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  • #432184


    When I started this thread, I chose the title “Fear, Anxiety and Healing”, no mention of the very powerful emotion: Anger. Today, I would choose the title: Healing from Fear and Anxiety, Anger and Chronic Anger.

    Anxiety is a condition that involves chronic fear and the repression/ suppression of fear. Chronic Anger is similarly long-term and as destructive to the body as chronic fear, and it too involves the repression and/ or suppression of anger.

    To be continued-



    Hey SereneWolf,

    I always admire the way you’re able to find something positive no matter the situation. And how far along you came battling with your health anxiety. It’s not easy I know but nonetheless you’re doing well.

    Thanks, I am trying my best. In the past year or so I’ve started becoming aware of the layers of fear that I grew up with, out of which health anxiety is just one manifestation. So I am looking at fear, feeling it in my body, and trying to separate myself from it (so that it doesn’t take me over me completely). It’s not easy, but I’ve made some progress…. and there is still a lot of work in front of me.

    and since you mentioned the “Hack” have you ever tried Ayurvedic medicine or therapy? Sometimes it works wonders

    No, I haven’t. Not sure it would work for spine problems though?

    I think you’re on point about the inner child need. It’s so funny but let me tell you anyways just the other night I had this need to someone to like baby me. Like I wanted to be taken care of so badly. I was like why I care too much? Can’t I have that?

    I think it’s actually normal – that longing to be cared for, caressed, and just be loved for who you are, without any expectations on you. Because we as babies shouldn’t do anything to deserve love – we should just be ourselves, and our parents should shower us with love, care, nurturance, enjoying spending times with us, cooing to us, caressing us, playing with us, playing peekaboo and all the other fun stuff.

    We all need parents who are completely into us, who adore us and who see us as special and amazing. That’s how our self-worth develops – not by achieving things, but just by being loved and adored as babies and toddlers.

    So perhaps you want some of that feeling of being cuddled and loved just because someone really enjoys your presence? (just like our parents should have enjoyed our presence, but with many parents it unfortunately wasn’t the case).

    Hmm I see, and when you say Love and appreciation. What do you mean by that? Romantic love now? Can you elaborate?

    Actually, by appreciation I meant what I described above: enjoying our presence, being happy to have us around, seeing us as special, appreciating having us in their life. What we should get from our parents as children. Basically giving us the message: “I am happy to have you in my life”.

    I’m kinda enjoying talking with her though. Like sometimes I’m literally waiting for her texts. I don’t like this feeling. I don’t want to get attached to her. She’s alright but just no.

    How do you feel with her? If you feel lightness (as in not being criticized by her, not needing to behave in a certain way so she wouldn’t be offended, the ability to just be yourself without needing to present yourself in a certain way), that’s a good sign.

    Also, if you can let go of the need to change her, e.g. to judge her for her smoking, or for her “being on the verge of anger”, or for any other behavior. If you would be embarrassed to introduce her to your parents, for example, that’s not a good sign. It means there is something that bothers us about the person’s behavior, and we can’t accept them as they are but would like to change them.

    and I’m not sure if I’m just doing that out of loneliness. Because I don’t think I’m feeling lonely or is it entirely something else

    Well, you did say you want someone to baby you. So I guess you do long for that intimacy and closeness (physical and emotional) with someone. So this might increase your interest in her…

    Yeah I’ll try that. Also like I said the feeling of time passing too fast, It goes away when we try to do something new or like feel something new or different

    You mean you feel like you are not wasting your time if you are dating and meeting new people? Perhaps you feel the pressure of settling down and starting a family, which is another expectation on yourself? (and it is actually coming from the outside, i.e. your own parents and family)?

    I know right!? They see it as light joke. That’s the problem. And no my sister wasn’t disturbed because they all think they’re just kids.

    Yeah, that’s unfortunate because that’s when we are the most vulnerable and impressionable – as children. Believing that it doesn’t matter because they are children is exactly the opposite of truth.

    You already know how much of my anger is just buried. But yeah next time I’ll try to do that

    I don’t know, you might want to tell your sister that children are super sensitive, so teachers, doctors, coaches and other authority figures (as well as parents, of course) should be careful not to say hurtful things and humiliate them, specially in front of their peers, because those are the kinds of wounds that stay forever…



    Hey Tee,

    Well, it’s staying stable, that is, not getting worse again, which is good enough for me. It would be better if I could heal completely, but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen, since it has been more than a year now. So this is the next best: low-grade, manageable pain, which I can live with.

