Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi Rideeta,
Are you saying that this person was trying to force his beliefs on to you and that he couldn’t be with you unless you complied?
If you are finding meditation difficult at the moment, have you thought about using guided relaxation products – there are some excellent ones on the market.
Perhaps you should befriend this boy and hang out together more – he may well help you through the next eight months. What do you think? Perhaps you will be a little less lonely and have at least one reason to live.
People underestimate the value of breathing correctly – it can alter your whole constitution. Please pay regular attention to this – the breath of life.
How old were you when you began to have anxiety issues and what was happening in your life at that time?
ParticipantDear Tannhauser,
Here’s a fact of life that I’m sure you are dying to hear. Better hear it before it’s too late, eh? Anger creates pain. I’ve been known to take people’s pain away with my hands or, sometimes, without my hands. I’m a regular little saviour and there are lots of other people in the world like me who work with people like you to save them from their pain. Thousands upon thousands of them.
ParticipantHello Rideeta,
I am sorry that you have taken your break-up so badly. Three years is a long time to remain in a state of grief but, as Anita said, it’s tough when you have to continue seeing him. You really love him but how much do you really love yourself? If you really loved yourself, would you be putting yourself through so much heartache and pain? You are lonely and suicidal – you want some kind words. I wonder how often you are kind to yourself with your words.
You have someone who is in love with you who is kind and nice. You don’t love him “yet” and you may never love him but you are not giving him a chance because someone who isn’t in love with you and doesn’t want to be kind to you any more still has your affections. Grieving is a process of letting go. You are refusing to let go. Has it ever occurred to you that you can let him go with love?
Where has your anxiety come from? You mention meditation but do you pay attention to your breathing whilst you meditate. Are you making sure that your breath enters and inflates your lungs sufficiently? Easy to check – place one hand at the lower end of your ribcage and ‘breathe’ into it. You should be able to feel a definite inflation and deflation of your lungs as your breath comes in and out. You can add words such as “rising” and “falling” as your breath comes in and out – you can add words such as “PEACE” on the in breath and “RELAX” as you breathe out. Have you been taught to place your feet flat on the floor and connect with Earth before you meditate? Do you play relaxing music as you drift off to sleep (or not)?
Anita has much more information on drugs, medication, psychotherapy etc. than I have. It is my feeling that your anxiety began to take shape much longer than three years ago. How old were you when you met, what reasons did he have for breaking up with you and why is this the be all and end all of life for you? Feeling lonely and suicidal means you have nothing to live for. Is that the truth?
I hope your exam goes well for you.
ParticipantHi Javairia,
Thank you so much for your reply – it has touched me so deeply. You have given me three things that you really like about yourself and then have attached some words which indicate that you don’t think you are doing or being good enough. I used to do that, then someone told me that my inner critic was sitting on my shoulder and so I learned to flick him/her off. I became “good enough” and learned to love myself. I’ve even written a poem on the subject in the hopes that somewhere down the line it will help someone else. You have empathy (understanding), you help where you can (care) and sometimes you need down time (lazy).
I love that you paint birds and flowers, that you see the beauty in nature and can recreate it. I love that.
Your brother attempting to commit suicide is enough to disturb your balance and lead you to question everything. Your friends may not realize what an impact this has had on you, they may not realize just how scared and helpless you felt. Those around you can feel just as helpless towards you as you felt towards your brother. I don’t know what circumstances caused your brother’s desperation but I sincerely hope that he is and will be able to come through his terrible dilemma. Keep reassuring him that you love him and will be there for him if he ever needs to talk.
Keep pouring love into yourself, counting all your good qualities and show gratitude (a simple thank you) for the very many blessings you have in your life.
September 6, 2019 at 11:54 am in reply to: Things were going great, all of a sudden she needs space and wants to break up? #310601Peggy
ParticipantHi Alecsee,
I have read all the posts as well. Sorry to disappoint you but I don’t have a magic wand to wave that will make it all better. This is a very short term relationship and you have really been expecting your ex girlfriend to fit into a box that you approve of. She might very well have been giving you mixed messages but we only have one side of the story.
