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- This topic has 2,307 replies, 62 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 10 months ago by
September 22, 2020 at 6:57 am #367072
Participant@Rhaenys thank you so much for reaching out, that is so very kind of you. I feel incredibly guilty and upset with myself that you have posted in this forum and I may have overlooked your post. I’m sorry. I’m happy to give advice to anyone who asks but It’s hard for me to seek advice from many people. I’ve always had one or two people I looked up to in life my best friend irl and mum. On this forum I really resonated with @Tim and @Shelbyville I guess I looked out for their replies as it made me feel safe and understood. Now I worry if I have developed some form of dependency on them. How pathetic am I?
I’m currently veering off course and because I’m so hard on myself. I end up self loathing. I’m ashamed to admit I drank a lot last night. I feel a lack of control all of a sudden. It’s the seclusion and lockdown rules. I don’t know.
I just wanted to apologise to you Rhaenys. I know what it is like to feel ignored and I hope you didn’t feel that. If you need any help I’d be willing to help in anyway I can.
September 22, 2020 at 8:26 am #367074Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Sammy,
I’m here. How are you doing? Sorry, I’ve been working from home due to new restirctions and ironically I think I work even MORE from home (to prove a point I guess) so I’ve been manic.
How are you feeling? It’s okay that you drank last night, in the sense that you cannot change what you have already done. It’s gone and beating yourself up about it will give you absolutely no benefit. None whatsoever. Except push you in to a shame spiral which may inevitably make you feel worse and want to drink even more.
Thing is you don’t need to drink, your brain just wants you to feel like you do because who wants to sit with loneliness? Who wants to sit with sad emotions? We all have crutches. I find it extremely difficult to just sit with myself, when I’m low that is. Other times I’m fine and even relish it, but when I’m low I need connection, I crave it. But I’m working on it. On trying to sit with the discomfort a little more each time. Actually I had a virtual session with my therapist this afternoon (on my break) and we talked about me expanding my capacity to feel anxious and upset or lonely or worried and sit with it a while longer. He said consistently doing this will eventually reduce its toll on me.
Start your indoor routine diary. I’ve found that I’ve not been journalling much lately and it’s having an impact. The littlest things have an impact. So get a notebook and plan tomorrow. When tomorrow comes, plan the following day and so on. I even took up knitting at one point and suduko to occupy my mind at times indoors. And remember, it sux now but this too shall pass and you won’t be cooped up like this always.
To this day I might bump into an ex and still have a reaction. I don’t know, it’s just a reminder of a different time, a time that had different feelings attached to it and the memory almost makes your body relive it, like their presence leaves a lasting imprint on you which is triggered when you see them. However I also think that fades with time, so that the 4th or 5th time you bump in to them, it’s a little less each time.
I have stayed friends with exes. I don’t know how exactly, it just kind of works. They have moved on, I have moved on. They have families and stuff now so it’s not like there is ever a possibility for anything to happen again, so it works. However it depends. I’m not friends with ALL my exes. The ex who was the reason for starting this thread is not my friend. In fact, in a strange moment yesterday after zero contact, I texted him something about his parents to do with coronavirus that crossed my mind. He replied politely and also congratulated me on my new job in the city, which he had apparently heard about through the usual grapevine and that was it. I wasn’t anxious waiting for his reply, in fact, I didn’t care if he didn’t reply at all. I had no romantic feelings towards him, he is not the person I initially built him up to be in my head. He’s just…..whatever now. I don’t know if I’m just detached now or time has helped, but either way, it is what it is for now.
September 22, 2020 at 8:33 am #367075Shelbyville
ParticipantRhaenys – thank you also for your insights and for reaching out to help people on this thread.
It has proven a lifesaver for me on many occasions.
Quick update on me for all: I had a chat with my GP and due to the level of change in my life right now…it’s overwhelming me a little, not to mention covid being a constant threat, so I’m going back on a very light dosage of my anti-anxiety tablet for a couple of months until I have the bandwidth to cope with everything I’m going through.
