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- This topic has 2,307 replies, 62 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 11 months ago by
March 10, 2021 at 7:33 am #375864
It’s good you are able to keep busy with work, at least it gives you a bit of a break from the anxious feelings surrounding this relationship. If it is easier to cope by dealing with it bit by bit then take that path.
Although I will say the out of sight, out of mind may be good enough approach for now. Usually what happens is, you’ll end up suppressing how you really feel and that can be dangerous, it can all bubble over and manifest into something far greater (for me it was alcohol to keep it numb). Would a better approach not be that you kill any remaining hope, even if that means you require another rejection to propel you to let go, then begin to really heal and move on?
Because right now you have hope and you will cling to that in any way possible. This in the end will only delay and hurt you further based on her consistently indicating you’re not the one for her.
I know the decision was taken out of your hands and like most insecure men who are in love, you would prefer to continue contact with her. But the fact you are recognising being friends is pointless when you have feelings and only harmful to yourself is a positive step forward to loving yourself first.
She obviously is self aware to a degree if she is suggesting you don’t contact her, because she knows she no longer wants to be with you. She knows you have feelings and she wants you to move on. It’s a cruel to be kind situation. Imagine being in her shoes, what would you do?
I really hope it was a sincere genuine connection you shared and it naturally reached its end. I hope you were not used by her as an option, to make her feel better, desired etc. Because that’s just cruel.
Try not to rely on possible reasons i.e. her past relationships have hurt her so she’s scared or she’s a commitment phobe. You can’t change her or her circumstances. It only ever works if the person wants to change themselves. She has made it clear she doesn’t feel the need to for you and doesn’t really feel the same way. You have to accept this and just start improving your own worth that you don’t settle for someone’s breadcrumbs.
I have a feeling if she came back even for attention you’d welcome her back with open arms. You wouldn’t demand what you deserve or set her straight on how she’s made you feel. You would gloss over it to play happy families. Your self esteem is incredibly low.
A confident person who loves someone despite the emotions will make it clear what they want, what they deserve and walk away if necessary. They will not change their boundaries or appease. Everyone faces rejection in life but confident people walk away knowing it’s their partners loss.
Given how you treated her, you showed her love, respect, compassion and was very giving. You should be feeling shes the fool for not seeing what she had and valuing you.
Instead you are being desperate, you are taking the rejection as a confirmation of you lacking etc. Can I ask what your previous relationship experience was like? To see if there’s patterns?
I do believe there is an element of addiction and validation, the thrills of the chase, drama and extremes you experience are like a drug and this doesn’t sound like it being pure love. Perhaps it is love how you know it, but from experience of on/off for almost 5 years let me tell you in the end it always teaches you what love isn’t! Love should feel warm, love should be a partnership of equal give and take, love should make you prosper and have a positive effect on your growth and relationships. Love should never make you question what you mean to someone.
Even after splitting my honest opinion is you’re looking for a distraction, validation and ego boost through others. Why? This is what really needs your focus, so you can have a healthy relationship in the future. Otherwise it will be the same pattern.
This friend who you have known and are planning to meet, I hope she knows you are hung up on an ex. If both parties have same intent then that’s cool, why hook ups exist. Because the last thing you want to do is enter a new situation, lead her on, find that she’s not enough (which I guarantee you she will not be whilst you have unresolved feelings for someone else) and make her feel how you feel right now. People have emotions and should not be toyed with to make ourselves feel better. So be wary of the consequences of your own actions. As a wise man once said (@Tim1 ) you will end up hurting others and being part of the problem and end up perpetuating toxic relationship cycles.
I really think you need to accept and tie up the loose ends and heal yourself before you jump into anything new.
Being by yourself is hard at first but ever so rewarding when you find peace within your soul, find your self belief and thrive.
March 11, 2021 at 3:16 am #375906Jay
ParticipantMorning Sammy, Thank you again for the detailed reply, I do appreciate your time in writing this,cagain everything you said is correct and the cold truth.
