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  • in reply to: I want to be normal #392340

    Hi anita,

    Thanks for the suggestions. I’ve never tried asparagus, will look for it. Not sure I’ve seen it before, only on TV. I have eliminated sugar altogether.

    I know I am not bipolar but I’m always afraid that a serious mental illness is around the corner. Even my great grandfather was apparently mentally ill. But they used to think they were possessed and what not since they did not have the knowledge. But ultimately my point is that this goes back generations and I don’t want to trigger it. I will discuss this with a doctor, as you said the right one may help. I am just afraid, because my dad’s treatment has been so bad. I don’t know if the treatment was bad or he was not really cooperating with treatment.

    I’d rather call myself Girija Fierce. I don’t like feeling dull. I’ll be fierce in my patience, if that makes sense.

    On a different note, I need advice on how to be truly unbothered by other people. There are times when a senior at work laughs on a condescending way if I make a mistake or say something wrong. And it leaves me in a cycle of thought, constantly telling myself I am not dumb, but she implied I am dumb and so on. She did that yesterday and it still hurts. Also, I get insecure if someone else if praised or is overworking. I have no interest in either to be honest, but it makes me really insecured. I have theorised before here that it might be because I am afraid of being fired but I don’t think it is that simple. I think I need to feel smart. Of



    in reply to: I want to be normal #392249

    Hi anita

    I eat eggs and dairy, but I’ve read online that reducing dairy is beneficial.

    I’ll go back to the doctor. But I am not comfortable with birth control, it is supposed to work only as long as you take it but the side effects could be bad. I am uncomfortable with SSRIs because of my dad. Please don’t think I am squashing all your suggestions, I have apprehensions about those medications. Therapy and a vacation are good options, I will look into making them happen.

    I am not wanting out of life. Not suicidal. This experience of life is annoying but your story still has a lesson for me. I suppose I am trying to get my life to transform in a second, because this phase of wanting to be free but that going very slow with setbacks is disappointing. But as you said before, I need to be patient.


    in reply to: My sexual past ruining relationships #392188

    Hi David

    Why are you afraid of her? Or are you a fearful person in general. Did you actually hurt her? Does it need to be punished? If it doesn’t, continue to stay away from her and just know you are sorry. If it does need to be punished by law, I am uncomfortable providing support. Otherwise, you could work on fear and anxiety and focus on your own mental and emotional well-being.

    Good luck!

    in reply to: I want to be normal #392187

    Hi anita

    I’d love to hear your low-carb recipes. I am vegetarian. I’ve been reducing the quantity of rice and substituting with oats and other grains.

    I am struggling with keeping calm. The “joy” didn’t last and I’m not surprised.

    Today, I’ve been feeling extremely annoyed at life. I keep having the same thoughts over and over again – I want to start fresh and I am sick of having to deal with this life. It is not productive to think this way but I am just tired and annoyed.

    I looked up videos on what you mentioned about emotional regulation. I can work on avoiding situations. I don’t have anything I can or will be able to change right away. Taking my attention away from the emotions – I found videos that suggested breath hold and it doesn’t work. Breathing in general has stopped working in calming me down. I get annoyed and cry every time I try to do it. I think I am annoyed at having to calm myself. And my fast heart beat makes it more annoying. Deciding that a situation means something different is somehow not helping either. My self-soothing mechanisms seem to have all stopped working and I am a little panicked. I haven’t been able to sleep well the last 2 nights. I am annoyed, I want to stop working even and just stop being in/participating in any and all situations.


    in reply to: I want to be normal #392145

    Hi anita

    It is hard to tell whether the years of stress lead to this illness or the illness lead to the stress and anxiety. I think it is the former. My symptoms get worse when I’m anxious.

    When I said lifestyle – it is losing weight – low-carb diet and exercise, and also stress management – I am doing yoga, it is not helping that much. Instead telling myself, nothing is more important to me than myself makes me feel better.

    I am trying to get as calm as possible. I want to become a person who is not easily shaken by external circumstances.


    in reply to: I want to be normal #391977

    Hi anita

    I went to a gynaecologist for my thinning hair. She had me take an ultrasound and turns out it was PCOS. She gave me Birth Control pills and another supplement that apparently increases insulin sensitivity. I read several doctors’ opinions on this and I have decided to hold off on the birth control for now and will tackle the actual problem itself with the supplement and work on my lifestyle.

    The reason I am telling you this is because I am going to sound different from my post a couple of days back.

