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  • VJ

    Hi Nina,
    You are welcome. Nice to know you liked the audios in the link. Looks like you went through most of them in quick time 🙂

    I have posted a one-on-one comment on your profile. Please check.



    Hi Niki,

    Here is a very useful link for you to go through for audios by Brahmakumari sister Shivani (an excellent person)-

    The audios are FREE.

    You can check out for yourself for various topics on the homepage, but some of the topics that I think can be useful for you are-

    Take care,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.

    Dear Niki,

    To let you know, I am from India too and I can understand your situation.
    What has happened with you is really unfortunate and I am totally with you.

    “I just feel it was my mistake that I spoke up about my job and work”
    This was bound to happen some time or the other, so it is not at all your mistake about speaking up.
    You are a complete human being and you too have your work preferences, desires, wishes, career aspirations.
    I am a male and I will tell you that you did the right thing. I will tell the same to my wife, daughter or sister.

    “I should have just accepted their demands and married him.”
    Absolutely not. Why should you be doing that? You should not be losing your individuality for something like this.
    It is said that – “Never marry the person you love, marry the person who loves you”.
    So if a person didn’t love and accept you at the right time, then is there a point in getting married to such a person?

    “Atleast I’d ‘ve been together with him”
    This is not called togetherness. In order for a bullock cart to be pulled properly, both the bullocks need to be in the same direction. If he doesn’t love you and it is simply you who do so then how is that going to pull the cart of your married life together?

    “I will never get someone like him who understands me, loves me so passionately, intensely that I forget I’m in this world.”
    Is this really true? Is he the only person in the entire universe who is (supposedly) so understanding and loving.

    “I doubt if Love is ever meant for me.. Maybe I’ll just be alone forever, no one will love me.”
    Can one relationship that did not work out as expected be the reason for you to not find love again. Not at all true.

    “he is my one true love..I cannot imagine loving or marrying someone else”
    Do you really think he is still your true love after what has happened?
    Yes the time in the past between both of you may bring up certain attached emotions, but consider yourself lucky that this incident has now opened your eyes and you came to know about this before the marriage.
    Just imagine how disturbed your life would have been if this behaviour from him would have come out after marriage, or even worse after bearing a child.

    Allow it to take some time to get over this.
    Cry out on what has happened. Simply cry out. Cry very hard till you accept. Then move on.
    Believe me you DO have a life waiting for you. Start getting back on track of your life. Start focusing on your job, get out, start doing things that you enjoy, love yourself and your immediate family more and more.
    Gradually things will start getting to be in place and soon you will realize that this was just a learning and a passing phase of your life.

    Take care,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    in reply to: Stuck & unhappy but not doing anything about it #125213

    Hi Daniel,

    Do this everyday till the day you have your company gathering (of course you can mentally do it during the gathering too).
    Start doing it mentally (or loudly in a locked room) at your home towards your boss or anybody else who you may think you are uncomfortable with.


    Do it a couple of times and see how you feel.

    Best Wishes,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    in reply to: Stuck & unhappy but not doing anything about it #125164

    Hi Daniel,

    Yes please practice being in and enjoying the present moment as best you can and by giving up all expectations and end results.

    I do have something to suggest to you on your upcoming gathering but can you elaborate what are you dreading about it?


    in reply to: Ex- My child's father emotionally stringing me along. #125133

    Dear kaynah,

    “I just dont know how to protect myself and my feelings from continuously being hurt.”
    “How do I protect myself from this? How do I move on?”

    In order to break the emotional clinging you need to do the below forgiveness exercises.

    1) Do a variation of Ho’oponopono

    Continously chant/say,

    You are not saying this to that person.
    Don’t bother about whom you’re saying to. Simply say it! Say it over and over. Mean it.
    You may say it to whoever you believe as God, or to Nature, or to the Universe, or to Life, or to the Source of Creation, or to your own self, or simply in the air to nobody.

    Just say it either verbally, mentally, loudly or softly, however you want to.
    Say it as many times as you can/want.