In response to your suggestion of the approach for a final rejection this is not route I wish to take, it does make sense but I just can’t bring myself to do that at this time, I’ve already sent a message after the meet up and not willing to look desperate anymore, I’ve said my piece and if don’t hear from her then that is answer enough I’m not going to lie and say I’m not secretly hoping it’s not the end but I’m being realistic with myself and not clinging to that and I am prepared to move on in my own way. You are right as easy as it would be to be soft and have welcoming arms if the scenario does arise I’m not going to be so easy about it and will say exactly what you said in deserving better and setting boundaries and if that’s not good enough then I’m not accepting what I’m being given and happy to walk away with knowing it’s her loss.
Also I know what your saying with going out in another date without fully healing first, I’m not looking at this as a cure and i would be transparent and upfront about how I feel to avoid hurting anyone as I know how it feels, I may even feel different in a month anyway as I’m going through ever changing emotions at the moment so again not looking to far forward but something to think about.
Please don’t think I’m shelving your advice, I really appreciate you taking the time you have to post it, I will certainly read that post over multiple times so it sticks in my mind, I’ve only had the one long term relationship prior to this so not that experienced in dealing with this, the way I am sometimes I just have to learn the hard way regardless of how much it hurts, I do know that after time though it will get better and I would have learned a lot about how to deal with these scenarios.
I’ll be sure to post an update on how things are going and if i need to vent out anymore thoughts and I do really appreciate the responses so thank you.
March 11, 2021 at 5:51 pm #375950Danny
I have a long weekend off so thought I’d respond before I get busy. I was going to write a response to your first question but I feel it would only be regurgitating what I’ve posted before. If you scroll back you will see the process involved in me realising ‘B’ was the one all along.
Now your situation with your B involved a different set of circumstances. My ‘B’ the type of person she is would not have got involved with me let alone taken me back, if she had met me if I was married.
She has a strong moral compass, is very compassionate, understanding but knows her worth and sticks to her core principles and values. She would not entertain that.
Despite my drawbacks after A’s betrayal believe it or not I would never cheat, I’d never look for another woman whilst married or in a committed relationship even if it was crumbling. I’m traditional and loyal in that sense. So in many ways we are a match.
So do I see you B having a growth, taking accountabilty and having an epiphany you were the one? In all honesty after your latest encounter it proves very unlikely, old habits die hard. He’s unlikely to change at this age. I think it’s time to let go and move on for good.
I’m quite impressed with Sammy’s intuitiveness, I’ll admit when I first joined this thread, Her voice was one I muted because it was hard to face what she wrote – the hard truths without fluffing it up too much. However it has really helped me grow. Pushed me to reach a stronger place quicker. I hope in time you reflect on some of it again and gain a different insight.
Your path is yours to take, whichever road you take i wish you the best of luck. I hope you heal from this chapter to find what you deserve, which is definitely more than what your B offered.
Work on your self worth, look into OCD, I think there’s an element of obsessive thinking involved because 5 years is a very long time to still be trying to figure him out. I hope the meeting gave you clarity to move forward and you’ve garnered enough insight to realise what a healthy relationship entails.
March 11, 2021 at 6:19 pm #375951Danny
Participant@NBC taught us to tag properly but so easy to fall into the pattern of tagging the name we see.
Anyway bro, listen I think you already know the stark reality that she’s just not feeling it. Only you and her will really know how solid this relationship really was. All signs point towards this being very one way.
What i will say is that I completely understand that feeling of confusion and sorrow, wondering how it all happened and why.
Have a read up on sunk cost fallacy in relationships. Sammy as I mentioned in my above post can be direct but she strikes a fair balance between truth and empathy. So I agree with her, there are a few core concepts you really need to explore in depth. Self esteem, attachment, fear of being alone.
Based on the information provided so far I’d say other than a warm body and physical intimacy at times she didn’t really offer you much. It appears this physical intimacy is a priority for you. I get it bro, but there will come a time when even that is not enough if it isn’t accompanied by the other critical components for a healthy relationship.
You mentioned from the beginning you seemed incompatible and was surprised by her attraction for you. This points again that the drive was physical intimacy and validation.
It is evident somewhere within you, you are frightened that love will never happen for you. So you cling to any kind of attention. You’ve really tolerated neglect and disingenuous behavior just to stay in a relationship. This is not a meaningful relationship. There’s so much better out there.
