Forum Replies Created
November 26, 2017 at 9:05 am in reply to: I cant be with someone I love because I'm just from average family :( #179473
ParticipantHi Jasmine,
You are both still very young, 20, correct? College age. View this boy as your “starter” relationship. He is not old enough, bold enough, or independent enough to stand up against “Daddy”. Frankly, the only time his parents should meet you or know of you is when they receive wedding invitations. And then it would be too late to have an opinion.
Is his father threatening to withhold his inheritance? Where does he think this wealthy future daughter-in-law will come from? It is statistically more likely that the BF will fall in love with a poor girl than a rich one.
You don’t need this nonsense. Tell your BF to look you up when he has made his own million and so is out from under his father’s thumb.
Good Luck!
ParticipantHi August,
I think you should give yourself more credit. Fifteen years is nothing to sneeze at. Even well balanced people with good childhoods can, have, and will end relationships after less than fifteen years. It doesn’t have to do with all your childhood and the way you are now. It’s your partner, you, and, well, TIME! You should celebrate that it lasted so long, not beat yourself with a stick over it!
As for finding your “tribe”, may I suggest: your local rec center, community center and church. You can go to events or volunteer. Also, who are your neighbors? It’s interesting that when they say “Love thy neighbor”, ponder this: It doesn’t matter who your neighbor is! Make a big meal and invite them over!
ParticipantHi Maryellen,
First of all, four years is too long to be engaged, and (from my math) nineteen is too young to get engaged. With or without “M”, it was high time to look elsewhere.
Another thought came to mind: “D” was getting a little judgmental. Nothing flips an already judge-y person over the edge like you doing something fringe-y… such as telling him you want to explore polyamory because you feel an attraction to “M”. Let me tell you, even the calmest, most open-minded person in the world would have a problem at the idea of sharing their loved one. Especially if it didn’t come from “them” first! I mean, it’s not like he wanted to be polyamorous and you agreed and you found “M” later.
Here’s a thought… And I can’t believe I’m writing this… But my instincts are telling me to cast “D” aside and go out with “M”!
ParticipantHi NightFlower,
When people are vague, it’s best to not press further. You were all “But do you love me, yes or no?” and that put him on the spot. How awful, to say, “No, I don’t love you” to someone’s face! This has nothing to do with soulmates, or childhood traumas, this guy was just trying to break up with you in the gentlest way possible.
Ironically, if you want him back, the best way to do that now is to stop badgering him! Let him know (when HE talks to you, not when you track him down) that you will always care about him and are now dating other people. Say this in the gentlest tone, as if you are breaking up with him. He might (maybe!) suddenly wise up and realize that HE is losing YOU.
Good Luck!
ParticipantIf the stuff is super expensive ($10,000 armoire) or super important (original birth certificate) I would send a certified letter. Then he cannot claim he never received it. This also alerts him that you are not someone to mess around with.
A lot of times ex’s use the “stuff” as a point of contact. Once the “stuff” is gone, there is no more need for contact.
If the stuff is just “stuff” (books, old clothes, house plants) I would call it a loss and move on with your life.
Eventually he will have to decide what to do with the stuff and he will be confronted with his passive non-decision and will probably ship it back to you, unless it’s things like salt and pepper shakers, etc.
Good Luck!
November 21, 2017 at 4:57 am in reply to: Why don't I love the man that is so right on paper :/ #178893Inky
ParticipantHi Sophie,
You could be having instinctive “It’s too good to be true” feelings. That something could suddenly go horribly wrong. That this is a temporary façade.
Or, you aren’t used to being treated this nicely and so it does not compute with your reality.
I would take things slow, see where it leads, and not get hung up on “Is He The One?” thoughts.
Good Luck!
ParticipantSounds to me like he’s the desperate sort. He frantically calls you coincidentally during your vow/experience of silence (boundary breaking). He sends meaningful gifts to win you. He sends clichéd over the top romantic gifts to win her. He jumps from one relationship to another. He dated a married woman.
Do you not see the blessing of him being gone? You are not expendable. The Universe is saying you are INdispensable and is trying to shed what is not good for you out of your life!
ParticipantHi Bernadette,
Well, you have always managed to (historically) get into new relationships, right? Five relationships is nothing to sneeze at and five long term relationships is nothing to sneeze at either. Which shows you can attract love and you can “do” relationships well enough for them to be long term. So it’s not “you”, it’s more the guys you’re picking.