    2) Another similar variation


    This is directly referencing to the person.
    Keep saying this the same way as explained in No.1 Either mentally, loudly or softly or however it works best for you. You can even frequently write it and then burn/tear the paper.

    While saying “YOU PLEASE FORGIVE ME AND RELEASE ME”, put greater stress/emphasis on the words “FORGIVE ME AND RELEASE ME”.

    These energetic exercises are to break the negative link or to cut the negative energy cords between the both of you. The end result would be harmonious and in alignment with you and for your greater good.

    Remember to say it as many times as possible. You can even say it involuntarily (meaning: just like alphabets ABCD… without thinking much about them, or like singing a song). If you are doing something else and you are disturbed by his memories, then immediately start chanting and do it continuously till you are OK.

    3) Cutting energetic cords of attachment

    Read my post about how to do this on the direct link below-

    You will be healed of your situation by doing one or more of these energetic exercises.

    Take care,

    in reply to: Stuck & unhappy but not doing anything about it #125095

    Dear Daniel,

    “maybe my suffering will end when I jump down but nowadays i will shake out that mindset more easily than before, because I do not want my wife to be hurt”
    Be noted that your suffering is NOT going to end by doing something like this (giving away your life). Your soul will take another body and the same patterns that you are going through now will be repeated again and you will encounter the same issue in the upcoming lifetime(s), until you are fully “healed” of your issues either by facing/going through the situation (painful) or by overcoming the situation by practicing any of the ‘life healing methodologies’ (not painful). More about these life healing techniques below.

    “But, how to do so when I have subconsciously and consciously closed myself up and have zero confidence to do anything now?”
    Good that you brought up this question of yours which allowed me to understand that you are already aware of having a “closure” at the (subconscious/conscious) mind level.
    It seems to me that no amount of willpower to do anything is working for you? Is this correct? In fact you are not even getting that ‘will’ to do anything.

    If so, that (willpower) won’t work because of internal resistance (typically subconscious) which we won’t even know. This resistance causes a constant state of internal (unconscious) stress, as soon as we think of doing something. (As a quick example lots of people feel like exercising to lose weight but cannot after some time)
    It could be from childhood memories or even generational ones brought down to you long before. These unconscious/subconscious memories are stored at the cell level and requires “healing” so that once done you do things in an effortless way (without exerting any conscious/deliberate willpower).
    Of course if you know of any process that does exactly this then please follow that. But from what I know this can be done through the Love Code (formerly called as Beyond Willpower).

    – At first go through the below link. If you do not have the motivation to read this then do this for one last time.

    – Go through the FREE video series on this page

    – If it interests you then you can get to understand more about the concept and/or the tools/exercises through the book at the below link
    The book also has a separate chapter which takes the reader through a step-by-step practical 40 day program of practicing the Love Code.

    The Love Code would bring you long term healing. Until you start practicing it, a short term process would be for you to “live in day-tight compartments” (something similar to what your beloved wife tells you to do by taking small steps). Take one day at a time. Make plans for the upcoming days/months. But only do what is required to do for that particular day. If “a day” is too overwhelming for you then consider just the next 1 hour. Look at your watch. If it is 9 am then say – “Ok. From 9 am to 10 am I am going to think and do only that is required during this 1 hour. If thoughts about getting overwhelmed and NOT wanting to do things come, then say to yourself – “Anyways, I only need to do this till the next hour, so never mind, let me continue doing what I was doing.” Then look at your watch and do the same again between 10 am to 11 am. If you prefer, reduce it even to the next 30 minutes. Just make an intention to live fully in the present moment for the next 30 minutes of your life as best as you can, by acting upon things required to be done only for those 30 minutes. You mentioned “When I’m at work, I try to think about what I wish my life to be” -So just “BE” in those 30 minutes and do not go into your past or your future. While doing work, wishing about life is going into the future. Even if you go, bring your attention back to those 30 minutes. To make your life even more peaceful and harmonious, you can go even further by reducing the 30 minutes to just thinking and taking action only for the present moment- The Now.