If your self esteem is rock bottom you’ll continue to participate in these uneven investments for years, one of the two things will happen: your partner will begin to feel too guilty to stick around and break up, or the ones without a conscience will stay in the relationship while simultaneously searching elsewhere for a better deal and using you for whatever need you can fill. This is exactly what has happened, you’ve allowed it to.
It saddens me you lack self respect mate to remove yourself sooner once you realised she was not giving you what you deserve. What in life has led you to believe this is the treatment you are worthy of?
Giving a relationship a chance is one thing but your desperation to not be alone is making you a doormat. As someone who has had the battle of insecurity and worth, I empathise and it saddens me to know you think so little of yourself when really you have a lot of love to give. Especially if you were planning on taking on 3 children!
You need to really build your worth that you don’t tolerate any BS past a certain point. There should be a fair balance of giving someone the benefit of doubt , a chance to grow because we are humans who make mistakes or need guidance but this is someone taking you for a ride.
I think your self esteem is so badly affected that you feel this is the best you will get. The rest of the relationship may not be as rewarding, but the experience of total satisfaction in that one place which appeared to be physical intimacy was probably overwhelmingly fulfilling. Overtime if you were to reunite unless major work happened on both your behalf it would become more toxic than it is right now.
I don’t think you should contact her again mate after she has given you numerous reasons over 2 years and not valued you. If you were to get back together would you feel genuine security she will not change her mind again? It wouldn’t surprise me if she did contact you again though, for another round of on/off!
Have the courage, self respect, only you can say enough is enough. Step up for yourself. Give yourself the love you offered her, work on your insecurities and find a person who inspires you , chooses you and will love you as a whole. Be better by believing in yourself and it will lead to you choosing better. It is possible to change our attraction patterns.
This can become a vicious cycle if you don’t work on your self esteem. You’ll always seek high octane drama associated with on/off relationships. The thrill of the chase. The validation. You’ll end up missing good opportunities with good women, chasing the wrong fit for you and run the risk of doing so much self damage through these type of relationships you do wind up alone, the very thing you are afraid of.
I wish schools taught us about self worth, emotional regulation, focused more on emotional intelligence so we would become well adjusted adults without leaving a trail of destruction. But sometimes we have to learn the hard way through hands on life experience. As long as you learn the lesson noting is lost. Don’t repeat your mistakes.
Mate keeping it 💯 coming from a former dick, stay off the market until you’ve healed your prior mess. Typical lad advice is get under someone to get over someone. But innocent people get caught up in the crossfire and hurt. Living with that guilt – if you have a conscience deep down, trust me it is the last thing you need to add to the mix. I wish I had the likes of @Tim1 in my life or had read this thread before I hurt the one person who always believed in me.
If you need any advice just @ me. Sometimes you just need to put it in writing, feel heard, I get it if that’s all you needed. You’ll take the path you choose, no judgement. Good luck with it bro !
March 12, 2021 at 5:42 am #375958Sammy
ParticipantGuys, do you think I’m brutal? 😳 “cold” “hard” truths lol! I guess I don’t sugar coat it but I mean well.
Danny I’m genuinely sorry at the beginning I admit I did have a not so great opinion of you, maybe if I wasn’t in the middle of my own mess, I would have been a little more sympathetic. In the end you did the work and you proved to yourself and everyone exactly who you are and who ‘B’ saw. An inspiring, intelligent, resilient, loving and caring man who made a mistake, had the courage and capacity to admit his errors, take accountability and make amends. Then you thrived. It’s what we should all aspire to have: the drive to change for the better each day. I’m so glad you met your ‘B’ and like I’ve said before I hope you realise the huge amount of growth you have undertaken. Really proud and you restored my faith in men!
