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  • in reply to: Extremely painful breakup and confusion #422359

    Dear Stacy:

    You are welcome! “Once they have me and then discard me“-  they shouldn’t have you in a way that makes it possible for them to discard you.

    You’ve been giving men something you should not give, something they have no business having. You’ve been giving this guy the role of a parent, putting him on a pedestal (like a child does in regard to a parent), and presenting yourself as a lesser, as a child needing his (parental) support so that you can grow up and become a capable woman.

    If you enter a relationship not as a lesser, but as a capable woman (however imperfectly, however self-doubting), with a capable man (a man capable of having a healthy-enough relationship, which the guy was not),  you will not be discardable!

    I’m left feeling like I wasn’t woman enough for them and that I was a child they didn’t take seriously“- you entered relationships as a lesser, as not enough.

    “I’m left feeling like I wasn’t woman enough for them and that I was a child they didn’t take seriously“- you entered relationships as an (incapable) child.

    I’m still in complete shock that my ex lied to me about even wanting to stay in contact…  I’m still at square one – just complete denial and inability to accept what’s happened“- I think that the complete quality of what you are experiencing (including the extreme pain, in the title of your thread), has to do with a child (you) being abandoned by a parent (him).

    If you perceived the two of you as adults, neither your denial nor your pain would be complete and extreme.

    Today, the 22nd is also the anniversary of the first day we met in person“- it seems like such an important date for the child who met her.. (2nd chance of a) parent for the first time.

    It’s discouraging to know that half of my suffering is due to my own insecure narrative coming up trying to find closure“- I think that in regard to this breakup, more than half of your suffering is due to you entering the relationship like a lesser, a child needing a strong parent.

    * If the relationship continued, at one point on, you’d have realized that the emperor (this guy who you admired so much) has no clothes (he does not deserve your admiration).

    It’s also discouraging to know that if I don’t rectify these things in myself, my grief and pain will be for nothing and bleed out onto the next person if they ever come along“-  the rectification and stopping the bleeding need to be about (1) entering a relationship as an equal adult, a capable, and imperfect woman, (2) entering a relationship with a capable and imperfect man.

    * I add imperfect here because a young child sees her parent/s as perfect, needing to see them that way, and whatever goes wrong, the child sees it as a consequence of her own imperfection, still holding the parent in the position of perfect. A healthy adult, sees her parents and herself.. and everyone else as imperfect.

    I will look for him in everyone else, and I will tell myself again that I was able to entertain and attract someone of high value but that once I show them love, the chase is over for them and they get bored and turned off by the REAL me“- (1) an abandoned child will desperately look for a parent in everyone she meets, (2) an unloved child believes that she, as well as her love (for her parent), are worthless. (3) the REAL you is worthy and lovable. It’s just that you don’t yet.. really know it, do you?

    And you’re right – my mom doesn’t really try to connect with me… the only connection I want is to be heard by her and I don’t see it “- no efforts to connect with you, no efforts to hear you= no love for you.

    It was very, very difficult for me to think that my mother did/ does not love me. WOW! What a concept. But it’s true. And not because I was not worthy of love, but because she was/ is unable.

    I think my mom and I would have a better relationship with each other if I were happier and if she were happier“- she told you repeatedly that only money and health would make her happy, didn’t she? She didn’t tell you that you could make her happy, did she?

    She’s been so annoyed and disappointed in me for how slowly I’m taking this breakup“- you would have taken this breakup much quicker if she loved you.

    I am sure she has some caring feelings for her children once in a while… well, I am not sure, I am thinking that likely most mothers do, but the proof, as the saying goes- is in the pudding. If you were a loved child, Stacy, you wouldn’t have entered a romantic relationship as a child desperate for love.

    She needs me to be okay so she can feel okay, and sadly I see myself in that. The enmeshment you mentioned playing out right there“- I think that it is you who have needed her to be okay (which she isn’t and hasn’t) because for many years, as a child, you needed her to be okay enough to love you. On the other hand, she needs you to not bother her.

