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ParticipantHi Hayley,
I don’t have much too add, but many times, when I interact with men via “Snapchat” “Facebook” “We chat” usually does not work out. I usually do not communicate with men by “texting” either because texting alot and social media can cause alot of problems with communication, or lack of it. That is why I no longer have profiles on Social Media. I once met a man on Facebook and tended to have “jealousy” because he would get angry and block me, or I would block him, or he would “friend” a woman and so on..too much unnecessary drama. So from now on, try to communicate with men by person only or phone. Try to stay away from “texting” unless urgent and social media because it causes alot of problems in relationships.
ParticipantHi Lauren,
I too suffer from Anxiety and depression. Althoungh I am in therapy and on Medication, I know how debilitating it can be and how it can distort one’s thoughts and emotions. I also know that when one is very depressed, they tend to isolate themselves from everyone, including their own family. They are doing the best they can. Depression is ugly and takes over your life.
I would not take it personally. He is probably unable to give anymore at this time due to his illness. People can only give what they are able. They can’t give more than they have. I would just give it time. Maybe he feels awkward because the friendship and emotional bond developed in the workplace. And maybe he thought perhaps he was being unprofessional, by constantly texting you. Maybe he did not want you to become more emotionally invested because he is moving. It could be alot of things, but it sounds like he is going through alot of personal struggles right now, and maybe when he feels better, you may still hear from him again. However, remember friendship is a 2 way street, so, if you are constantly, giving and giving to him in the form of emotional support, and he is not giving anything back, it can be very unhealthy and ultimately put a strain on any friendship.
ParticipantHi Davis,
I don’t have much to add, but something to keep in mind that he may not get better or even if he does, or if he gets depressed again, many depressed people don’t have alot of motivation to “up and move” “maintain long distance relationships”. Another concern, is let’s say he does move, and he “gets depressed again” will be break up with you again? I suffer from depression myself. Sometimes the smallest things can be overwhelming. Long distance tends to make things very complicated. I hope it all works out.
ParticipantHi Samantha,
I saw a great quote once, I will share it with you..”if you don’t know where you stand, with someone, it’s time to stop standing and walk away”. However, I am not suggesting you “walk away” since your friendship with this man is fairly new. However, it is causing you distress, and I would just be honest with him, and ask him what he thinks of you, and if he sees a future with you.
The reason I say this is because you don’t want to invest more in someone than they are willing to invest with you. If you like him more than a friend, the feelings will continue to frow, you will be investing more emotional energy with him, only to find out, and be very saddened he “just wants to be friends”.
It’s best to find out now. I know it’s a difficult conversation to have, but you deserve to know where you stand with him. Does he have feelings for you? Love? Have you been intimate? Has he introduced you to his parents, friends? Has he mentioned any future events with you? To avoid being dissappointed and more emototionalky invested, it’s best to find out now. It does seem he is scared of something. Or maybe he is not ready for a committed relationship or emotionally available at this time, and you deserve to be with someone who is ready to be in a loving relationship.
ParticipantHi Connie,
Since, it was a simple e-mail, he was just saying he missed you, although that was sweet, he did not state was his intentions are. It seems he is confused and unsure of what he really wants. If you did get back with him, do you think things would get any better, or would you feel frustrated, confused, unsure, doubtful? He did not say in his e-mail that he still loved you, or that he needed you in his life, he really did not make much effort at all to reach out to make you a part of his life again..really he did nothing, except leaving you confused.
When my ex wanted me back, he came over with flowers and chocolate and asked for forgiveness, and a second chance to make things right. To prove himself that he had changed. That he wanted a committed relationship. Your ex e-mailing you “I miss you”..not enough effort. If he really wanted to be with you, he would be.
So, maybe just play it cool. Just write him a short e-mail saying “Hi, it’s nice to hear from you, I miss you too” that’s it. Then make him work for you. If he does not work for you, he is not wanting anything at this time. Maybe all he was doing was “just missing you”. Let me know your thoughts?
July 16, 2017 at 3:37 pm in reply to: Some suggestions that might help for people going through breakup or divorce #158414Eliana
ParticipantThanks Brav3!
You should become a counselor, or write self-help books. Very wise advice.
ParticipantHi, Quirine,
Is there anyway, you can send her a text message saying “is there anyway we can get past being pen pals?”. That will put the ball in her court.