Jay, I completely understand if you just needed to write it all out to get it out of your system rather than needing advice. Feel free to dump your feelings anytime and put a side note of just venting. That will at least give me a heads up about what you are needing. Sorry if my advice was full on. Like Danny said we all choose the path we take, I jope you choose wisely. Keep us updated if you want. X
March 12, 2021 at 6:06 am #375959Jay
ParticipantHi guys, not at all! Everything you are saying is totally true and the advice is the right advice, I just don’t feel strong enough at this time to put it into action, there will be a moment when it finally clicks and I will have had enough, believe me it is tilting that way and I really do appreciate the non judgement in any decision I make dealing with my issues after you have both kindly devoted your free time to provide very insightful and intelligent advice, I’m just at a difficult moment in my life and trying as best I can to navigate through it, I had a deep conversation with my closest friend last night who doesn’t normally like talking about it because it upsets him seeing me like this over someone who really isn’t worth it, I also explained about this thread and how it has been helpful in being able to express my feelings and get outside views.
Honestly Danny the last post was such a good analysis and something I can read over and over until it sinks in, I can assure you that I will not be making any contact my end as I have done all the chasing I can, if she was to contact me she would probably be able to convince me but I really doubt that is going to happen this time anyway and as I said I’m not clinging onto that hope.
My self esteem is that low that in my mind I do really doubt of being able to be with someone who can provide the love that I’m able to give and this is better than nothing for me which is ridiculous when you say that out loud, I do say to myself though after going through this and getting to that moment of meeting someone it will be an incredible feeling after feeling this way for such a long time.
I really am grateful for your responses and as I said when I’m having the confusing, sad moments I’ve got them read over and over to give me some perspective and don’t worry I’ll be sure to come back and update or request further advice if need be so thank you.
March 12, 2021 at 7:03 am #375960Sammy
ParticipantIt’s the difficult moments in life that shape us! No matter how bad things appear right now. Hold onto that hope it will get better. In the future when you’re with the right one or even thriving on your own it will make sense.
Even though I may come across as very blunt. I’m very romantic, I have a giving heart that wants to share all the love I have and receive it back, just the once. I’ve never really experienced it back. But I still hope and with hard work on myself I think fingers crossed it is finally starting to fall in place.
Although I strongly believe you shouldn’t enter another relationship until you’ve done the work. Just look at your past and present, has no woman ever believed in you? Did you give her a chance? I bet you have, but because of your low self esteem and attraction patterns you’ve overlooked them.
My new boyfriend was there all along. I never saw him in a romantic light, I don’t want to jinx it but I can promise you when you finally have done the work on yourself you’ll want what’s best for your soul – stable healthy connection, the feeling will be all encompassing and beat the euphoria experienced of on/off relationships. Real love is a slow burn.
A person who sees you, emotionally understands you, who you are attracted to on all levels physically, emotionally, intelligently, spiritually like Danny always says, is an incredible feeling! It does exist. The change has to come from us , within. Our choices.
You can only get and keep better if you do better. Believe in yourself. Don’t let anyone convince you that you are only worthy of breadcrumbs.
March 13, 2021 at 6:43 am #375981Jay
ParticipantSammy, those words are very touching, i dream of that scenario, my previous relationship was a lot better in terms of being loved, unfortunately I younger and didn’t appreciate it then and eventually broke down and was too late, I still regret how I was to this day.
With the self esteem improvement I don’t even know where to begin, I’ve just been throwing myself into work, I know you can’t hunt love down, it comes unexpectedly and that’s the best thing about in a way. I’m just worried at being 35 I’m wasting precious time being alone, I have 2 younger siblings one with a child and one on the way, I’m terrified of getting older and it not happening for me, I just hope after sometime passes and I eventually heal I can be happy some day and feel equal love.
March 14, 2021 at 3:35 pm #376100Anonymous
InactiveThanks for getting back.
I understand that the particularities of our situations are different. However, the basic narrative is the same: boy meets girl, boy hurts girl and pushes away, boy realises that he should go after the girl.
Well, maybe bar the third element 😊 in my case.
I am sorry if I led you into believing that I was incessantly thinking about B all this time. This is not the case. Furthermore, now that after our encounter it is clear that he is not into me in any degree (at least, now), I hardly give him a thought at all.
I guess I never go after the unattainable. I entertain hope, deep down, with or without being aware of it, if the situation is ambiguous. And then it depends on how ambiguous it is and for how long. This determines for how long and to what extent I am “on the hook.”