    Like I mentioned above, I couldn’t believe that it was even possible that my mother did not love me. I imagined that she did. I interpreted some of her actions as loving when they were not, or not necessarily so. Similarly, maybe you interpret the fact that she complained about you taking the breakup too slowly as evidence of her love, when truth may be that she simply doesn’t want to be bothered by you mopping around & such.

    It is a very, very difficult concept for a child of any age, to think of a parent as unloving. Yet, reality is such that too many parents are indeed unloving. Not because they are evil, not necessarily.. but because they are UNABLE to love, not their children, not anyone (maybe some love their pets, but not people; others may “love” strangers that they admire or characters in the movies or in politics and such.. just not the real people in their lives).

    I definitely don’t have the money to move out still but I’m hoping to get there. I have two part time jobs and they just aren’t cutting it, especially with no health insurance. My medical bills and medication are a problem, on top of constant car repair bills. There are talks of me hopefully getting full time at one of my jobs after December if their budget allows it and I can get health insurance then. This would change my life“-

    – I hope that you do get the job, and I hope that there is somehow a way for you to move out sooner. Maybe as a live-in, part time caretaker on an elderly person where you can live in a QUIET home.. your health may improve for that alone! Two days ago, you wrote: “In fact as I type this, it is 3:41 am and my sister is arguing with my nephew in the room next to me. So when I need to sleep, the house is loud and chaotic“- this (being in a loud and chaotic home, not being able to relax/ sleep)  is bad for your health.

    I’m hoping to find a routine outside of this house and also without my sister. She gets hurt if I don’t include her in my plans by myself.“- can you give me a couple of examples of plans you had to do by yourself that your sister felt hurt about?


    in reply to: Everything. #422343

    Dear Cat:

    While I was having lunch (just finished), I looked one time at the clock and it was 1:11 pm.


    in reply to: Everything. #422338

    Dear Cat:

    I hope that I am making some sense in this post because I am very tired, having slept poorly last night. When I answered your question yesterday (the above post), I didn’t think about your personal quality of life in between your ears. So, I re-read parts of your communication this  morning:

    Feb 3, 2018: “She would scream and shout at me and my sister for no reason, and when my Dad came home she would yell at him so he would end up slapping us and making us cry. It was a very sad household. Me and my sister never really knew what love was, and I grew up isolated from everyone with severe depression“- I figure this has been your quality of life in between your ears, as a child and an adult: a replaying of the same. I see this to be true for everyone who suffered for too long,  as children.

    More about your quality of life (and what a good life is not),  Feb- March 2018, you wrote (not necessarily in this order): “I feel guilty for simply living my life… because my parents never had that freedom… if they can’t have it, why should I?… deep down I feel responsible for it all, and I really feel like a massive moral weight on my shoulders… it’s like being morally and soulfully contracted to carry out a life under their pains and misery, and feeling like I am harming them if I choose to love myself and therefore cut them out of my life“, “If my sister didn’t suffer, yes my suffering would end. I would feel at peace knowing that she was living a happy life”, “I’m a bad person if I don’t suffer too.. I’m a bad person if I focus on myself or did things I loved”, “I feel like if I try and get close to people or be nice then they’ll think that I am trying to hurt them or something”-

    It is all right here: similar to me, you too felt/ feel like a bad person, guilty, a person who is soulfully contracted to suffer because your parents suffer, your sister suffers.. so you have to suffer too, for as long as they are suffering. This has been your quality of life, hasn’t it?

    * About Numbers, Feb 3-4, 2018, you wrote: “Last year I kept seeing 11:11 everywhere for months, throughout summer and into August. This is what got me in to spiritual numbers, It was a sign that something big was coming…  I look to the numbers because I am desperate for hope, and desperate that everything that has happened has been for a reason, and that my life has meaning“.

    On Feb 7, 2018,  I submitted a post at 11:11 am. I didn’t notice it until you pointed it out to me (Feb 7): “you posted that last post at exactly 11:11. The next day, Feb 8, I wrote to you: “This is amazing, 11:11, that is incredible. What are the chances… unbelievable, fascinating…  I don’t want to be yet another random person to fail you. I do have 11:11 attached to me now, but Clarence had that too, didn’t he. And he failed you“.