She should address issues the day they arise!! How many people can you honestly say do that? Unrealistic. If only she’d have told you she was getting upset, you’d have made it all better. Communication happens on the level of body language, silence, facial expressions, closed doors and so on.
If you meet another introvert you will know exactly how to deal with it! You will love her unconditionally knowing that you cannot fix all the quirks that she might contain. You will recognize that she is a unique individual who has chosen to be with you. You will accept her exactly as she is knowing that in your eyes she is still perfect.
Perhaps what you should really do is take a good long hard look at yourself and ask yourself why you can’t accept people as they are, because you sure as hailstones can’t accept what this woman has said to you with no mixed messages involved. If she thinks that she cannot meet your needs then you’ve made her feel inferior in some way. Work on that!
As for winning her heart back, did she really have yours?
I hope I’m wrong and one day you’ll rekindle your lost passions and live happily ever after together. Perhaps by then you’ll be able to be more honest with yourself and stop dumping all the blame on to this poor woman.
ParticipantHi Javairia,
Thank you for replying. Your logical mind is saying that you were OK going that way but your inner feelings are screaming out to you that you were not OK. You are not being whiny or weak and you are not craving attention for nothing. This is you being human.
You have written to Kkasxo to say that you struggle with loving yourself. Let me reassure you that you are just as worthy of loving as anyone else in the Universe. Loving yourself is the greatest and most precious gift that you can give to yourself. Make this your number 1. priority and begin right now, today. Look in the mirror at your reflection and say out loud “I LOVE YOU”. Make this a daily statement. Make a list of your good qualities, things you like about yourself. There is a TB Forum under Fun where people are asked to post the things that they like most about themselves. Read through the lists and note any that might apply to you – take inspiration and perhaps you can be brave enough to post your own list.
I am listening to you and I am interested in finding out who you are. Tell me three good things about yourself and three things that you enjoy doing.
Also, can you describe the incident at the beginning of the year that caused you to become so upset.
Thank You
ParticipantHello Flamingo Pink,
Moving in with your partner and starting a new job are two very big changes to have happened in a short space of time and have probably caused you to become more stressed particularly as your job is not suiting you very well. Feeling out of control is the root cause of your panic attacks, or anyone else’s for that matter. Physiologically, you are not maintaining the correct balance between carbon dioxide and oxygen in your body. You are releasing too much oxygen and retaining too much carbon dioxide which is why panic attack sufferers are advised to breathe in and out of a paper bag until they stabilize. Another method is to cup your hands over your nose until you stabilize. Being mindful of your breathing is a great place to begin. A simple way is to sit quietly with some relaxation music playing and watch your breath as it rises and falls, taking the breath in through your nostrils and down into your lungs and then out again. The aim is not to alter your breathing but just to observe it. You might find it changes of its own accord after a few minutes.
Exercise routines such as tai chi and yoga help you become aware of your breath and your body and are very beneficial for lots of reasons and usually include a relaxation period at the end of a session.
Can you remember what was happening in your life when you had your first panic attack?
September 6, 2019 at 1:41 am in reply to: Could a man be intimidated that his brother slept with same woman? #310543Peggy
ParticipantHi Lisa,
Very confusing to know which brother you are referring to. Brother no. 1 was having an affair. Brother no. 1. fell out with this woman. Brother no. 2 took up with said woman. Is Brother no. 1 capable of jealousy – YES! Is Brother no. 2 capable of jealousy – YES. Is the woman in question capable of winding the situation up by asking about said other brother – YES.
If this woman is sleeping with boyfriend’s brother, it is to get back at boyfriend no. 1. I’m suggesting that’s why they fell out in the first place and I am suggesting that the resentment is still in existence.
I would not tolerate my ‘boyfriend’ introducing me in such an appalling way – how can it do anything other than humiliate the woman in question. Why exactly is he with her? Does he see her as a trophy? Why is she with him?
Bad News every step of the way!
