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  • in reply to: I have lost the person who made me feel like a queen #64797

    I’m sorry you’re going through this!! Can you talk to him when he’s (ever) feeling good? Have an understanding, like, for every verbal insult you will take off with the baby for night and he will have to deal with mom.

    Other option: Open a SEPERATE checking account and pour all your money into that and YOU move into YOUR apartment ASAP.

    A terrible thought, but that which is based on reality: the more a man verbally abuses you, the more likely he will be to physically abuse you. Check out the Domestic Violence numbers and Women’s Shelters. They will help you get into a SAFE place, get a lawyer, find you a new home. I know you’re thinking “This is not for me”, and that this isn’t good news. But that is where it is headed unless he suddenly gets his head out of his azz.

    in reply to: Feel in need of a virtual cuddle… #64763

    P.S. The boyfriend is optional. Too good to leave, too bad (boring) to stay.

    in reply to: Feel in need of a virtual cuddle… #64762

    Hi Penguin,

    Sometimes when kids launch for college, the parents, as if on a timer, start to fall apart.

    Now ~ Are you living on campus, or at home? If you’re still living at home, I strongly encourage you to move out!

    Then, when you’re visiting home, have clear boundaries (even mentally) about what’s your stuff, his stuff, her stuff, their stuff.

    Dad had his midlife crisis and is with some younger chick. That ship has sailed. If you want to see your father, call him and have lunch just the two of you at a diner.

    Your brother has always had Aspergers. Believe me, your mom has always given him money and supported him and will always do so. Now she’s just giving cash to him directly. The only conversation you should have with her is if you will support him after she’s gone if he is truly unemployable.

    Your mom will continue to meet internet rascals. The worst thing that will happen is she will be swindled. It’s hard to watch, but, it’s her life, her money. If you must, perhaps call her favorite sister or best friend and implore them to keep an eye on her.

    in reply to: Letting Go #64668

    Well, our society has become very shallow. They don’t understand deep connections much less have them. We are a consumer society as well. If you can’t bring something to the table, then you’re outta there! Oh, and if you’re a girl, you have to look good, too.

    That being said, sometimes the greatest act of love is to get someone out of your life so they can shape up, or to protect your boundaries. (i.e. Not letting a raging alcoholic around your young family, or to cast a friend loose who hits on your spouse).

    Can you revisit your people ten years later for a fresh start? I don’t know your particular story, but enjoy the time you have, even if it’s by yourself for now!

    in reply to: Losing hope #64628

    In the old days, after a breakup, the well-to-do would send the teenager on a European Adventure to clear their head. They would come back with a new outlook on life and be ready for new beginnings!

    Instead of lamenting, do look forward to travelling abroad. And when you’re there, stay in the moment and appreciate every minute of it.

    It’s normal for your high school and college friends to be just that ~ left in high school and college. When you get home, you will make friends of all ages at your new job, in your new neighborhood, from the gym, at your place of worship. And remember Meet Up groups exist now! Make a list of all your interests and go on local Meet Ups. Then, when you are in a relationship, their friends become your friends.

    It will be OK.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: I feel like I'm not good enough for my boyfriend? #64544

    Oh, P.P.S. ~ What’s up with the child together and no marriage proposal? That could be a source of the real insecurity! Are you OK being just partners/co-parents, or are you on audition to be his wife? This is very important. Have you talked about your ultimate future? Are you afraid to ask?

    in reply to: I feel like I'm not good enough for my boyfriend? #64541

    You know yourself. You know your fears. What you don’t know is what your BF thinks.

    So I always thought tall dark guys were my type. I meet my DH and he is a tall blonde. 20 years later we are still together. And if he dyed his hair black and got a great tan he would look ridiculous LOL. When you meet The One, all preconceived notions are out the window.

    I would focus on other things and keep busy. When these silly thoughts are out of your mind the issue will disappear.

    Weight. Health and/or Beauty: I will never be thin again (a choice), but I can be the best size 12 I can be! Rock the body you’re in! Wear makeup, get your nails done, get cute outfits that make YOU look good at the size you’re at! Diets are almost not necessary, but eating healthy food is. And exercise if you want to in what YOU love. Basically do what you love (a good general rule) and you will shine WHERE you love!

    P.S. Everyone is getting older, even him, so the less that surface-y stuff will matter as time marches on. Some men do go crazy and choose younger “cute” women at midlife, but that is a symptom of the spiritual body not coming fully in yet.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: childhood memory of first depressive/anxiety episode #64495

    Hi D,

    Keep in mind that sometimes memories are False Memories, or you were already feeling the guilt, shame, etc. feelings and that the cartoon triggered it, then and now.

    I would view the cartoon as symbolic ~ a holder of that unfortunate time and place in your life.

