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ParticipantHi LoveAndLive,
You made the right decision. Let me repeat this: YOU MADE THE RIGHT DECISION.
On a much lighter scale, this reminds me of the time all the guys in college boycotted Valentines Day because it was a Hallmark Holiday. Guess what? They by and large found themselves single and hurting February 15th/. Are you sure he’s not polyamorous only because everyone else is seemingly “polyamorous”?
Polyamory sounds so hip, cool, enlightened and valid. Until it turns out it isn’t when tested in real life.
Silly boy, he IS a monogamist after all, only because no girl he will actually meet in real life (yes, even the girls who “claim” they’re polyamorous because it sounds so hip, cool, enlightened and valid) will stand to be in a polyamorous relationship themselves. At least not for long.
This is so typical. So twenties. So “I’ve found a hedonistic romantic loophole” and “my polyamory trumps your monogamy because it’s so hip, cool, enlightened and valid”. So “Don’t you know monogamy is a social construct?” (even though it’s been around for hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution so cavewomen’s children didn’t starve because the father was messing around).
If you want to keep this in reality hapless, uncool, unenlightened, “oh please” guy in your life, keep him hanging for at least a year, then generously forgive him for his youthful ways (or not at all).
Good Luck,
ParticipantHi Livy,
Some people are just asexual. It just doesn’t naturally happen.
So watching the porn that one time might actually be a good sign. He’s curious! Something’s going on down there! He has hormones! Yay!
Anyway, that’s the way I’d see it.
Hope that helps!
ParticipantHi Katie,
It’s been a couple years now. I’m sure Anna, Amanda, you, and even Hannah are sick of the boyfriends. In my fantasy for you you’re in a BMW. You drive up, kidnap your old friends, and speed off, to the befuddlement of the guys. You drive them, protesting, but secretly delighted, to a retreat center far away which is really a spa. Cell phones are thrown out the open rooftop. They hit the highway, still chirping, pinging, and vibrating. You finally emerge from the spa ten days later, happy, gorgeous, and re-bonded. The spell is broken! But before the old boyfriends can wrest back control over them, the clock chimes. You all go to college, victorious and free.
The End.
ParticipantHi Trisha,
It’s a universal issue.
Unless we ourselves pick the girl, no one will ever be good enough for our sons, it seems.
What helped me was time, and children. When you have kids, there is an instant connection and bond. You can brag about the children, who you proudly call “our kids”. You can name the first born daughter after her (this went a LONG way with me! I also accidentally named a son after her grandfather (she found out her grandfather’s original name after that son was born). Again, it went a LONG way!) You can visit her or call her on her birthdays, and have her overhear you brag about her to your friends. You can also ask for her help and advice. It’s hard to dislike someone who you think admires you.
And there you have it! That’s how I became “the best god dam daughter-in-law in the world” to my in-laws.
Love is the Law,
ParticipantHi Juan,
Hopefully this is just aspects of his life before you still cycling out. However, you always had a gut feeling something was off. Now that you have proof, that just cements the feeling.
You could be honest and simply say, “This isn’t working”. You don’t even have to explain why.
OR you could also comment on how you are totally turned off by creepy people, “you know, the kind that keeps weird photos or does sketchy texting”. Or if a show on TV portrays a character like that, you could visibly and audibly shudder. This will hopefully “convict” him so he always feels creepy and shameful when/if he engages in such behavior again.
The TV thing works, by the way, about once a year when they portray the character of a desperate woman putting the moves on a married man, I always comment, “They don’t have to be pretty.” Husband twitches.
Good Luck,
ParticipantHi Martin,
I don’t know how old you are, but at a certain age, a girl (now woman) doesn’t want a relationship to “coast” for very long. She needs the man to show he’s passionately in love with her. Yes, she even needs to hear (with passion) the phrase “I love you”. She doesn’t want the boy who does everything right by a checklist. It isn’t right or wrong. It’s a primal thing. We are all subconsciously looking for a mate to feather our nest with.
Maybe, perhaps, possibly, when she suddenly broke up with you she at least wanted you to chase after her in her innermost secret heart.
That said, you did do the right thing by taking her at her word and not running after her, arguing against why you shouldn’t have broken up.
And only we can give ourselves closure. At least you got an explanation.