    Use the below excerpt from Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now”
    “For example, if you were stuck in the mud somewhere, you wouldn’t say. “Okay, I resign myself to being stuck in the mud.” Resignation is not surrender. You don’t need to accept an undesirable or unpleasant life situation. Nor do you need to deceive yourself and say that there is nothing wrong with being stuck in the mud. No. You recognize fully that you want to get out of it. You then narrow your attention down to the present moment without mentally labeling it in any way. This means that there is no judgment of the Now. Therefore, there is no resistance, no emotional negativity. You accept the “isness” of this moment. Then you take action and do all that you can to get out of the mud. Such action I call positive action. It is far more effective than negative action, which arises out of anger, despair, or frustration. Until you achieve the desired result, you continue to practice surrender by refraining from labeling the Now.”

    “Let me give you a visual analogy to illustrate the point I am making. You are walking along a path at night, surrounded by a thick fog. But you have a powerful flashlight that cuts through the fog and creates a narrow, clear space in front of you. The fog is your life situation, which includes past and future; the flashlight is your conscious presence; the clear space is the Now.”
    So your job is to just think/act/be in that clear space (of the above example). That’s it.

    If your friend calls you to meet or if you feel like going to your favorite game of weekly soccer but do not have the motivation to do so, then just take one moment at a time. Say to yourself “I will just enjoy one moment at a time. I do not need to worry about the whole end result”. Stop seeing things as a means to an end. Just focus on reaching to your car keys, then enjoy the drive to the place where you see the soccer, then just focus on saying hello to someone at that place, then bring your attention back to watching the match, enjoy your drive back to home. One thing at a time, giving up all expectations and end results. Use the same thing in your job situation and watch things changing for the good.

    Keep practicing these concepts and of course the Love Code and do share your progress in life.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Can't find any Joy in Jobs #124899

    Dear jacklyn25,

    Even I had to change multiple jobs due to unforeseen circumstances either in personal or in professional life.
    Although I have changed jobs to get rid of my unfavourable situation at that time, I had to face its results too – like companies asking during interviews “Why did you leave X company so soon?” etc. It didn’t look good on my Resume. But I learned to give some sort of tricky and diplomatic answers during the interviews and somehow got through them in various companies.

    Co-workers not good, office premises very filthy, workplace is far from home, work environment and culture is not good, not enough ventilation-making you feel sick, boss not at all co-operative, you cannot get your own lunch and there is no food near your workplace, etc.

    What I have found is that all such things are bound to happen – either right now in my current organisation OR later in the same organisation OR when moved to any other organization.

    If you really feel terrible and hopeless about going to work each day then you could look elsewhere but there is no guarantee that there are not going to be the occurrence of the above mentioned issues, although it may seem good in the beginning. Somewhere there has to come a time when you do something such that irrespective of the external situations of life you remain undisturbed or the external circumstance may just touch the surface of your being and go away.

    Have you heard of or do you understand the concepts like – rising above your situation, acceptance, intense presence, surrender, mindfulness?

    If yes, then well and good and continue to follow and practice them.
    If not, I suggest you start exploring about them and begin practicing them in your daily life (which will not only help you in your job situation but in any aspect of your life).

    Check out the below video from Eckhart Tolle who is one of the greatest spiritual masters of our times who’s main teachings are in the above concepts that I mentioned.
    The video is about a question on a boring job but is ultimately about a job that is not likable.

    How Can I Find Work That Will Give Me Joy?

    Good Luck and best wishes!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    in reply to: Always Restless? #124594

    Hi Isra,

    It doesn’t appear to be anything other than restlessness you are facing and it can be calmed down by doing some relaxing techniques.
    Along side with what lovetomotivate has suggested I also want you to take a look at several relaxation and meditation techniques posted here, by the people and for the people, and pick the ones that you feel comfortable with.


    Hi lovetomotivate, if you prefer you could also share your above tips and techniques at the same link beneficial to someone or the other on one single page.

    Warm regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    in reply to: Friends – never had, never will? #124570

    Dear Russ,

    Good that you are in touch with mindfullness and following articles on Eckhart Tolle.

