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  • in reply to: My ex-fiance left me with nothing #72478

    Next time: Don’t move in with anyone. Keep the stuff separate. This is an unspoken energy that you can leave anytime, that you two are independent beings. It also makes the marriage more “real” when it does happen. Like, This is It!! What can happen is when you live together it seems like you’re married… but you’re not. Or, the other person can get too comfortable. Or, conversely, too pressured to make the marriage leap. If you live separately and it doesn’t work out, it would be easier, yes?

    But let’s be clear, this particular guy would have done this jerky move anyway, I suspect. I just wish you were in your own “nest” when it happened.

    in reply to: My ex-fiance left me with nothing #72475

    Hi Courtney,

    People in the wedding business must see this every week. Is there any way to get any money back? Start there if you haven’t already.

    So I was in a house fire years ago and was left with probably the same amount of stuff! What I tell people after going through losing “everything” (see the quotes there? LOL) is the bright side is… You get to start over with brand new stuff!! Everything (eventually) will be new. You get to pick out your style, no compromises. Always wanted a color scheme? Now you can do it without worrying how it “goes” with everything else. Also, all the new stuff will replace the old stuff which is memories of him.

    This guy: His personality flaws finally came out, and thank God! What if you had kids, a mortgage, and were God forbid dying of cancer? What if he did this stunt then?? You dodged a bullet!! I bet people on your side AND his side are secretly relieved. There was a called off wedding in our family. It was embarrassing for the couple. Some of the older generation was angry. But guess what? It was a blessing for everyone.

    Hang in There,


    in reply to: I Want Time to Stop #72453

    If you don’t mind me saying so, I see you as a teacher in a liberal arts field. I see you reading and writing. Constantly learning new things. Working well with others. OH! Be a Sub!! Different subjects, you never know what you’ll be doing next! Holidays!

    Think about it.

    Education Major.

    If no jobs are biting, be a tutor in the meantime.

    in reply to: I Want Time to Stop #72436

    Hi Marki,

    This may seem like a dumb question, but when you “sit at home all day and do nothing” what does that look like? Is it watching TV? (Reviewer!) Making something in the kitchen? (Cooking!) Playing on the computer? (Blogger!) Reading? (Librarian!) Meditating? (Being a meditation teacher!) Talking with your friends? (Councilor!) See where I’m going?



    in reply to: Going backwards? #72402

    Hi lexy99,

    What we don’t know is what your dreams really are. What did you always dream of doing? What is your passion? What is your fondest, secret wish? You can view money from the coffee shop job as a tool to get you where you want to be.

    But then, sometimes it’s not about the money at all. I suspect you like working at the coffee shop more than you let on, even from yourself! I think there’s some pride thing going on, too, like you’re afraid of working there when you’re thirty and then running into your arch rival’s mother. (LOL)

    Remember: Do what you Love, and Money’s just a Tool.

    To Coffee!


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Met first love, but I have a BF #72343

    Hi Eevee,

    There’s a couple things going on here that weren’t said above.

    One is that we seldom stick with the BFs we make in college. B was a little immature in waiting as a wingman in case the relationship with A went wrong. By returning his gift you in essence called his bluff that he wanted a relationship and not just a friendship and then he got angry. Also, if he was so into you why didn’t he try contacting you himself in the past three years? He seems very passive to me.

    The other thing is that you mentioned that if you left C he would become even more depressed or suicidal. OK that is emotional blackmail, even if you’re doing it to yourself. And since you’re fantasizing about B means that you’re not as into C as you think.

    I say your best bet is to give up on A, B, and C and start over. It’s time to enter into healthy relationships with mature men.

    Good Luck!


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Inky.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Dealing with life and Deciding in moving #72292

    Hi Jasmine,

    Life is long. I would accept the job and stay in Alaska. Then, in a few years, move after you’ve had your ducks in a row. This way you will never say, “What if I never took the job?” or “What if I never moved?” This way you can say, “I did it all!” 🙂

    Another thing comes to mind. What if your ex never existed? Or what if he doesn’t exist now? (i.e. your baby came from the sky). How would you feel about yourself? How would you be living your life? Live and feel that way.



    in reply to: My 20 year old daughter #72241

    Hi Annakcrook,

    OK, at least she’s at your mother’s. And it looks like she is having trouble even there. Maybe it’s a good idea to have her live with ALL her/your relatives for a few weeks each. When she sees that all her cousins, aunties, uncles and grandparents have had it with her maybe she’ll realize that she’s the common denominator.

    Personally, I could see her being disrespectful to your BF. In her mind, he’s just the boyfriend, and you are choosing him over her.
    But explain that his name is on the mortgage so it’s his rules. That he’s not just living with you, it’s his house.

    You should really kick her out of the pool house based on the weed. Just my experience and opine, but it often leads to other things and she’s ALREADY out of control.

