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  • in reply to: in love but confused. #65727

    You don’t have to get over him. But this is a maturity thing. He is still half-baked, immature, crazy. If he’s in HS, wait until he’s in College. College, then wait until out of school. 20s? Wait until he’s 30.

    And the way to put his ego in check is to act like you’re above it all. (And you are!) Say, “I love you, Little Buddy, but I’m not IN love with you!” and give him a head noogie. If three girls are hanging all over him say, “Are you trying to make me jealous again?” with a wink and a smile. And date other guys. Wait a day before texting/calling him back. Write a one line text or only talk for five minutes on the phone (You are busy, after all, with your awesome life!). Act happy, light and fun when he’s with you, (no one likes a downer, and it will keep him wondering!) Wear makeup, change your hair style/color, get new fun clothes, get new bling (it will perk interest and keep you feeling new and beautiful! Shallow, but it works!)

    And most importantly, Jedi-mind trick yourself into believing that you ARE All That, that you are his (or anyone’s!) It Girl. What will happen is all these other people will be congregating around you, that he’ll have trouble getting through!

    So that’s all I’ve got. Good Luck!

    in reply to: in love but confused. #65724

    Well, clearly he’s a player. He’s got all these sex buddies and/or girls in love with him. He wants to know that you are in love with him, that’s why he teased you with the song apparently about you being in love with him!

    1. The Song ~ Parry back, “But they’re talking about a girl not a guy” 😉

    2. You might have to wait until he’s grown up and shed all these other girls.

    3. You can’t really change this, just don’t wear your heart on your sleeve. If/when he teases you about it, just say, “Frankly all these other girls around you is a turn off, so I don’t know how I’d feel about you.”

    4. Don’t be shy about dating other guys. Don’t flaunt them in his face, but don’t hide them either.

    P.S. OMG, FaceBook drama!! If he won’t add you as a Friend he is totally hiding you OR all of them! Withdraw the Friend Request, he’s doing you a favor, actually, because FB drama will just add to your stress level. Imagine ten girls competing over who can come up with the most recent, exclusive, inner joke Wall Post about fun trips/events/parties no one else knew he was going on. 😛

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Facebook and passive aggressiveness #65710

    I wrote whole posts here on FB drama ~ Basically my message to you is you can’t escape.

    The best you can do is make them “Acquaintances” so you don’t see every move of theirs, either. Out of sight, out of mind. The good news is that if you or they do something Epic, it WILL show up on everyone’s NewsFeed. Then Likes all around!

    I only Follow my kids and a handful of other people because otherwise scrolling through my Feed becomes a part time job. It doesn’t help that FB litters your Feed with ads. I’m sure (and know!) I’ve offended people, like my FB Lists fiasco a year ago. I also got Blocked/Hid/whatever FB wizardry from one clinically UnBalanced Friend who thought I didn’t Like or Comment on her Wall enough. Now that’s passive aggressive. Merely UnFollowing, Hiding or Acquantancing is practicing practical Sanity. FB in general is just all too much.

    I’m actually waiting to be accepted to Ello so I can start over, and meanwhile keep my FB account open as a foil. But see? Now I’m talking crazy again. Oh, FB!!

    in reply to: Chronic pain :-( #65658

    Hi Again!

    Please disregard if you’ve already done these. If you haven’t, do them immediately and I’m sure you’ll see a difference.

    1. Talk to someone who specializes in Pain Management. Call you local hospital, go online, they are out there.

    2. Go on a Paleo/Raw Food diet. Whenever I feel achy or sicky (I’m NOT comparing my issues to the hell you’ve gone through!!) I eat Paleo or do juicing for a few days/weeks/months and reset.

    3. Set yourself up to have a lot of “Wins”. Get a sticker book and give yourself a sticker like a kid for any minuscule thing you do. Returning a phone call = a win. Putting a load of laundery in = a win. But it has to be miniscule!

    4. Pick a series on Netflix and watch all of it in one sitting/s. Get so immersed in the characters you forget yourself.

    5. A lot of churches have lay ministers. Ask for Stephen Ministers. They meet up with you every week just to talk. They are trained. Or get yourself on a Prayer List! It is amazing how situations transform when everyone is praying!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Can't cope anymore :-( #65654

    Remember the Commandment “Love thy neighbor as thyself?” Well, there’s an assumption in there, made by God, that you already love yourself. In fact, you can’t properly love others unless and until you love yourself.

    So take care of yourself! 🙂

    in reply to: Binge eating #65632

    Hi Kristen,

    Food is awesome and should be celebrated! Also, to “binge eat” was called “feasting” in the old days. It was allowed because of general food scarcity and a shorter life span. In the dawn of time for humanity, if you somehow procured food on the savannah, you had better eat all of it before any other predator/scavenger did!

    Make the corner store and eating with your boyfriend into weekly events. So my weaknesses are the deli, take out and D&D/Starbucks. I go to each place once a week. That’s it! I have any “fix” of Coke/Frapp/pizza/Chinese/chicken cutlet smothered in too much mayo/BLT/drink of seasonal badness/etc. knowing that whatever else I crave is waiting for me next week. That there will be Coke later. That I can scarf on garlic bread later.

    Turn your two “sins” into once a week events. Space them out so you don’t go crazy, like going out weekends, store Wednesday. But maybe buy only one junky thing at the store!!

    And enjoy!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Lost love #65603

    Well, you don’t know how it will be until you get there. You might see her and notice she’s changed. Or you may notice that your feelings aren’t as charged as you think they’ll be. The good news is it’s laser tag and you will be too busy running around to dwell much at all!

