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  • in reply to: On being compassionate to a harmful person to you #79937

    Hi David,

    I remind myself that hurt people hurt people. If you were truly filled with love, joy, hope and faith, you would never THINK of hurting another person! So for someone to do that to you, on any level, has a lot of STUFF that has nothing to do with you.

    I won’t lie to you. It’s hard. It’s tough.

    Yet if you saw that person in the ER with a gunshot wound, dying, and you were the one on call that night, you wouldn’t HESITATE to save that person’s life.

    The rest is commentary, and an inside job.

    When you see the person face to face again, be polite. Nothing more, nothing less.



    in reply to: Diffficulty dealing with a not-so-great past #79889

    Hi Karla,

    At the time, believe it or not, Depersonalization was actually a gift. A default survival setting of the brain. It’s like your Being said, “ENOUGH for this lifetime!” and shut down to protect you, or sent “You” out of your body.

    Now that you’re ready to become “You” or “go back into your body”, it is time to tell “You” that it’s SAFE now!

    Find a trained therapist in this, as this is beyond the forum’s ken.

    Since I am a little hippy-dippy about things like this I would tell my body and brain, “THANK YOU for doing your job and protecting me in the only way you could at the time”.



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Should he make special time for me? #79863

    Hi goalgetter,

    You are not going to like what I have to say. At all.

    Making demands of someone who has a small child is a little over the top.

    And if you’re not married saying “OUR (!) financial situation” is a little over the top too. That would be “Our financial situationS”!! With an “S”.

    And golf, as you know, is a sport that takes all day. All. Day. Even nine holes is a sizable block of time.

    And yet, and yet, he’d rather do that (golf!!) than spend one on one time.

    Don’t argue. Don’t twist his arm. Just say “See ya buddy!” until the kid is a teenager and he’s gotten over this golf phase. If it is one. If it’s not, God help you!


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.

    Hi gypsystar7,

    Do everything Moongal says.

    With us chicks, Talking About It/Dumping Her Directly can actually destroy the friendship if not leave carnage and the cost of war everywhere LOL.

    The most important thing to do is to Change the Script (you being vague, giving her NO ammunition). Also, can you go on a trip? Fill up your time more? Change your schedule? Hang out with other friends? Say, “I’m not good company right now”? Get a “clogged ear from swimming” = “Whut? I can’t hear you!” Say, “I’m doing a practice of Talking Less and Listening More” (hint, hint, friend)?

    Oh, I could go on and on! LOL! I have shed a friend or two in my lifetime, and no matter what, it WILL be awkward. But hopefully your friend will get a clue on her own!

    Good Luck,


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: The Cult "Next Door" #79743

    Edit: Almost VISITED Kingdom Hall!

    in reply to: Conflicted #79742

    Hi strong2015,

    The cheating is of course, a red flag, if not DEALBREAKER.

    The “If you met the love of your life he wouldn’t begrudge for choosing someone over him” is him saying, “DUMP ME NOW, because I’m too comfortable to do the dumping and haven’t met MY love of MY life!!”

    What I would do (Me, not You, ME people!) is say, “Darling, I’ve met someone”.

    See what his reaction is. If he flips out. If he is true to his word, and leaves gracefully. If he’s surprised.

    Or you can say “I need a break” and reconnect NEXT YEAR. THEN see if any spark is there. Remorse. Lingering passion.

    Personally, I believe you should only “forgive” cheating if there’s children involved.



    in reply to: The Cult "Next Door" #79740

    Hi Matt and Snails,

    Thank you!!

    There’s a quote “You don’t know what you don’t know until you know”.

    Well, for FIVE YEARS the wife next door would have these “harmless” Bible studies. I thought the worst part was not celebrating holidays. But let me tell you, I almost went to Kingdom Hall myself and was impressed with how well they knew the text.

    It’s ONLY when her DH talked like a pamphlet I that got that creepy Lifetime movie music feeling and looked the group up on the internet. To see a horror show s@!# storm!!

    Now I feel like a dope and am kicking myself because in my hubris pride think I could have nipped this in the bud FIVE YEARS AGO with one simple PBS documentary! But then, they, too, have brains. It’s inconceivable that they never looked up or researched their own religious interest online. I mean we don’t even watch a movie without looking at reviews online.