    Have a dozen applications to different schools go out at the same time. She needs to be in college. Any college. A community college, a correspondence course, work/study abroad. Her job is not enough for her, so of course she’s going to party in the pool house.

    Someone who Partied in the Pool House,


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Is a crush more than a crush? #72176

    Hi brehcyr,

    If she didn’t like you she could easily have said, “Let’s just be friends”. I think she’s interested in you because she said, “Let’s be friends first and see where it goes”. Yay!!

    I would go to the movies (no pressure) and invite her over with a couple other people to hang out. When the weather warms up, concerts in the park, fairs… Going to the mall… Oh, some girls love bookstores… For a lot of stores like Chipolte they have apps, so you can make a reservation from the app and just walk right in ~ that would impress her ~ the line’s out the door and you’re all, “They know me” and she’s now first in line. LOL!!

    Congratulations, you’re doing great!



    Hi Omion,

    Your boyfriend is under a phenomenal amount of stress right now. In addition, he may have to raise two little ones! My DH’s mother is dying and our life has virtually stopped for the past year. This is my MIL’s time now. That’s the way you should look at it. It’s the brother’s time now.

    If you do the slow fade he may not even notice. But if you stick with him for this tough life crisis, he might realize that you are solid. Now, if the brother dies and he still ignores you, then he’s not the one anyway. Also, if he inherits the kids, you don’t need to be a surrogate mom! Then you really won’t be able to spend time with him! And by the way, for any other crisis he will be this way. Unless you yourself are in a crisis. Then he’d give you %100!

    It would seem pretty crappy if you broke up with him now, especially if you say, “You don’t pay enough attention to me” while the brother’s lying on his deathbed. He’d be relieved that there’s one less distraction or devastated. I myself would do the slow fade and be with him as a friend. Let him contact me. If more than a few weeks go by I would move on.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Fantasizing about the past #72056

    Hi wow90,

    I think that’s why people invented High School reunions LOL. People are constantly evolving, and it is some sort of primal desire to want to connect to people from our old “tribe” even to show them how awesome we are! What happens is one day, somehow, you WILL run into them! Or they will come up to you and be all, “Hey, how are you? I missed you!!” and you’re all, “Wha…?”

    This happened to me as a grown azz lady: My son was in a certain sport, and I had to contend with The Queen Bee Mom. She did her best to somehow exclude me from the rest of the parent group. It was awkward. Everyone said it was awkward. She proceeded to say that *I* was awkward! Well, what happened was we both had younger sons go into the sport. The original group’s kids aged out and she was the head of a new hive with much less desirable bees. Suddenly I was the Cool Mom. It would be me as the new Queen Bee or her and me together without the hive. Guess who was my new best friend and FB buddy???

    When you settle down and ever have this experience again, just wait it out for a few years. They always turn around. Even your college frienemies online.

    Sorry for going on a tangent,


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Inky.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Inky.
    in reply to: My brother cheated on his girlfriend… #72006

    Hi buddhajackson,

    If he brings it up, listen, and give him room to talk. Let him wear himself out talking. Ask leading questions like, “Why do you think you did that?” “How do you think that makes her feel?” “What do you think the fall out will be?” Maybe, just maybe, he will examine himself and learn something. If pressed for an opinion, it’s totally OK to say, “Well, I think you really blew it.” He did. He knows! Maybe he’ll find another great person in the future and be worthy of her.



    in reply to: Wants to talk, but she hasn't called… #71961

    Hi poet,

    Many times an ex will want to talk to you to get “Closure”.

    Closure, though, is an inside job. You can’t give her closure. She can’t give you closure. It’s something you can only give yourself.

    Don’t see her.

    It’s a trap,


    in reply to: Toxic/Narcissistic Relationship.. How do I let go? #71905

    Hi Christiebea,

    Everything Yue said above, yes, yes, a hundred times yes!! A cell phone less break, hiking in nature!

    I must warn you that what I’ve noticed is let’s say you go three weeks without contact… At a certain point they go crazy and will practically stalk you until you are found and then they become the most abusive. But if you can stay strong, the tsunami will pass and he will move on to other victims…

    And let’s say he was a perfectly lovely person ~ You want kids. He doesn’t. Future real live children trump someone who’s just a boyfriend. This bears repeating. Don’t let someone who’s just a boyfriend make your children become fantasies. No. Your kids trump someone who’s just the boyfriend. Especially an emotionally abusive ex.

    Date other people.

    To Your Children,


    in reply to: Feeling Guilty and Questioning Values #71884

    Hi L,

    The sooner you stop seeing him the less painful it will be when it’s the last time you do see him.

    And you know, it’s just as easy to find a single guy as a married guy.

    What’s happening is your “shoulds” and “what happens a lot in reality” are at a crossroads. You can either go down the path of illicitly being with this guy or walking away in peace.

    Walk Away in Peace,


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