat. The clarity that I felt during this week long process was like I had never felt before. All my questions stopped and I felt so good. I learnt the meditation he taught during this week long retreat and in every session after wards, I would feel his presence in the room (it was freaky for some time he he he). That was then and here I am now. Happy and content majority of the time 🙂
I didn’t find him. He found me and I have never met him again since physically but can feel his presence when I need help. I learn everyday and I feel the blessing in every moment.
As you can see, it was a stepped process. Nothing happened all at once. It was a gradual and slow process and kept pace with my learning and desire.
My dogs, husband, family members, colleagues, clients are all my teachers along with him. Everyone on here is also my teacher in some form or other. But when I need help, I know I can count on him for guidance and his teachings are: selfless service, share your knowledge, offer unconditional love and acceptance, meditate and put yourself before everyone else as then you will be able to accept everyone as they are and be there for them in a true sense.
Hope this helps
ParticipantThanks Matt.
Glinda had to come back.
Hi Lurker
I think this is what Matt is suggesting – be there for this lady without any expectations. Accept her with her flaws and just give love. When she feels your unconditional love, she will automatically change. No questions, no suggestions. Just a decent dose of love and acceptance 🙂 but not at the expense of your own happiness. Walk away when it starts to pull you down instead of lifting you.
Best wishes
ParticipantMatt the Kermit
It is good to see your fun and easy going side. Love your visions 🙂
Glinda signing off for the night in the real land of Oz. Look after my munchkins while I catch up on my beauty sleep LOL… tummy is hurting from all the laughing now ha ha ha
This is so much fun.
ParticipantThanks Maureen.
@talkingwithtinybuddah What a powerful insight. Thanks for sharing. One sentence – what is my core motive ? – has an immense potential to speed up our inner journey. Love it 🙂Hi Purpose @purpose
Thanks for the honour. Happy to be an elder sister. I dun have a younger sister so sounds great to me 🙂 Don’t you regret your decision woman in the future LOL !!!!
I understand and appreciate that you are on your own inward journey and like all of us, you are learning something positive from each experience.
One concept made a profound effect on my thinking few years ago – “On this planet, whatever gives you happiness has an equal potential for bringing sadness into your life”. We live in duality. Love turns into hate quickly. So many couples come together with love and end up with bitterness post divorce. A person we loved so much at one point becomes a painful sore in our lives at some other point. This is a universal phenomenon and a natural law. If you try to understand it, you will only invite more miseries into life. Acceptance is the easy way out 🙂
Accept that people are complex and all have profound reasons for being the way they are. Yes, there is suffering in this world but there is immense beauty as well. What we need is a vision to see the beauty and accept that suffering is part of the nature. Another concept, which had a profound effect on me is – “Mind can only think of one thought at a time. You can either make it a positive thought or you can choose to think a negative thought. You can either see a good quality in someone or you can choose to see their faults. Why not choose to see only good and positive ?” Atleast, this way, you will not be releasing more negativity into the environment by dwelling in suffering.
I wish you all the best in your forward journey. Make yourself the priority in your life. You will never go wrong if the most important person in your world is YOU as then you will be able to give people the acceptance they need. Once Purpose is the most important being in your world, other people’s words or reactions will not cause you grief or hurt.
Cheers / Hugs
Participant5 smileys in Alpal’s post lol. The Ruminant is still winning the smiley race. Hey Alpal, are you a clairvoyant ? You are spot on with 2 things – big brown eyes and I dont get mad easily as it takes a lot to press my hot buttons nowadays but when I do, my husband is scared of me ha h ah ah ha and has to sleep in the guest bedroom. I dont lose my cool anywhere else ha ha ha although it may seem otherwise with my posts. I am full of beans and the calm within the tropical storm LOL
I do not get visions so I am not sure who you are but whoever you are, I am sure you are very beautiful and exotic as well. I have seen Inky’s photo on her blog so I think you get quite close to describing her. I think it is inky’s photo.
Big Blue – it is your turn now to describe the 4 ladies. I wonder what matt has to say in his poetic ways 🙂
ParticipantHI Caring Guy
Are you ok ? All limbs working and in order ? Did you get medical attention to ensure all good ?
Look, I am sorry about the accident and your car.