    What to do with it ~ this is a wild thought ~ do you remember what cartoon it was? Maybe re-watch it and see if anything else comes up, insights and long buried emotions and memories. Or, YouTube cartoons of 1987 or the ’80s. As you watch them, you will realize that you were just an innocent kid then (YouTube 80’s commercials too!) and that there is no reason to feel shame or guilt then ~ or now, as an adult. And as an adult, you are actually very powerful.

    in reply to: Trust issues #64470

    Were you cheated on before? Has he ever given you reason to doubt him? Is your intuition picking up on something? Remember that our thoughts become things, so be careful you don’t “manifest” someone else into the picture! That is what you are doing, as the phantom girlfriend has already caused problems! To you she is a phantom. To him she is invisible.

    There’s been talk on the boards for A 30 Day Challenge. Why don’t you try it for this situation? Don’t talk about Trust, The Relationship, Phantom Girlfriends, etc. for 30 Days. It will be hard. Bite your tongue a lot! Sit on your hands! Hide the phone!

    But see how the energy of the relationship is after a month. I bet it will be better.

    in reply to: Friendship Zone with Ex #64413

    I hate when they stop by to see how you “are” after a breakup! He also might be curious to see if you’ve found someone, or he is even keeping his options (you!) open.

    Regardless, don’t view him as either/or, all/nothing.

    Try not seeing, talking to him, etc. for a month. He will probably run into you “accidentally on purpose” anyway. Reset to Day One. Keep doing this until 30 days have passed. Then, when you talk to him or see him, you will both have clearer heads!

    in reply to: Letting Go and Fear of Attachment #64370

    Hi Trevor,

    The first thing to do is get un-attached to the word “attached” LOL!

    Instead, substitute words and phrases like, “Love”, “Like”, “Interested in”, “Curious About”, and “Excited by”.

    You should feel instant mental relief.

    But always keep in mind that everything changes, and has a beginning, middle and an end. Nothing is constant. That is what’s freaking you out. Changeability. Dissolution. But you don’t have to *do* anything! You don’t have to *have* anything! You don’t have to *be* anything! It is freaky when you think about it, I will admit!!

    OK, Matt will probably be here soon and suggest Metta Meditation or another calming practice.

    Good Luck!!


    in reply to: Re-Finding My Center #64321

    Miscarriages are horrible, remembering our experience. Have you grieved the baby? Done a ritual? It doesn’t have to be fancy, even lighting a candle for him/her.

    It sounds like you’re not eating? (Unless the weight loss is caused by other things).

    It might be helpful to have “Eating Stations”. You don’t have to have a farmer’s breakfast, but if you can force yourself to have a nip of cheese, great! If you grab a bite of sandwich at noon, wonderful! Grapes at three? Terrific! An appetizer at dinner, awesome! Try to have four (at least). This way your body will always be digesting something in its system, and that should ward off fainting.

    The other things? Exercise, multi-tasking? Forget about it now! Grieving/meditating and eating are what you should deal with now. After the holidays, if you get through them without another spell, then tack on the other stuff.

    in reply to: How to stop self-torture…. #64224

    Hi M,

    It sounds like he was “OK” but not “Great”. If being a gamer and hanging out with his friends was a deal breaker, then there wasn’t enough going on with him for you to stay. It’s like being in a restaurant and everyone’s raving about it, giving it five stars, and you’re all, “But it’s McDonalds”. But you own stock in the company, so you stay and finish the burger.

    I think you’re feeling dejected. It will pass. Even if you stayed together it sounds like there wasn’t enough “glue” there to last through your twenties. Time will heal this. Maybe “Hide” him on FaceBook so you don’t see him everyday?

    in reply to: Is it time end this? Update #64137


    I remember the first post. Here’s the thing (and what I told my sister on many occasions): You are not even the step-mom. You are the girlfriend. This is his son. My own mother couldn’t get my step-brother to move out. They finally moved to a way smaller house because my step-dad wouldn’t just kick him out. In some cases blood is thicker than water. What’s the cultural/ancestral background? Most Italians I know, for example, would never kick their kids out.

    Now: It sounds like the dad likes the son coming and going, and that that is what their relationship would naturally be like anyway. What you are doing is, ultimately, and energetically saying: It’s me or him. My step-mother actually rented an apartment and moved a kid in there when they weren’t out of college a month! This way she cleverly side-stepped any It’s Me or Her future confrontation. But you aren’t even the stepmother, correct? Just a girl friend? You are, to the boys, becoming The Evil Step Mother. But here’s the thing: you’re not.

    You need a sanctuary. So move or kick the boys out. No living together until marriage. But be very clear beforehand about The Rules.

    I know it looks like I’m leaning toward “the other side”. But I would get a sanctuary first. You’re not going to get between the father and son. I know that’s not good news. So accept it.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Destroyed my future #64119

    We can’t control others’ love. Let’s say you were a perfect Aspie. Let’s say you didn’t have that label at all. Seven years ~ anything can happen in seven years. I would seriously find a way to ReSet ~ meaning get calm and stable, start over.

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