    The day after, Feb 9, 2018 you wrote: “I must point again – that one of your last posts – you posted at exactly 333!!!!!! One of the Master Numbers of the Universe (emoji) It’s not a coincidence– maybe the Universe is trying to speak to YOU here, and show you that it is listening“.

    The following year, March 18, 2019, I wrote to you: “Last night when I looked at the time on my phone, it was 1:11… and I still don’t believe it is a sign from above“.

    You wrote on Feb 21, 2018: “I think for me, healing is to start protecting my energy and to stop letting in people who won’t respect me or understand me etc. For too long I’ve been an open book, hoping that someone will pick me up and understand me. I’ve allowed myself to be open and vulnerable to a lot of people. .. I have done this far too many times and allowed myself to be far too open to people who aren’t good for me..  I’ve been surrounded by the wrong kind of people for far too long(!!)”

    On June 5, 2018, you wrote: “My Dearest Anita, I use the term ‘My Dearest’ because you are actually The most respectful, patient and understanding connection that I have in my life. Our consistent and patient communication through Tiny Buddha is a massive assurance and help for me, so thank you for that“-at that time, on that day, I was still a person who you considered good for you., the right kind of people.  You were an open book to me, hoping that I will understand you, and I did a good enough job, by that point.

    On Aug 26, 2018, you wrote: “Dear Anita, I wish that everyone was as patient, respectful and considerate as you are“- I was still the right kind of people.

    * I lost that, didn’t I… being the right kind of people for you?

    Back to numbers: today, for now, I am withdrawing my great skepticism about numbers as signs from the universe, and I am considering what you said five and a half years ago: maybe the Universe is trying to speak to ME here, and show me that it is listening (your words, changed pronoun). It will take me some time to understand. Do you have an idea about what the Universe was, or maybe still is, trying to say to me.. or listen to me say? (Or is it something only for me to figure out..?)


    P.S., I came across the following quote  From Aug 26, 2018, a quote that is relevant, I believe, to your recent experience with Ed. If you want, we can talk about it later: “you are right. I have done this many times with guys, and I am still thinking as to why I do do this. I project an image on to them that I see – decent, caring, reliable, understanding, boyish etc. All these qualities I see in them. Maybe this is what I seek in an ideal boyfriend. Maybe these are qualities that I have in myself, I am not sure. I think I’d like to think that if I am myself, and honest with someone, then the right person will see me and accept me for who I am…. And anyone who doesn’t isn’t worth it. I guess that’s the philosophy I’ve been going with, in terms of being open with guys. I am a big personality, and I don’t hide that from people – sometimes I question myself on doing this, and sometimes I fail to see myself or how I come across. I’m not sure.”.


    in reply to: Did I make the wrong decision? #422328

    How are you, Gaby?


    in reply to: In a relationship with a man who is detached. #422327

    Dear Tee:

    I hope that my last post to you (right above) wasn’t too long or too heavy for you, or too much about me.. How are you?



    How are you, anonymous03?


    in reply to: Looking for perspective – sorry, very long #422325

    How are you, Positivitea, and how is applying empathy for yourself working out?



    * Sorry about the second inquiry post, the one right above. Please ignore it (it was meant for another member on another thread).


    How are you, Neha, and how is applying empathy for yourself working out?



    Dear Neha:

    How are you? Has there been any progress in the communication between you and your boyfriend?


    in reply to: self doubt, not being sure of my decisions #422321

    How are you, Caroline? Did you make a choice regarding work?


    in reply to: Everything. #422308

    Dear Cat:

    You are welcome! No, I do not live in New England and not in a commune. I live outside city limit, on the hills, above a large agricultural valley: all kinds of crops grow there, as well as cows and goats.

    I am sorry that Ed isn’t able to be the one for you. I hope that soon enough, you will be in a healthy relationship, and that sooner than that- you will get the job you are hoping to get.

    I figure you are 29 or 30: you are still young (even if you don’t feel young). I wish I was your age…

    You asked me what I think makes a good life. My answer: being okay in the distance between one’s ears. Quality of life is all about that short distance. Toxic shame and exaggerated or unearned guilt ruin quality of life.