    For events in general where you’ll run into her, if possible, arrive an hour late and leave an hour early. Make brief eye contact, smile and wave. Then turn to the other people around you and concentrate on them. Use Body Blocking where you have your back turned to her. If she moves to the part of the room where you are (and she will!) casually move to the other end. Pretend your are magnets that make you go the opposite of where she is. Look at other people and other things. If she asks if you’re avoiding her say, “Not at all!” After all, you did the eye contact, smile and wave. If she corners you for small talk, talk for five minutes, keeping the conversation light and fun, then excuse yourself to go to the restroom.

    And bring a girl who’s a friend with you. Let her know the deal, she will keep you company and help with the small talk and escape! And might keep the old love interest wondering, or even second guess her original opinion/decision about you!

    So that is how you survive an event where an old love will be at!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Confused about friendships #65548

    Hi Sandy,

    I’ve noticed that when you’re young, everyone’s pretty much the same. Everyone has the aura of a shiny happy puppy LOL. But then as we get older everyone gets a little “long in the tooth” and their individual personalities really come to the forefront. Or they stop being “nice” and will cast you loose if you don’t dovetail with their agenda all the time.

    I don’t spend mental energy thinking about friendships. I’m not pessimistic, I just have an “it is what it is” attitude. Everyone has their own lives and won’t easily expand their individual Universe sometimes. And if you can meet someone from the neighborhood, class or organization who won’t drift away once they’re out of the neighborhood and once class and the cause is over, then they are golden. But you can’t ask for it, it’s like Kismet, a great gift you stumble upon.

    in reply to: Lost and Found Love- but I am married #65478

    Would you divorce your husband if the other guy didn’t exist? There’s your answer.

    But wait for all the kids to be adults first if you do. That’s when change would happen anyway.

    And if you do divorce, keep the other guy a “ghost” for a while, for everyone’s mental health. Then gently introduce him a few years later so he doesn’t catch any stigma for breaking up a marriage.

    in reply to: Can't cope anymore :-( #65465

    This is going to sound counter-intuitive to any advice anyone’s given you. Honor your depression. That means it’s OK to do nothing. You need a break: from the illness itself, from your “shoulds”, from your “have tos”, from your job, from your family, from society. That might mean doing absolutely nothing for two years worth of Sundays (on Sunday) or signing yourself into a retreat center where you can be in bed all day.

    Honor your illness. Girl, I may have literally died in your place, and I consider myself to be on the high end of the Endurance category!

    And Goddessdamn it, your extended and immediate family SHOULD cater to you! Who in your life told you you were on the low end of the totem pole, that you’re not worthy of a mental or medical doctor’s time?? Read Brene Brown’s books, they will really resonate with you.

    It’s time to get Entitled. You are a Princess, a Daughter of The King in Heaven.

    in reply to: Angry at the universe! #65420

    Every day I would write one sentence about what I was happy or grateful for. “The sun is shining.” The next day write, “I have a boyfriend who loves me”. The day after write, “I live in a free country.” Every day reread what you wrote. Keep doing that. Pretty soon you will wake up, read five pages/five months of amazing things in your notebook, and start the day with a spring in your step.

    It really works. I’ve done it. Just try!

    in reply to: Terrified of what she thinks of me #65410

    I would chalk it up to a lesson learned. Even porn stars who like the industry deep down want to be treated and seen as a princess. You can’t have love without respect. She felt disrespected and so it really might be over with her, especially if she’s doing the slow fade. Or you hit on an original wound and, in fact, she was covering the wound up with her confident punk veneer.

    Maybe A Grand Gesture would help in starting over. A song. A poem. Flowers. Artwork. Any of those should be made public. She will be embarrassed, you will be embarrassed, and everyone will go “Awwwww”. But now she knows how you REALLY feel, and so does everyone else, so your fondness for her is now public knowledge, not some dirty little texting secret.

    And then let it go, and let her take the lead.

    in reply to: Angry at the universe! #65390

    Tell The Universe “I Won” as you take a bus to New Orleans. Leave your car and belongings behind with your mother. Use a credit card to pay for the bus ticket. Figure the rest out when you are with your boyfriend. Then, when crap happens to you down there, smile at The Universe, wink, and say, “I still won” as you give your boyfriend a big smooch.

    in reply to: meaning of a confusing dream #65389

    On a more real life view, is it possible that you had sleep apnea? That’s when your body stops breathing while sleeping. So you stopped breathing and your dream state interpreted that to mean you are dying. Then your subconscious filled in the blanks as to how that would happen.

    The gangs and the fact that being in a house and being a civilian didn’t save you from death means that you feel very vulnerable in waking life.

    in reply to: Ex Has a boyfriend… #65342

    Matt gave some good advice!

    Also, There’s the hurt (that you won’t admit in front of her) and then there’s the hurt from her thinking you can’t handle the truth (which is shame, but you experience the emotion as anger). In her defense, as a woman, I wouldn’t want my ex to know about any new boyfriends ~ I’d love them enough not to want them to experience hurt. On the flip side, some women won’t do this and then the two guys get jealous. Because her keeping him a secret means that she really likes this guy AND really cares for your feelings ~ it’s over, or she would (subconsciously) triangulate you (by not saying anything to the kids).

    Clearly, she is “wrong” for choosing a new boyfriend right off the bat. I agree with you there. But, that’s just our opinion, and it’s a free country. There is nothing written down by God about a set mourning period after the end of a relationship.

    You could also tell the kids not to tell mommy about daddy’s new girlfriend one day because she can’t handle it. But kids (and most people) instinctively know the truth, who the weak ones are, what the deal is. So don’t worry about looking “weak” in front of the children.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Inky.
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