I did look up OCD several times in the past. Frankly, I don’t believe I am that extreme. But thank you anyway.
And thank you so much again and again for your male perspective! You’ve been like a mentor to me. Time to go back to reread those male psychology books, they are obviously on to something – your insights are the proof! Time for a refresher!
Wishing you and your ‘B’ all the happiness imaginable and especially not to forget what it is that made you go back to ‘B’ and the feelings that you are experiencing now!!!
It is a bitter comfort for me as a female to see that men can have the same doubts and feelings – just like women.
@Dannydan’s and @Sammy1’s advice to you is also applicable to me, very much so.We’ll get there! Keep up the good work!!!
March 15, 2021 at 12:36 pm #376139Danny
ParticipantJay mate, I know you addressed Sammy but reading your last post, let me tell you anything is achievable with the right mind-set. Once you believe in the concept of positive manifestation, you can move forward in so many ways.
First thing first bro, if you want to really heal it’s time to make the cut. Maybe in the future you can contact her again when you realise why it all happened and be amiable and friendly. But right now you need to stay strong, and keep away from following her on SM, messaging her and adhere to no contact. You’ve already had “the talk” she made it clear you weren’t on the same page. So don’t get stuck.
I think you learning to NOT compare yourself to your siblings or others is a perfect place you can begin your self loving journey.
Tell yourself everyone has their own timing. Society has fed us this pipe dream, pressurised us so much that we end up believing if we don’t have the house, kid, partner by age X then we are somehow a failure.
Once you decide to live by your own values, be authentic to who you are, that is what will make you fulfilled and content.
So who are you? What are your values? How do you want to be remembered? Do you really have a strong sense of self if not discover yourself first. Dislikes, likes, what components represent you and your beliefs.
Then you begin to look at what you want, what do you need in a partnership? Do you offer that to yourself? If no, improve it. If yes, value it in yourself, so you seek better and don’t accept less.You could do what I did start from scratch. I showed courage and compassion and went back to some exes (A,B,C) and my ex best mate, had honest frank conversations about my feelings. How they made me feel, I had suppressed the pain I felt as well as the pain I caused. I let go of the bitterness, I asked for forgiveness from those I wronged, I made amends to the people I hurt, not by just saying sorry but actively proving it to them. Words come easy, taking action and stepping up is real courage. I stopped blaming myself and shaming myself. I self forgave and taught myself to be kinder to me. God my soul felt good. Then I shone, I did my best to be the best and show the good others saw in me. I won back the loml- someone I never knew I could love this much.
It came from maturing, valuing real qualities over physical intimacy and attraction. I build our castle on strong foundations by changing my patterns,behaviour etc. I am genuinely the happiest man right now. If it all goes pear shaped, then I know I will have no regrets. Thats what life is living with no excuses, no regrets.
Happiness can’t be found in an object,a person or place it is found inside us. Our souls feel better when we reconnect with who we are rather than who we are pretending to be.
Authenticness and strengthening emotional intelligence so you are equipped to deal and cope with problems which inevitably arise is the key.
‘B’ and are the same but also very different. For example we both are very romantic, heart on sleeve. She was authentic to that. I was running from my softer side due toxic masculinity.
My morals were slightly different but we compromised for one another whilst agreeing on the crucial ones; loyalty,no cheating etc
Bro , 35 is not too late for anything. Its never too late as long as you’re living. Go find a woman who is mad about you and wants to grow old with you, wants to accept all of you. The ones who play hard to get, keep you on edge, entice the chase will keep playing you because they don’t know who they are either or what they want. You grow tired of sucked up in games and spewed out when they get bored.
March 15, 2021 at 12:50 pm #376141Danny
I’m so glad you found this thread useful and it’s aided you in your healing. Yes, unfortunately you were missing the most crucial element. You will find someone one day who doesn’t make you question your worth. That is the person who will remind you how worthy you are, this person is the only one worth losing sleep over!
Thanks mate for your kind wishes and I cross my heart that I’ll honor ‘B’ and remember exactly why it’s her. Even when she annoys me about the toilet seat!