If I were you, I would look at this as a big sign from the Universe. Things are good for you as it is….you just need to make them better for yourself and stop sitting on the negative emotional roller coaster ride.
Sending you loads of positive energy and may you take an action for the Caring guy to move forward finally.
ParticipantThanks everyone.
Hi Caring guy @gg0319
I would like to give you a big kick in the bum with my perspective for this weekend. Are you ready for the challenge ? Other TB mates, please feel free to offer more tasks to our friend Caring guy with thanks. @talkingwithtinybuddah @inky you can offer some great tasks here.
1. Pick up some nice CDs or songs on iTunes and play them reasonably loud in your room but be kind to the neighbours with the volume.
2. Clean the whole room (your home)- dust, vacuum, mop, put clothes away, wash clothes that need washing, iron clothes that need ironing, wash all dishes or chuck them into the dishwasher, clear up the clutter in the pantry or kitchen, rearrange your furniture if need be etc. It should be light and bright at the end of this weekend.
3. Have a nice warm shower, change into fresh clothes and put on a nice perfume, which takes your fancy. Be the best looking bloke you can be but don’t go overboard with tuxedo and all 🙂
3. Make a beautiful brunch for yourself or go out for a date with YOURSELF. Look at the passerbys and soak in the rainy smell off the ground. Look at some kids, women, dogs, food, what others are doing in the café etc
4. Make an appointment to have a whole body massage 1-2 hours. Pick a nice ambience for the massage if you can.
5. At the end of the day, come back to your heavenly abode and make a nice cuppa or even a hot chocolate with strawberry marshmallows (you can choose vanilla if you want). Sit in front of a screen and watch a comedy. No romantic or sad movies pls. Just comedies or stand up comedy stuff. There are heaps on you tube.
6. Time to retire after a light dinner. Light up some candles in the room and soak in the ambience. Take a piece of paper or a notebook and write down 50 things, which have gone great in life. For example: I am 4 limbs, I can breathe, I can wash my teeth, I can eat and swallow, I can write, I have internet etc. Just 50 things. Fold this paper away and keep it under your pillow.
7. While sitting on your soft and cuddly bed, say a prayer to yourself: “Thank you for such a lovely day with myself. I am at peace. I feel loved by myself. I would like to thank everyone in the nature or environment for making my day such a blessing in the rain. The atoms, cells, particles, trees, rain, sand, food, bed, water etc etc, You get the drill.
Next day
Finish up all the things that you couldn’t do yesterday and repeat points 6/7 atleast.
Wah lah, whole weekend is gone in a buzz….where did the time go ?
ACTION, ACTION, ACTION time my dear friend. Stop the self pitying. It aint helping anyone else on this TB and worst of it all, it aint helping YOU.
ParticipantThanks Matt.
Hi Purpose @purpose Welcome back 🙂
I am not going to be as gentle as Matt with my perspective on this issue. I saw this coming after we had a brief chat few weeks ago on a similar lined issue.
You may feel that you are very clear with your boundaries in your mind, which is great but I don’t really get a substantial reason to believe this from your posts to date.
What is with wanting to be a saviour ? Do you want to be a GOD ? Do you want to be a super hero, Purpose the Great ? Where does this need come from ?
Do you just care about people or do you actually start living a life for them ? There is a big difference between the two. When we set boundaries, we need to be very clear in our mind as to what those boundaries are and also inculcate similar boundaries for others.
As you have a conflict in your mind about your own boundaries, it is not hard to see why this person has back fired on you despite your best intentions.
My sincere advice for you follows this principle: Live and let others live without too much interference in other people’s lives. Be a friend but do not try to become a saviour. When a person is drowning and we jump into the ocean to save them without actually knowing how to swim, you know what happens. This situation is not much different to what has happened.
I hope you will take some positives out of this for yourself and move forward with clear boundaries and your head held high up. Remember, “I am Purpose with a purpose in life. I am a friend and I will there for friends when they need me and how they need me. I will not jump into the ocean until I have learnt to swim and I will not try to change others because they are miserable. It is not my job to change others. My job is to be at peace with myself so that the peace can flow onto others”.
Please do consider taking up the bargain offered by Matt 🙂
Now give us a BIG SMILE and get on with what Purpose needs to do !!!!! Don’t waste your precious energies.