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  • in reply to: do you guys think she doesnt wanna see me ? #222963

    Hi Alexander,

    The boyfriend is probably picking up food for her because it’s easier for him to do so and because it’s now a habit. Unless you know for sure that she actually saw you, and actively tried to avoid you, your worry is pure conjecture. Also, since you were the one who looked away, maybe she felt that you were avoiding HER. I wouldn’t read too much into this.



    in reply to: Dreaming the same disturbing dream. #222829

    Hi Mary899,

    The worst thing someone who needs help can do is to offer somebody help (according to the latter). She could be recovering from a “Who do you think you are” syndrome herself. Not saying you needed help, but maybe, just maybe, she thought you were a loner with few friends yourself. So you two are in college, and you, another nice loner girl, offers to be her friend. She picks up the vibe that YOU feel sorry for HER! She hates that. She can’t live it down. Then her people, her “real” people, the cool kids, recognize who she is at last. She is free!!

    Fast forward to when a new frienemy spreads ugly rumors about you. Your friend couldn’t just dump you without an excuse in the past. Here’s her chance! She leaps at it. Thus the dreams.

    The answer? Time, time, and more time. I would write her a note that says you never said those things, and that one day she may see the girl’s true nature for herself. One day she may look back on your college days fondly. She may discover this other girl’s true colors (she’ll be expecting something to happen because of your note). These things happen.



    in reply to: boyfriend's roommates #222673

    Hi Amicabledingo,

    It might be easier to bring your BF over to your parents’ house. I’m not kidding. I’ve seen girls who were in college get this weird about boyfriends coming over to the quad, but guys?? Gay guys??? What happens when the other roommates bring guests over? Back in my day a tie around the door handle was all that was needed.

    Since you only have four more months of this nonsense, maybe take on a house sitting job or get a nice room somewhere as an early birthday present for each other during a long weekend.

    Or you could go Adult Level 3 and get your own apartment (!)



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: I need advice please… #222537

    Hi Nichole,

    I would:

    1. Give it a year. Tell him you ARE (not “will”, ARE) dating other people. That he should do the same (as he obviously is now anyway). Tell him to please not bug you for at least a year.

    2. At the end of that year contact each other (if you’ll even want to).

    3. HE can move to Chicago to be with YOU this time! (This will be the real Test to see how he REALLY feels!)

    4. Now that he is local to YOU, DON’T let him move in with you! That is how he got lazy and took you for granted/for a fool. This too is a test of his seriousness! After a year of being in a conventional relationship maybe there is a future there.

    Obviously this may never work, but if all these things fall into place he will have redeemed himself.



    in reply to: Panicked after I saw a picture of my ex #221571

    Hi Naia,

    Your reaction was totally normal!

    Keep in mind that he did react badly to your blocking him AND the picture was a reminder that he is still friends with your friends. Meaning he is dwelling in the peripheries of your world whether you blocked him or not.

    Your anxiety was telling you (prepping you?) that you COULD theoretically run into him. I would take that anxiety as a message: What will/would you do if you see him again in real life?




    And that would be the worst thing because???

    This is like being afraid no one will ask you to prom (sorry, didn’t mean to give you another thing to feel anxious about, but “it even happened to me”). So what happens is no one asks you, the formal happens (with or without you) and you survive.

    In your situation, Life itself will happen whether you remain a virgin or not. And you will survive. And no one will know (or think or care) that you are an Eternal Virgin.

    What will probably happen is you’ll eventually and suddenly find a nice person and have three kids. You know, the typical Fate of All Women.

    The End.



    Hi Alexa,

    20 is a rough age because you are technically a grown woman, yet still have to sometimes go back to your parents’ house. Are you in University/college? If not, please go and LIVE IN A DORM/APARTMENT/HOUSE that is far away from your mother. Just being physically away from her SHOULD relieve your anxiety…

    …but it apparently doesn’t because of getting passed out drunk far away. And then your well meaning boyfriend calls your mother and she freaks out and is all “See? SEE?? THIS is why we have to micro-manage your every move! And by the way you can’t even pick out a nice Greek boyfriend right!”

    You NEED to get some anxiety meds under control or you won’t be fit for a relationship ~ with anyone!

    As for marrying the boyfriend, please wait a few years. Move away from your Mother. And stabilize your moods.



    in reply to: Alone for my birthday #220827

    Hi Elena,

    Happy first day of 49!! Remember: Do or get something nice for yourself!



    in reply to: Anxious, depressed and confused #220677

    Hi Cate,

    Out of all the women at the college/university, he just HAS to sleep with your best friend/sorority sister. Then he proceeds to sleep with everyone you know. Meanwhile, he KNOWS you like him, and so it is (of course) irresistible to this character to hold ONLY you at bay.

    Of course he’s a sociopath! He admits it! And those types are VERY good with people. He has no trouble getting into anyone’s pants.

    Except yours, from now on! Tell him point blank that “It will NEVER happen between us!” whether he admits to those feelings or not. But beware. This is a game to him and his ultimate goal WILL be to sleep with you only AFTER you ADAMANTLY  tell him (in a scoffing way) “You slept with all these friends of mine, so don’t sniff around here, buddy!”

    No, you don’t have to block him on Social Media, but do Hide him if you can so you can’t see his shenanigans.