    “Sometimes, hard to understand…but definitely useful when you speak to others about their impression of him.”
    Yes this is true. A surgeon can open someone’s head and show a brain, but not the mind. But it is still there.

    Regarding your curiousity on the question you have –
    “I am currently alone…this is not good for my health”
    If you have been closely following Eckhart Tolle’s teachings, he says (also mentioned above) –

    “Whatever the present moment contains, (no friends)
    accept it as if you had chosen it. (OK, I don’t have friends. How would it feel if I deliberately or intentionally chose not to have friends [for some reason])
    Always work with it, and not against it (working “with it” will mean not resisting your situation, even though it is a painful situation. It means to align yourself to whatever is happening)
    This will miraculously transform your whole life”

    Eckhart Tolle’s teachings say that you need to use Surrender if you are not able to be in the “here and now” present moment.
    If the mind is still saying that “this is not good for my health” then it is not true surrender. There is still inner
    resistance. I will suggest the below video on Acceptance & Surrender, if you haven’t yet gone through it, with some beautiful music.

    ET’s teachings further say that if you are not able to a accept the present moment, then use your situation to go much deeper
    into the Now. Accept the fact that you are not able to accept that you do not have friends.
    Then going even much deeper, ET says that the “Now” is NOT the content of the present moment. It is the field in which the
    content happens. (Here content means the external life situation).

    Keep staring at a plastic bottle of water kept on a table. Keep staring – keep staring closely – and suddenly see the space in which the bottle is standing on that table. There has to be some space which the bottle has occupied. That is the field (space) in which every moment happens. That is also the same space within you. In fact you are that presence. And if you go into intense presence to access that space (by using techniques like mindfullness) then you will touch that presence, you will become the spacious awareness behind your life situation and that is when (internal) life becomes peaceful, cordial, friendly, harmonious and loving irrespective of the (external) circumstances. That is when the unmanifested becomes manifested. And that is when you will start to come across friends and a desired soulmate in your life.

    I know you had questions about space in your earlier posts.
    That space can only be pointed by me, but only felt by you.

    Since we are all human beings constantly with work-in-progress, if you find it difficult to grasp this concept I will suggest
    you another approach too, although I recommend you to keep practicing intense presence and mindfullness.

    “I define a friend as someone you can call and hang out with…laugh with…spend time with them and forget the day to day grind.
    Having a friend gives me happiness, and gets rid of the silence in my apartment”
    “I am constantly fighting the voice that tells me the negative impact that the lack of friends can have on your mental,
    emotional, and physical health.”

    Make a new practice of fighting this inner voice with another voice.
    Ask yourself is it really 100% true that having friends can give me such happiness?
    What if these same friends move away to a different location and cannot even call due to they getting busy in their own
    lives? What if these same friends can become a reason for some kind of differences between you and them? What if these
    friends who are now (for a short while) enjoying with me and later on may want to have their own time and space and do not want you to interfere in their lives?
    All these things are bound to happen one day because of the impermanence nature of all things.
    When any of such things happen am I going to go back to TinyBuddha and write on not having friends? How many times am I going
    to do that?
    If having these people in my lives can influence my state of mind (by giving me happiness) then it means that my state of mind is dependent on them. It also means that if these people if for any reason are out of my life then I will be unhappy (state of mind) again. This implies that my state of mind is always dependent on them.

    Do I really need to give the remote control of my state of mind in other people’s hands?

    Take care,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    in reply to: Friends – never had, never will? #124463

    Hi Russ,

    I have gone through the entire thread and although much has already been very well suggested to you, I thought of replying to you too.

    I liked Nina’s suggestion and think that it may work well for you.
    “perhaps you can go volunteer someplace – a solid 2 hours a week, no worries about socializing, appearing a certain way – simply going there to do a service and see a world outside of your own perception.”

    When you are of service to others (without any expectations), you forget your own worries.

    I have read all of your posts and fully agree with sadgirl – that you sound like a kind soul.