    For as long as I suspected that I was a bad person, I was miserable. Believing that I am a good person, really believing it- has been a game changer for me, and it happened recently, in the last few months perhaps.

    What do you think about my answer?


    in reply to: Love lost #422296

    Dear Ben:

    “I did not grow anxious about him, if anything I felt more secure as time went on…  I saw such a long happy future ahead, not the one of ‘oh, if just did this or that differently, or he did this or that differently, if we just resolve these issues first’ – the never-ending cycle that my old relationship had and his current one appears to have. It felt deep enough that I felt myself growing because of him… for me, regardless of love, it was the healthiest romantic relationship I’ve ever had“-

    – I understand: it was indeed a healthy romantic relationship for some time, and the healthiest romantic relationship you ever had: not feeling stuck in a never-ending cycle, but feeling yourself growing because of him!

    Having said that… I suppose the two threads here are proof of a childhood trauma – a lack of self-soothing!“- yes, lack of soothing of child by parents=> lack of soothing of adult by self.

    I suppose I just would like that he doesn’t forget me. I’m obviously going to suffer from some wishful thinking… but it would just be such a shame to let it all go“- I have this image as I read these two sentences: he held a figurative mirror to you, reflecting how he saw you, and you very much liked the image of you that you saw in the mirror he held to you.

    I wrote to you: “you want this too much.”, and you responded: “I read it and agreed,  my feelings run riot. For now at least, especially once you said about OCD, I can see the normal feelings of this situation have been amplified by my OCD… The conflict churns and churns. Do I swallow it all, accept what is in front of me, and we stay friends? Or do I fight for love?..“-

    – (1) first priority then are the words you brought up, the words I mentioned earlier in this reply: self-soothing. Find healthy ways of self-soothing, ways that fit you:  yoga or tai chi, aerobic exercise, swimming in cool water (relaxing to me!), sauna, music, guided meditations and/ or other Mindfulness practices, etc., etc. Make your chosen self-soothing practice part of your every day life. (2) I have a thing with words, taking words too literally.. still, you mentioned fighting for his love as a possibility, I say, do the opposite of fighting for his love: accept his love. Notice the expressions of his affection for you, his good intentions for you, his care for you and reflect these to him (in that figurative mirror you hold to him). Let him know that you noticed and that you appreciate his affection and care. That will make him feel better about himself.. and therefore, he is likely to feel better about you/ more loving toward you (the person who made him feel better about himself).


    in reply to: Extremely painful breakup and confusion #422292

    Dear Stacy:

    In this post, I will not mention your health challenges, although the mention of suffocation will come up once, in a different context from your health issues. I understand your anxiety and panic inclinations, so please read the following at your own pace, stop whenever you want to stop, take your time and reply to me only if you want to, and only to parts you feel comfortable  to address.

    I read your most recent posts and then I read parts of your previous posts.  Here is the key sentence for me, standing out from all that you shared:

    I just want to feel like a woman, a capable woman“.

    This is what you need more than anything, the one solution to all the problems that are plaguing you: you need to become a capable woman.

    A mother is her child’s most important person in the whole wide world. About your mother: “I also see that she is physically and financially incapable“.

    I also see that she is physically and financially incapable of a lot of things she wants to do and it suffocates me“- you’ve been needing her to be capable so that you can breathe. You’ve needed her to be capable as much as you need air.

    Continued quote from above: “It makes me feel hopeless for her and for me“- You need her to become capable so that you (a part of her, an enmeshed part) can become capable.

    My therapist said years ago that I do indeed struggle with family enmeshment and I try to work through this but living here I think hinders me from separating at all…  I don’t feel like I get to have my own adult life or sense of identity outside of her“-

    – waiting for your mother to become capable will be a forever wait. To become a capable woman yourself, you need to separate you from her.. to no longer be enmeshed with/ loyal to her incapability.

    “I found refuge in my ex.. (in) his parents… upper middle class“- your perceived refuge: a new, safe, upper middle class home where you will finally be allowed to grow up and become a capable woman.

    “I know this relationship was also a form of escapism because as soon as I come home from my job, I see my mom sitting on the couch all day long in pain and self-wallowing, and the septic tank repair bill..“- you need to escape your house.

