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ParticipantEdit: On the chance you’re a guy and not a girl, the below paragraph (above) is the same. With exercise, it does help with our form and muscle tone. If you’re a big biker dude in leather who obviously lifts weights no one will say anything.
As for me, a woman, I’m entering the Tough Old Broad category. All I need to do now is lift weights, crack gum and get a visible tattoo and my own mother wouldn’t mess with me. And bonus! I’d get the biker dude if I were single! HA!
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantHi chaosed,
What I’ve noticed is most women put in a huge amount of life energy, time and money to be thin. That in itself would make one unhappy. And then here they see us (I’m in the same boat, sister!) come down the pike, all fat and happy. And they’re all “How dare you be happy and do your own thing and not care, you haven’t paid your dues! I’ll remind you that you should be miserable if fat!”
Then you have the young, entitled guys who watch too much media. They see fat guys in sitcoms married to gorgeous models. And they’re all average, and they’re all like, “Where’s my model?” Then you have the middle aged guys whose lives are basically never going to change and they know it, and they’re all “I’ve NEVER had a model” and then they see us walk along, all fat and happy. And we’re not interested in them (or even thought of them) and they know it, and, well.. We must “pay” right?
The good news is that the older we get, the less people mess with us. We should wear clothes that we love, do the things we love, eat amazing food. And eat healthy and exercise because we want to, not because it will supposedly make our bodies do our bidding. And like the above poster said, Do good anyway. We are walking angels, only visiting this planet for such a short time. Let’s strive to be happy. Then only time I’ve put people down is when I’ve been desperately unhappy deep down. Feel sorry for them.
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
ParticipantHi Macy,
You tried. He knows how you feel and that you tried to fix it. His kids know how you feel and that you tried to fix it.
Now you need to drop the rope and let them have their own relationship with each other. And you don’t need to have a relationship with them yourself.
If you continue to interfere, the issue (for them) can become about you, and not about the real issue. People love to concentrate on distractions rather than the thing they should be concerned about.
Just tell your BF that you are here if he needs you.
June 19, 2017 at 7:59 am in reply to: Going through a lot of Relationship Anxiety, Please Help. #153962Inky
ParticipantMay I add, yes, anita is correct: Technically he did nothing wrong.
But intellectually knowing something is OK is different from feeling socked in the gut by it. Maybe in a few years your thought “It was fine. He was on a break” will jibe with feeling OK about it. But right now it’s really bothering you.
That in itself is a reason to break up with someone. And by the way, you don’t need a reason to break up with someone. You don’t need to see a shrink to convince yourself to go out with someone who is terrific (on paper).
Maybe do both of you a favor and take a break yourself. If it’s not the same, it’s not the same.
June 19, 2017 at 5:38 am in reply to: Going through a lot of Relationship Anxiety, Please Help. #153924Inky
ParticipantHi Danielle,
I believe that people do grow up and grow out of things. But you’ve probably heard the quote from poetry “The child is the father of the man”. Meaning, you’ve actually seen his younger self, his immature self, his shadow side. No matter how amazing and perfect he is now, you know that not that long ago he was just a frat boy who banged the first dumb girl that would have him the minute you two broke up.
This reminds me of the old series Friends and the meme where Ross says (about once every third episode for seasons and seasons) “WE WERE ON A BREAK!!” to justify his “technically not cheating” episode. It just wasn’t the same.
The other thing is maybe he’s not The One. Once you are out of college you would naturally be separated anyway and your subconscious mind might be preparing you for that.
At any rate ~ yes ~ see a psychologist/psychotherapist if you want to.
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
June 18, 2017 at 10:19 am in reply to: How do I move my head to being just friend with someone I dated for 15 months? #153854Inky
ParticipantHi Lauren,
He doesn’t get to complain about other women to you. Nor does he get to let other people know these women exist while keeping your past relationship with him a secret.
No, really. You are kowtowing to his culture and customs. But what about yours?
What would happen if you said in front of everybody, “Back when Friend and I went out…”?
Tell him you don’t want to hear about his love life and that yours is more an association now, not a friendship.
Word to the Wise: Keep your love life and work life separate from now on!
ParticipantHi Jessica,
The reason why people congregate around rude people is because one would think that if someone is rude, they must have a lot of social currency to pull it off. Of course when a nice person is rude, it becomes a problem! LOL
As for the unfairness in effort and grades, you can be honest. Say, “You guys are so bright and must have photographic memory. I have to really work hard for the same grade, so I can’t go clubbing now, sorry!”
And yes, I agree with the other posters: Don’t reward bad behavior. If someone puts you down, or even makes you feel bad and you can’t put a finger on why, give them a wide berth.
Good Luck!
ParticipantHi skateordie,
She was mildly unhappy and gave in to fantasies. The problem is fantasies don’t always jibe with reality. It sounds like reality hit her square in the face when she realized that divorce = no house.
