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ParticipantHi Malaya,
Yikes! Too much drama with this man..too much turmoil, unstable on his part, chaos, confusion, “she said” “he said”. This is not what you want for your life. You can do better than some ex that just happens to “follow” you on instagram, sending you mixed signals. Stay in your secure, safe and fulfilling relationship with your boyfriend, and I would suggest blocking this drama man from social media and your friends. No contact is your best bet. He is not looking for anything serious. Don’t jeopardize what you have for some internet guy. x
ParticipantHi cw,
I hope this will help. These words that you wrote in your post should not be in the context of any relationship that is safe, loving, secure, happy and fulfilled..thus, I would close the door on this: Here are the words in your posts that indicate a toxic or future potential harmful relationship.
“I blocked him”
“Not sure what to do”
“I have no idea what to respond”
“He failed to prove it”
“I’m afraid of getting hurt” (of him hurting me)
“”I’m tired of him” ( disappointing me, etc)
If this were a healthy relationship, none of these doubts, uncertainties, fears, anxieties, would be occurring. x
ParticipantSorry for the typo above, should read “commited relationship”
ParticipantHi cw,
There is a quote I like to use because it is so true, and that is “if you don’t know where you stand with someone, it’s time to stop standing and walk away”. You need a drama free relationship. One where you “just know” no uncertainties, doubt, “will he call” “should I wait” ” what should I do, he is being flaky”. Etc. This is too complicated. He is not there for you, and if you continue, you will make yourself even more uncertain, doubtful, anxious, and miserable. This does not show promise. I do not feel he is wanting to invest in a commuted relationship at this time, and before you get hurt anymore, it may be time to go your separate ways and find a loving, stable man you are certain of, where you feel safe, loved and secure. x
ParticipantHi Birdie816,
I too have had my share of verbal and abusive relationships. It seemed to be a re-occurring pattern. I kept vowing to change..that it wouldn’t happen again..but then again..another relationship with a workaholic, a controlling person, an abuser (verbally and emotionally) a narcissist, someone with unresolved mental health issues. It seems that things did not improve until I faced my own painful childhood trauma and PTSD..from an Alcoholic Mother where I was severely neglected, verbally abused, abandoned over and over, rejected. In other words, I was dating men who were my Mother. My father loved me, but he travelled alot, was a workaholic and emotionally and physically distant, so I got involved with men like my father, because that is all I knew. Did you have any childhood trauma that you know if that would attract you to this type of man? I did go through intense Psychotherapy to deal with unresolved childhood issues and am also involved with emotions Anonymous, a 12 step program that deals with this very issue. They have face to face meetings and phone meetings. It is free. It really works. You can Google it if you would like to find out more information, and they also have a website. I hope you will post again with your thoughts. x
ParticipantHi MRZ,
I think you are psyching yourself out, and letting fear destroy things. Overanalyzing and comparing yourself can drive you crazy. Don’t go there. He obviously loves you very much. He was with you for five years, and he proposed to you..not her. He wants and chose you because he wants you. You can’t think the worst, because it will come true. Think positive and positive things will happen. I have seen too many amazing relationships destroyed due to fear and insecurity, anxiety by one of the partners. With fear, you can’t have dreams. What I suggest is quality Psychotherapy to work on your issues of insecurity, self esteem, etc before marrying this man, because all these negative thoughts affect your mood, emotions and behavior and he does not deserve that. I would also look into self help books on anxiety in relationships, etc. I hope you will post with any thoughts. x
ParticipantHi GK,
I’m sorry this happened. Believe me, you did nothing wrong. I too have had my share of bad experiences of online dating and dating when men have “friended” me on Social media and it turned romantic..and yes, after several months, I fell in love. It happens to alot of people. Online dating is very complicated and difficult and most often does not work. I had my heart broken over and over again. I have chosen not to take this route again. You never know who is behind the screen. They may be married, lonely and just looking for attention and an ego boost by flirting with women, then they suddenly ghost you and move on to the next victim, and so on. That is why he blocked you..again, nothing to do with you, he didn’t want you to see his activity. Many men are in arranged marriages. They are unhappy and lonely..and just looking for someone to talk to. They lie and say They are single. I once even met a man who was a felon writing me in prison! I did not know this until I used truth finder. I found out his past history and that he had several felonies and currently incarcerated. Yet, he portrayed himself as this great single man who was working and traveled for business. It’s all too complicated, too much drama, ghosting, lies, confusion, blocking and insincerity. Best bet is to meet someone by shared interests, hobbies, volunteer work, etc. x
ParticipantDid not submit correctly
ParticipantHi Ash,
I read a quote once, it said “All of us are broken, but even broken crayons still color the same”. I am wondering, sometimes, we have to surrender, to turn it over. We can’t fix every aspect of our lives. There is a serenity prayer that we use in Emotions Anonymous, a 12 step support program I attend. (I do the phone groups since there are no face-to-face meetings where I live). It says “God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”. In other words, we have to accept things about ourselves we can’t change on our own by willpower, and just turn it over, let it go. We are all like beautiful jigsaw puzzles. All peices, fitting together, one peice at a time, one day at a time. If a peice doesn’t fit, the jigsaw puzzle is not “broken” or “defective” it will eventually fit and it is still beautiful with a missing few peices.
