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  • in reply to: Emotionally unavailable man? #325345

    I don’t understand why he got so emotional on our last meeting and told me he cares and then one week later act totally cold again.

    If he has developed any feelings for you, it’s likely he’s hot/cold because of cognitive dissonance… he’s at war with himself. Part of him likes you and wants to see where things can go and another part… the part that doesn’t want to get hurt again… makes his defense mechanism kick in and he starts talking himself out of wanting to be with someone again. That’s why he can be hot/cold (especially in a week’s time because he’s had all that time for negative thoughts) and why people with those fears really do need to move at a snails pace with someone who understands that… because it takes a while to build trust that that person isn’t going to hurt them. Meanwhile, if you date someone like this, you run the risk of the defense mechanism winning, the relationship doesn’t go anywhere, and then you feel like you were led on again.

    in reply to: Emotionally unavailable man? #325343

    Hi Yarina,

    I don’t think he’s playing with you. I do think it sounds like this man is emotionally unavailable but it’s likely because of fear. He’s afraid of being hurt again. He is one that is going to have to probably move at a snaaaiiillls pace, which means he is going to have to find someone who is comfortable moving that slow, and it doesn’t sound like you are. You are also expecting him to show certain feelings and do certain gestures fairly early on, so you seem to want to move at a faster (and possibly more regular) pace, which is completely understandable, but it means you two aren’t a match.  Neither one of you are wrong, you’re just different. Some people have to start off as a friendly relationship that builds as intimacy grows, so he will be able to develop feelings, but it’s going to take some time for him and he’s not going to be able to fall into romantic gestures and anything beyond casual until he’s really ready for that, so you stating your feelings of him not doing that probably did make him back off a bit because that stuff is scary for him in new relationships, even if he won’t even admit that to himself.

    In other words, he’s not a bad guy for not being able to open up. He’s been hurt and he’s likely afraid of getting close to someone only to end up feeling that again. Think of it as fear of intimacy and fear of abandonment… it takes people a long time to open up and REALLY let someone in when they have those fears. You’ve already told him you can’t handle that baggage, which likely closed him off to you more, and I think you’re right in that you want to move faster than he does and you don’t like how slow he’s moving, so I think it’s a good idea to just move on and find someone who maybe doesn’t have such strong fears in these areas and will move as fast as you’d like to. That’d be a better match for you.  This doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you or him or that one of you didn’t care, you just don’t match up on the relationship progress speed.

    in reply to: My Ex BF left me after 10 years… still hurt #324707

    It’s hard to say why you’re blocked now because there could be a ton of different reasons, but what if one of them caught the other checking up on you and got in trouble because of it? So they agreed to block you to show it wouldn’t happen again. That sort of seems like the most logical explanation to me, especially if you know they’ve been checking up on you. And just remember… your friends can’t really know what goes on behind closed doors either. Sometimes even partners don’t know, which is why so many people get blindsided by the ending of relationships or infidelity, especially, because people don’t tend to broadcast that if they don’t want to get caught.


    Maybe she is just feeling like all of her children are going off and starting their own lives, and she is worried they will forget about her, (which obviously would never happen). I’m just going to try to keep that in mind when I see her, and try not to take it so personally…

    I can toootally see that being the problem here. My kids are 8 and 14, and with my 14-year-old, I recently had to let go of the “little girl” aspects and the expectations that come with that and sort of recognize her transition into becoming a young lady and all of the changes that come with that, and that alone was a hard transition for me. It really is hard to let go and let them have more independence. I can’t imagine how I’m going to feel when both kids grow up and start moving on with their own families. I think changes can be hard on parents as you kind of have this natural want to hold onto them as being your babies and always having them there, and there’s this fear there, like you said, that they’ll just move on and forget about you… even though that’s usually an irrational fear. The thought of him not coming to Thanksgiving after having him there every year and that being one more change probably just sent her over the edge for a bit. I do hope she apologizes to you guys, though, as she was definitely harsh and I can see why her words upset you, but she might not realize where her feelings are coming from either.

    I hope you enjoy your holidays!


