
Be Yourself

My Home Will Be a Safe Space

If They’re Denying the Facts and Invalidating Your Feelings

Trauma Bonds

How Replacing Worry with Gratitude Turned My Whole Life Around

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” ~Willie Nelson

You know you’re not living the life of your dreams when you’re doing mundane things like brushing your teeth, doing laundry, getting dressed, or preparing a meal, and your constant thoughts are “Oh, we need more toothpaste or laundry detergent, but we can’t get either right now. Money’s too tight.” Or “We should get more milk and lettuce, but we have to put that money toward our utility bill so our lights don’t get turned off.”

This train of thought started to be the norm for me …

Be the Things You Loved Most About the People Who Are Gone

Simple and Meaningful

It’s Our Souls That Are Tired

I Forgive Forcefully (An Act That Takes Great Strength)

“You don’t have to rebuild a relationship with everyone you have forgiven.” ~Unknown

“Forgive” and “forcefully” are not two words I have ever joined together before.

My idea of forgiveness involved kind and gentle meekness.




But never forcefulness.

Well, not until I waded through the choppy waters of forgiveness after I had the courage to leave my abusive marriage.

Forgive is a Verb

Forgiving isn’t an emotion. It’s an action. It’s a process that has no time limitation or expiration date.

It can’t be ordered, demanded, or rushed.

When I first discovered that my husband had been …

We Are Mosaics

They Can’t Give You What They Can’t Give Themselves

A Quiet and Modest Life

Before You Get Married

Peace and Love

How to Release the Fear That Keeps Our Lives Small

“Being cut off from our own natural self-compassion is one of the greatest impairments we can suffer.” ~Gabor Mate

It was late at night, and I couldn’t sleep. I could almost hear the thudding of fear that was exploding in my chest. I tried to identify the singular cause of the fear, but it didn’t feel like there was just one thing.

There were so many things.

It was the world at large and problems in it; it was how my kid was feeling this morning when they got home from school. It was the rift between my husband and …

This the Season to Be Jolly—or Not So Jolly

What You Thought Life Would Be Like

From Tiny Buddha’s 2024 Day-to-Day Calendar


A Person Who Enjoys Their Solitude

Count Your Blessings Instead

Life’s Storms Are Carrying You to Better Shores