    At the very beginning when you started this thread you said-
    “Did not anticipate anyone would reply!”
    and look now you are on the Page 3 of this thread with wonderful responses from people communicating with you.

    You did not think you would get in touch with so many people in this way.
    So notice the difference – Is the situation really causing the problem? OR is it the thoughts about the situation causing the problem?

    “Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, and not against it…This will miraculously transform your whole life” ~Eckhart Tolle

    Take one moment of your life at a time. Do not think anything about the past or the future – will I have friends (future), what did the person at the church think of me (past).
    Simply bring intense focus on whatever you are doing at “that” moment..on that one tiny segment of your life.

    Simply say “hello” or respond to that person at the church and move on.
    That moment is gone. So the next moment is you have started walking down the church. Another person passes you by. Do whatever action is required for that moment for eg; saying “hello” again. Then you would continue walking. So bring your attention back to your feet. Watch your steps as you are walking, as that is what you are doing at that time.
    Walk as if your feet is kissing the ground.

    “Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh (Zen master)

    Just to give you another example-
    “When we drink a glass of water, and if we know that we are drinking a glass of water, if we’re concentrated on the fact that we are drinking water, mindfulness is already there. And the water drinking becomes deeper, truer, and real.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

    You need to start watching/paying attention to your hand from the moment your hand reaches the glass of water, to holding the glass, to bringing it back close your mouth, to taking the sip, observing the water flowing through your throat. Just like the slow motion action replay on any sports channel. You will find out that while doing all of this, there was no mind activity about any other external situation because your full attention was on the drinking of water. I hope you get the point.

    This will take your mind off of any activity going on in the head, and will make your life blissful, and you may well reach a stage where whether or not having any friends in your life doesn’t matter you anymore….You can then feel peaceful with yourself and give your time to your three beautiful children.

    Remember, No judgement or criticism about any person (including yourself) or situation, or event. Give your fullest attention to whatever the moment presents. That will bring you to absolute stillness. You don’t even need to forcefully love yourself or others if you follow this. It will happen by itself.

    This is practiced more by using a technique called as Mindfullness (there are lots of articles on the web to explore about this).

    “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: On purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.” ~Jon Kabat-Zinn

    Take care buddy,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    in reply to: What Do You Do When You Don't Know What To Do #124389

    Dear abrizzle,

    What is required from YOU will be known only to YOU and from YOU.
    Only your heart will know what is best for you at this time. External factors of life, negative emotions, life experiences, and several other things suppress this inner guidance system that we have in our soul.

    I will share with one such wonderful technique that will allow your heart to guide you to the best that is required from you at this moment.


    Please practice diligently and be open to insights that you may come across.
    You can use this practice as and when you like on a moment-to-moment basis to know what is needed to be done at that moment.

    Best of Luck!

    in reply to: Need some help with ideas for my YouTube channel. #124260

    Hi dogoodatlife,

    Whatever you add to your channel, focus more on the “how” part.
    For example1, instead of simply saying “quiet your mind” focus on “how” to quieten the mind, what to do in order to quieten the mind – for example meditation – then if you want to add more information convey about different types of meditation.

    Example2: Instead of saying “Be positive” – focus more on all possible solutions on “how” to stay positive in the difficult times. There are several people out there who simply can’t think positive (“I am going to be rich” doesn’t resonate with many people).

    3. Instead of saying “just let it go” – Show them “how” to let it go. What can people practically do to really let it go.
    4. Instead of saying don’t worry – Show them “how” to stop worrying and start living.

    Along with the above, focus on the 3 major factors of life which people are always looking to improve upon – Health, Wealth & Relationships. (Health includes physical as well as mental)

    Every single soul on this earth wants more of peace, joy, happiness, abundance, bliss and of course Love. So focus more on anything that will ultimately allow people to reach these inner states.
    Any information/technique that gets rid of negative emotions (like pain, sorrow, resentment, hatred, shame, guilt, fear, anger, grief..) will automatically lead them to these beautiful inner states of mind (stated above).

    Give people back to themselves.