I think alot of the anxiety and insecurity is that you mentioned you are texting each other alot or chatting via social media such as Facebook. For the time being, maybe not go on there, and try to have phone conversations with her. I think communicating that way is much more personalized then “texting”. Personally, I hate it when someone I start to get to know and like only texts me or communicates me via Facebook Messenger. Sometimes, there is a long “pause” after I write, and I am pretty sure they are writing to other women at the same time. So I stopped communicating this way. I figure if they **truly** like me, they will call me on the phone and ask me out. Try it with this woman, see if she will contact you any other way besides Facebook and texting. If she doesn’t, chances are, she is not emotionally available for any kind of relationship. Let me know your thoughts?
ParticipantHi Apples333,
I too have felt the same way. I think it comes from my childhood. I was taken away by the courts from my Alcoholic Mother, and my Aunt and Uncle became my legal guardians. My Uncle worked for International Weyerhaeuser. He had to be transferred alot, by the time I was 10 years old I had lived in 4 countries, and six states. My first language was Spanish. My mother was somewhat of a gypsy. She constantly moved. She craved excitement. She was a model, and always has men taking her to glamorous places. I think I got alot of my need for moving around alot and being bored from her, and as a result, from my childhood.
In my twenties, I moved to Sarasota, Florida, to be with my real father. He too, worked for the paper industry, was a very successful Harvard Graduate and owned paper Mills in Jamaica, South Africa, Alicante, Spain, Costa Rica. He also had a beautiful apartment in Manhattan, and a ski Lodge/House in Lake Arrowhead, California. He was always sending me plane tickets so I could see him as we were very close.
I too developed alot of friendships in Florida, I lived there for 12 years, the longest time I had ever lived lived anywhere. My Aunt and Uncle even moved there to be closer to me and my Dad. However, I started to get restless and bored. I went from job to job. Nothing have me purpose. I was always in pursuit of excitement, and it even sabatoge my relationships, when the romance fizzled.
I then moved all the way across the country hoping to find “happiness” in Seattle, Wa. I was happy there for the first two years when everything was new and exciting, but found myself, getting restless and bored again. I could not find anything to make me happy. I too missed my family in Florida.
Then one day, I realized, I was looking in the wrong places for happiness, and I would never find it by moving to different states. You won’t find happiness just be being married and moving to a different state. Being married, is difficult and will not being you happiness. Maybe temporary, but problems set in, and you will find yourself unhappy and unfulfilled again. You see, happiness comes from the inside. You can’t look to outside things for happiness. People who have nice homes or cars are not happy, even celebrities, most of them are not happy. The divorce rate in this country is 50percent. Marriage is not a guarantee for happiness. People who won the lottery have had their lives ruined. You can move and move, it will not being you happiness. You have to bring happiness into yourself, doing things that make you feel good about yourself. Doing things for others as well will provide you purpose and meaning.
ParticipantHi, Tgo tiny Buddah,
I don’t think at this point it would be good for you to be “friends” with him. Being in love with him, you are too emotionally charged and invested in him. Just a while back, you were saying “he was perfect” for you. In a way, I think he was leading you on..I am sure he knew your feelings toward him, and he should have told you in the beginning he did not want to be in a relationship. What he said to you seems a bit cruel. If someone said that to me, after texting me constantly, and everything he was doing with you, I would be very angry.
I would tell him, that you feel a bit of sadness because you felt he wanted more than friendship, and then suddenly he became distant and said “oh sorry, changed my mind, just wanna be friends” huh?? I would not have any contact with him, until you know you can just be “friends”, but I would not want a friendship with a man who plays games and mixed signals and a harsh “I don’t see a future with you”. Let me know your thoughts..
What Dawn said is true. I used to hate being “alone” or “lonely” I would get out of one relationship and frantically look and find a “rebound” relationship. However, it would not last. Men could sense that. They could somehow see that “I needed a man in my life to complete me” or to make me happy, and they would run for the hills. It never works.
Finally I got fed up, and started doing things outside of myself and my “need” for relationships. I started becoming happy with being alone. I kept telling myself I would be okay being alone, many people are and are very happy. Then something happened. A few years later, I was having a great time at a grocery store parking lot having people signing petitions for animal welfare. I was “in the moment” happy, that is when men gravitated towards me. I found men talking to me, asking me out, and that day in the parking lot, I met a man that became a relationship. When you are happy on the inside, happy being single, that’s when women will gravitate toward you.