    I don’t think this actually has anything to do with you or your mom. His mom is jealous, and it sounds like her feelings are hurt that her expectations for the day were no longer being met (because she was expecting you guys to come to their dinner), which likely upset her… especially if you’ve always spent Thanksgivings at her house, she’d be expecting you guys to be there. She also may feel like her son is choosing you and your family over her and his family, which is sort of a hard thing for a mom, especially if she has a son that always made her a priority or always showed up to family events. As a mom, it’s hard to learn to let go, even when you should. So I am almost positive that’s where her comments are coming from. They aren’t actually directed toward you and your mom but it’s just a projection of her negative feelings about the situation.

    I’m also not saying you guys are in the wrong at all for wanting to spend Thanksgiving at your mom’s. Your plan sounded reasonable, especially if you don’t see your uncle very often and it was a special thing for him to be there if he could’ve made it. But his mom’s reaction isn’t logical or based on reason, it’s emotional. So while you’re not wrong for feeling how you feel, I think if you look at it from her perspective and see why she might be upset (however unreasonable it looks from a logical/outsider standpoint), it sort of makes it a little less offensive because it’s an emotional reaction that’s really coming from her own issues with not wanting things to change and also not having expectations met. Know what I mean? I really doubt it has anything at all to do with you or your mom in any way.

    in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #324569

    Yeah, it sounds like it’s an ego thing for her. You may have dodged a bullet by not being with her, and she may have done you a favor, even though it didn’t seem like it at the time. She seems immature and egotistical, needing attention on her and getting upset when it’s directed toward someone else, even when you aren’t together and that attention is directed toward the person you ARE with. It’s so extremely selfish for her to seemingly prefer you (or her ex-husband) be alone than with someone else, especially when SHE did the dumping, don’t you think?

    I think you’re always going to feel for her. You had a connection and that doesn’t really turn off, but at least you’re starting to be able to see her with better clarity now. Just because a strong connection is there doesn’t mean it’s right. Just take from this that you can FEEL that type of connection, but she’s not the only one you can feel that with.

    So in the meantime, just keep trying to allow yourself to detach. I think that’s the hardest part. A big part of us WANTS to detach and move on, but with connections like that, an even bigger part of us wants to hold on because it felt so good and there’s a fear that we’ll never find that again. You have to just get yourself to allow that shift, of making the part of you that wants to detach and move on stronger than the part of you that wants to hold on. Allow the desire to detach to come through… every time you feel it, like you’re ready to let go… resonate with it, allow it, and let that desire go stronger. Reinforce it in your mind as the right and most beneficial decision for you.  Then when you feel the need to hold on, acknowledge those thoughts without trying to fight them, but then let them go. Picture them in a boat, traveling down the river… oh, there are those thoughts again, floating past in their boat, and there they go down the river, and you unemotionally let them pass. I think that’s the key.

    in reply to: Need Clarity #324565

    Hi Jasmine,

    I agree with Marge. It sounds pretty black/white to me. He’s said he didn’t want to be in a monogamous relationship and that just friends would be better if you wanted either/or  (either monogamous or just friends). It sounds like you gave him a choice between those two things, and he chose.  It’ll be up to you to make sure you don’t fall back into the relationshippy-type stuff if you choose to remain friends with him, because it sounds like he’s perfectly fine with being friends with benefits or having blurred friendship lines, so he’s not going to be the one to keep those lines clear. It has to be you.

    If you don’t think you can keep the friendship/romance lines clearly defined, then you should probably cut ties. Maybe later down the road, when he IS ready for a monogamous relationship, he will contact you then. You just have to figure out what’s going to be right for you… either friends with blurred lines or just friends, because he’s clearly taken a monogamous relationship off the table.

    in reply to: Friend is pregnant of her abusive bf #324561

    She’s an amazing woman, in the process of getting her degree and building a successful career and and he’s a blue collar worker but unemployed at the moment. He’s also somewhat of a party guy that drinks a lot.

    I told her that I’ll be happy as long as she is but I can’t really be happy for her as I think she’ll have to deal with a lot of challenges (raising the child, putting a wait on her career development, being attached to this guy forever, maybe being a single mom and so on).

    Hi Marge!