I’m happy enough to do so because it gives me the slightest reprieve. I don’t stop feeling or anything like that, I still have all the feels and get anxious etc, but it is taking the nasty edge of – it has stopped my hands shaking as my body was wracked with anxiety going to work in the mornings for example. Plus it doesn’t have any side effects for me and I know it’s a useful short term measure for me. I’ve managed a year probably at this stage now without any medication and it’s been fine, but at the moment, it’s extraordinary circumstances.
I’ll let you know how I’m going. I’m beginning to see the crazy fog lift the tiniest amount which is good and working from home is helping me too, so fingers crossed.
September 22, 2020 at 10:12 am #367079Sammy
ParticipantHi @Shelbyville,
It is good to hear from you. I was worried about how you coped over the weekend. How did things go with your new guy? Are things better? Are you back on medication to control your anxiety about him?
I’ve never been keen on therapy or medication because as you can see from my alcohol abuse I have an addictive nature and I want to equip myself to cope without not doing a great job am I?!
However, you could tell your anxiety was having a big impact on you and if it helps give you a reprieve it is worth it. Just sad to read you did so well for a year, what was different during that year, that you don’t feel you have now or is affecting your coping? Whilst on it figure out what you can do to feel more confident, so the medication doesn’t become a long term measure. These drugs mask the issue rather than solve it. Just like alcohol for me.
You don’t need to apologise, I’m just lost and like you when I’m low it makes me seek familiarity whether that’s in routine or from people I connect with like you and Tim, I feel like I was making good progress until I had to self isolate and now I’m in quicksand and trying to escape but it is is just pulling me under faster. I was doing so well. I don’t know what it is. It’s no longer my ex, it is bigger than that, it’s me. I feel desperately alone even though I am loved and have a good support network (after filtering out the dud friends.) It is a hollowness I can’t describe. For two days straight I cried about not being pregnant, there was no way I could have been. I think I wish I had a baby maybe someone I could love unconditionally and feel that back. I don’t know. I really don’t know. What child would want an alcoholic parent? I can’t even sort myself out and here I am thinking about babies. This discomfort, if I distract myself, I’m fine. When I sit with it it is all-consuming. What does journalling entail? What do you write? I have nothing to plan. I look at my life and it just feels like it is at a dead end. This has been exacerbated by COVID.
Thank you Shelbyville for replying when clearly you have a lot going on too.
September 22, 2020 at 11:12 pm #367102Rhaenys
ParticipantSammy, no need to apologize. I was replying a few times mostly to Shelbyville. I posted yesterday because you were alone here for a few days, so I wanted to help if I can.
Maybe you could use some therapy? I also sometimes have a feeling that my life is at a Dead end, but then I say to myself – maybe this is a chance for me to do some hobbies, spend time with my friends and family. And who knows, something can happen any day that can change everything on the positive side, I’m thinking. When I’m not at home I go with my friends, read a book, spend time with my family or cats, and I started playing piano… And I can finally sleep good enough and long. I also watch videos and meditations on YouTube. Maybe you can try something like that… I guess we all have to face our demons alone eventually, but until you feel a bit better maybe it would be good not to be alone too much time. As you Search support here, maybe that’s what you need with your friends and family too.
When I’m at home I’m okay, but I think what’s the hardest for me is my work, I’m really not inspired at all and I just start thinking.
Shelbyville thank you very much. Your posts make me think you seem a lot better.
This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by
September 23, 2020 at 3:28 am #367106Shelbyville
Yeah medication is never a long term option for me, but I find it a useful tool when needed and it doesn’t mask anything for me as I still feel everything sharply but it helps get a little more control or sense over my emotions so I can deal with them better.
With the journalling I guess I just open a page and usually a first thought will come to me. Oh I date it, like a diary…don’t know why, but that’s what I do! My first line might be something like ‘I feel lonely…..and then the words just pour from there. I start asking myself how do I feel and I write the answer that comes down on the page and I keep going until it’s all out or my hand gets tired writing. That’s another thing, I do it with a physical notebook and pen, not on my computer.
Rhaenys made some goof suggestions about youtube or podcasts….I find them great as they engage my mind for periods, especially if they are insightful. But it’s okay that you feel this way, it’s a pretty sucky situation at the moment – and you’re at a point in your life now it seems where the breakup has triggered other things that your soul wants to deal with. It’s all growth….painful though it may be…it’s a cracking open.