    Hi Iloveshopping,

    How old are you? How affable are you? What kind of place are you living in? If you’re an introverted middle school teenager living in Alaska, that answers your question. But if you’re an extroverted girl in her twenties living in NYC there’s something else going on. Ask your closest friends to give it to you straight.

    Guys might be intimidated by you for some reason. For me it was my deep voice. It was a turn off for the school boys, but once I was out of college I had no trouble finding men. Men had no problem with it.

    Also, once you do start going out (and realize it can be done) you will exude a confidence that should be irresistible. Again, only with grown men. You may have to wait a few years.

    Good Luck!


    in reply to: I snooped, sort of, and found out that he's still lying. #220459

    Hi Frey,

    Tell him that it is, and has been, obvious that he is still using. And then I agree to tell him that “a little bird told me you are intending on selling it”. If he tries to derail the issue (who told you? how do you know? etc.) say that “it’s bad enough that I would break up with you over using in the first place. But selling I cannot abide”. Then walk out.

    Yes, walk out! He will follow, argue.. and then give up. HE knows he’s using and intending on selling (the Truth). And now he knows YOU know he’s using and intending on selling.

    Tell him that you will contact him a year later. Not to get back together, but to reset at Level 0. Sometimes people need little hurts to get their live straight. Let yourself be The Little Hurt that he needs.



    in reply to: I'm toxic and my wife has given up. (Long) #219079

    Hi Justin,

    A good rule of thumb is to leave women with children alone! At least wait until the last child is an adult, people!! My parents and steps did everything “right” and I still resented the heck out of them, even though I was a teenager and college kid at the time. It’s never easy entering an established family. And you are not the fix to a broken one, either.

    Anyway! What’s done is done, and here is what I would do if I were you:

    The good news is you ARE married! There is a fair amount of work that goes into getting a divorce, so…. I wouldn’t do anything! Let her do all the work. Let her serve you with papers. Let her call a lawyer. Don’t do anything, even if you would get screwed in the end. How far she takes this shows her ACTUAL desire to get a divorce.

    What you do is quietly be in the background. Say, “I am here.” And keep your mouth shut!!! No more pouting, arguments over the phone or through text. From here on out, YOU are a saint!

    Eventually her child will grow up and leave her. In the meantime they know there is an Uncle Dad waiting in the wings to be welcomed home.




    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Husband is in love with someone else. #218651

    Hi Twee,

    This is what I would do. Keep in mind that I am not you. But if this resonates with you, go for it!

    Tell him that she hasn’t paid her dues into this marriage. And that he hasn’t paid his dues to leave it either. That you are NOT going to waste your money on a divorce lawyer. That you are going to stay married to him until the youngest leaves for college. THEN you will start divorce proceeding, and by the way, it will be less expensive regarding child support, spousal support, etc. You and/or he can save up money for your new life, etc. Whether the youngest is seventeen years old or one, your husband might go along with this. True love can wait, right??? The rules are: he has to spend nights in the house, and he can’t subject you and your children to the skanky hoe, I’m sorry, I mean his soul mate. This is best for the children.

    Meanwhile, make it awkward for her. Contact her husband. Tell him that you are taking a stand. This will give him permission to take a stand too. Hell, you can even become his new best friend to make it interesting. Tell everyone. Let it be awkward.

    This is what will (probably) happen: By the end of the True Love Can Wait period, he WILL fall out of love with her. The shaking heads of the neighbors. Her honorable husband (your new best friend). Her bratty kids. Her turning thirty/forty?/fifty??? and the inevitable decline of age. The love affair getting boring. YOU being easy, breezy and happy and looking better than ever. Your kids thriving (because their happiness counts more than his, sorry-not-sorry).

    Finally you will plan your Great Escape, looking fabulous. It’s one to seventeen years later. He begrudgingly thinks being married to you isn’t so bad after all. He walks up to the front door after dropping the youngest off at college. A strange man pulls up before he can open the door. He’s been served. He drives to the skanky hoe’s house for comfort. Sorry, I meant soulmate. Her bratty kids say that she’s out with Tom. Or was it Harry?

    Even his mistress dumps him.




    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: My mom has terminal cancer #218527

    Hi Jennifer,

    For some of us it’s when a parent dies that we can finally live our life *waving hand here*. Usually it’s for emotional reasons, but your mom doesn’t sound like she is demanding or kooky.

    I bet she wanted you to travel for three months for work, believe me! For her it’s an unspoken message that she is actually doing fine. She is well enough for YOU to travel! That is wonderful! It’s when the whole extended family is around the bedside wringing their hands and putting their lives on hold, is when I would worry if I were her. For example, if I were diagnosed with a Stage 4 cancer and my daughter quit grad school to move back and take care of me I would kill her before the cancer killed me first!!

    Please set your guilt aside. You are a wonderful daughter. Believe it!



    in reply to: He love me, but doesn't see a future together #218111

    Hi Kris,

    The difference in music is just an excuse. He has nothing to say. What is there to say? You can’t argue with “I’m just not feeling it”. Even if he told you in detail WHY he was REALLY breaking up with you, would that fix anything? Would you/could you justify and convince him to stay with you when you argue for your point of view? Do you REALLY want to stay with someone who’s not willing to run through open fields or fire to embrace you?

    Move on from this character. He’ll figure life out soon enough the hard way.


    P.S. Don’t communicate with him for at least a year. When he comes to his senses, after a year, perhaps say patiently, “Are you done with this experience now, beloved?”

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