    Firstly, thank you for going so far as suggesting a witty profile. It sounds great. I am happy to know you think I can find love and a long term relationship. Your advice on getting to know the person well before marrying is something I had decided a long time ago. I always thought even when I’m down and out, I push through life and that I don’t want a person who’ll be a burden to me. Recently though, I was wanting a relationship so bad that I was weighing if I should be more traditional about that and that was why I was writing paragraphs on love. I find it silly now.

    Every person deserves joy and love. But I thought about this and wonder – do we feel love or do we feel its absence. I think we feel the absence. I was feeling a void and decided it was love. It was a lot of things but I think what was actually missing was the physical sensation in my chest. I want to call it joy, but essentially the opposite of anxious or feeling empty.  I have taken a couple of doses of the medicine for PCOS and I feel the ‘joy’ in my chest. For all I know, it was this illness that was making me feel so out of it. I was ill and needed treatment. Of course, all my issues are still there but I feel more grounded. Like I can be in this moment and decide how I want to live it. I feel like I have control over myself. This gave me a new perspective on my last comment about my looks.

    I am who I am, and people can take me for what they want. If they like and love me, that’s great. If not, I feel enough, and they can go love someone else. I don’t need it anymore, for the time being atleast. I can decide what this moment is for me, and I can decide to be joyful. If I take actions that match my intention and are in my interest, I will create joy for myself. I want to focus on myself from within. I want to create my experience out of me ( I wish I could express this better but I am not able to, with English atleast). I want to define my world and live in it –  love myself and love living, and take life as it comes.

    The profile when I do create it, I will make it funny. I will let myself show through. Not what I think other people want to see. For now, I will focus on myself. Love can wait.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by samy.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by samy.
    in reply to: I want to be normal #391975

    Hi shattered pieces

    I don’t find it offensive at all that you said I was stuck, it is absolutely true. And a couple years ago, I had arrived at the conclusion that no one could give me enough love for me to feel enough, but it was more out of bitterness. Bitterness I still feel to this day. Times when I felt I was a better friend for someone or a better choice and yet wasn’t picked. Your post brought that back, but I am not the same person. If a person rejects me or doesn’t like me in the context of a relationship, I can take that for what it is and move on. I am not the girl that has crushes anymore. I don’t idealize men. In fact, I have gone in the opposite direction.

    The reason I have oscillated back to wanting intimacy or love from another person is I pretty much did not have anything I was excited or happy about in my life. I was stressed out and feeling low. So I suppose I was looking for what could possibly fill the void and I landed on a relationship as the answer. It could have been something else like a materialistic goal, but I believe because I always felt rejected by men, that wound was sore and I landed on that. Then this brought back all the bad things guys told me I was or things I thought I was being rejected for. At the same time, I am truly convinced that the likely of a true intimate relationship is very low. Marriage is still a transaction. So I could not decide which way to go and was indeed stuck.

    Regarding your experience. I read this expression and I love it, “the trash took its self out”. I am happy for you. I would have said I’m sorry only if you were hurt, but you are not and that is wonderful.

    As for the things at work, my manager made me cry a number of times too. And what had helped was the movie “Captain Marvel”. There is a dialogue where she says “I have nothing to prove to you”, to her senior who keeps controlling her. I was already at my limit of tolerating my manager’s constant insults and putting my skills down and this movie gave me a chance to rise above. I realized through the movie that I didn’t have to let my manager define my skill. Because he could never put those words on paper. My appraisal was always good, all he was doing was unofficially lashing out at me. And I did not need to care about what he thought about me, I don’t need to prove my ability to him.

    Thank you for your post. A lot of old lessons have come back to me.

    I will take your advice as well, I am actively working on my well being. And I think I have been able to tap back in to myself for those lessons, because I have been less anxious lately. So I was able to take more time and come up with more empathetic answers for myself.


    in reply to: I want to be normal #391953

    Hi anita

    Thank you calling me cute. I do have a sense of humour and consider that a strength 🙂

    I know that pretty women lose their needles too but I suppose if I had less flaws my needle wouldn’t jump back.

    interesting, you are not experiencing intimacy with a man in the present time, yet you are afraid that in the future you will not experience it. You are not afraid now about not – experiencing it…  now? – yes, I don’t need it now, I do feel lonely but that lonliness has me fear I’ll never find it. I want to experience it atleast once in my life, and hopefully it goes on till the end of my life. I don’t have a problem with when it’ll start, doesn’t have to be now.

    What I am trying to figure out or are on my mind –

    1) Will I ever find it, there is no predicting this. And I do realize I need to look to find it. And currently arranged marriage portals are where my mother is shortlisting guys for me.