    Take care,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    in reply to: How to find love? #123585

    Hi garrin, Good you saw from a different perspective about certain things not on the list and added your own ones and that is what is required here. Those are great inputs – Especially the ‘Varying the routine’ resonates with me. I’m sure the rest may help for someone or the other.

    Read Me:
    Below are certain tips, pointers, guidelines for someone looking for a life partner/soulmate.
    These are cumulatively added as and how the above conversations are made.
    Not all of them may be applicable to every single person looking for love, so one of them may be contrary to another too, or a multiple combination of them may be working for you, or two of them may even mean the same thing but with different wordings. Also, the list may contain the solution of a problem within itself. Example: If you are stuck with #13b, then use #6 or #19.

    Pick what resonates with your soul the most, as that is what is required to you at this time. Keep applying, keep sharing.
    Love, Light & Best Wishes in finding the love of your life!

    I also invite both kinds of people, who are looking for love/or have already found, to feel free to directly add your own points at the end of the list, and keep the innumerable ways to find love growing.

    1. It may happen somehow when you are least expecting it.
    Keep your heart and mind open to the experience but have clarity over time about what a good partner would mean.

    2. Some wait it out. It’s different for everyone.

    3. Lessons for Love – “Each failed love story is an important lesson about oneself.”

    4. Seeking love doesn’t mean we aren’t complete in ourself. It’s just that we are human and it’s a very basic need to feel connected deeply to someone.

    5. Accept your Life as it is right now and be clear what are you looking for in your Soulmate. Start enjoying your life Right NOW and stop waiting

    6. Connect with yourself through means like Meditation

    7. Setting up a goal like finding love is what keeps us from finding it.

    8a. Stop looking for it where it is not (in that abusive relationship, in that unloving person)

    8b. Get curious about that person looking back at you in the mirror, learn more about who you are. How it all started for you (those Formative Years), how you became who you are.

    8c. With #8b worked on over time, you can SEE who a potential love partner is: loving? – proceed. Not loving- go to #8a.

    9. To find love, know thyself.

    10. Love/Life always pushes upward to the light. Though it is painful it is still love.

    11. For certain people, in certain circumstances, below may also hold true, so you need not worry if you are not able to find love for no reason at all –

    There is NOTHING wrong with you or your situation. Love will come, and you deserve it, there is no fixing you have to do, you are not enough is ridiculous. It just hasn’t arrived yet for whatever reason.

    12. Be the person you wish to seek.

    13. There are 3 kinds of looking for love –

    1. Not looking

    2. Passively looking (interested but not actively looking through sources like friends, online dating, match making,
    events etc)

    3. Actively looking

    The above levels of interests can have two states-

    a) Steady state – your state of mind during this time is calm, you are okay with yourself and are in a more responsive,
    rather than reactive state.

    b) Turbulent state – you are becoming worried, obsessive and taking the whole process very personally as if it is a
    reflection of your worth as an individual entirely. Your state is too reactive and comes from a place of desperation.

    See which state of mind you are at and strive to make yourself possible in the ‘Steady state’ of mindset.

    14. If you want someone to love you and reciprocate that love back then you have to be content with yourself first. Just be yourself, conquer and learn the things that are important to you. The things you are most passionate about are the aspects of life that will get you on your life task and inevitably find love.

    Once you are giving your all and everything into your life task the ego will dissolve and you will be content with your journey through life. This is when love can enter.

    Don’t search for love. It’s not a game, it’s not something you ‘look’ for. The more you go looking for it the more it will hurt if it’s not true….

    Credits: (http://www.thehungarianexperiment.com/blog/2016/6/28/on-the-hunt-for-love)

    15. How To Find Your Soulmate In 3 Easy Steps:

    (zoom the images before reading if they are small to read)

    16. Make yourself available – how often do you get out of your house? Are you getting out there several times a week, socially?

    17. Vary your routine – if you go to work and do the same things in the same way every time, your opportunities for meeting another will be severely limited. If you go to the same restaurant for lunch every day, try another restaurant. If you take the same train to work at the same time every work day, take the train that leaves 30 minutes earlier.