Stay strong, you know you can do it and the few weeks isolation will be over soon and you’ll get to pound the pavement again.
Rhaenys, I can enpathise on the work front. I was really nice inspired anymore by my last job but it was comfortable and familiar, hence I stayed there too long.
You have great suggestions though to fill up your life outside of work, so I hope that keeps you going.
September 23, 2020 at 4:33 am #367109Sammy
ParticipantHi @Rhaenys
Therapy is great for those who it helps, I have too many reservations so I know it will not work for me, for the very same reason I don’t lean on IRL support as much. I find it hard to verbalise and show my vulnerabilities in person especially to those I love, I find it hard to show how weak I’ve become, I feel ashamed.
I’m glad you are seeking therapy and doing a lot of activities, I was too but had to self isolate, and now have been put on WFH for the foreseeable future so some things are out of my control. I hope therapy and keeping active helps you win your battle with your demons. Good Luck.
“…As you Search support here, maybe that’s what you need with your friends and family too.” This hit me hard, maybe I should stop posting on here. I felt I was helping myself with @Tim insights I had really got to a better place before self-isolation and helping give advice to @Shelbyville about the new guy and @ Michelle made me feel significant and just eased the mess in my own head a bit. I felt useful if not to myself currently at least to someone else. Corresponding with them in a way helped. Maybe I am pathetic.
I didn’t mean to sound judgy about your medication, I just assumed it numbed feelings like alcohol. When you come off the high of alcohol it is a desperate low, like for me today, and all those emotions that you tried to suppress end up hitting you. I thought that’s what drugs do too. I’m sorry. Considering you do not wish to talk about new guy I’m sorry if my advice made your anxiety worse and I hope he is supporting you, I was just trying to help when @Kkasxo was not able to because I didn’t want you to feel alone or ignored, I know that feeling too well.
September 23, 2020 at 6:17 am #367118Rhaenys
ParticipantShelbyville, yes I do feel I’m pretty lucky because of support, and also because I have a lot of friends here. I used to work in another town (Capital) but I didn’t have Company there. I decided I want to live in this smaller town where I was born, as my whole family is here and friends too, and also it’s near the sea and a lot of nature near. So I came back, even though I liked my previous work more. And I have really a lot friends here so I don’t miss Company at least.
I do feel better.. I do miss my ex sometimes, but I think I mostly have anxiety because of my fear that I’m too old to find someone, that I will end up alone and childless (I’m 33.). Somehow that anxiety and panic came up now. I Know I’m still Young and as I have a lot of friends I also have opportunities to meet people, although they are limited now because of COVID. I’m going to my First appointment with therapyst today.
@Sammy, I’m so sorry.. I didn’t mean to say that you Search for support as a critique.. We all came here for that, me too. And that’s okay, I think that’s what there forums are meant for. I was just suggesting, that if other members like Tim or Shelbyville are busy and not online, to maybe search for your friends or family as a support…I’m so sorry if you feel you find hard to do that in person, I understand. I also have maybe 1-2 persons that are close to me and with whom I speak openly about my problems. I don’t do that with the rest, but sometimes just hanging with friends and having fun helps, and makes me happy.
I guess we seek for support from others, while we should Search for that in ourselves… But that’s hard sometimes, really hard and takes time. I also always refused to go to therapy before, so I understand that too. Please feel free and welcome to post here whenever you need, as you see there are people who will relpy.
September 24, 2020 at 11:35 am #367167Tim
ParticipantApologies for my absence, Rupert’s death has really taken its toll on me and I also have a lot of other things occurring simultaneously which has made me feel exhausted. I wanted to be in a clearer frame of mind to reply to posts. Doll you were doing so well, I gather you are no longer sober anymore? That’s ok, from my own experience I can attest growth is never linear, it has its peaks and troughs. You are always welcome to reach out for support on here it is the purpose of such forums, to seek anonymous support when you feel unable to reach out in person. There is nothing wrong with that. However, @Rhaenys has a valid point in the sense there will be a time when I or @Shelbyville are unavailable at the exact moment but I want to try and encourage you in your journey e.g when you cried out for help and ended up drinking because we didn’t see your message in time. Where was your buddy?
