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  • in reply to: Struggling to cope with a break up #171123

    Hi Miney10,

    Right now, the best thing, is one day at a time. Try to not go to his Facobook Profile or any other Social media he is on. It will only make you miserable. The less you see if him, or no contact, the easier it will be for you to find the right person. Block him on Facebook, don’t follow him, to see who he has “added” what girls he is talking to, and so on. It will only make you sad and angry as you are still emotionally charged. I think the best thing is to look at all the things or ways he was wrong for you in the relationship. If something, like a nice memory comes to mind, immediately think of why he was wrong for you. Get rid of any pictures, or momentos. I’m not saying, throw them away, just put them under the bed, in the attic, etc. The less reminders and less interaction you have with him, the better it will be for you. Think of it, this way. If you too would get back together..would things change? Would he be happier? Would you? Probably not. Give yourself time to heal.

    in reply to: Ex being friendly #171115

    Hi Connie,

    You will have dreams like this, it is natural. I have had several sad and vivid dreams of my ex’s, even 6-8 months after a break up. It always takes me a very long time to get over someone due to early childhood abandonment issues. The dreams are crazy. One was where I was missing him, I saw him out with a girl at a bar, and I followed them into the bar. Please know this is not something I would ever do in person. I even made a fool of myself by going up to him and talking to him in front of his girlfriend. His friends and girlfriends were snickering at me. One of his friends said “I feel sorry for her”. Ouch. But it didn’t stop. I followed them again, this time crying in my dream wanting him back terribly. I did not go in the bar, I just wanted to look at him. He saw me and came out and yelled at me. I begged him to go to beach with me, to our favorite place where we would have bonfires. He got nasty and yelled “move on already!” I woke up startled and crying.

    Another dream was of this guy who worked on construction. There was a house he was helping to build. It was a large house and took several months to complete. I dreamed that I went to see him, and he was so happy to see me, and we talked, curled up together, he told he he still loved me, but we couldn’t be together and he wanted me to “move on” and be happy. I remember crying, and he was caressing my face. When I woke up, he was gone. Again, I started to cry, the dream was so sad and vivid. I had a therapist tell me dreams are sometimes our subconscious, of our past, our childhoods, reliving sadness, rejection and abandonment.

    in reply to: Emotionally Unavailable Partner #171089

    Hi Struggling,

    I am sorry to hear you are going through this. You mentioned he is in quite a bit of pain alot, and sometimes that can make people very distant and uncommincatuve. Add that on to his being like that already, and things are probably unfortunately going to get worse. I too, go through alot of pain, and sometimes, I just want everyone to leave me alone and I’m probably not the nicest person to live with, which I why I prefer to be single and live alone. I don’t want someone “held back” by me. Maybe he feels he can not offer you anything right now because of his ongoing pain. But he does not know how to talk to you about it, or express it

    When someone is nicer to a pet, than they are to you, it’s time to perhaps move on. It does not sound like he is going to change or become emotionally available for you. You have your needs, and he is not meeting them, actually he is belittling you and being very disrespectful. He does not sound like he is healthy right now to be in any kind of relationship. I’m sure he may have some nice qualities, but it’s not enough. You shouldn’t have to be miserable and treated this way. Tell him “to take a hike” you are tired of his rudeness to you and find someone who will treat you with the love, attention, caring and respect you deserve.


    Hi Emily,

    It sounds to me like there needs to be a time out in place where you both can shut everything off, such as “Game of Thrones” television, etc. And just talk to each other. I feel everyone has basic needs and when those needs are not being met, it can lead to build up resentment, sleeping on the couch, not communicating, silent treatment, passive aggressive behavior and it only gets worse. He is certainly not going to want to look at apartments, much less anything else, the way things are right now. Think about it, you barely talk to each other, you fight alot, you sleep on the couch, it’s an unhealthy relationship.

    Try to talk to him using “I feel statements” when you are not exhausted after working an 11 hour shift, and he is not distracted. Take him somewhere quiet, no cell phones, computers, friends, television. And just tell him how you feel. Say something like “I feel hurt, dismissed, undated for, etc when I get home from an 11 hour day and you don’t ask me how my day went, and you don’t want to talk to me at all, instead you would rather play “game of thrones” “I need to be listened to, to know you care about me, how my day went”. Before we play computer games, I really miss our talks.

    He may be emotionally drained and can’t give anything because he is emotionally drained from all the fighting, sleeping in different rooms, etc. Right now, there is no communication. It is more of a roommate situation, rather than a loving boyfriend/girlfriend situation. If he does not want to talk or gets defensive, you may want to try couples counseling. But right now, until things get better, I would hold off on getting on apartment together.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: Too guilty to let go #170687

    Hi Maria,

    You are not doing anything wrong, but if it were me, I would not want a friendship with someone who poked at my insecurites then lashes out and goes on a rant. This is very unstable behavior.

    in reply to: Where do I stand? #170685

    Hi Tom,

    I don’t think at this time this woman is emotionally available for a committed relationship. No one should invest more time and energy on someone then they spend on you, and she is not investing anything. You are doing all the chasing..waiting..wondering..for something that is more of a pen-pal relationship. I think you should move on as you deserve better.

    in reply to: Why am I so insecure? #170683

    Hi Amy,

    In all relationships, we all have basic needs, and unfortunately, you are not getting these needs met. We need to have some one listen to us without getting annoyed. I feel this is disrespectful. After 15 months, we need to be told we are loved and cared for as well as shown this. He has done neither. A relationship cannot survive without this.We should feel trust, validated and secure in a relationship and he is dismissive of you. No one should be made to feel manipulated. You are investing 100 percent in this, him 0 percent. Let me know your thoughts.