    Perhaps some day I’ll manage to “hack” it and heal completely, but I am not hung up on it, because it feels like something I cannot control (beyond a certain point). So it’s better to put my energy into something that I actually can control and where I can make a change…


    I always admire the way you’re able to find something positive no matter the situation. And how far along you came battling with your health anxiety. It’s not easy I know but nonetheless you’re doing well.
    and since you mentioned the “Hack” have you ever tried Ayurvedic medicine or therapy? Sometimes it works wonders


    It seems there is still an emptiness in your heart (“empty feeling in my chest“), which I think indicates that your inner child still hasn’t received what he needs: love and appreciation. He still hasn’t been told: “you are doing so great! I am proud of you!”

    There is a way to work with our inner child, by visualizing an event from the past and then making an “intervention”, where our adult self stands to defend our child self. And this make our inner child feel differently about themselves and it basically heals the root problem.

    There is a beautiful demonstration of that kind of work in a youtube video by a coach Christine Hassler, called “I Have Awareness But Things Still Aren’t Changing”. The client is a woman, but her story is very similar to yours: a criticizing step-father, which made her to be very judgmental of herself, and she also lacks trust in men, i.e. relationships.

    The visualization exercise with the inner child starts about minute 14, if you don’t feel like watching the entire video. So this is how you can actually heal your inner child, beyond just intellectual understanding. Let me know what you think…


    I think you’re on point about the inner child need. It’s so funny but let me tell you anyways just the other night I had this need to someone to like baby me. Like I wanted to be taken care of so badly. I was like why I care too much? Can’t I have that?


    Thanks for sharing the video link I’ll watch and share my thoughts with you.


    Okay, that’s nice that you could simply talk to her with more emphasis on listening, and less on judging or trying to fix her. And while listening, you also had discernment – you noticed some of the behaviors you don’t like and that are potential deal-breakers for you, such as smoking.

    That’s cool! I mean, you can have things that are non-negotiable, that are simply not aligned with what you are appreciating in a person, and it’s okay to respect that.


    I’m kinda enjoying talking with her though. Like sometimes I’m literally waiting for her texts. I don’t like this feeling. I don’t want to get attached to her. She’s alright but just no. and I’m not sure if I’m just doing that out of loneliness. Because I don’t think I’m feeling lonely or is it entirely something else


    So you are thinking about going on dates because you know you’ll be moving soon enough? 🙂 But yeah, do go on dates, it’s a good practice, even a self-observation practice, to see how you react in certain situations. And to sort of dip your toe into the water and do dating without pressure – either on yourself or the other person.

    Yeah I’ll try that. Also like I said the feeling of time passing too fast, It goes away when we try to do something new or like feel something new or different


    Oh that’s horrible! Nurses and doctors should know better about the professional (and human) ethics. That was really unprofessional. Maybe you could write a complaint to the kindergarten or the hospital? Because this type of practice should not be allowed. What did your sister say? Was she also disturbed by it?

    I know right!? They see it as light joke. That’s the problem. And no my sister wasn’t disturbed because they all think they’re just kids.


    Yeah, I guess it’s better that you stayed calm in that moment. However you might want to do something about it, since your anger was justified. So perhaps you can save some future kids from a similar humiliating treatment?

    You already know how much of my anger is just buried. But yeah next time I’ll try to do that


    Maybe that’s the consequence of the same false core belief: “I’ll never be good enough”. Which can be a great killer of joy, because why would you strive for anything if nothing can really make you happy and fulfilled. Perhaps the key word here is fulfillment. Maybe there is a “hole” in your heart, that needs to be filled (with love and appreciation for your inner child). Which will make you fulfilled.

    I suggest you watch that video and see if you resonate with the approach there…

    Hmm I see, and when you say Love and appreciation. What do you mean by that? Romantic love now? Can you elaborate?



    Hi Everyone

    I’m glad that I had a good day yesterday. I was able to rest and relax.

    The bad thing about brains is that they tend to try and bring you back to a baseline and anxiety has been my baseline, so it started trying to find things to make me feel anxious again. Fortunately, I managed to notice that happening and reel it in.

    My sons bath time was funny because he figured out that he can kick water. He kicked water everywhere!

    My husband made a really nice gravy! He’s an excellent cook.

    It was nice to talk to my sister.

    I’m glad that I did my physiotherapy again.

    I’m starting to believe that my husband is attracted to me again which is nice. He didn’t do anything to make me believe otherwise. I was just being hard on myself because of the pregnancy.

    Wishing ya’ll all the best! 🙏❤️


    Hi Everyone

    On some days it is hard. Yesterday was a hard day. There have been a few hard days recently.