September 6, 2019 at 1:23 am in reply to: It frustrates me that I'm still a virgin and haven't had sex yet? #310541Peggy
Being attractive is a competition is it? You were born with your looks whatever they may be and your looks, bit by bit, were inherited from people who looked something like you. If you really want the truth, that means that people who could match you in the looks department managed to have sex, conceive a child, give life to others who then went on to have sex, conceive a child, give life to others who then went on to have sex, conceive a child give life to others who………………………..generation after generation.
Are you a shopaholic for a reason? Anything to make yourself feel good eh?
September 6, 2019 at 1:11 am in reply to: Was he showing off because he was driving a new Benz? #310539Peggy
ParticipantHi Lisa,
This message board is called a Forum and people post problems with which they need help. Sometimes questions need to be asked to establish what kind of help is appropriate for you.
This boyfriend with the car is childish, immature, disrespectful and a number of other adjectives which are not suitable for this Forum. Your friend that you are so concerned about wants to ask herself why she is interested in such an expletive. Is that all she deserves?
ParticipantHi Lost Soul,
That’s a really positive response to receive from your therapist. She is able to make eye contact with you and pick up your body language as well as talk to you. Tiny Buddha only have your words to respond to. You may have moved on through talking to us and your healing processes may well have begun. If you are not sure what you think about this comment, then you need to explore that further as you still think you have issues. In your therapist’s eyes, you are not presenting a problem, and this is a problem for you?
September 5, 2019 at 8:39 am in reply to: Separating, living together – wife has new relationship #310413Peggy
ParticipantHello Robert,
Express your thoughts and feelings through the use of a journal – writing things down is therapeutic. If you have your own room, play your favorite music and, if there’s room, dance around. Movement and exercise ward off depression. Look for groups and classes in your area in a subject you enjoy and take part in them. Take the children out for walks at the weekend where you can spend some quality time with them. Sketch, paint, make lunch, look for wild flowers, birds and insects. Contact a friend or make a new one and meet up once a week. Make a box of treasures full of cards, drawings, photos and so on from your loved ones. Look for inspirational quotes to include. Write down jokes that you find funny and so on.
I have a card that a friend once sent me with the A-Z of Life’s Journey. Here’s an example: Quit Worrying, Have Faith, Yield to Fun and Venture into the Unknown.
Act as if you are having fun and one day you might actually find yourself enjoying your life again. I heard once that laughter was as good for you as jogging. Now I just sit on a park bench laughing at all the joggers going by.
ParticipantHi Rin,
The words “self loathing” are creating the basis of your depression. You want to know just how much you can hate yourself. What if you were to flip your self talk and push self loving to its limits. You may have been stressed out in the past through over-work but it seems that you are carrying this stress factor with you now.
You don’t have to set aside hours for your meditation etc. Even whilst at work, in lunch breaks etc. you can give yourself some positive talk or focus on your breathing to calm you down. 10 minute sessions throughout the day could add up to an hour by the evening. It’s just as beneficial.
ParticipantHi Javairia,
I am wondering if your loss of identity crept up on you gradually or if there was a traumatic incident in your life that left you questioning things. Do you really hate your former friends – this is a strong word. Do you still have friends that don’t fall into this category? There is good behavior and there is bad behavior – people are rarely wholly good or wholly bad. Focus on what good behavior means to you. Friends usually combine a mixture of give and take. Perhaps you have given too much in the past and not received an adequate amount of nurture in return. You say you used to love everyone with no strings attached and now you don’t. Does that mean that you didn’t expect anything in return for your ‘love’ and then at some point you began to want something back such as attention or recognition.
I think you are perhaps being over critical of yourself – did that person who loved everyone else consider loving herself with no strings attached. Do you love yourself without putting conditions on it. Embrace yourself as you are today and love yourself unconditionally. That person you don’t recognize inside of yourself is still you. Make friends with her. She’s there for a reason. What is she teaching you?
Find a quiet space, play some relaxation music and sit quietly with your inner self. She’ll guide you gently to your true nature.
ParticipantHi Ava,
Just be open and honest with your boyfriend. You are growing and learning about relationships and he has been a part of this process. You are busy with your life as it is at the moment and you need to spend less time with him. You are glad that you will still be seeing him at work and you may be able to meet him at some social occasions sometimes but you don’t feel romantically connected to him.