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Participantcheck out the site for great tips
ParticipantWell done!
January 5, 2018 at 8:52 am in reply to: laughing at everything because you stop trying to look for the best in people #185203Peter
ParticipantIf I understand correctly you are an intuitive empath who is often ‘feels’ the emotion of others and sometime unconsciously takes on the emotions as your own… which can be very confusing. Do you find your self wondering in the emotions your feeling are your own or if they are someone else’s?
Such an ability, as are all abilities, can be a strength and a weakness. As with any ability you will need to make it conscious so that it does not impact you in unwanted ways.
What line of work are you in? People with this ability can make great physiologists. It takes training to avoid the pitfall of transference by creating healthy boundaries.
ParticipantMy own experience of a over active mind started to change when I accepted that I have an active mind and that I like contemplating new ideas and such.
One of the problem is that I tended to focus on the forest, all the questions at once instead of one tree at a time. So, I hit allot of tress. Another issue was growing up everyone would tell me me “I think to much” so felt undeserved shame about accepting my authentic nature and so struggled with sense of self not being acceptable
For the first problem I found it helpful to let go of questions such as meaning and purpose. Not that I still don’t ponder such questions but that I don’t worry about or attach myself to the answers or lack of answers. For the second issue – that is a work in progress.
I found your statement – “I struggle with happiness, peace of mind and tranquility” interesting. As long as you struggle with happiness and peace of mind it is not possible to have peace of mind or happiness and so you defeat yourself. The answer of course is to stop struggling. I know easier said then done (we work for that which no work is required) however when you do emerge from the struggle, (and you will) it will be exactly what you will have done.
Happiness isn’t something we create its something we notice and allow ourselves to experience. When you are struggling remind yourself that it is the struggle and not anything that is actually happening to you that is preventing the experience of happiness. You can be happy even in a storm. I suspect a part of us likes to struggle and even be unhappy. Can we be happy about being unhappy… I think so… if we don’t struggle.
I also think you can also have peace of mind when your mind is full of thoughts. Why not? Especially if if thinking is part of your nature. Such a perspective creates the space where you can learn to step back and select the thoughts (trees) you wish to focus on and in this way no longer become overwhelmed. It is the struggle more then anything thing happening that is creating the confusion. Step back and notice that you have always dealt with the stuff that has come your way. When things didn’t work out as hope for and those that did, you learned from. You will continue to deal with the stuff that comes your way. You can act with intention working towards goals and wondering about the outcome without struggling with a imagined future that may or may not be. The mind can rest even in action.
Practice taking a step back from your thoughts when you notice them overwhelming. In those times, you can’t, find a safe place and jump in. If you do you will find yourself coming out of those experiences much sooner and occurring less frequently. Its like getting caught in a rip tide, the more your struggle the longer you will stay submerged and the further away the water will carry you. If you relax and maybe even enjoy the ride, the water will spit you out.
ParticipantIt might sound odd or corny but you are exactly where you need to be to take the next step on where you want to go.
Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. -Henry David Thoreau
In the last three years you have done a lot of work on yourself and are now ready for something more. I suspect that all your ‘weird’ hobbies and everything you have learned so far will come together and lead to unexpected opportunities. Explore them all.
The goal of success is to vague and difficult to measure and so unhelpful, let it go, you have already succeed where many have floundered. Well done! Anger is information that you are impatient and also that you desire to do better now that you know better. If you can accept that change happens slowly, one step followed by the next, then all at once – the feelings of resentment will dissipate the the energy redirected to the possibilities that will be discovered.
Allow yourself to be lost fearlessly and you will find your way. Trust yourself you are on your path, your hero’s journey.
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes, a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king. – Tolkien-
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
ParticipantI love it!
If I’m reading your post correctly in the past you have allowed outer influences to determine the direction of your ‘change’ (As above so below) This Year you have awaken to the possibility of determining the path you will follow from your sense of self – as you know it to be in this moment without a pressure to change to fit in (As below so above – you become a influence to change). Its actually a irony, or is that a paradox, that when we learn to say yes to who we are, as we are in the moment without the need to force ‘change’, that authentic change happens naturally. I think your on your way to discovering many wondrous things.