    I’ve never moved out of the house or had my own separate life outside of her.. No wonder I’m mourning so many losses with him. It seems like money issues and repairs constantly keep us stuck in a hole“-

    – he was, in your mind, your one and only way to move out of your house/ family of origin, for the first time in your life. Except that if you did move out and lived with him/ his parents, (1) you’d still be enmeshed with your mother, still feeling guilty, still stuck in the Guilt and Enmeshment hole. (2) living with him/ his parents.. would have been a different kind of hole, an upper middle class hole, the one he is currently living in.

    “I don’t want to abandon her“- if you moved out, you will not be abandoning her: there is no real-life togetherness between you and her to abandon (“My mom watches Gunsmoke all day and tunes me out“). The togetherness is in your own mind, a wishful thinking of a child.

    “I know I have to live my own life, but the guilt I’d feel from that would be horrific“- more horrific than your current struggles?

    About your current struggles living at home, you shared in the early hours of today : “No one goes to work or school in my house aside from me… My sister has severe insomnia so she doesn’t have then on a sleep schedule. They stay up until 7-8 am and sleep in all day. In fact as I type this, it is 3:41 am and my sister is arguing with my nephew in the room next to me. So when I need to sleep, the house is loud and chaotic… My mom watches Gunsmoke all day and tunes me out. I don’t get much rest or peace at this house. It’s why I also fantasied and counted the days for when I got to go see my ex… I’m just absolutely tired of living in dysfunction and no discipline or routine. I’m frustrated at my sister for her lack of discipline in her kids because it reminds me of the lack of discipline we got from our mom. I WANTED guidance and rules and routine. I got chaos and isolation back then, and these same themes seem to be replaying in front of me with my sister and her kids now”-

    – these same themes are replaying into your current 4th decade of life: chaos and isolation, no guidance, no rules, no routine. What you need is order (not chaos), connectivity/ togetherness (not isolation); you need guidance, rules and routine.

    I will start thinking about some kind of routine I CAN do in the midst of this“- think about a routine you can do away from the midst of this.

    After work, I never want to go home so I usually get myself a soda or just go sit in a parking lot until I know I can’t avoid it any longer“- move out and you will not have to go back there.

    I am still being completely consumed by grief and I’m trying really hard to just make it through each day. Also shock because I keep going back through memories where he’d reassure me unprompted and seemed like I really meant the world to him… they were very understanding to my situation. I’ve never had that in a relationship before“-

    – (1) You’ve never had these things growing up/ at home: being assured, understood and valued/ esteemed. (2) You are grieving a fantasy: growing up in a different kind of home. Their home/ your relationship with this guy looks so wonderful to you only because you are looking at it from where you are at, from the disadvantaged position you are living in.

    More than anything, you need to become a capable woman. You can do it, one step at a time, with courage, patience and perseverance, and with a resourceful attitude: look for help where it exists and available to you.




    in reply to: my body wants an eternal sleep #422290

    Dear soma:

    Good to read from you! You started your thread on April 2, 2021, two years and five+ months ago. You were then in high school, two years or so to graduation, studying in one of the best high schools in Turkey. You were very anxious at the time, “anxious all around the clock“,  stressed about the high expectations people had of you “to have a great career”.

    Fast forward to your post before last, that of Aug 18, 2023- a month and 2 days ago- you shared that your summer was pretty good, that you did very well in the exam you took, the one that would determine your career, ranking 28,000 among the 3,000,000 young people who took it. You were hoping therefore to attend an amazing university.

    *                                    C o N g R a T u L a T i O n  S        S  o  M  a   !   !    !

    You also shared that after a one year separation from your boyfriend, a year of “many sleepless nights.. many tears“, you got back with him three months earlier (May 2023), loving him “sooo much to a point where it’s kinda scary.. I am scared of ever losing him again“. Even though the resumed relationship has been “better than it ever was“, you’ve been feeling “retroactive jealousy very badly“, jealousy about his past, mainly about the few flings he had during year of the separation from you, but “even before that“.

    How are you feeling most recently/ today?




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