Forum Replies Created
ParticipantDear Jessy
Well he took the initiative by contacting you after two years and then took a risk in sending you a suggestive text.
ParticipantDear Beni
If someone does not reply on a forum or the phone within a time it’s easy to feel rejected. It’s already special for our systems to communicate without seeing or hearing. and yet you say feel pressurized by what you perceive as others expectations of you. Each of us has their own timescale/speed that also changes from circumstances/perception.
This was shown clearly to me today & I had to laugh at myself or rather my ego’s hypocrisy. I take my father out for a drive nearly everyday and he gets anxious if I drive faster than he likes, so we normally do 20mph, today we were behind two others cars and I felt impatience arise until I looked at the speedo we were doing 20mph! even as I was writing this the words dawdle and stuck came into my mental narrative ha ha ego trying once again to cause suffering even when retelling such a minor story.
Hope you are having a good weekend
March 29, 2024 at 3:14 am in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430318Roberta
ParticipantDear ParadoxMusic
I am sorry that other peoples lives that you have encountered shows a negative view of woman’s actions especially in divorce & money. So I give you a little bit of my story to show a different picture. When my husband & I split up I left the area and did not want the family home to be sold so that there would be space for the children to visit their father, he was given unlimited access to the children (which he did not take up frequently)I paid travel costs every other time even though I did not have too plus would return part of maintenance for the days that he did actually have the children. I did not liquidate my 1/9 th share of the company & my parents did not insist on my husbands outstanding loan to be repaid . My husband was worth approx 3/4 of million all I requested £45,000 as a divorce settlement + £250 pm for the children.
Please consciously choose to look for positive inputs into your life. I wish you all the best with your exams and that you will be able to balance the career path that your parents wish for you with things & people that uplift you & bring you peace & joy.
ParticipantDear Andromeda
I’m dragging my husband down and I am a burden. I know he would be better off if I set him free.
I am sorry that you feel that you are such a dark painful place. Do you realise that if you chose to exit this life, your husband could end up feeling like you do after your nephews death. I say this not to guilt trip you, but to give yourself a chance to pause and in that pause you may get a chance to see that there are other ways for your pain to end and joy to be in your life.
Even in that darkness you found the strength to feel the sunshine and listen to the birdsong. so there is something strong & vital inside you that can bear this pain & connect with the joy & beauty of this world.
I pray that you get support from the members of this site as well as those around you
ParticipantDear Pj
I am sorry about your mothers deteriorating health. Having someone bedridden is both physically & emotionally draining.
Can i ask how did she become incapacitated? Was physiotherapy an option? My father is 93 with dementia and he will eventually loose the capacity to walk. He does have days when he is not weight bearing, this happens when he is ill with a chest infection or he regularly every six weeks or so has 2 days where he is more asleep than awake. At these times I wonder if he is going to be able to walk again, but I keep trying to keep his fitness levels up, as I know if he was in a carehome he would deteriate more quickly as they are not encouraged to wander about especially if they are deemed a falls risk like my father
There are exercises that she may be able to do whilst in bed to help with muscle wastage and I have noticed that dad tries to follow exercises that I play on you tube he enjoys chair yoga that has songs that have subtitles so that we can sing along with.
I start each day by kissing him on the forehead and telling him that I love him and that is also how I finish our day.
kind regards
ParticipantHi Beni
I came across this quote last week and have found it helpful especially when things do not pan out the way I want or quickly enough. Any action done out of pure intent to bring joy or to relieve suffering is never lost, even if the immediate outcome is not what we want, and even if it is the opposite.
ParticipantDear Artico7
I noticed in your last paragraph reply to Anita there were many “if” scenarios of a perceived negative projected future .
How is this for a rethink. I am lucky, I am now free, I can now encounter a man who has a healthy connection to his family, who is kind and compassionate and I will be welcomed into the family just as I am and in the meantime I will fill my life with joy & beauty. As you say these things note how you feel in your body & mind.
Kind regards
March 21, 2024 at 12:18 pm in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #428866Roberta
ParticipantDear ParadoxMusic
It is natural to want to help a loved one heal & change their circumstances, but sometimes that person’s issues are beyond our capabilities and need professional help. It does not mean that we have failed or that we do not love them enough.
Sometimes all we can do is wish them well & step back.
ParticipantDear Imback
What kinds of things are you interested in? Is there places that you can do voluntary work in your area?
Do something that is not just for your enjoyment ie computer games etc, but helps you connect with others in your community will help you especially if it is outdoors.
ParticipantDear Imback
Too much, too quick, too deep is probably why you maybe feeling overwhelmed and lost.
On the surface it appears that you are both maybe co-dependant & clingy.
I guess you do need to set boundaries, like you can spend at least one or two times a week with your friends and not have that time interrupted by intrusive texts. Hopefully she would use that free time to connect with friends or do something that she finds interesting & enjoyable.
There are books on the subject of having a relationship with someone with BPD which may help you decide whether you want to stay with her & if so how to cope.
ParticipantA quote by Shunryu Suzuki……Each of you is perfect the way you are …and you can use a little improvement
March 20, 2024 at 12:55 pm in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #428815Roberta
ParticipantDear Paradox Music
I am sorry that your first romantic/sexual encounter was not a happy healthy one.
In time you will see how strong the pull of attraction can cloud your judgement and make one rush into intimacy and gloss over or ignore red flag behavior.
Please do not allow her actions lead you down the painful road of becoming a woman hater, because ultimately it is you who will suffer as that kind of poisonous thought will be toxic to your relationship with the whole world including yourself.
Keep yourself connected to why you wanted to study medicine focus on your studies, keep well away from that woman and be gentle with yourself.
ParticipantDear Artic07
Each time you go over what happened, telling the story over & over in your head you are opening up that wound & pouring salt into it. Mindfulness techniques help to make you aware that you are no longer present heart centered but have slipped into the past or future ego brain centered. The more we practice being present we are able to untangle ourselves more quickly and see the storylines that bring about the additional suffering to are already tender heart.
ParticipantDear Danny
Why do you wish not to drink – once you have a clear understanding of the why then it is easier to abstain.
You could write down why you chose to drink ie a friends birthday party and what & how much you drank and any negative outcome like argument with girlfriend, bad hangover or failed to go to work the next day.
You may start to see patterns forming. If you go out for a couple of beers and are home in bed by 11 and function well the next day and you are doing this 4 or 5 times a week you may choose to limit it to once a week or a month for health & financial reasons.
You may notice that when keeping company with certain friends you drink more. You could choose to still see these friends but change what you do ie instead of going to a bar for the whole evening, go bowling instead. You could also drink shandies instead of straight beer or larger.
Some may say that it is your ego that leads you astray & it is your ego that mentally beats you up after you have been drinking & regret it.
ParticipantDear Artic07
I am sorry that your relationship did not pan out as you hoped for after many years of waiting for a different outcome.
Allow yourself grieve for the loss of this particular projected future for a short while, but also note the reality of the past cold rudeness. It is possible that could have become the norm. When we become infatuated, we have expectations and can gloss over difficulties. I am guessing that it is the relationship that was more important to you due to your childhood experiences.
Have you found a job? or something to focus on in the gaps between bouts of grief.
I am sure other members will give you better insights
kind regard