Have you tried a 12 step support anonymous program such as emotions Anonymous? You can Google it. It is an amazing program. No charge. You can find a sponsor though one is not required to help you work the 12 steps. I have been in in for years, and have seen shy, unhappy, broken, emotionally beaten down people turn into hapoy, smiling positive people now in healthy relationships for the first time. The program really does work. x
ParticipantHi Heisenberg,
I think at this time, your child should be your first priority. I re-read several of your posts, your wife does not want and has expressed her wishes in a rather cruel way she no longer wants to be with you. She has treated you disrespectfully, rudely, and with much hostility, as her parents. I do not see things getting any better. They have their minds made up. Surely, this is not what you want for a partner? There are many women out there who would love to get to know you and your child. You may find yourself happier with them..the child will be happier with less tension, hostility, etc. Right now, your wife knows what she is doing, and is doing it in a calculculating way. She is deliberately trying to distance herself and to have some custody of the child. Fight. Don’t let her and her parents walk all over you. Find an attorney asap. Get a divorce. No contact with her. Push for sole custody. Find a loving, stable, mature woman who will love your child and who is emotionally available. You deserve better than the treatment your wife is giving you. Make your child your first priority. Getting your wife back is not an option, she does not want this.
ParticipantHi Heisinberg,
The reason she is not communicating with you, is because she wants some custody of the child. Don’t let her walk all over you. You deserve to have custody or partial custody. Please hire an attorney right away. Let them handle this for you. As your wife will continue her silent treatment as she wants some custody. Don’t let this happen. Fight. Hire a divorce attorney. You deserve to see your child. Good luck.
ParticipantHi Wanderba,
I always think honesty is the best policy. I would just tell her the truth. If you like her, like you say you do, is there any reason, why you can’t see her again? I understand you are moving, but it’s not forever, and many people can have long distance relationships for awhile until they can move back to each other. I always feel, if a man and a woman are meant to be together, a man will move move mountains to make this happen.
ParticipantHi Miss Healing,
I did not quite understand the sentence about his boss, did that mean, his boss was going out on a date with the two of you? Sorry for any confusion. Also, if he really likes you, I am wondering why he didn’t just mention to his friend, that (especially his best friend) that he feels awkward that his friend would mention to him that he is into you. Be should have set boundaries, saying that he really liked you, and would appreciate if his friend not bring you up in conversations anymore. Also, if he wants to date you, and really likes you, why would he mention his boss? He does not sound very assertive, or has a clear sense of boudaries, or perhaps he is a people pleaser. It sounds like a lot of drama to me so early in the relationship, which is a red flag. I would come right out and ask him, that you feel it put you in an awkward situation about him telling you his friend liked you, and what where does he see himself with you? Does he see you as just friends? Exclusive? His behaviour is confusing and he is sending alot of mixed signals. I would test the waters slowly with this man, especially knowing you like him alot, make sure if his intentions to you. Tell him your feelings. That you prefer your dates where you two are alone together. You are setting boundaries in dating, not being needy. Now, he needs to set boundaries with his boss and friend. If he can’t do this, and keeps up with drama and mixed signals, he is not ready for a relationship. x
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ParticipantP.S. sorry for the typos above, for some reason, I was unable to edit.
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ParticipantHi Viviana,
Thank you for the compliment about my name, so cool we have the same ones! I don’t see any problem with wanting closure, but be careful with this. Many people think that ending communication will make the person change somehow, like “oh my gosh, I’m losing her! I better clean up my act, change, start testing her like gold, stop lying, stop communicating with my ex, stop sending mixed signals!!. However, this rarely happens, and wanting closure with someone thinking it might scare them to change is mute. They might for a little bit, but without therapy, only they can fix themselves, and and unfortunately they will go back to their old ways. I feel he treated you with dishonesty and disrespect, and I believe in Karma, in other words, no respect in return. Telling him, you no longer want communication with him, is kind of like saying “oh gosh..sorry..but this is not working out, and I wish you all the best” which is showing him respect. I feel he deserves no respect. No other words ghosting. No further contact. He deserves no “goodbyes, no closure, no nothing”. But if it gives you closure and makes you feel better, go ahead, but I would not give him the satisfaction of doing it in person, where he might talk you put of it. Just be brief and blunt and send a short e-mail. Once you end it, don’t respond back, no matter how “charming” he might try to be. x
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