ParticipantHi Macy,
From your posts, and just hearing you talk about him, and your concern about the way his children are shows you are “not tough or hard” in a bad way, but you are a strong and sensitive woman who is being controlled, someone who has had enough of it, and someone speaking up and asserting herself and even removing herself from a toxic relationship and dysfunction between him and his children, and his controlling and manipulating ways.
I know it hurts, but I do feel your feelings have changed about him. Understandably so. You are not getting your needs met, and he is not going to change. If he contacts you, just say “I enjoyed the time we spent together, but I no longer feel we are compatible, and we need to go out separate ways”. That’s it. You don’t owe him any more. If he continues to keep talking, politely say, you have to go, and end the call. Don’t contact him again. He may continue for awhile, but don’t fall for “I will change” because he would have done so by now. Don’t answer or return his texts, calls or e-mails. If he ** really** wanted you, he would do alot more to fight for you thenvjyst a cowardly text. He would move heaven and earth to get you back. In time, he will tire of it, and you will find the love and attention you deserve.
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantHi Wildoceanflower,
I have a hard time, since I am a “people pleaser” with criticism, negativity, jealousy, disapproval, etc. One day, I told myself, I refused to be a victim anymore and react to other people’s negative emotions. That I would refuse to take it personally. I just got tired of saying “It hurt me that..” so, I decided to have compassion and empathy for them instead. Because it wasn’t about me, but their negativity and criticism, pettyness was about their low self -esteem and I would rise above it and not be a victim or react anymore. Just some thoughts..
ParticipantHi Jeff,
What you are going through is the normal grieving process. It took me three years to get over my ex, but because of severe childhood trauma such as neglect and constant abandonment and rejection, I have a difficult time getting over the loss of a love. Once I got fired from a job over him, because I worked in a call center, and had to keep getting off the phones to go to the bathroom and cry.
I would come home and be so devastated, I would barely talk to my roommate, just isolated myself in my bedroom. I could not get him off my mind, Nothing seemed to help, not even counseling. Finally, I started to get out of my head, as it was destroying my emotional health and started volunteering at a homeless shelter and an animal sanctuary. Seeing people who had so little, yet had happiness inside, made me feel better. Animals, and being an animal lover brought me comfort. I also joined a book club and met some friends.
I bought this book on Amazon dot com called “”How to get over the loss of a love” and “Co-Dependent no more”. Those books really helped me. Keep us posted. It will take time and patience, but it does get better.
ParticipantHi Macy,
I’m glad you got back in touch. Thanks for keeping us posted. Since you have taken a break from the situation, what are your feelings about him now? Based on your recent post, it doesn’t sound like he has done much growing, as he is still “putting everything on you” and making you feel guilty. Nothing he says is positive or lifts you up. When you write you don’t sound too terribly excited about him. What are your thoughts on this?
Let’s say you did get back together. Would the situation change? With the children? Or would you still feel frustrated back at square one? Frustrated and confused and left out of his children’s lives and still disrespected by him. He didn’t do much as say he “missed you” or apologized. Seems to me, he does not want to grow in the relationship..
ParticipantHi Sarah,
You mentioned your past relationship was filled with alot of emotional intensity, ups, downs, intensity. That is something you got used to. Sometimes when we get used to something, it’s almost like we “crave” that emotional intensity for so long. It has a hold on us. There may have also not been closure with your ex, and you are missing certain aspects of that relationship, even though it was not healthy, it’s all you knew and in a way sort of exhilarating.
Fast forward to know, the anxiety is coming from being in a healthy, normal, stable relationship. There is no excitement, drama, emotions, intensity that you experienced in the past, and there is a part of you know that is craving it. Maybe try to create excitement in the relationship, but in a healthy way. Plan surprises. Go for a weekend getaway, do something together you have never done. When you get out of your routine, the magic can come back and bring back those “butterflies”. Surprise him with a bubble bath, go to a drive in..yes there are still some of them out there. Go to a laser light show to at a planetarium. Go for a romantic long drive at night, take a telescope and look at stars. Just the smallest things to get you “unstuck” and bring back the giddiness.
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This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by