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  • Roberta

    Dear Furry Rat

    You come across as quite ethical and not willing to jump over people to climb the corporate ladder.

    I guess first check your contract to make sure you can get out of it easily. Do you actually like working for this company if so speak to HR about other job opportunities.

    As we spend about a third of our day working, then the chance to find something that fulfills you is well worth exploring.

    I wish you the best of luck finding a job and workmates that support & inspire you


    Hi Dafne

    I feel that this man may take a long time to become emotionally available.

    If you decide to keep seeing him go in with your eyes wide open with no expectations.

    Allow things to grow naturally, enjoy doing things together, keep it light, do not allow yourself to be hurried into a more intimacies than you are comfortable with and do not try to manipulate/ pressurize him into being emotionally close.

    Best of luck


    in reply to: I’m exhausted #418196


    I have just finished a book called Sacred Rest By Saundra Dalton-Smith for the most part I found it an enjoyable & insightful read. At the moment i have to remind myself to live day to day (caring for dad with dementia) letting go of the past and not getting to wrapped up in a future that is without dad this way I have less dissatisfaction with my current situation.

    best wishes

    in reply to: Crushed and hopeless. #418125

    Dear Anna

    I am sorry that you have been subjected to a toxic relationship and that your friendships at this moment are rocky when you need their support and you probably feel that you too would like to support them in return.

    To help with healing go into a natural place. If you can sit or stand for 15 mins barefoot this is called grounding/earthing. if there is a breeze imagine that it is passing thru your body blowing away the emotional dust leaving you clean and free also face the sun and close your eyes allow the warmth enter you and ooze down to your heart allowing you to love and be loved.

    No thing stays the same this is called impermanence,  some suffering occurs when we fight this either by grasping holding on to a good situation (happiness) or by repressing/repelling. this does not mean that you have to stay in a bad situation ie toxic relationships.

    You now have the luxury of time.  Sit quietly with a pen & paper gently possit the question How do I want to live my life? then jot down ideas and thoughts & feelings.  There is a site called workaway which posts hundreds of different jobs ( room & board in exchange for 20- 25 hours work) in a myriad of locations all over the world this may inspire you to see which kind of work sparks your interest.   meanwhile volunteering keeps us busy and helps with self esteem.




    Dear Saoirse

    You could may be write something like this…….

    As a child I , naturally was unable to separate your behavior due to your illness and the role you played as my mother.

    I understand your desire to be around me & your grand daughter, but I still need time to heal and come to terms with my adverse childhood experiences so that history does not repeat itself and effect yet another generation of our family.

    Please feel free to put your own suggestions on this thread for a detached point of view.

    It is very rare for any one to reflect,  apologies and take responsibility for their actions and the damage it caused even inadvertently as in this case due to being bipolar and so any group that your mum is a part of probably does not challenge hers or their own belief of how they see their life stories .

    in reply to: threatened by white supremacists.. #418022

    Dear Belinda

    I am guessing that the coach  may now feel guilty about his unwise pairing and failure to monitor & stop the bout at an earlier stage & so he reacted by blaming you if the first instance.

    Is that the only dojo in the area? How do you feel about returning to the same setting?

    I am sorry that the police failed to take the hateful vandalism of your car seriously.

    I hope that your future is peacefully & harassment free.


    Dear Saoirse

    I am sorry that your childhood was blighted by your mothers illness.

    It is okay for you to keep your distance, no-one (society) who knows even a little of the situation would not blame you for this wise decision.  If you do decide to meet up with your mother and bring your daughter along a practical solution would be to meet up in a park so that your child could play  and being outside somehow feels less suffocating and easier to walk away if things get toxic.

    All Tee’s advice is excellent especially about giving up expectations of things to change from your mothers side.

    It appears that your mother may find it hard to deal with her past actions and their effects on you and or memory issues. You could write her a letter  gently explaining why you are uncomfortable about having contact, keep a master copy that you can re photocopy as and when necessary.  If you choose to write to her do so when you are feeling calm( your best possible self) then put it away for a couple of days then re read it as if you were looking at it  as if a friend was writing to her mother. then edit if necessary.