    2) The anecdotes of online dating has me terrified. I don’t have the guts to try it. And create a profile for myself.

    3) Does it exist at all? The commentor on the reddit post has me convinced but I don’t see it anywhere. Could she be making it up? Probably not, she has no reason to. Is she super pretty or amazing, likely.

    4) You did say not to settle, and I don’t want to either. But I am afraid of ending up all alone. And while I am okay with being alone now, what if as I get older just having a companion is better. I don’t need just a companion now though.

    5) You said start tomorrow but I am not confident in who I am today to put myself out there. I could be thinner, with more hair and better hobbies. But at the same time, I don’t have a lot time left for finding a husband now. Should I just stay single and date at 50 if I’m still alive? I’m sure there’ll be divorcees and single men too at that age.

    6) I am getting triggered and wanting to change everything about myself. Not even change, but wish there were different. I was upset last night and cried in bed, couldn’t life give me better looks considering everything else has been so bad. I know it sounds entitled and life doesn’t owe me anything. But after money, love is what I want. I actually want love more than money. But I won’t survive without money at all, so maybe they are equal for me.

    I think I have internalized the fear that I will never find it. Now everything seems impossible. I can’t imagine a guy loving me. That is in part my own flaws and also because I am repulsed by all the men in my family and some guys in college and school, and can’t imagine men being capable of that.

    If someone told me love and intimacy are not real, it would be awesome. I’d be sad that such wonderful things don’t exist but I could just go on with my life. I’d still have trouble with my looks but no angst about not finding love because of who I am and worrying about what all I need to change.


    in reply to: I want to be normal #391937

    Hi anita

    When you offer to talk about anything, i will take it immediately :).

    This has been on my mind today because I was on reddit and there is a forum for Indian women. One woman posted about how she had just lost her virginity and it was so simple and that she wished she hadn’t been so scared or that people didn’t make a big deal about it and that it wasn’t earth shattering. Most of the comments agreed with her and said over time with the right partner you’d learn about each other and it gets better. One comment stood out to me. The commenter described how when you have a partner that respects you and there is warmth from them, sex can get earth shattering every once in a while. I did not care about the great sex part but the way she described intimacy was so beautiful. I’m scared I will never experience that.

    I have already mentioned my looks. I could better them and they will only get better to a certain point. And I know better than to put myself down for my looks or other flaws. But I am seeing myself from the eyes of men and worry that a man that I could have a great life with will not give me a chance and I was lose out on love. I understand men can have flaws too. But there are some people that are more right for each other than others. And I am afraid I won’t get to live a life with intimacy and love.

    I know that love is a not a guarantee. Not always could a person statistically meet “the one”. I don’t believe in that as a perfect person but, as I mentioned, someone you could have your best life with. I hope to find love. I wish I do. But I can’t help but think the odds are against me.

    Arranged marriage is a coin toss. In the patriarchial setting, a lot of men have not explored how they see women and it shows. I have spoken to 2 men so far and it seemed very transactional. But at the same time, dating is still new here, a lot of men join apps for sex and still end up going for arranged marriage. In either of these scenarios, it would be looking for a needle in a haystack. But I’m afraid my needle will jump back into the haystack after seeing or getting to know me or that I’ll never find the needle.

    The dilemma is do I wait and possibly never find the needle. Will I know when I’ve found the needle? I think I will but not sure. If I wait, I will lose the prospects of finding a husband over time. I’ll probably regret not settling, if I am all alone when I am older. This has me torn.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by samy.
    in reply to: I want to be normal #391934

    I’ll post when I do that, anita.


    in reply to: I want to be normal #391920

    Hi anita

    I agree with you, the materialistic band-aids could never heal the the emotional wounds.

    I understand that not contacting them would help in not adding new wounds. And possibly reduce the burden on me to play catch up to their energy.

    It’s the one that keeps projecting the primary judgers into other people, making you feel uncomfortable around people even when they don’t judge you at all – your inner critic is a projection of people that judged you. We don’t want to be judged so we are doing it ourselves. My inner voice though doesn’t judge me. It is afraid not judgemental.

    I don’t think it just makes her feel strong. When she managed to control us so well, she is the strongest. Just like the general. Maybe most powerful is the right word. She is less wounded than us, she knows what she is doing, which makes her the heroine of every stage.

    I understand therapy and moving out are the solutions to this.