Come back on here when you are ready and we can talk, in the meantime flush down the remainder of the booze, and let’s start again yeah? You will get there. You have been giving very sound advice from what I read so don’t be hard on yourself but do apply some of it to yourself. I’m here to correspond when you are ready. Bare with me if I am slow, just acclimatising myself.
Not sure of your backstory but you have some very good techniques in place. Working on oneself before jumping into a relationship will do you wonders. It will address any underlying issues and make you choose better. Good luck in therapy and well done for taking that huge step despite your initial resistance. Hopefully, it will make a significant difference.
Sounds like things have been unsteady for yourself also. If you ever need that male advice, I’d be happy to offer my assistance.
Doll, I have been to therapy and enquired about PTSD so if you need any guidance, let me know. Reading your insights for Shelbyville was heartwarming and very articulate. I too assumed you were fairly young, however as a college graduate, the world is your oyster, keep up the good fight and change your life!
Looks like you and I have both been through the wringer, vastly for different reasons. However, I too had to go onto an SSRI for a month just to get me back on my feet after Rupert. So I completely understand, never feel guilty for doing what is best for your own wellbeing. Reading your posts this new guy has really created a mind fuck of his own. I will just say I have been through a tough few weeks but a caring, supportive, and loving partner by my side made a remarkable difference. So whether you are with a new guy or taking time out currently, always look for a partner who will show you that emotional understanding and maturity it has an immense change in your anxiety, wellbeing, and future life. I have been through different relationship patterns so if you need an insight do let me know. In the meantime, you too keep up the good fight, as long as you are willing to grow and not apathetic, change will come.
September 24, 2020 at 5:52 pm #367178Lucie
ParticipantIt never ceases to amaze me the kindness of people who are struggling themselves. I do not wish to discuss myself in great detail but to give you some positive news I have started to build bridges with my mom and if things go smoothly it will open up extra avenues of help for me especially for the trauma-related symptoms. I have also started taking St Johns Wort a herbal alternative to Zoloft, it has helped so far. I have found single care coupons that can get me Zoloft for $9 instead of $100 without health insurance if needs be, I finally feel there’s been a break in the dark clouds.
Above all, I really wanted to say I’m sorry to hear you have been experiencing personal woes and such a difficult time with Rupert’s loss. I would like to return your kindness towards me and offer you a shoulder to lean on too. You offer so much of your time and advice and never ask for anything in return. I would like to let you know although I’m not altogether there myself you all especially yourself and @Shelbyville made me feel like there was more to me than my trauma. I’m here to listen and help you too if needed. Before Rupert’s passing, it appeared you needed advice from the ladies, amongst the issues it got dismissed. Is there anything I can help with please as a thank you for the extreme kindness you have shown me.
I know what it feels like to not be physically alone, but mentally feel like there is no one in sight. Being inside your head can feel like solitary confinement, we become prisoners of our own thoughts. So please keep posting, there is a lot of love for you as displayed by @Shelbyville and @Tim. Don’t give up.
Thank you so much for Sarah Blondin Insight app recommendation, meditation is calming. Mostly thanks for the continued empathy and encouragement you have shown me. Your last response to me believe it or not made me feel worthy, made me feel like the old me even if it was a fleeting moment. I just wish after reading silently you also reach a place where you tackle your root problem and feel self-worth. I’m sorry that things have become overwhelming but you are a fighter and this is just a small bump in the road. I hope things will begin to look clearer and you’ll realise your worth and stand up for yourself and needs too, make decisions that put your peace of mind first. How are you finding work and your relationship since being back on the drugs? Does it help the anxiety significantly and give you a clear perspective?
Warm hugs to all
September 24, 2020 at 11:29 pm #367202Rhaenys
ParticipantI’m really sorry, I was just trying to help you to find support if Shelbyville and Time are not online. Please do feel free to post here anytime, that’s okay, we all came here for support, me too.
Thank you for your kind words.
My background is that I had a break up about 2 months ago… I’m 33, I had a few (let’s say 3) relationships, and all the guys broke up with me… Also, even though I’m always searching for a serious relationship that will grow into living together and marriage, none of the guys were ready for it. I’ve been in a 7 year relationship with a guy who was never ready for that, and I stayed to long. He was my age, and it was also long distance. Last guy was 8 years younger and he was a lot into me, we were 2 years together but he changed when I started a conversation about future.