    If they ever bring it up, my other “spear” could be, “Can the JWs survive the internet?? NO ONE’S converting and EVERYONE’S leaving who has online access.” Leave THAT tempting fruit in their face!

    Ironically, they visited our church and our pastor bored them and was a downer during his political statement talks. IF ONLY THE OTHER PASTOR WAS THERE my friends wouldn’t be JW students!!! LOL

    P.S. It’s four days later, three after the “Siege” and the dad calls up to see if the boys can play. Or my DH would call and get the wife. All about the boys. I think they are either told to be afraid of me, are actually afraid of me, OR are secretly horrified at what I found out OR just wants this to go away!!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: The Cult "Next Door" #79699

    Oh wow, I remember that comment!

    “Best of Inky” ~ Thanks, anita!!


    And mookst3r,

    Yes, am looking at JWfacts!!

    in reply to: The Cult "Next Door" #79692

    Hi Anita,

    I think forbidding DS from seeing the BFF is a little over the top, as well as punishing the innocent.

    What I CAN do is tell the parents “DS is being confirmed this year so please don’t talk JW stuff around him as I don’t want to confuse him.” This will do two things: My son is now a JW-free Zone, AND I’d be obliquely communicating that their religion is Bulls!@#. I don’t THINK they talk about religion around him, but I’m SURE the BFF has complained/explained the No Holiday thing to him.

    Meanwhile, my DS is a Special Needs child (dyslexia) going into HS. Our HS is very competitive and he will still have tons of homework. So between school, homework, tutoring, Boy Scouts, Confirmation class, chess tournaments (he has a very high rating), and his chess coach, this kid will have little time for much else. During the summer now he has Sailing every weekday and Chess on the weekends and is gone all day. Then during the weekends during the school year he’d either be camping or doing tournaments. Meanwhile, his BFF will still be in Middle School so that’s a separation right there.

    I can also encourage him to go with his OTHER friend to this OTHER church that I know has a VERY strong Youth Group. It’s like a social club (food! video games! foos ball!) and half the town is there if he wants to do that.

    in reply to: The Cult "Next Door" #79684

    Anita ~ My best friend’s sister became a Witness. She was a “nice Jewish girl” so she made a quantum leap ~ from Judaism to JWs, bypassing regular Christianity. Ironically, she is the smartest one of all of us. To the point where I was questioning what made her “go there”. I think it is COMMUNITY. Lovely people. Like you said, they love Order and Simplicity. I had joked it must be the food. AND, more seriously, the sister gracefully bypassed all the holiday dramas and traumas by not showing up. Genius!

    For the neighbors, they gave the wife COMMUNITY and the husband ATTENTION. I notice it’s a bit of a boy’s club. He gets to “Preach” and can have a little taste of “power”? I guess?? Also, the neighbors are smarter than they think they are, which grieves me. There are NO books in their house. And here are these people spoon feeding them “The Truth”.

    Now, I never had cared until the husband starts talking like a pamphlet. Then they were saying how the JW’s don’t believe you have to go to college. Meanwhile, they have this son. VERY quick. VERY bright. DESERVES to go to college. And if they stay on this path, HE is the one that’s going to Question sooner rater than later. (Unless the dad has one of his typical anger-scenes, but this time in Kingdom Hall and ruins it for everyone.)

    mook ~ WHERE do I go from here? How do I play my cards now? How to handle my son? How best to “snap them out of it”?? Or do I lay low and pray?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: The Cult "Next Door" #79678

    Hi anita,

    I have thought about how I might be overreacting. But you know when you think “Oh, it’s not that bad” and then a horror story unwraps before your eyes?

    I have one entertaining thought though: The family becomes baptized. A JW spy catches the father smoking. They haul him in front of a judicial committee. A 25 year old window washer Elder looks at him funny. The father explodes “THAT’S IT! FAMILY, WE’RE OUTTA HERE!” The wife is afraid to talk to the husband and also afraid not to. She eventually gets disfellowshipped because he has the car and she can’t make it to meetings or sneak out of the house. The year before the son goes to college and becomes Buddhist. The mother shuns him. He doesn’t notice.



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Ending disordered eating – feeling guilt or shame #79672

    Hi Charlotte,

    I heard a quote once, “I don’t care that you don’t love me because you don’t like my drapes.” Well, you can use that in any situation, even talking about/to yourself.