    I singled out a couple quotes from your post because those are what I want to touch on specifically. I think it’s okay to be happy for your friend, because she is going to be fine, either way.  You say she’s amazing, in the process of getting her degree (so she’s smart) and building her career (resourceful, driven), which are all great qualities that will help her raise her child, even as a single mom who may have to co-parent with a not-so-great guy.

    I say she will be fine because I’m in the situation you are worried about your friend being in, and my kids make it so worth it. I started into school right after I got pregnant with my daughter, continued on through school and began and built a career, all while being a single parent (the father left me when I was pregnant and wasn’t involved at all during the first year). Meanwhile, people told me I’d never make it, they told me I wouldn’t be able to finish school (which I did), wouldn’t be able to buy my own home (which I have), etc. Yes, it’s not easy and sometimes it requires accepting help from others (like friends or grandparents who are dying to babysit), but it’s definitely doable, she’ll still be able to achieve her goals as long as she still wants to, and it isn’t going to ruin her life, especially if she’s smart, driven, and resourceful. A baby to love will likely enrich her life, especially since it’s wanted. If this is her first child, she’s about to feel a love she didn’t know existed, and that’s awesome.

    As for the guy…. just let that ride for now since there isn’t much you can do. It’s likely her hormones that are making her feel super in love with him, and those will wear off after the pregnancy. Hopefully, he either gets himself together once the baby gets here (sometimes things like that can wake people up and make them want to change for the better) or if he doesn’t get his act together, hopefully she will recognize the red flags and leave, just as she would without having a child with him. Just because you have a child with someone doesn’t mean you should stay with them, and I can tell you that I am SO. GLAD. I didn’t end up staying with my daughter’s father. He was not a good partner to me, and we get along much better apart. Sometimes it’s not the right decision to stay together for the kids, and that’s okay, too.

    So anyway… your job as her friend is to just be supportive of the baby (you don’t have to be supportive of the guy… I would just redirect conversation away from him when she talks about him for now)… be happy WITH her… don’t talk about how hard this is going to make her life (because it’ll just make her resent you, it won’t change her mind, and the worries may not actually end up being a problem at all)… and just enjoy this experience with her. She may be backing off because she doesn’t feel supported, doesn’t want to be around people who aren’t happy for her or who might talk negatively about the situation, and pregnancy is a time when you definitely want support of people who are happy and excited right along with you and who will make it a fun experience. Go shopping for baby clothes! <3 haha

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Valora.
    in reply to: My Ex BF left me after 10 years… still hurt #324407

    Hi Crystal,

    First, I want to say that I really feel for you. I’ve experienced being single and pregnant while the father doesn’t really speak to you and enters into another relationship. My daughter’s father got engaged while I was still pregnant (we’d dated a year and only been broken up for a few months). It was a tough thing to go through but I dodged a bullet by not being with him. I’m so sorry about your loss, though. I can’t imagine what that felt like, but I’m glad to hear you’re going to counseling.

    I want you to know that you can be sure he didn’t really change for the next girl. He’s still doing the same stuff to her that he did to your or, if he hasn’t just yet, he will unless he chooses to do some growing, but that growth will be for him, not for her. He may SAY he’s changing for the next girl or outward appearances may seem like he is, but people don’t change unless it’s for themselves, and if he’s cheating on her, too, I’m sure he’s not broadcasting it.

    He could be checking up on you for a ton of reasons, and that may include guilt and curiosity. Same with the girlfriend, there could be some jealousy there just because you’re an ex and you two have history.

    I think the easiest way to help yourself to not miss or worry what he’s doing is to cut contact completely, block him on all sources, and then realize that detaching is going to take time.  When you think of him, try to acknowledge the thoughts without feeling and then let them pass. Eventually they will start coming less and less. If you start feeling upset that he changed for someone else, remind yourself that he didn’t… that you don’t actually know what he’s doing or what his relationship with her is truly like and only know what they are projecting publicly (which isn’t often the truth)… and he’s still likely the same old jerk to her just as he was to you… no matter what she’s said to you, she’s likely blind and doesn’t want to admit it to herself, much less to you. Aside from that, what he has done to you during your relationship warrants you moving on from him forever. Even if he does change somewhere down the line (because he may decide to for himself, not for anyone else), you still won’t be able to fully trust him because of what he’s done to you, and don’t you feel like you deserve to be with someone trustworthy? And who you know would never hurt you in those ways?

    in reply to: Friendship Troubles #324051

     he’s said it was pure strange & weird and feels pure awkward being friendly with me now. I asked what he wants to do and he said he doesn’t know but he won’t be rushing for a night out with me and he doesn’t need this right now.

