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  • in reply to: What should I do ? #233351

    Hi Kalyn,

    Maybe she can be just a friend?

    We saw a situation where the husband was in the hospital and my husband kept whispering to me, “Why hasn’t his wife visited him yet???” It was all very weird and frankly disturbing. Unless she had to drive long distance through a snow storm she should have been there.

    That and the “You never” and “You always” statements. Aren’t people trained now to not use “you always/never” statements?

    Just my uncomfortable opine!


    in reply to: Why am I so shallow and uncaring? #233035

    Hi TTK,

    At least you acknowledge this about yourself. So many people don’t.

    What I would do is show him what you wrote here.

    Now that you have a child together, I would focus your primary attention to her. This relationship will either thrive, hobble along, or fail. No matter. Hold your tongue around him. I imagine you can’t easily afford therapy in terms of time and cost with a baby in tow.

    Just hold your tongue until it bleeds. If you do that is more than half the battle!

    Pretend your BF is a nice stranger. Would you talk that way to a nice stranger? If he says something that makes you mad, practice the art of walking away.

    Good Luck,


    in reply to: He wants to be friends now! #232763

    Hi Christin,

    Wanting to take things slowly is a natural response to a relationship going at warp speed. You didn’t say “No”. You said, “Yes, perhaps, but can we get married and have kids, a house and a dog in two years rather than two months?” I don’t care if you’ve known each other for three years.

    You did nothing wrong.

    This bears repeating: You did nothing wrong.

    Perhaps it’s a blessing things so easily went south with Mr. Sensitive. It would have been something else if not this, you know.




    in reply to: Everyday Harrassment #232631

    Hi hmmnowwhat,

    What I have done is not retaliate, but make THEM very uncomfortable and have to either drop it or have to explain themselves.

    Simple examples:

    “I don’t talk like that.” (deny every put down and label. Every. Time.)

    “What do you mean?”

    “Not to bring up bad memories, but how did you overcome YOUR weight problem/dead end job? Oh, you didn’t? Sorry Bob! We thought you had one.”

    “I don’t like that.” (Then leave room)

    “I have? Give me a for instance.”

    “I have two questions. Why are you laughing… and why are YOU laughing?”

    If it’s one person in particular that does this call them on it PRIVATELY. Make them sweat as they hem and haw on the phone.

    Then have an ally (or two or three) pull him aside and say, “Not cool, Bob” if it continues.

    A nuclear option is to say, “I can’t believe you said that” and as you leave the party have them overhear you say to someone, “I KNOW! I’m embarrassed for him too….”

    Good Luck!

    It gets better as you get older. Be the tough old broad no one messes with.


    in reply to: Severely conflicted in love, need help #232123

    Hi Mike,

    I am super late to this party but I will say this:

    Your Ex reads to me as a troubled stalker.

    Your new fiancé (?)/old friend broke up with you over “nothing” but methinks it’s really over Something (the energy from the old relationship that you guys aren’t really talking about. (And why would she want to talk about it? Any woman has her dignity!)).

    There are children involved, yes? For THEIR sakes at least, hold off on moving in and marriage. There is the crazy harpy energy of the past around you. What would the Ex do when she knows for sure you are getting married? What would YOU do? Sure, keep dating the new girl/old friend, but honestly? My advise is to stay single, cut off all stalkers, and be alone. At least until the Ex gets bored of you and the old friend’s children are grown.



    in reply to: Trying to get over a fling #232061

    Hi Feathering my nest,

    I going to warn you, I’m not gonna lie: He WILL come back to you. He will come back and give out “feelers”. NOT to necessarily get back together with you, but for a self esteem boost.

    YOUR best bet is to say (whether he asks you or not) an easy breezy, “You had your chance, sweetie!” and a passing “Hey there, little buddy!”, a head noogie (preferably in public as if he is your kid brother), and a dash (ONE) of him seeing flowers/cards/texts/messages to you from other guys. And then you have to get off the phone or leave in fifteen minutes. (He’ll put two and two together that you are nobody’s backburner).

    Leave him alone for at least a year. When (yes, when) he comes back to see how you “are”, give a smirk and an eyeroll, and tell HIM, “Babe, last summer was such a mistake, PLEASE don’t get the wrong idea” as if you dumped HIM.