    I am thankful that my baby slept well last night, and I’m glad that I managed to get back to sleep after difficulties with pain and anxiety.

    It was nice taking him swimming for the first time. He was very brave, had fun and tired himself out. I was a very proud mama! Still am.

    I’m glad that he managed to drink a good amount of formula yesterday (he is still learning ).

    I need to get back into the habit of doing my physiotherapy exercises. I will try very hard.

    I’m glad that today is a quiet day and I get the opportunity to rest.

    I look forward to seeing my friends at the weekend.

    I’m glad that I found some information about my final exam and assistance. It’s helped to ease my anxiety about it. I think that I can still pass this module. My grade might not be good, but that it okay. I have a lot going on and I just need a basic pass.

    I’m thankful for my husband, he’s really awesome in so many different ways. I’m glad that he is able to tell me when he feels stressed.

    I finally managed to make a jam that didn’t burn and set well.

    Wishing ya’ll all the best! 🙏❤️


    Hi Sha

    That’s a lot of pressure you’re putting on yourself! No wonder you’re stressed out. Anita is right, anxiety degrades your performance. The calmer you are and the least pressure you put on yourself, the better the outcome.

    Do you have any strategies picked out for studying?

    If you look online there are usually books guiding you on how to pass your test. Past exam papers are a great resource too. I don’t know if you received any feedback from previous exams? Since you are short on time targeting weak areas might be helpful.

    Wishing you all the best! 🙏❤️


    Dear Sha:

    Now everything seems to be lagging behind. This is the career I dreamed about. I don’t have any backup plans if I fail in these exams, and this makes me more anxious. If I fail in this exam, I’ll have to wait another year for it and find some part-time work (I still don’t know exactly what to do).“-

    – The first thing to do is to lower and manage your anxiety so that your ability, while studying, to focus on the subject matter, process the information and commit it to memory significantly improves.

    To lower and manage your anxiety, (1) Accept the possibility that you may fail the exams, wait a year for the next exams, and work part-time during the waiting-period. Accept this not a disaster, but an inconvenience. Consider the possibility that good things can happen during the year, such as that you might enjoy the part-time job.

    (2) Commit to a study daily routine that includes some kind of exercise before studying, and/ or during breaks from studying, a yoga practice, and/ or listening to calming guided meditations (theme: mindfulness). When you are studying and feeling a spike in  your anxiety, get up, walk around, take a few slow breaths, slow down on the exhale, drink water, or herb tea.. take a cold shower, or a hot bath, listen to calming music.. and go back to studying.

    How does this sound to you?



    Hi Sha

    I’ve also had anxiety around failing during my studies.

    Where do you think this fear of failure is coming from? Is there a trigger?

    Have you failed in your studies or anything else before? If so, how did it affect you?

    Sometimes, I found that I needed to get used to a level of anxiety and try to study anyway. Sometimes the feeling went away while I was studying. Being in the best mood I could before trying to study was helpful for me as well as taking breaks.

    Please show yourself some grace and compassion because ultimately, making mistakes is part of the learning process.

    Wishing you all the best! ❤️🙏


    In reply to: Son left unexpectedly


    Hello, dear Anita

    I am firstly going to respond to your anxiety thread because I can’t in it.  I haven’t really felt a lot of anger in my life, not because I’m special, but because I would get flogged if I got angry.  As an adult the handful of times I’ve been angry have caused me to lose a person, except that I have been angry at my children quite a few times and let them know it.  Interesting how I can feel it if I feel confident I’m not going to be abandoned.

    Anyway, back to anger:  I believe it is a protective emotion, one that kicks in when we need to be motivated to protect ourselves, because it causes us to have uncommon strength whether that be physical, mental, or emotional.

    Could your anger be a layer of protection?  Not that you need it now but childhood has handed you a carry-over champion in the form of it?

    I don’t know if this will be helpful in the coping with it being with you as a constant companion, and I only suggest these couple of strategies because a clever person once taught me one of them to deal with fear, and the other has also been really helpful for me when dealing with all my negative feelings.  I have been an afraid person most of my life, really scared of everything, so I lived in ways that kept me safe.  This clever person got me to look around me and see if I could see anything that I needed to be afraid of.  I couldn’t see anything, just trees, grass, houses, power poles, sky, cars driving along, you name it.  Somehow having a little stocktake of what is around me helps me not to be so afraid.  I think fear and anger are similar emotions that have a similar root cause.  The second thing I do, which I’m told is called mindfulness, is to clear my mind and let my body feel the feeling it is having.  It usually fades away quite quickly.  When I’m having a tough time I tend to forget to do this, or because I’m feeling back so frequently, I feel like it’s not working but really I’m forgetting to sit with the feeling and let it pass through me without thoughts cluttering the process up.  I find it’s really important not to let myself think while I’m letting go – easier said than done when one has a stupidly hyper mind.