    in reply to: Confused #170533

    Hi Emma,

    It looks like you have received alot of great responses to your concern. Are you a spiritual person or have God in your life? I so would just just pray about it, and let the answers come to you. I hope things get better for you.

    in reply to: Confused about his intentions #170121

    Hi Bianca,

    Don’t get any more involved with this man until his ex is out of the house, the house is sold and he is no longer communicating with her. Three is a crowd, and you are stuck between the two of them. Not knowing, doubting, unsure. It’s too complicated and emotionally draining and you don’t need that. She may be his ex, but he is in some extent very involved with her. Wait until he has his affairs in order. Or this will drag out. Do you really want to marry a man, who has a ex at his house and communicating with her? You deserve better. Not to be on the back burner and “soothed” with a proposal.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: Where do I stand? #170105

    Hi Tom,

    How was she when she came to your house? Was she distant then? Do you think anything happened to make her become distant? I don’t think it would hurt to casually ask her out for coffee and see how she acts. Keep us posted. Also, I think the distance is coming from the “messaging” don’t be her pen-pal. Talk to her on the phone. That’s where the emotional binding happens, the laughter, tone of voice, funny stories, all you can’t get through texting. Personally I find texting in dating relationships silly and teenageish. I won’t go there. Try not to text. If she texts you, tell her you would enjoy having a conversation over the phone. I have seen constant texting ruin many relationships. It’s too impersonal.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: Still Completely in Love with My Ex #170101

    Hi Sadpeach,

    I think if two people love each other and are in love they will move heaven and earth to make it work, even long distance. You both can video chat and see each other. It might not be the same as in person, but distance wise, you really are not far away from him. You both can see each other even if it’s one weekend a month. A long distance relationship does not spell “doomed” or “this way forever” this can only be temporary. I’m the future, you both can be together again.

    Just because he is on Instagram, does not mean he is dating these girls. They may just be pen-pals. Many of these women are from different countries or States. I think if he is keeping contact with you, going to therapy, and trying to better himself, maybe a possible getting back together? Your thoughts?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: Lost Another friend. Years of Therapy..down the drain.. #169937

    Hi Anita,

    When she replied she said “I’m tired of this hot and cold friendship” but you are right, she was really just an aqauintance, kind of like a bad in-law.

    in reply to: Lost Another friend. Years of Therapy..down the drain.. #169903

    Hi Anita,

    This is by far, the worst Emergency room and Hospital I have ever been to. The only reason many of the residents here go, is because many of don’t have cars and are on SSDI. The housing where we live will pay for a cab for us to this hospital ER, and pay for the ride back. Sometimes we have no choice. It’s just an incompetent hospital and ER dept. I have never seen so many negative reviews on Google. My friends Aunt died in the lobby of the ER. She complained of chest pains. She was clutching her chest. They thought she was there because there is a bad opioid epedimic in this city, and I guess they thought she was “faking” to get pain pills. This was a 74 year old woman. That’s how bad this hospital is. I have even seen people in excruciating pain not get taken back, left to wait in the lobby and they are calling 911. Yes, you are right, the ER doctor was a dingbat. x

    in reply to: Lost Another friend. Years of Therapy..down the drain.. #169895

    Hi Allyson,

    Thank you for your kind reply. It means alot to me. I’m very sorry to hear about your Mom, and having to watch her suffer. My 1/2 sister from Florida passed from the same thing In 2015. The last time I heard from her, she was in the hospital, she was throwing up what appeared to be coffee grounds, and they had her on ensure. I never got to say goodbye. At the time, I had broken up with someone on Facebook, and I deleted my profile, which I now regret, because she kept insisting “she was fine” and I was worried as her number was disconnected when I tried calling. I then went back on Facebook, and went to her profile which informed she had passed 4 months earlier. I never got to say goodbye or tell her I loved her. My other 1/2 sister knew, but she never told me. I haven’t spoken to her since. It is scary..just the unknown, wondering, waiting. x

    in reply to: Lost Another friend. Years of Therapy..down the drain.. #169831

    Hi Anita,

    Thanks for reading my post, and replying. I apologize for any confusion. I’m confused myself. It all happened when my glands and lymph nodes became very swollen under my left jaw, the swelling seemed to be present all day. Very tender and painful. Doctor thought it was allergies, saw fluid in my left ear, said something about “temporal swelling” and put me on Allegra and Singulair. The swelling and pain still did not go away. One night, I was eating chicken, and felt something lodge in my throat. I coughed, put peanut butter on bread to try to dislodge it to no avail. I was still able to breath, but went to ER. When I was outside of ER, I had dry heaves and it dislodged whatever was in my throat.

    My throat still hurt badly, and the ER doctor scared me asking me how long lymph nodes have been swollen. I said 4 months. He said “you need to follow up with your GP right away, I feel you have non-hodjkins lymphoma.” “Your spleen is enlarged, you have a solid nodule under the base of your skull and several solid nodes under your right armpit.” When they released me, they gave me paperwork, and it said “unexplained lymphoma”. (?)

    My Doctor wrote an order for me to see a general surgeon for the lymph nodes under my right arm. That is scheduled for 28th of September. My case manager is taking me. I have lost over 34 pounds in 2 1/2 months. I have another appointment scheduled for a fine needle biopsy on October 12th, on two enlarged thyroid nodules. They are going to take 5 tissue samples from each nodule. I hope this clears things up a bit.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Eliana.
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