You need to find higher quality fellows, that’s all.
My DH has high blood pressure. I put him on the Mediterranean Diet. Are you taking the meds for it?
November 19, 2017 at 11:12 am in reply to: Anxiety over feeling like I don't love my boyfriend (LDR) #178647Inky
ParticipantHi Olivia,
If you don’t mind me saying so, this has nothing to do with your boyfriend at all. Go see a doctor and get your own meds. Using someone else’s (even if it’s “just”Adderall and Xanax) is a temporary solution and a bad habit to get into.
Then you can ruminate over the state of your relationship.
November 18, 2017 at 8:32 am in reply to: How to move on from my boyfriend not being over his "ex" #178589Inky
ParticipantHi abi,
It’s great that he’s (finally!) stopped talking about her, but it’s too little, too late.
There is an age-old tradition, going on in colleges and universities everywhere, called The Great Thanksgiving Turkey Dump. Every November, when kids get home from school, millions of old boyfriends and girlfriends get dumped. He, too, needs to be part of this late November tradition, even if you are from Canada or Europe.
It’s November. He was a turkey. It’s time.
ParticipantHi Sophie,
It’s not that long distance relationships never work (my sister has been in one for years and years), it’s more like most people can’t handle them well.
You have a few choices here:
1. Find a job within half an hour of him. Live simply. Or, he can move closer to you.
2. Treat the relationship lightly.
3. Don’t have all this pressure about seeing each other most weekends. I would almost rather have the pressure of seeing each other for an occasional long weekend, vacation or holiday than driving/flying out every. single. weekend. Maybe make it loose, like, “At least once a month. More? Great.”
4. It’s OK not to talk on the phone. Let days parade by.
5. Communicate through text, FB, Skype, etc.
Enjoy the unique “rhythm” of you long distance relationship.
November 16, 2017 at 8:16 am in reply to: HELP Am I in a relationship but still in love with my ex? Cant figure it out! #178355Inky
ParticipantThat is a juicy side bar! Sure, try Leo out. But keep it light and casual.
November 16, 2017 at 5:35 am in reply to: HELP Am I in a relationship but still in love with my ex? Cant figure it out! #178323Inky
ParticipantHi Jenny Lynn,
John is what I call a Perennial Bachelor. Don’t worry about him finding someone else. He will, he has, and he is. All three women at once, usually. He loves having a harem. He loves that they kind of but not really know about each other. He plays up their birthdays and holidays to keep them around. But they are never his on a day-by-day level.
Glen is the opposite. He is doting, he is there. Unless it’s your birthday or a holiday. Then he forgets/”forgets”. But you can’t quite break up with him because he is there the other 360 days of the year, right???
Both men are giving the women in their lives the message that they aren’t special. It’s an ego thing.
Move out, get your own place (to have! No more moving in with someone!), dump Glen, don’t seek out John, and date someone who is there for you every day INCLUDING holidays.
I challenge you to put that piece of art back up on your Flikr page which you will recreate. You almost have to do it. Let me put it this way: if you do it you will be my hero! 🙂 The idea of hiding my art because someone intimidates me makes me FURIOUS on your behalf! When he checks again (because he is the real stalker here) he SHOULD see it. Not because you are right/”right” but because you are showing him that he cannot control other people.
If he files a restraining order, what’s he going to say? “This girl that hasn’t bothered me in several weeks posted some art work on her private page that I didn’t like”. He cannot “punish” you anymore. If he rants and raves, you block HIS email. Have your mother block HIS number.
And then, my dear, post some more glorious art, and title it “Breaking Free from Control”.
November 15, 2017 at 4:50 am in reply to: BF suffers from depression/anxiety and my head is a mess #178137Inky
ParticipantHi liz,
You could be on the best medication in the world, and then suddenly it doesn’t work any more (or not as much). Even if he did find some other girl, she, too, would have to manage him, manage the meds, be alert for subtle changes in his behavior, etc.
Tell him that you would be open to marriage, but he has to do all the work in managing his mental health. That you will still visit, and when you see a solid (two plus years with no changes) baseline of stable mood and behavior you can start truly looking toward the future.