    Thank you for caring.  It’s been a hectic week so far and I’ve been doing my best to keep up with it.  I think I might have caught up on most things but then I’ve been asked to work an extra shift so meh it goes on.  I care that you are okay!!!?  I’m sorry I’ve been MIA, just sometimes I can’t find the energy to do anything more than go to work.

    You are a good person!  – random thought for the day which I could say so much more about but I just side-tracked myself with another thought.  I watched this amazing thing about how emotions are the cause of many illnesses – deadly illnesses, not just the type people think are imaginary or mental illnesses.  Are we allowed to post links on this website?  It was interesting how even being a people pleaser causes awful chemical reactions in our bodies.

    You are safe, I don’t tell jokes, so you won’t ever have to get them.  I always start with the end and muddle it all up.  And the jokes I think are funny are my private party coz no one else does.  I’m sorry though that my contradicting the mud thing was so poorly executed.  I definitely was contradicting you but it was in a cheeky and excitable way, not a mean or argumentative way.  I’m sorry though that it didn’t vaguely sound that way in the text of it.

    I really like your experiences and thoughts on people with nice childhoods.  It made me stop and reassess my negativity on that.  I agree re negative childhood survivors have many more negative emotions that can bubble over.  It’s a sad world but there is sunlight in it.  I’m sitting with three furry sunlit things right now <3

    No plumbing, roofing, or tree removing has taken place by my hands – well, probably at some point in my life tree removal has, but not recently.  It was a much more fun chore than they would be, I think!

    Today my muscles seem to be a little better!  Has your sleep improved?  I had a bad night last night, just tossed and turned so much, but woke up feeling okay.  My phone brings up the emojis but I think if you get the right symbols on you PC it makes them too.  I’ll try, I’m putting these two together to see if they do, but I’ll put a space in them the first time so you can see what I’m typing:  : )  🙂

    If it doesn’t work you can laugh very hard at me hahaha.

    I hope you’re doing well this fine day and you are in my thoughts.


    In reply to: Son left unexpectedly


    Dear SadSoul:

    “I can’t seem to relax… I am never happy with myself unless I’m working hard, doing something, being busy or productive. I’m really struggling right now with guilt and anxiety… Any quiet time I’ve felt so guilty and anxious… I’m struggling. Really struggling with guilt. My head hurts. I’m so tired. Sorry, I’m complaining, but I’m going to read this again and hopefully the saying of it will help me let some go.…I read it and I feel worse. Hmmm”-

    -shhh… Sad Soul, hush the anxiety, hush the guilt, hush your tormented soul. It’s strange, is it (I don’t think so, really), that we never met, yet I care to know that you are okay..?

    I want you to be okay with yourself, relax, not because you are perfect (no one is), but because you want to be as good a person as you possibly can be. I want this myself, to be the best person I can be.




    I have a problem with anger: I don’t know how to feel angry without feeling that I am a bad person for feeling angry. Feeling angry, to me, indicates that I am a bad person.

    I tend to be judgmental of people and .. jump into feeling angry.

    I need to fix my relationship with anger and moderate my rushing into feeling angry.

    Feeling that I am a bad person fuels my anxiety (hence the relevance to the title of this thread). I need to feel that I am a good person, and I often do these days, except when I get angry, and when I rush into it.

    I got angry at a woman, the day before yesterday, in real-life, because she sells eggs (she raised high quality chickens) for $5 a dozen instead of the $3-4 or so that the supermarket charges for free range eggs, and I told her that she overprices her eggs (which now I acknowledge, is not true). I was also angry at her for this or that other reason. Yesterday, I apologized to her and she accepted. But on the same day, I got angry at someone else, irl,  and was fuming inside me. This fuming in anger is difficult for me to endure. I can’t feel okay with it.

    The origin of my trouble with anger is two folds: (1) that person, formerly known as my mother, was very, very… very judgmental of people, often venting to me her judgments and anger at length, telling me how terribly they hurt her feelings, and in so many ways (which she generously detailed and elaborated on). As she vented, my empathy was with her, and I joined her in-anger at .. everyone, at one time or another, leaving me no people to not be angry at. Fast forward, I get judgmental and angry at .. well, almost everyone,  sooner or later.