Happy ever afters are over rated. It is in the struggles and gaining insight and growing where you find real happiness. I wish you all the best for your future. If you need any other male perspective just holler!
March 16, 2021 at 2:16 am #376162Jay
ParticipantHi Danny, thanks for the reply, I am trying I really am, it’s so hard to be positive at the moment as I feel a great deal of sadness especially the last week, I have implemented all of those measures to continue the healing process, I no longer have her number, we’re not friends on fb and I haven’t contacted her and really don’t feel the need to but that doesnt help with wanting her in my life and knowing that she is moving on with dating other people.
Of course I want a more level relationship with getting as much as I’m putting in, it was more than physical intimacy for me as I really connected with similar interests and same kind of humour etc., felt really close as in sharing a lot deep feelings and speaking everyday, i just had a deep feeling of wanting to be there for this person regardless of what’s happened.
At the moment I just feel as though I won’t recover from this fully ever but then I haven’t been in this situation previously, I’m guessing my body and mind will adapt after a period of time and I won’t even notice, at the moment I’m not enjoying any activity I used to, my mood is irregular around my friends and family, I don’t even enjoy eating any type of food at the moment. All I can do is stick to my routine and try keep as busy as I can and in time I will think about it all less and less and get to a better place in myself.
Also we’ve had that talk before but it doesn’t stop her from reconnecting with me, anyway 8 know that it only goes one way from here and it will never stop until I let go so this how I’m trying to be instill this in my mind, I just cannot keep feeling like this anymore, I’ve accepted I can’t just shut the feelings off so it is just a case of working on myself and looking to the future and the possibilities, I believe in the fact this is temporary and things will get better.
Also thank you nbc for your comment, I am not ashamed to be a sensitive person and wear my heart on my sleeve but also be a strong minded person who believes in my own morals, thanks for reading and responding, I will get through this to a better place!
March 16, 2021 at 2:57 am #376163Danny
ParticipantHi @Jay2023
I will not have the time later in the week to respond.
Unless you have a few extra pounds to lose, you have to eat mate! Don’t ruin your health. Breaking up is the same grieving process as someone dying. It’s loss. So I understand the sadness and pain. It will pass, as cliché as it is time heals everything.
If your connection is deep and you miss her and still want to be there for her, then you need to weigh up if you can be friends without expectations. You both get something out of it. Perhaps that is what she wants especially if you’ve had the talk before and it’s been made clear by her you’re not the one.
However if she has said that and you’ve tried platonic but she is then engaging in being non platonic – she is disrespecting you mate and playing you when she’s bored.
Do you deserve that? You deserve more respect than that if you’ve been there for her and care the way you do. If there is disrespect there and you still want to be there and not walk away, then like we said before it boils down to your own issues. Insecurity, lack of self love, belief, worth and respect.
Once you work and focus on those improvements, I bet you will not even want this woman anymore!
Also well done mate on owning your sensitivity and softer side. Its something I really struggled with from an early age so it led to me choosing women who were bad for me, that same natural sensitivity and heart on sleeve women can possess I would project and make it a weakness in them too. I was so wrong!
You will get through this, just feel all the feels and let it pass through you. When you’re down you can only go up. Decide what you want to do , if it’s a big impact then start feeding not just yourself but your soul. It needs to heal. Grow and then thrive. You’re not alone we’ve been there and understand! Chin up bro!
March 16, 2021 at 3:11 am #376164Jay
ParticipantThanks mate, appreciate it, as I’ve said to her on previous occasions it is not something I will accept under any circumstances, she understands this also. Only chance that will ever happen is possibly in the future when those feelings are not there anymore.
I hope I do get to that stage where I can look at her and not want her anymore I really do but knowing how I am it will be a very long time.
I’m hanging in there mate, does help just to post how I’m feeling in here and will be a good feeling when I can post an update in a few a months to compare the progress I’ve made!
March 17, 2021 at 4:54 am #376199Sammy
Participant@Jay2023 was mothers day so had a jam packed weekend to pamper my mum at home so didn’t get chance to reply sooner.