I’m 33, and at First I missed him so much and wanted him back… I miss him now too, sometimes.. But mostly I’m really scared about my future, not finding someone for marriage and kids, ending up alone. This is what really bothers me these days.
I have a lot of friends, and they are not married yet, most of them, but they are in relationships so don’t want go out much (which I totally understand), and with that and COVID I don’t see many opportunities to meet people… I don’t have issues with my looks, I have a job (that is not perfect, but not horrible either), I have hobbies and interests, but sometimes I feel I’m just not meant to have luck in love. I’m really scared of that last two days, really sad because of that. Sometimes I have anxiety and mild panic attacks because of that. I try to do what I wrote before but I have better and worse days. So yes, these days I also need support too…
September 25, 2020 at 6:00 am #367219Tim
ParticipantWow, I feel overwhelmed and deeply touched by your message. It appears you like things balanced although I expect nothing in return that is a wonderful quality which shows your gratitude and awareness. It will stand you in good stead and keep you moving. That message alone has balanced the books, so thank you Lucie. It was very thoughtful and kind of you.
It has also made me realise I’m not quite ready to give back and deal with the additional emotions associated with this forum, I’ll keep reading and reach out if someone is in desperate need of help but I’m still too devastated. It may seem odd to most but Rupert’s death was unexpected and he was very much my anchor especially during that dark phase of my life. His loss hits me harder as the days pass. Please do not worry though, I have a wonderful partner and family who understand and are supporting me. Your words have helped me tremendously during this time. It is heartening to read there has been some light cast in your journey, keep following it doll, it will lead to better days. The St John’s Wort you mentioned is something I will look into, it may help to taper of this current emergency dosage sooner rather than later. Thank you, you are full of pearls of wisdom. You are not defined by your trauma. It may be a part of you but it is not the whole of you.
Kudos to you for building bridges with your mom, you’ll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river so it’s good in life to not burn bridges with the people who may have made mistakes but when all is said and done still love us, kindness builds bridges not walls. If someone is putting in the effort to reach out to you accept it with humility.
You’re a intelligent woman, your advice to @Shelbyville and @Sammy reflects that. I’m proud of you Lucie. Keep up the good fight!
It’s OK to make a retreat so as to advance better. I will try to be here hopefully if and when you choose to return. Recharge those batteries, i know you gave the courage to fight. Thinking of you.
I would like to think with growth I have an objective and fair view, but being a man I can be direct at times. I genuinely do not believe you said anything out of turn, Sammy just needs time. She is self aware and she she will return if/when she wants, if not do not carry any guilt. It is unnecessary in this instance.
Life is cyclical, sometimes you unfortunately get stuck in a rut again but it is important to take lessons from experiences to not repeat the same mistakes.
I wasted a lot of time on a past relationship trying to make it work you can read my previous posts for an in depth insight. The signs were all there pointing to the obvious demise. I stayed too long. I prolonged my suffering. However, I do not regret it in that instance as it was needed to make me stronger. To repeat that mistake now would mean I learned nothing, but I did the hard graft and it’s paid dividends.
You seem to be repeating your pattern very much like @Shelbyville. The reason is because you have not done enough work to discover who you really are, what you actually need in a relationship and how to really love yourself. Society and social media feeds us with the narrative that in order to be worthy we must meet certain standards we must be married, have children, have a high salary job etc in X amount of time. It adds pressure, whilst chasing that we fail to sit with ourselves, we fail to appreciate and love ourselves. Instead we berate ourselves for not being where others are. We compare, we become ungrateful and we lose ourselves in the process. Then we search for something to fill that void be it a relationship or another vice.
When I first met one of my partners cousin who is of a similar age to yourself, an extremely intelligent woman with high flying career, beautiful, kind and humble very much like my partner. I made the mistake of asking her why she was still single and if she felt her biological clock ticking. After the initial glare that almost pierced my soul. I remember exactly what she said;
“Tim, I have had the heartbreaks. Each relationship made it even more clear that I was worth more than I’d allowed myself to have in a relationship. I’m content being alone it affords me freedom but if someone wants to be a permanent part of my life and create life with me, I have learned they have to enhance it. Meaningful companionship is essential but my life is still fulfilling and valuable in the absence of a relationship. Even with past experiences I’m open to it, I simply am yet to meet him but you’ll be very mistaken to believe whilst waiting I’m going to waste my days worrying trapped by dogma, no Tim, I’m going to live my best life.”