    18. Approach/Initiate Conversation – it’s very easy for a woman to feel that “it just happens”. Why? Because it’s the man who is expected to approach. Men must be the initiators. We cannot expect to be approached. This means having the courage to strike up a conversation when it is uncomfortable to do so. This means stepping out of your comfort zone regularly. If you see someone you like, TALK TO HER. Seize the moment.

    19. Do the things you love and are already passionate about

    20. Try new things in your life – If you go out for Japanese food every day, perhaps you can try Vietnamese? If you play soccer, maybe try baseball.

    21. Find others to go out with who can accompany you.

    in reply to: How to find love? #123534

    Updated with added points –

    Read Me:
    Below are certain tips, pointers, guidelines for someone looking for a life partner/soulmate.
    These are cumulatively added as and how the above conversations are made.
    Not all of them may be applicable to every single person looking for love, so one of them may be contrary to another too, or a multiple combination of them may be working for you.
    Pick what resonates with your soul the most, as that is what is required to you at this time. Keep applying, keep sharing.
    Love, Light & Best Wishes in finding the love of your life!

    I also invite both kinds of people, who are looking for love/or have already found, to feel free to directly add your own points at the end of the list, and keep the innumerable ways to find love growing.

    1. It may happen somehow when you are least expecting it.
    Keep your heart and mind open to the experience but have clarity over time about what a good partner would mean.

    2. Some wait it out. It’s different for everyone.

    3. Lessons for Love – “Each failed love story is an important lesson about oneself.”

    4. Seeking love doesn’t mean we aren’t complete in ourself. It’s just that we are human and it’s a very basic need to feel connected deeply to someone.

    5. Accept your Life as it is right now and be clear what are you looking for in your Soulmate. Start enjoying your life Right NOW and stop waiting

    6. Connect with yourself through means like Meditation

    7. Setting up a goal like finding love is what keeps us from finding it.

    8a. Stop looking for it where it is not (in that abusive relationship, in that unloving person)

    8b. Get curious about that person looking back at you in the mirror, learn more about who you are. How it all started for you (those Formative Years), how you became who you are.

    8c. With #8b worked on over time, you can SEE who a potential love partner is: loving? – proceed. Not loving- go to #8a.

    10. To find love, know thyself.

    11. Love/Life always pushes upward to the light. Though it is painful it is still love.

    12. For certain people, in certain circumstances, below may also hold true, so you need not worry if you are not able to find love for no reason at all –

    There is NOTHING wrong with you or your situation. Love will come, and you deserve it, there is no fixing you have to do, you are not enough is ridiculous. It just hasn’t arrived yet for whatever reason.

    13. Be the person you wish to seek.

    14. There are 3 kinds of looking for love –

    1. Not looking

    2. Passively looking (interested but not actively looking through sources like friends, online dating, match making,
    events etc)

    3. Actively looking

    The above levels of interests can have two states-

    a) Steady state – your state of mind during this time is calm, you are okay with yourself and are in a more responsive,
    rather than reactive state.

    b) Turbulent state – you are becoming worried, obsessive and taking the whole process very personally as if it is a
    reflection of your worth as an individual entirely. Your state is too reactive and comes from a place of desperation.

    See which state of mind you are at and strive to make yourself possible in the ‘Steady state’ of mindset.

    15. If you want someone to love you and reciprocate that love back then you have to be content with yourself first. Just be yourself, conquer and learn the things that are important to you. The things you are most passionate about are the aspects of life that will get you on your life task and inevitably find love.

    Once you are giving your all and everything into your life task the ego will dissolve and you will be content with your journey through life. This is when love can enter.

    Don’t search for love. It’s not a game, it’s not something you ‘look’ for. The more you go looking for it the more it will hurt if it’s not true….

    Credits: (http://www.thehungarianexperiment.com/blog/2016/6/28/on-the-hunt-for-love)

    16. How To Find Your Soulmate In 3 Easy Steps:

    (zoom the images before reading if they are small to read)

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