    I think you should just take what he’s said here to heart and leave him alone completely until he contacts you. If he never contacts you, consider it a friendship that has ran its course.  I read above that this is a different guy  from last time, so it just seems like you get really attached to people, so that might be something for you to work on about yourself: allowing people to come and go from your life without getting too upset when the friendship has run its course and they move on.  I’ve had many friendships that come and go and come back again later and then go again and come back and some that stay gone, and that’s just sort of what happens with adult friendships and even romantic relationships.  You have to learn to be okay with going with the flow of relationships because when you try to hold on, it pushes people away and decreases the chance that they’ll ever come back again, and some people really are just meant to be temporary friends.

    in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #323747

    I see your points.  It’s just very hard.  As far as them bumping into each other.  That wouldn’t happen, we are in different towns far apart.  There is only one or two reasons I could think of.  1.  My ex was curious about me and my life and reached out to her because she couldn’t reach me.  or 2.  my best friends wife contacted her to find out for herself why she did this to me.  I really do not see any other reason why either person would have contacted each other.

    It’s still possible. I’ve bumped into people I know in other STATES, thousands of miles from where we both live, where we were both vacationing in the same place at the same time and didn’t know it until we saw each other. lol. They could’ve both been eating at the same restaurant in another town or at a mall or who even knows. But it’s absolutely possible that they could’ve bumped into each other.  But yes, the other reasons are possible, too, especially if your friend’s wife decided she wanted answers from your ex and confronted her. I understand how difficult this is, but try not to overthink and wonder about possibilities too much because there is no way to truly know unless you ask, and if it’s bothering that much, I’d just ask your friend’s wife “hey, I noticed you guys are friends on Facebook now. How did that happen?” or something like that. Let it just be an innocent question due to curiosity… not a confrontation. The longer you wait to ask, though, the weirder it’s going to be… so the next time you see her make a comment on your friend’s stuff… I’d just ask her “hey… I noticed this comment… you guys are friends now? How did that happen?” etc. It’s really an innocent question, especially since you thought she hated her.

    And yes, I know how timing of things can send you into a tale spin (I’ve been there) but like I’ve said before… sometimes this stuff is stepping stones toward learning whatever it is you need to know for your life to continue in the direction it needs to head. It’s happening the way it is and when it is because that is how it’s supposed to be. It’s best not to overthink the why’s and just acknowledge what it is and the timing and let that be it. Sometimes I like to write that stuff down though, when it feels like a sign or the timing is weird, just to refer back to later if I need to. Writing it down allows me to get it out of my head so I can let it go for the time being and move forward without dwelling on it.

    All this being said, i think (i could be way off) that my ex, couldn’t handle the idea of me with another woman.  She hated her from the start, even though she was in bed with her man well before I even met her and she didn’t even know her.  I think that my ex did do something(cheated on me somehow-phycially or emotionally) and could never admit it and she always felt guilt for that.  She showed many signs of it when we were at the end of our relationship.

    Yeah, honestly, from what you’ve said, your ex seems really quite immature and has a lot of growth to do, especially with the way she keeps coming in and out of your life, and especially if you think she’s mainly only talking to you when she’s lonely or possibly it could be a feed to her ego, knowing she still has you on a string, even when you were with someone else. That’s not a good quality for a life partner at all. I hope you’re able to use this time to yourself to build yourself to the point where you know you deserve better than that and you’ll attract someone who will give you better and TRULY be the right match for you.

    in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #323629

    It’s eating you alive because you’re overthinking it. It doesn’t matter if she hated her 2 years ago. People change. Some of my best friends are people I did not get along with well at all in the past but when people grow, that allows them to get along better in the future. They likely just reconnected somehow, maybe ran into each other somewhere, and started talking again and realized they get along better now.  Like I said before, just think of it as a stepping stone. You could ask your friend’s wife about it to see how they started being FB friends but I wouldn’t “confront” her.