ParticipantHi Gee,
I would reframe the situation in your head. Instead of thinking “I might be in love with him” think “I am very fond of him” instead. You can be very fond of a colleague. You can be very fond of someone who is married. The statement is true and not provokative, and you can look people in the eye and say your truth, even theoretically his wife. You can say to anyone who asks (they won’t), “Yes, I am very fond of (Tom).”
Try that sentence out for a while and see if it makes your angst go down.
ParticipantHi Sarah72,
If you do visit your aunt, the decision should come from you, rather than from your mom’s guilt.
The best that could happen if you visit, you’d see your aunt as a chagrined older person (who might apologize, who knows?) and stand in your power as a beneficent adult in the family.
If you don’t, what you resist persists, I’m afraid, and you’re going to get the guilt bombs from your mom, even if she sends them psychically from afar. She is taking out her anxiety onto you. Your aunt can’t bully you if you’re not there and is finding your mom can’t control you.
Kittens grow into cats. So no, you are not the bullied child anymore.
Your decision!
ParticipantHi LotusLeaf,
This would be like children asking their divorced parents to get together for the holidays like old times just so the kids could be happy. Other than in a smattering of enlightened people or in movies, THIS NEVER HAPPENS.
So don’t feel guilty.
Sister Two can alternate celebrating holidays at respective sibling’s houses.
Good Luck!
ParticipantHi J,
My step-mother said something to me that was very wise. After I was broken up with and went to her for comfort she said, “I like when other people make my decisions for me!” And I never went back to that guy. (Yes, he tried.)
So I would call his bluff. He’s put you in this limbo (which is intolerable). I would FB Message/text him at work and write, “You know what, you’re right. This isn’t working. All the best going forward sweetie! xx00 (heart emoticon).”
Now YOU officially broke up with HIM. You are no longer in limbo!
He will panic and run to your door at best. Or, at worst, won’t respond, relieved. Either way you are moving forward and will have your answer.
Good Luck!
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
ParticipantHi Galaxy,
Older sisters can be annoying LOL. Especially when they’re grown but not flown! Oh, how I remember the infamous Laundry Wars at my Mother’s House when she was freaking 30 and would stay there all day to “just get (6) loads done”!
The most you can do, I’m afraid, is ask (one for as many times as she gets on the phone): “So, how’s the apartment search going?”” Do you need any extra cash to hasten you to your goal?” “Oh, saving up 2K is easy, I’m going to miss you next week!” “Mom and Dad won’t say so, but I overheard them complaining about the noise.” “You should really do the dishes and get flowers maybe for Mom and Dad as a thank you.”
If she gets subtle (and not so subtle) messages that she’s a guest and this moving back in is not an entitlement, she should be out of there sooner rather than later.
In the meantime, now would be a great time for YOU to travel and go out more! 😉
Good Luck,
ParticipantHi Christopher,
This ex probably knows a deep aspect of you that not many people do. When someone knows us on a genuine level, it’s hard to let that relationship go. Sure, we can cut contact and end it on a surface-y level. But you will always be connected.
Of course, people tend to romanticize it.
Don’t beat yourself up. But maybe tell her “Hey, out of respect for my current relationship, let’s only keep in touch once in a rare moon.”
ParticipantHi Halle,
It’s bad enough if he treats you that way when you’ve done something wrong.
Him treating you that way when you’ve done nothing wrong is intolerable.
Guys will hit on you. Are you going to live in a cave? Why didn’t he confront the other guy at the party? The answer is you are SO much easier to pick on than another guy!
Pack his bags for him or leave.
ParticipantHi Mae,
Thank your lucky stars you didn’t sleep with him, this guy sounds entitled and rude!
In the future, I wouldn’t lie, I would just say “I don’t like mixing work and my personal life together, maybe one day after you leave we could go out.”
And never jump immediately to sex, that’s a potentially dangerous way to live.
ParticipantHi Mark,
The FOO influence doesn’t have to manifest romantically. Friendships and work relationships can be haunted by the FOO!
Some of my past BFs, and my current DH, is decidedly NOT my father or mother! Of course, some “were” LOL.
When we’re attracted to someone, it helps to ask ourselves “WHY?” i.e. WHY is this handsome, witty person who is condescending so charming to me?” When we clearly see abuse/neglect/personality disorders for what they are, and resolve firmly not to get sucked into that, then that frees us to go out only with people who are nice, attentive and healthy.
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by