I’m confused about all her sudden stalking and drive byes. She acted like the jealous spouse, kind of like how you could have reacted to her sordid affair (but didn’t if I’m correct). Weird.
To answer you question, sometimes people don’t apologize because to apologize means that they have to first admit to themselves that what they did was wrong. What she did was so wrong that she couldn’t face her own self.
ParticipantHi Lily,
You don’t have to forgive him or let go of your resentment. Your job is to say, “I’m going to CONTINUE to live the best, fullest life possible, Universe, especially and more so when things go wrong AFTER I’ve done with my magical adventures!!” Why is it that when we have the time of our lives a crappy experience hits us square in the face when we get home? No. This is what you do:
1. Quit working in the soul destroying pub. Work in a bookstore or coffee shop where the people are more intellectually depressed at least.
2. Go on another fabulous adventure. No, make it TWO fabulous trips/adventures. No, make it three.
3. When you come back if the Universe dares make your life more difficult upon your return, go on another trip, even if you have to become a hitch hiking hippie.
4. When you finally return and all is well with the world (after teaching the Universe a sound lesson and giving it a good thrashing by your audacity to have a good time while honoring your friend’s memory), you will find that you have forgotten all about that poor guy stuck on the other side of the world with some girl who he’s (probably) miserable with by now but would never admit to anyone.
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
ParticipantHi Savannah,
Think of it this way: Your BF has to spend a lot of his energy to take care of his mom. His mom wants to spend all her remaining energy being with her son before she (probably?) dies. By resetting, going back home, going back to school, being with your friends ~ and then visiting for a couple weeks every season or so ~ you will also be more relaxed and happy.
Life throws us curveballs. Don’t worry. The world isn’t going anywhere. You will travel with your love one day.
June 12, 2017 at 4:43 am in reply to: What do you when you dont love your girlfriend anymore #152756Inky
ParticipantHi Smile,
There is no reason to involve your pastor as a buffer. Just tell her, “It’s not working”. That’s all. You are doing yourself and her a favor.
Good Luck!
June 11, 2017 at 1:38 pm in reply to: He says He is dealing with things and has become emotionally unavailable #152714Inky
ParticipantHi JustHere,
It looks like I’m late in replying, but I just want to ask…
Have you moved out yet? You know, you don’t need to tell him when and if you are moving out. Wait until he’s at work, hire some guys (BIG guys, just in case he returns!!) and just do it. It only takes a few hours. Bonus if you don’t tell him your new address. Leave your stuff in storage if you have to.
Leave a physical note (and then promptly block him electronically). Write: “I can’t believe you could convince a young, beautiful girl to move in with you. I moved in with you, despite any doubts and trepidation, purely out of the goodness of my heart. And like the unevolved you managed to blow it by texting some girl that your living arrangement was “difficult” and then you had the audacity of yelling at me. There was no reason to yell at me, you can talk to me respectfully. Now you can use this well deserved alone time to work on your spirituality. Namaste.”
Please. Just Leave.
ParticipantHi Elsa,
My grandmother had Parkinson’s. Everyone always described her as a “pill”. But then I found out she was voted Most Popular in her college! Certainly not a “pill” that my grandfather would fall in love with and marry. So yes, Parkinson’s DOES make you flat and less empathetic towards people.
What I think happened is after the DBS, he started FEELING things for the first time in a LONG time. Thus the sudden, “I’m leaving” even though his love interest isn’t interested herself.
Add to the fact that, sadly, many men leave during their partner’s cancer scare.
I am so sorry this is happening to you. Consider this a psychotic break from reality that your significant other is having.
ParticipantHi Hemingway,
The right therapist is worth his/her weight in gold. Unfortunately, there are many bad ones. What I would do is:
1. Ask your friends/family if they know of anyone. You might be surprised that the person you would swear would never see a therapist does/did indeed go to one! The same name mentioned by different sources and/or the one most enthusiastically talked about is your guy.
2. Limit it to ten sessions. This is so if you hate it you will keep showing up through the discomfort to perhaps get to a breakthrough. And if you love it you can then reevaluate. Because some people get “stuck” . If you’re seeing the same guy for ten years, how much is it really helping? That’s just my opinion, take it with a grain of salt.
Good Luck,
June 8, 2017 at 5:41 am in reply to: I do not want to be with my ex, but I am struggling to move on. Help! #152338Inky
ParticipantHi Kaynah,
We do not have to be in a relationship with anyone. Neither do we even have to want to be in a relationship. Nor have an active interest in someone.
I give you permission ~ for the next decade ~ to totally devote your life, time, energy and money towards your child. Don’t even think about relationships.
Of course what usually happens is the perfect partner comes along when we are literally not looking.
Enjoy Parenthood!
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by