When we are inexperienced in relationships we always are in the grass is greener on the other side frame of mind. However, the grass is greener where you water it. It’s about recognising the essential qualities needed in a good partnership and compromising on the shortfall. If your previous relationship entailed you walking away from something worth working with, I’m not surprised you’re in this predicament. Can i ask why you regret it exactly, did you hurt your ex?
It could be you wanting to do it right this time is making you accept anything incase you don’t get better.
Don’t live with a scarcity attitude it makes you settle for less than you deserve because in this situation how you’ve described her, it’s clear she has been stringing you along and treated you poorly after all you did.
Don’t go off on the other extreme end either, in wanting everything because relationships require nourishing and growth. Real love is not an instant spark and when you’re inexperienced you place emphasis on the physical connection rather than focusing on who you are when you’re with the person.
A healthy partnership brings out the best version of you, you don’t stress about how the other person feels because there’s strong communication, understanding and you are able to keep a strong sense of self because you’re not forced to appease to retain the relationship. Give and take is equal. It can take the tiniest spark but real love develops creates slow lasting burn.I really understand your pain of longing for someone. It does get better, I promise. You start to learn to live without them. One day you realise how strong you’ve been, how many days have passed and then you can really focus on further improvements within. Of course it will hurt severing an attachment. That’s normal and you have it harder as it may be with more than one person , you may have become enmeshed in her whole life as you got to know the children. So go easy on yourself.
I disagree with Danny, men and women can not be friends if a line has been crossed. If they do it means neither of them loved each other, or one still does. Also if sexual desire was involved to go back to platonic would require both of you to have fully moved on. Even then sometimes given the right set of circumstances if there’s been strong chemistry in the past you could run the risk of setting yourselves alight, if you lack control physically. So you’re better off just parting ways for good. It will heal you quicker.
Once you get to a stage when you feel nothing at all then by all means enquire about her, if you still care. But in most cases people’s caring nature is fickle as the perceived love, they stop caring if they’re not getting anything out of it. So you may find once you reach a stage of not wanting her romantically, you realise you don’t really care much either. It’s rare to find the genuine ones that still care after all is said and done.
Love will enter your life unexpectedly, when you think you’re done with relationships, when you’re in the pits, life will make you cross someone who will awaken all those feelings. But if you’re not ready and haven’t done the work on yourself you’ll self sabotage and ruin your own chances. That’s why although it’s very easy to hop back on the saddle, you should heal, work on you so you don’t screw up the right opportunity.
You’re not old at all, you’re lucky as a man you can get to 60 and still have an opportunity to procreate. You don’t have that ticking time bomb us women have.
I would say get to a stage where you’re happy being alone, then when love enters you can choose better. Right now you’re desperate and are choosing the wrong option just to fill that void within you.
Well done for owning your soft side, Danny is correct that a lot of men perceive it as a weakness. A strong intelligent woman will see it as a strength in a man because with that sensitivity usually comes an attentive, caring and nurturing partner and that’s what you need in long term relationships. Looks fade, sex dies down inevitably but if you can’t find comfort in your partner or emotional intimacy then what’s the point?
So don’t feel like @Tim1 did that you have to hide that part of you. The right fit will appreciate every aspect of you and value that, not manipulate that side to seek attention, ego boost etc.
If she contacts you again. Don’t be afraid to be firm. People treat you the way you allow them to.
If that connection was deep and meaningful then I do hope one day you get to the place where you understand that you can’t fit together but still care for her as a friend.
Don’t stop believing, you have to have hope. None of us are perfect but we have the gift of starting a new day and being better than yesterday. As long as you keep self improving you will reach a place where you soul is happy.
I’m glad you have a good friend to lean on, those who love us always get upset when we make stupid choices but that’s because they deeply care. You’re lucky to have people around you who do care and want you to do better. Hold and cherish those bonds.
If you can’t stomach anything because of the anxiety and nausea @Shelbyville once advised to @Luciel I think that a bar of chocolate is a start. Dont let yourself spiral.
Feel your emotions and let them pass through,don’t suppress. You’re entitled to feel how you feel. But don’t dwell in it. Heartbreak really sucks but you will rise up again. Nothing is permanent not even the negative feelings! X