    And yes, I do know how bad you want to see your ex’s FB page. I’ve thought many times about looking at my ex’s, wondering if seeing him with someone else would help me move on 100%, but it’s a bad idea for me. I know that it wouldn’t do anything for me because my ex was lovey dovey with me right up until he broke up with me, so his show of affection means nothing of his feelings for whatever relationship he’s in and that wouldn’t prove anything to me, and if he’s single, I’d wonder why he never started talking to me again. So nothing good will come of me looking, but if you think it will help you by seeing that stuff and that you won’t dwell on it by constantly wondering why she does that stuff with him and didn’t with you, then go for it. BUT if you DO look and then you start overthinking and dwelling more, that’s an obvious sign to never look again.

    It’s possible you were a rebound with the lack of lovey dovey posts for you, especially if she’s done that with her current boyfriend. Literally everyone enters relationships because they are finding something they need in that relationship. If that relationship is only filling a temporary need (like a bandaid for feelings or a distraction), then they no longer feel a need to be in that relationship once that need has passed (i.e., they are feeling better about whatever they were upset about before). You may be still hooked on your ex because she filled a need in you that you now need to figure out how to fill for yourself.  This is why I think you’ll feel better about that whole situation once you start really getting into taking care of yourself and doing things you enjoy. Right now, everything about your recent situation is still reminding you of your breakup with her, but that stuff will get better too as long as you cut contact with your recent ex. Give it time.

     And honestly if she was to come back to me, i would have a hard time standing up for myself.  She really is my kryptonite.

    This means she’s toxic to you. I hope you know that.  That’s probably why you aren’t together.

    in reply to: very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please #323117

    One thing i have noticed even though it’s only been a couple days.  I haven’t been thinking about my previous ex as much as I was when my current ex was still living with me.  I think all the drama and suffering i was dealing with on a daily basis, just made me dwell on the past that much more.  Now i can focus on just me and my girls.  I am defiantly looking forward to this.  I’m looking forward to being the man I used to be.

    I am not at all surprised by this! All that drama just made your past look so much better and that’s why you probably dwelled on it… and now that you’re able to focus on you and your girls, I bet you’re really going to enjoy yourself and both exes will become a distant memory. AND you’ll be able to do what you want with your friends whenever you want without feeling like you’re going to be upsetting someone or having to hear about it later. Just like you said, have fun and enjoy life! I bet your girls are looking forward to this, too!


    Anita, I LOVE that analogy. It’s a great visual, and it really is true for a lot of people who feel overwhelmed. With that kind of analogy, you can see why relationships are often the first thing to go in those cases, because often they’re the easiest thing to let go of compared to the other “rocks.”

    in reply to: I feel like I don't love my boyfriend anymore #322935

    Hi Alina!

    I think what you’re saying makes sense but I’m not sure your issue or doubts are actually coming from anything being wrong with your relationship with your boyfriend, especially since your feelings for him seem to be rather huge. It’s pretty likely your doubts are more from you having a lot of fears around relationships based on your past. It probably feels weird to you, whether you realize it or not, to be treated well or to have a relationship be going generally well because your others have been so rocky, and to be cheated on by your first love would absolutely cause issues with trust and possibly fear of abandonment in future relationships (so you feel the need to leave before you’re left) if you never truly dealt with your feelings from that (which can be hard to do especially if you haven’t done it intentionally). Just as you were the one to make the mistake in the relationship that was going really well, you might have subconsciously sabotaged that one too because you might not be sure how to handle being in a good relationship due to some underlying feelings caused by the previous bad relationships.  I could be totally off here, but you just speak so highly of your boyfriend and haven’t really had many issues with him other than your own doubts, so I think it’s likely your doubts aren’t actually about him.

    If I were you, I would give it some time. You guys haven’t really been a couple for that long, so you might feel better once you get through this initial period of doubt, and if you do have subconscious fears causing the doubts, those will subside as you start to feel safer in a healthy relationship.  You did say you’re long-distance right now, though, and those relationships are always pretty difficult. Will you be long-distance for a long time or are there plans to be closer together soon?

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