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ParticipantI am so sorry for the confusion. Too many wise Matts on this site.
Thanks again.Meditating is helping me tremendously. 🙂
Firstly, congrats on your article getting published. It was awesome. I have been trying to nurture my silly, childlike habits (when I go run I can never resist hills…I love just running like a maniac going down..of course).Secondly, thanks for being so observant. I am very stubborn. I have outside and inside forces telling me to “get over it already….its been 3 months!”. A friend of mine even told me that “I am borderline to the point where people can’t listen to my healing stories” ..again get over it.
Ill try remembering to be patient. I just need to stop listening to friends and my stubborn mind. I am not healed from my breakup or my codependency. I may get over my breakup in a few months but codependency will be a long battle. This is why..I love posting on TB because its the place I can express my feelings and not get…berated for having feelings or weaknesses.
Matt, I am noticing that I am avoiding the friend who have very strong opinions on how I should “get over it” which leaves me with 1 friend who has 2 screaming young kids. She is wonderful to talk to when her kids are not screaming or when she is not running around for her work, her business or her husband which gives me 2 minutes in a week or two to talk to her, if that. I don’t want to shut everyone off and I want to be compassionate but how do I ignore their deciding words.
I am finding it hard to find like minded friends.
Your healing sister
ParticipantThanks Lucia
I do go to a support group. Its just been two weeks but its great. Its a codependency support group. I am really proud of myself for taking steps to recover and be joyful but many of friends think I am over doing it..or I am giving my ex too much power over me or I am just too dramatic. They actually would prefer me going out ..getting drunk…hooking up with someone or to just start online dating to get over my ex. Funny even after years of knowing me, they suggest having a rebound when they know I would never do that to anyone.U are very right about being patient. Thats one virtue I lack 🙂
Good night dear sister. I wish you joy in this journey of life.S
Participant“The trick is not minding that it hurts”
Its getting easier. I have to say. Finally its sinking in that my ex’s feeling are all his problem. Why am I taking it personally? I sent that finally email as the last “hail Mary” pass. Now I know that him and I will never be. I can see that as a blessing..very slowly.
I really don’t mind the rejection now. Its almost like I can finally breadth now. I can finally take a vacation where I wouldn’t feel guilty about just relaxing and sleeping. Yay for that! I can again be the first goofball on the dance floor and not have anyone tell me that I should “calm down”. 🙂
Thanks again Matt, John
Your post made me smile. I don’t feel like u do right now but I can just imagine myself getting to that total head over heels mind set. I felt a little like that when I went to Amsterdam a few years ago. The sky was a color which seem out of a van gosh painting. It was magnificent. I feel that way every now and then. See like many others, I get distracted. Few years ago I was on a self love, self discovery journey but secretly all I wanted was someone outside of me to love me. Fast forward 4 Years and a very painful break up later, i am finally on a self love, love life path.Wish me luck. One day I’ll be posting something like your post…
This is amazing. Keep it up.
you are awesome! one of my favorite subjects in college was logic. what you said is so logical. Of course, I will never want to believe that the man I loved so much can ever be less than “amazing”. I won’t take the fact that my ex has been very dignified away from him but combining your words with Matt’s, it makes sense.
Now other than the memory of our time together, I have nothing of him left In me. Working on my self esteem and being positive is what I am working on now. Mind wonders to “how well he is doing without me” a lot but IT IS WHAT IT IS. I keep forgetting to look at how well I am doing. I keep forgetting how I am meditating better, treating myself better, etc.
Any logical insights on feeling “less than” because of the rejection?
thanks againSapnap3
I don’t know if anyone in this world feels it when a total stranger has them in their prayer but you were in mine today, yesterday and will be always. I told god to take your pain away and to give you the strength and courage you need to get passed this.
I can’t even imagine to give you any advise but we are all here to listen. whenever you feel like it, please talk to your brothers and sisters who will always pray for you and cheer you on.
ParticipantThank you matt.
Something that pema codhron recommended in her book is to gently saying ‘thinking’ while the mind wanders during meditation.
I will try that when I am not meditating too. I do myself a great injustice by thinking about him over and over again.Namaste
ParticipantYes Matt. It is what it is…
I am feeling a lot better than last week. The tears that I cry now are not for him..they are for me. They are for all the years of self hatred.
I keep thinking of my ex being great and I know he is but its taking a bit to settle in the ‘we will never ever be together’ fact. I do genuinely wish him well but its hard for me to even think of dating and he is already with someone.I heard brahm’s be patient lecture and he talks about slowing down in life to see its beauty. All this self reflection and slowing is making me see the beauty in everyone especially my ex. I want to remember the bad times. I want to remember the difference but as I self love…my love for him surface too. Now I am just sad because of the rejection. U know what u said about your ex…at least u saw her not being so great in person. I only got to read the greatness. The very greatness. He praised me for being very strong. He praised me for being one of the smartest people he knows. He urged me to move on. He urged me to recognize the amazing woman in me…really! Haha…he also said that not saying goodbye to me in person is the only regret he has as he cares for me.
Any insights on how to not let my thoughts wonder to my ex when I self nurture by listening to brahm and other great monks?
Trust me Matt…I am healing…I know I have to be patient with myself and let myself get the answers to my questions myself.
I am going to continue to go to the CODA support group meetings.Thanks again
ParticipantThanks Jas.