Of course we will always be influenced by the outer word, our culture, traditions, past, memories… so don’t be discourage when those around you and events push back. It is this very push back that will show you your path as you practice the art of loving yourself.
The ancient of Man ponders his curiosity. Questions arise as he wonders of his own significance… how time moves as sands of an hour glass, not to be grasped, but reckoned with by the moment. The focus of a single crystal houses hope, love, and the rainbow multitude of Life’s involvement. We see these things in passing we feel them as now. The Master of these sands is he who loves each crystal – Rick Cain
Happy New Year!
December 31, 2017 at 1:46 pm in reply to: I overthink my feelings for my boyfriend and stress myself out #184511Peter
ParticipantMany years ago I live in a state where I would have told you I felt nothing and that I felt nothing because I felt everything. I think that what happens to people that feel to much. It overwhelms and we become numb… still feeling everything but all at once so that it feels like nothing. Similar perhaps to the story of the dog placed in a special cage. The floor of each half of the box had an electrical grid that could deliver a painful shock to the dog. The researchers could flip a switch to direct the electrical current to either compartment A or compartment B. The dog learned to expect the shock and would cross the barrier after the shock was turned on. When the shock was applied to both compartments the dog lay down and gave up. Even when the door to the cage was left open the dog did no leave.
The issue your experiencing isn’t about your boyfriend and what he did and did not do, its about you. The door to the cage that was your past is open. To go through the door you will have to learn again to trust life. Take a step and the feelings will return.
ParticipantA song comes to mind “Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?” – Avril Lavigne No wonder your lost. Trying not to hurt anyone so everyone gets hurt. Is it possible that a part of you likes the drama created by keeping the woman in your life a little off balance? You don’t mention how these woman might feel about this situation – its possible that there is no choice for you to make and that when they find out, and they will, both say hell no I deserve better.
This is going to sound blunt however its possible your not ready for authentic relationship. If you can’t be honest with your partner then something is wrong. Is the pain your trying to avoid is your own?
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
December 30, 2017 at 3:12 pm in reply to: I have feelings for my friend & he does too but doesn't want a relationship #184443Peter
ParticipantYou already know what you need to do – “I feel like I need to stop being in contact with him” – You just don’t want to do it
Is it possible your looking for advice that validates your not doing what you know you need to do and so keeping things as they are? Trust your intuition and pull the bandage off… the relationship isn’t going to go where you dream it might… if only.
“At some point, you just pull off the Band-Aid, and it hurts, but then it’s over and you’re relieved.” ― John Green
When a guy or woman says they want you around but does not want a relationship outside of friendship then there playing you and or don’t know what they want other then a safety net… it may not be a intentional but either way its not fair to you. The probability is that a part of him likes having you to validate and care for him not to mention the ego boost. He might not be aware of these benefits but that is what your giving to him while you are not getting what you need.
You know what you need to do. This back and forth can be played for years but playing it is up to you.
ParticipantA curtain amount of worry about the future can be helpful in deciding on what to do. The worry, or let us call it concern, shows us what we want to achieve and then perhaps the steps needed to get their… but that is only possible if you learn how to pull back your consciousness to the present. Leaving your consciousness fixated on the worry and then deciding that the future will be one of regret could create that future. Think of your consciousness as a loyal dog that needs to be trained. It will run wild if you let it, and there are times for that, however teaching it to walk beside you when called is how you will get to where you want to go.
If you think back you will see that you have handled everything that has come your way. You may not have liked having to deal with some of the stuff that came your way or some of the outcomes yet even in those cases you have handled. Perhaps there are things you may wish to have done differently… and in those you learned from, no reason for regret. There is no reason to believe that you won’t continue to handle whatever your choices lead to or don’t.
I can tell from your posts that you know what you want to do. The fear may be keeping you from making that fully conscious but you know you know. Trust yourself and go for it without regret. Where you end up will be different then anything you imagined and as long as you follow your truth and continue to learn it will be amazing.