That short interaction exuded so much positive energy it rubbed off on me. Surround yourself with the kind of people who encourage a positive change in one’s behaviour especially when the chips are down.
That is proof if you have high self worth, you will always remain true to who you are and love yourself regardless of your circumstances and where you are on the “timeline”. You can still feel fulfilled and walk away from relationships that are unfulfilling with the belief you will be content and a better future awaits.
You attract and want to keep what you believe you deserve. If you have low self worth you’ll stay in very long relationships as you have but they will all end as they never met your needs. Your values were never aligned to begin with. You stayed to fill a void.
So I think if you commit to therapy, look into codependency, attachments and practice self love you’ll learn to let go of being in love with the ideals in your head, you’ll break the pattern of negative loop feedback and seeking relationships as a form of validation of your worth.
Instead you’ll manifest it when the timing is right. When you are in a relationship you’ll make wiser choices and choose someone who actually enhances your life too. At the moment you are living in fear. Fear of losing someone. Fear of being alone. Fear of not being loved so you end up settling or choosing the wrong ones. Etc.
That is no way to live and will just make you more sad and more anxious.I’ve been there. Believe in yourself and enjoy life don’t be in a rush to be where you think society expects you to be. You will no longer court wastes of times – the ones who play push/pull games and make you fall hard with the electric chemistry, but don’t want to commit, the ones with ambiguous intentions, the ones with nothing important to say or add to your life, the ones who believe in so little who exist simply to entertain themselves through selfishness.
Be better, feel better from within and start appreciating all that you bring to your own life. You are most attractive when you’re not worried about who you’re attracting and keeping. When you’re living your life confidently, freely and without restraint, you emit the kind of energy that it just isn’t possible to fake. Then you’ll naturally find the RIGHT one if it’s meant to be, who cares, respects, support and cherishes the ground you walk on and hopefully you’ll be wise enough to not sabotage and throw it away.
Good luck Rhaenys, hopefully the others on the forum will contribute if you need further support.
September 25, 2020 at 6:58 am #367224Shelbyville
You are surviving. Maybe not how you want to survive, but you’re surviving and sometimes that’s an accomplishment. It’s difficult facing loneliness, facing internal emotions, wounds….believe me I know. But I think you can come up with another plan, one that doesn’t require alcohol. You come across as an astute clever self-aware woman, so I feel confident that you can put together a new routine. How long more until the self isolation period ends? What do you plan to do this weekend, could you read a book from beginning to end or perhaps bake something? Or could you do an aerobic workout session from youtube?
We are all here at the end of the keyboard if you need us. I didn’t mention much about the new guy in my last post for two reasons – firstly, it didn’t seem that important versus a more serious concern you have about avoiding alcohol and I wanted to just give you support/advice and secondly haven spoken with the therapist, he pointed out that no relationship can survive the scrutiny of being under a telescope all the time (which I always do), so I’m working on it and just trying to enjoy it day to day for the moment – we’ll see how it goes.
My heart is with you. Truly. You’re a lovely kind human being and Rupert was lucky to have you as a friend. You will be okay, but right now the grief is painful and you need to do whatever you need to do. I hope that with time and the lovely support you surround yourself with, that the pain will lessen and the smiles will get bigger at the fond memories.
You’re incredible! Well done, you’re making steps in the right direction all the time. Every baby step, even if you think it’s small, is a baby step in the right path. Keep it up, the baby steps add up to big steps eventually. You are a kind, warm and smart person and I’m glad this thread can help in some small way.
The anxiety and mild panic attacks are yuck. An I know how you feel, I’m 37 about to turn 38, so I’m feeling the pressure – and in fairness it’s a biological pressure I guess, not society as such for me, but the scientific fact of having a female body….my choice is ever dwindling. But that’s life I guess and I try to tell myself that I’ve arrived where I am today, because I was meant to arrive. The medication is so light its barely perceptible but I do feel its taken the slightly out of control anxiety edge off. Who knows it might just be a placebo, but I’m going with it!