    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by samy.
    in reply to: I want to be normal #391901

    Hi anita

    The fear of judgement that gets reactivated around people, how do I win over that? Both in the moment and long-term to ultimately not have it at all.

    meaning your mother knows what sweet you like… but she keeps offering you bitterness? – are you speaking metaphorically? I think you are but I sometimes can’t tell if people are speaking literally or not.

    is this a new strategy, or did we already cover this one: keeping you on your toes/ controlling you by any expression of upset in facial expressions or tone of voice? I don’t know if it’s new but it just happened a moment ago. My mother brings up something about a cousin and what she is doing wrong, and I agree with her on some things and not others and my sister has to constantly interject like she is my mother’s attorney. We weren’t arguing, just talking. I feel misunderstood. Why does she feel the need to do that? It’s so stupid. They’ll have a conversation over me. My mom sometimes pretends I didn’t say the sentence I did and move on like I never spoke.  Why does my mom need backup, she is the strongest of the 3? ( These are all rhetorical, I know it is conditioning that has my sister like that, and this dynamic comes from our childhood).

    I am going to reduce my interactions with them over time without catching their attention that I’m pulling away. It will help me see if I feel better away from them. I have trouble being by myself, the depression comes back but I’ll see what I can do to change that.


    in reply to: I want to be normal #391894

    Hi anita

    I understand what histronics means now. I am frustrated at having had to soak up all that stress over the years. Just today, someone at work said something our team is responsible for isn’t working as expected and this is my old project that I know in and out, something I can fix, yet the prospect of something being broken and my having to fix it triggers me. I think having to take care of things has me averse to fixing problems at work. As I mentioned earlier, the situation at work is not as dark but still pretty pathetic in terms of support.

    you come across very well to me, and I wish that sooner than later, you will be okay with who you are! it is odd but I am fine with myself when I am not around others. But once there are other people around, I just feel weird. Like I want to get away from them. That if I stay too long, they’ll judge me. Thank you for accepting me for who I am. You do that for everyone here and it’s very nice of you.

    children don’t determine culture, mothers do; in the context of family, mothers have great power over their children, lots of power available to misuse, or abuse. So, many do, and… they are not going to point to other mothers being in the wrong for doing the same as they do, so… they make a culture out of the abuse of power. – This is very true. My mother and grandmother’s relationship is worse in terms of support. So the latter had no issues expecting, me as the daughter to look after my mother. My mother told us that she never felt important to her and that she probably doesn’t know which sweet my mom likes. When I see that, I know that’s where my mother gets her parenting skills. If anything she overcame that to some extent to be better than her mother. They did not face the circumstance we faced as children so there is no major falling out. But I know my mother wanted to confront her for putting her last. Her illness triggered my grandmother’s caretaking muscle though. Their love comes through in physical illness. The care they give makes you feel loved.

    She is not asking for help with housework not for the purpose of not bothering you (with work), but for the purpose of bothering you with worry. – My family feels fake for this reason. None of us feel secure but at the same time the elders are super confident that they can get away with anything.

    Your mental health is a price she is willing for you to pay, so that she feels like she has some power, like she is not completely powerless. – I feel like both my parents had to compete with me to prove they were better than me. So many instances where their mistakes didn’t matter but mine were magnified. Same with flaws.

    The fear of my mother being hurt and her losing hope on life drove my thoughts throughout my childhood. It made me feel hopeless. There was no joy. We’d celebrate festivals, joke even, but out of the blue, my mom would get upset. But we’d still go on like it was ok. I would always be the one to apologize. Both my mother and sister get upset very easily. I’ve been trained to pacify upset people irrespective of whether it is justified or not. Always restore harmony. Maybe this is where the fear of judgement comes from. If they judge me, they will not be nice to me, and I can’t bear that.

    I understand that a healthy relationship is unlikely between my mother and I. But my conscience will not allow me to leave completely. I’d want to take care of her. So that from a distance seems like the way to go.







    in reply to: I want to be normal #391870

    Hi anita

    I will respond to your post at length tomorrow. But my first thought on reading histronics is what if I am also exaggerating my experience. Who my mother is now, I don’t know if she still that person. She has said to me not to worry about her and take care of myself. But I am wondering if I am being very negative towards her.


    in reply to: Is there anyone kind enough to give me some advice? #391868

    Hi Greg

    This post made me smile. It is up to you what you decide to do. I suggest you hold onto those standards you have on attractiveness. The girls in your city will do just fine without you and you will be fine without them. I just hope when it comes time to marry, you don’t marry one of those girls and ruin their life.

    You are piting girls against each other and placing one on a pedestal whom you have never met. That would make you seem naive, but you aren’t, considering you threw every girl from your city under the bus. Like I said earlier, my advice to you in this matter is don’t “settle” for the girls in your city. Stay single for the rest of your life if you have to.


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