ParticipantYou answered your own question – “I feel like I need some time now just for me, to understand what makes me happy in a healthy way” If you honestly want different your going to have to start doing different and creating some space to discover yourself is a good place to start.
You don’t need validation from others, you desire validation from others and that is a big difference. It is likely that the validation from others has become a habit. As long as you are looking for others to validate you, you will always be at their mercy and the drama that that kind of thing creates. If you can take some time to understand why it is you seek this validation outside yourself and you will discover what the next steps you can take to get to where you want to go. A life coach could be helpful to keep you honest.
ParticipantYou are the purpose of life so wherever path you chose has purpose. Therefor the question of purpose is unskillful and will not help you decide what you ‘should’ do.
In life there is no should’s only what you do and do not do. Reading your post, you have already decided that you will regret not choosing the choice you don’t make. It is not you’re your choice that will lead to regret but your decision to experience regret in the imagined future. To make your choice based on a imagined future is unskillful.
The imagined future is keeping you from seeing the trees from the forest leaving you overwhelmed by fear. Fear is more often then not False Evidence Appearing Real. The task then is to identify the trees and focus on one issue at a time. You will find that you know what you need to do. Trust your intuition and don’t look or hold back. Your future cannot be controlled so to fear uncertainty and doubt is unskillful. Trust your deeper sense of self and doors will open… “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us… If you follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.” ― Joseph Campbell
We must put our confidence in truth. But that doesn’t mean sitting back, and waiting for the truth to shine from above, as one might sit back and wait for the day to break. It means following with devoted obedience the truth we have seen as true, with an entire confidence in G_d, that it will correct, clear and redirect our vision, to the perception of a freer and deeper truth. Go with the truth you have, and let it carry you into collision with the hard rocks of fact, and then you’ll learn something. – Austin Farrer
ParticipantNot all paths are suited for everyone. The anger your experiencing suggests that a break from spiritual seeking may be called for.
Are you able to enjoy life without needing to explain it or following religious teachings and practices? If you can avoiding all such teachings and practices may be your path.
I wish you well on your journey.
ParticipantThis may sound strange to you however you are just where you need to be to get to where you want to go. Part of the difficulty in realizing this is the tendency to only see the forest. In your post you have identified all the area you want to work on but when looking at them all together its not wonder your overwhelmed.
The trick to moving forward from where you are (which is the only place you can move from and will move from regardless of the direction you go) is by taking one step and then the next. I don’t mean for that to sound trite but that is a truth most people overlook because we want to leap forward to some imagined future where all is as we desire. Yet even a leap requires taking a step.
A step you could take is taking your post and breaking it down into a list of things you would like to work on. Avoid labelling them with words like impossible, never, difficult. Avoid attaching past memories and stories to the list. You will know your doing that if you tart getting lost in ‘if only’s, or should’s or could of’s. This is only a list of areas in your life you would like to improve. The next step would be to select something simple on the list that you can start to improve on and then start. (don’t start with purpose – you are purpose) Stay focused on the one step and avoid getting paralyzed from looking at too much all at once. If you can a life coach could be a great help to keep you on track. Avoid beating yourself up when you falter, and you will, (if you didn’t you wouldn’t be learning) so insure to celebrate the victories as they will come.
Change happens slowly then all at once. Your post indicates you have it within you to achieve something that you have yet to imagine.
“Follow your bliss.
If you do follow your bliss,
you put yourself on a kind of track
that has been there all the while waiting for you,
and the life you ought to be living
is the one you are living.When you can see that,
you begin to meet people
who are in the field of your bliss,
and they will open doors to you.Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.”― Joseph Campbell
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
ParticipantRecommend the book ‘How to Be an Adult in Relationships’ -by David Richo
We change in relationships but we don’t make the other change. When two people see the other, really see them and say yes they are empowered to become their better selves. The selves we sense we could become, like the feeling at the tip of our tongue, but are to afraid to trust. As with all things the seed of the opposite is also present in relationship where the fear of change, fear of the other leaving, just fear of fear and love turns to control and stagnation.
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by