I hope to get a nice long walk in somewhere to get some fresh air this weekend – never underestimate the power of nature!
Be safe and well all.
September 26, 2020 at 7:59 am #367267Tim
Participant@Shelbyville Very touched by your intuitive understanding and highly appreciate the sentiment, thank you. Do you have pets? It really is heartwarming when strangers (although I consider you all my TB crew now) are able to understand your grief and pain so well. Your words have uplifted me during a difficult time.
This thread itself serves as a constant reminder when caught up in our own storms that behind closed doors there are so many people suffering from their own battles and hurting, so I try to remind myself to be kind. To reach out to people with unexpected kindness. To invest in good people who have accepted me for who I am whilst encouraging and nurturing me further. It took a lot of growth to stop my heart hardening after my first relationship and not be selfish. Kindness was what healed me. Surround yourself with that doll, that energy will raise you. The anxious thoughts will allay.
If you need any help with navigating relationships. I’m here to help, I’ve been there and experienced neediness etc.
I think your therapist is right, dissecting a relationship so intensely in your mind can lead you to leaving before you have given it a real chance. The best assessment is always of your partners actions. So just step back and relax, observe his actual actions don’t be fooled by words. It is casual so act casually.
In regards to Sammy, she thought she needed tough love, but deep down she is caught between a strong mind and fragile heart. Like you said she is very astute however clearly needs time to confront her emotions, I hope she returns too and realises she has plenty of support and love on here and continues to fight.
Have a lovely weekend and walk amongst the nature. Thank you for your words, it’s amazing how a reply or reaching out can touch a soul. Takes a few minutes but is priceless.
September 27, 2020 at 11:48 pm #367326Rhaenys
First, I’m sorry for Rupert too, I had pets before and have them now, and they are a member of family for me.
Thank you very much for your reply. I read it, and I admit I haven’t posted a few days, since I’ve let myself think about… I Know you are right, I full desire to did the things you said this time
I remember me 2 years ago, just before starting last relationship and on the beginning, really wanting someone, but also believing and saying to myself “this time you’ll love yourself too, you will let yourself enjoy, you will be relaxed and not make the relationship all of your world”. Did i do that? Partially, some of it, some of the times, not fully… I did have a talk about what I want, even though that was what finished it. And at the end when he changed I was ready to break it up. So I guess I did better than last time (waiting 7 years…).
Still, I guess last few months when he was changing and not acting really nice to me let a really bitter pill to swallow. I think I would actually deal it better if it ended differently, maybe if we agreed to part immediately after our conversation.. But seeing him getting cold was hard. My therapist told me it was because of the talk, he was immature and not ready, and that’s how his family programmed him and I guess it’s true, since change happened after that. But still it’s hard… I’m really looking forward for next appointment with therapyst.
thank you for your support too. I totally understand you. As everyone tells me, all can change in an instant and for love it’s never too late. And something it happens just when we lost all hope and we stop thinking about it.. so we both have time, even though it doesn’t feel like that sometimes.
Did you have a walk this weekend as you planned?
I had a really hard weekend, actually saturday… I always liked the idea of going to a wedding with my boyfriend as guests, and we were invited at a wedding, in his family, that was this saturday. Actually that was near the end of relationship and I knew even when I got the invite, I had doubts, feeling like it won’t happen… Then one of my best friends was at another wedding the this saturday too, the same day. I think there were few weddings in our small town this saturday. I made plans to go somewhere with my friends (as a way to escape from being home) but in the morning was rain, so we stayed home. Then, afternoon sun came and it made everything worse… I felt stuck at home… It was really hard for me that day, people were posting pictures, I actually missed him again and even dreamt of him and woke up felling bad on sunday. I haven’t dealt with it the best. I actually dreaded this day for 2 months.
Then it was better on sunday, and I thought… you had such a lousy saturday, and you did that to yourself. You expected it to be dreadful and you made it. I feel I kind of had my chance to deal with it different and I blew it. But blaming me won’t help, I know that too.
I guess I need support these days… It’s monday now, but I’m feeling better at least.
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This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by