    There’s the right thing to do, and you do it, even if you’re plagued by uncomfortable emotions. You have to separate your correct actions from your emotions. Say, “I am eating. I feel guilty for xyz. So what?” In fact, tell your emotions and brain, “So what?” every time they make you feel bad.

    The breakthrough you had was strong and powerful! Of course you’re going to get “kickback”. In fact, expect it! “You know you’re on the right track when the Devil notices it!” is another quote I like.

    Millions of women have an eating disorder, are on a diet, or are on a “regime” of “health”. Notice men don’t have this (as much). When we say, “I’m stopping the Food Rationing,” you are saying I Exist, I DESERVE to Exist, and there’s MORE TO LIFE, and I’m LIVING it!! Very, very powerful. Political, even.

    Congratulations, and keep seeing that therapist who is GOLD!


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: help #79645

    Hi keteryan,

    I hate when our intuition really IS right. Oh, holy gods, I’m sorry.

    I don’t know what is worse ~ him not giving you a heads up way before, him leaving you for another girl, or him leaving you for another girl in Idaho.

    OK, NO offence to people living in that part of the country, but seriously?!?

    What I would do is make a joke out of it. When people say, “Oh, I’m so sorry” or anything, just roll your eyes and say, “Well, he’s the one stuck in Idaho.” Or, “Well, there always was something a little off about him.. I mean, with the whole Idaho thing.. LOL”. Or, “Yup! I was dumped for by a girl who convinced him to move to Idaho ~ What is wrong with me that I can’t compete with a girl from Idaho?!?!”

    Just laugh, laugh and laugh at the absolute absurdity of it all.

    You can even say, “Well, I hear he’s now bored with her and wants to get out, but she has the truck, so he’s truly stuck ~ in Idaho and can’t get out.”

    For his birthday send him a package of Lay’s Potato Chips. With a note, “I’m sure you already have this, but you can never have too many!”

    OK, I hope I made you laugh today!!!



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.

    Hi Crystal,

    Guys always like to feel “needed”. Well, the problem with that is one day we really do “need” them and they freak out. I noticed one of the first thing you said was that you were super poor and he was going places. Have you been (even subconsciously) leaning on him financially or even as a hope for the future? Mr. job/bmw/moneybags (and yes, I know you really love him too!) might leave and then you really will have nothing?

    By being “needy” you are feeding a male ego want but ALSO a lurking fear that he’ll be “Stuck” at worst or won’t be able to Rescue” you at best!

    My advice is to play it super cool and let HIM come to YOU. Men want women who CHOOSE them out of the goodness of their heart, not NEED them, when it comes to a lasting relationship. Then when you do need them, really and truly, they will love that.

    Also, I hate to say it, but if you two are so young and have been together for so long, the relationship may have passed its expiration date!

    Let Him Go and See What Happens,


    in reply to: In-laws have torn us apart..what now? :'( #79562

    Hi jj2013,

    OK, some of the advice you may not like, but it can be kind of relevant in other aspects of life. Here we go:

    1. Your DH was a little too immature to get married. Sure, he was the right age, but boys take a little longer to mature. Even in the ancient world in China he would still be (naturally) a momma’s boy no matter who his mother was. My own DH was devoted to his mother and she was revered. Thankfully for me, she was “normal”.

    2. When you marry a person you are related to his family. You cannot make him “choose”. You’re asking him to make a choice where there is no choice.

    3. Don’t lend money a second time. When you lend money (the first and only time) often, sadly, it turns into a “gift”. You may never see the money again. Let it go.

    4. HE can deal with his family all he wants. YOU don’t have to deal with them at all! Tell him that you are taking a “break” from THEM. He can visit, but YOU do not want to hear about it OR hear what they have to say OR what they have done. You are jamming in your own happy universe!

    5. Move back with your DH. You are his wife. Don’t let “them” win! YES, you CAN have your own happy marriage and not deal with them at all!

    6. Train your DH to text them only once a day, call them only once a week and visit them only once a month for HIS OWN mental health reasons. TRAVEL during the holidays, see YOUR family, OR host your OWN dinner in your OWN house! If he wants to see them, though, HE can! I come from a “broken home” and am used to celebrating holidays NOT on the actual holiday!!

    7. The ex… phhht, please! She will forever be in the wings with the mother and is probably not even interested! Let the mother have her fantasy!

    8. Most of this problem will go away when you MOVE.



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.
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