    You may also need professional help with releasing the burden of your childhood and the on going anxiety it has caused.


    in reply to: threatened by white supremacists.. #418005

    Dear Belinda

    I am so sorry that you have encountered such cruelty and ignorance. Did you go to the police about what was done to your car?

    Men who have had their ego’s bruised are quite dangerous creatures and when alcohol is added into the mix it can lead to very unwise actions so I am not surprised that you are concerned for your safety.

    How attached are you to your present location maybe it is time to move on to a less bigoted neighborhood.

    Also I am surprised that your coach made such a pairing, does he not realise the character of these men?

    I wish you peace & safety

    in reply to: Guilt before marraige #417994

    Dear Kunal

    I do not know whether the society that you & your girlfriend live in find it normal & acceptable to share intimacy with others ie having more than wife?

    Also how would you feel if the roles we reversed and your girlfriend turned to another for physical comfort?

    in reply to: Guilt before marraige #417989

    Dear Kunal

    Please may i ask for clarification on a few points, How physically intimate were you with your friend and did it occur more than once and does your long distance girlfriend know about the physical side that you are sharing with another person? Andon your annual visit with your girlfriend are you physically intimate?

    in reply to: I need to change this friendship dynamic #417771

    Dear Lovejonesss

    As you say you are growing & evolving, so you will probably ask her for advice less & less also you can listen to  her advice in the spirit it is given as a friend, but you do do not have to act upon it.

    Take time to think of the good times you have had together and any positive qualities that she has displayed in the past.



    Dear Maida

    How are you now? sometimes a vent and a good cry is just what we need.

    Sometimes our enthusiasm/desperation can be off putting, I know I can be tiggerish and occasional eyeoreish, but when I am at ease with myself, I find life brings friendships and fun.

    in reply to: Bad Family/Living Situation #417753

    Dear Tennesse

    Wow you were so brave to call your mum out on her behavior.  I lived with my parents for many years and mum & I could fight even when we were on the same side! Our mums appear to hold onto a grudge and both use silence as a weapon even when the olive branch is offered. I moved out several times ( I own the property with my parents).

    I basically came back  fulltime (2016)to help mum when her cancer returned and dad has dementia.  She died peacefully in August 2021 with me at her bedside.

    On retreat in 2009 I realised that the chances of my mum changing were very slim so it was up to me to change how i think & cope with the situation.  Yes I fail many times, but the buddhist teachings have helped and continue to help me be a better happier, kinder & wiser.

    On a practical help. Have you looked into intentional communities , co-housing and or tiny houses? Also short term there is a site called workaway where you swap room & board for about 25hours a week work, the jobs and locations are varied so the world is your oyster.

    in reply to: I Want to be Happy, But I’m Stuck In The Past. #417749

    Dear Jamie & Jean Claire

    I am sorry that you both have had a rough time.   Friendship is a gift, one which most of us forget to cherish & nurture.

    The first thing is to become aware that you have fallen into the trap of negative rumination as soon as possible, then smile and congratulate yourself for spotting that you are in that train of thought, name it ie past, this breaks the chain of thought and gives you the chance to resync yourself in the present. There are many quick techniques to bring you back to the present, breathing, yoga, tai chi, name 5 things that you can see are just a few and they only take moments to do and cost nothing but are immensely valuable.

    To uproot any deep seated long held beliefs about yourselves may need professional help.

    Buddhism helps us let go of the past and walk courageously & compassionately with wisdom on lifes journey through all its ups & downs.

    in reply to: Unsure where I stand #417694

    Dear Lealea

    I guess most relationships start of casual ( except possibly arranged marriages).

    This man appears to enjoy your company ( & you his?).  He  asked about a change in the nature of your relationship from casual to exclusive and unless he is going down the avenue of coercive & controlling behavior means that he was open & vulnerable, which seems is quite a brave thing.

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