U can reach me as well. My email address is sapna84@hotmail.comSapnap3
ParticipantI keep stumbling. I kept emailing with him back and forth to just add on to my grief. Like i am addicted to the pain this is giving me. I kept asking him if he is with someone. I kept asking him if he ever thinks about how things will be if we were to meet again. I know I really don’t think that’s what I want but out of stubbornness of keeping this hold on him, I keep asking. He is being so cordial and diplomatic about things,. Dodging every question I ask him by simply saying…he is working on himself and that should be enough. I sound like a desperate chick again. Why do I keep doing this to myself? All the work I have been doing went down the drain this afternoon in two hours. All he had to do was contact me and I went blabbing on about how much I am changing and how good I am now…and than begging him.
I feel like emailing again and telling him to not answer me. He doesn’t owe me anything. He doesn’t owe me a closure. This roll a coaster is awful. I want to get off of it. I know everyone goes through these things but my desperation is getting the best of me. Why am I making the person I love so uncomfortable? I know all the answers and yet here I am hating myself again. Its like I hate working on me so much that I rather be on the floor sobbing uncontrollably than move on. I feel like someone should just slap me to set me straight.Sapnap3
ParticipantJust got an email from him and it was as dignified as I thought it would be. It’s makes me so sad that I messed it up. He didn’t and doesn’t blame me.
Its painful but I know I have to push through. God I never thought I would have the strength I have.
According to pia mellody’s book…the journey begins with immense amount of pain and I guess this what she means. I feel bad for sapna now. I feel like I did her a big disservice by not waking up earlier.
Wish me luck Matt. I really appreciate your love and cheering.
Thank youSapnap3
ParticipantI am feeling mixed emotions. I sat in my balcony last night after the email was sent and told myself, out loud to be honest with myself. I told myself that I am the only person I can’t lie to. A part of me is wishing that he will respond and that we will be together again but another part of me says I need more time. I need time to heal and love myself. I just started being friends with myself. I just started taking myself out. I can’t go back looking at him as the source of my happiness. I meant every word I said to him.
I have been checking my email a lot but I also listened to the guided metta meditation on YouTube. I also read a great blog on TB. I am also sorting out the clothes I want to donate tonight. I also ordered take the out curry last night, ate gelato and watched eat pray love. I feel weak Matt, physically and emotionally but your words resonate with me. I know this community of good, genuine people won’t judge. I was judging me. I made it a matter of pride to not contact him. I asked my friends to dislike him. More I walk on this path, the more I discover just how different I am. The easier path of healing..which is find another guy ..will still leave me broken and disconnected. This harder path has left me shattered on the floor but I know that when I pick my pieces and put myself together, I’ll be amazing.
U know this urge of writing him came from me visiting my favorite museum and seeing art work from my favorite era, impressionism. All these things we fought about and cried about surface as I looked upon a painting. I couldn’t contain myself. I went to my therapist and told her how I felt…sobbing and she said there is no harm in contacting him as long you are prepared for the outcome. I am preparing myself for it cause what my ex feel and does is his business. I have womaned up and admitted my wrong doings.
To sum it all up..I don’t know how I feel. I had to do this for myself. I didn’t want to look back on this experience like every other experience and blame him or her or them for the way I feel.
Participantanother thing i want to add is the fact that u i have already emailed him a shorter version of this story when we last spoke two months ago. i know he loved me. i know he tried but i kept pushing him. he warned me that one day he will get tired of my testing and i didn’t listen. i kept going. i feel like if i say these things to him maybe…perhaps …maybe there would be an ounce of love that will ignite in him and we will be together again. I feel like if I don’t email him, i will live with the regret of never knowing what would’ve happened if i did. I am not a gambling girl but i know that there is 99.9% chance that he will say “thanks for telling me this. i hope you get where you need to be…i wish you well too” and there is 0.1% chance that he will come back to me. I know love is a crazy thing. I know i miss him and us. I just want to reach out to him when i have clear intentions. When i know that that is what i want. This self discovery journey keeps getting me back to thinking of how bad i did in my relationship. i screwed up things with one man who loved me so dearly.
this has taken a lot of courage. The fact that i am not writing this to him shows me how much stronger i have gotten. I just wanted to put it out there and i would love to get opinions…thoughts…please feel free to be brutely honest with me. i need tough love. i don’t know what my therapist is thinking recommending me to contact him.Sapnap3
ParticipantThank you Matt and Branka.
I know that if I think of my parents as people, I can forget the expectation I have of them but what I struggle with is the expectation they have of me. I am suppose to support them emotionally and financially. For instant, I really want to take a solo trip to Ireland this year. The last amazing trip I took was with my ex and I want to show myself that I can have an amazing journey by myself. My parents have a lot of financial issues and they don’t have a retirement fund like other Americans as we are immigrants. I am suppose to pay off about $5000 Of their mortgage so that my mother can feel less stressed. I am happy to do it but because they have no money saved. I have to think of their medical bills and everything else till they are here. My sisters are willing to help but my parents don’t like to get help from them as they are married with children.
This leaves me being guilted into paying for anything they need. I have a good job and I do make money but I hate that the only reason I was born was to take care of them. I am their retirement fund, in my mother’s words.
Any amazing insight on this?
Sapna -