    Maybe, just maybe, in a few years he’ll be kicking himself, and then you can give him another chance. If you’re not with someone by then. (You will be).



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Dilemma #231731

    Hi Vishal,

    This is all part of growing up, it sounds like. It is up to HER to ditch this guy, become more sure of herself, and to keep up with her studies. Because a mature person knows that they are Number One and to not let some guy mess with her head or keep her from concentrating on her goals.



    in reply to: Female frustrated with bf in the bedroom #231499

    Hi Again!

    So it’s more that you want it every day and he’s a once a week person? Or is it closer to you would be happy for once a week and he’s once a month? Or worse! Is he Asexual?

    Asexuality is a thing. There are people out there believe it or not who just don’t think about, want, or care for sex.

    One other explanation is medical. A guy in his thirties should not be “tired” unless he’s a day laborer working twelve hour shifts or something LOL.


    in reply to: Struggling with my decision #231497

    Hi jenna,

    The socio-economic class difference aside, after three years in… ANY couple would run into stressors.

    Three years in, most people are dancing around the idea of “marriage” and “forever”… even if they never verbally express it. It is possible that he is freaking out. He might want relief from this inner (and unspoken outer, even if imaginary) pressure and start picking fights about anything.

    It’s good you are on a break. I think he is unconsciously self-sabotaging himself in the relationship.

    Hang in There!


    in reply to: Female frustrated with bf in the bedroom #231309

    Hi dreaming715,

    Being turned down by a guy is tough because in our culture the common thought is “Guys want it all the time”. But guess what? You just have a higher sex drive than he does (right now). In another ten years he could be the one whose sex drive is higher than yours if yours goes down. Who knows? I would not take that personally at all.

    As for being giving in the bedroom, maybe your guy views sex as more of a physical release than as an elaborate exchange.

    I don’t know, maybe buy some sex books with fun new techniques (for him to make you happy) or go to a store for toys. I recommend The Kama Sutra. I think you will find that quite satisfying… for both of you! 😉

    Good Luck,


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: My boyfriend (ex) is trying to ruin my life #230923

    Hi Katie,

    It is a blessing he broke up with you. This was bound to happen. You can’t remain sequestered from half of the human race forever.

    NOW you get to have one true friend (this other guy) and you can build your friend group from there. Hint: Bond with his friends.



    in reply to: Sex & Buddhism #230659

    Hi Joseph,

    I’ve never read or heard that in black and white terms. And if it’s only true for the monastic life, remember! People usually have full lives before they make the decision to enter a monastery! Not everyone on the planet becomes a monk!



    in reply to: How to cope with an affair whilst pregnant #230553

    Hi ella,

    My heart goes out to you.

    Is it possible that this girl is NOT the true love of his life and he just had a post-marriage freak out?

    I would send those explicit photos to her parents anonymously, no matter how old she is. (I know someone who did that and that affair ended PRETTY QUICK!) She will blame him (or rightfully crawl into a hole in shame), he will blame you (if he dares) and you say that there must be a LOT of other guys she’s sending those photos to as you are too busy with two small children to keep his harpy mistress in line. And she will NEVER see him again without crawling into a shame ball. And then nothing will happen. And then she will never see him again.

    Did it ever get physical or is it just some skanky hoe sending him pictures and he just likes the attention? Have you confronted him about it? If it’s just an emotional affair your children deserve to have their father in their life rather than some girl having him in hers.



    P.S. If there are explicit photos, how “emotional” can it be? Shut that down before it turns physical.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Re-starting with my Ex #230377

    Hi Ben,

    Of course you feel anxiety! You moved to his country and he’s willing to see you again. Then he says he wants to marry you. Meanwhile he “doesn’t like you” and you have to spend a night or two alone because there’s no room. My goodness, anyone would feel anxious!

    Are you LOCAL in his country relative to him? Or will this be another long distance relationship within the country? Are you certain he won’t feel stalked and that you moved here just for him? (Did you?)

    Well, see how the trip goes, THEN deal with your inner state!

    Good Luck,


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Ghosted by Former Teacher/Mentor #230199

    Hi Charlie,

    It’s possible he had been having trouble with his old email and has a new one now!


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