    (2) I was angry at that person a whole lot. VERY ANGRY, but would be silent about it.  Angry at her and.. judgmental of, and angry at myself, for feeling so angry at her, as in being a bad.. bad.. bad daughter.

    Feeling Guilty for feeling Angry.

    To be continued.




    In reply to: Chronic Pain


    Hi Everyone

    Today I’m going to talk about the nervous system and the role in chronic pain. This can also be helpful for anxiety too. Some of you might already be well versed in this.

    So main parts I’ll be discussing today are the sympathetic nervous system (related to fight or flight) and the parasympathetic nervous system (related to relaxation).

    Stress, exercise, some regularly consumed medicines or intoxicants wearing off and lack of sleep are the main things that trigger the sympathetic nervous system and increase pain sensitivity.

    The parasympathetic nervous system which decreases pain sensitivity can be activated by a few different things. Stimulating the vagus nerve can be helpful. Things that can be helpful include massaging the base of the skull and neck, yawning repeatedly, shaking your whole body for a couple of minutes, singing, laughter, splashing cold water on your face. There is a ton of information out there for anyone interested.

    Breathing exercises are really helpful too, specifically diaphragm breathing. Also, an important factor in breathing exercises is to have a prolonged exhale for maximum effect.

    Everything has a balance and whilst exercise stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, after exercise, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated. So, it can be helpful to exercise regularly to allow your body to practise this balancing effect.

    Wishing everyone all the best! ❤️🙏


    Hi Everyone

    After 2 days of being woken every 1-2 hours he has finally gone down for the night again. Teething put him off his bottle and it was hunger disturbing him.

    Thank God for naps…

    Thank goodness he’s sleeping better again.

    Increased pain, increased anxiety, some anger.

    I hope he’ll be in a better mood during the day because his sleep wasn’t disturbed.

    I’m glad that I will get to sleep again.


    I can’t seem to relax, it’s been a thing since 2015, but also I suppose I had the groundwork before then. I am never happy with myself unless I’m working hard, doing something, being busy or productive. I’m really struggling right now with guilt and anxiety. My stomach is churning from it.

    I’ve been unwell for a week but soldiered on through everything I must do, work and other things. Any quiet time I’ve felt so guilty and anxious. I’m exhausted and sick and when I stop at the end of each day the guilt takes over.

    My ex used to make a big thing of always working hard. He shouted it to the tree tops how hard he worked. And I believed all the loud words, I failed to see the physical truth, that he did not work hard at all. Sure, he played hard at the things he enjoyed doing, sports mainly. But he did not work hard. I’d get home from work and he’d have a push mower, the old fashioned non petrol type, out on the lawn. He’d say, ‘you’ve been sitting all day, while I’ve been out working hard, it would be good for your physical fitness to do some work.’ I’d nearly break down, exhausted from a 10 hour day, feeling fat and ugly because he said I needed exercise, and I’d mow the lawn with self loathing in my heart. He’d make comments about how hard he worked and how fit he was, and how I wasn’t fit because of my job. He was always doing big  things like skydiving, rafting, always doing things and making comments about my not doing things. But. The big but. When he wasn’t doing these things he was eating out, taking naps, visiting his friends, having coffee, swimming, doing enjoyable downtime things. Which was most of his life.

    I failed to recognise that it’s hard for me to do things when I started work at 7.30 to 8 and often didn’t finish till 7. That I physically was unable to be at work and skiing, or doing whatever big thing he wanted to do. That I couldn’t take months and months off every year to join him on his big holidays and trips. That when I wasn’t at work I needed to sleep and look after the home because he did not do that. That I needed to be a mother to and it was the most important thing to me to be one, I did not want to be at work all the time, I wanted to be at home baking biscuits and roasts and being a mum.

    My mother also made me feel totally inadequate, nasty comments about how easy it is to do this or that, she just does it while she’s putting the kettle on or waiting for the porridge to cook. It didn’t even factor that I was getting up, getting a family up, doing washing, feeding animals, making sure we were all out the door. Just, ‘it’s easy, you just do it while the kettle is boiling.’ except I was doing the other things while the kettle was boiling.

    I’m struggling. Really struggling with guilt. My head hurts. I’m so tired. Sorry, I’m complaining, but I’m going to read this again and hopefully the saying of it will help me let some go.

    I read it and I feel worse. Hmmm.


    Dear Anita,

    Thanks for your response. I took my time to read and re-read this post, and thankfully I was able to do so without feeling triggered. I agree with the idea of a ‘hated sibling’ because I used to observe it even as a child that my father would project his anger towards  and perceptions of my grandfather over me, just because we two have an undeniable facial similarity and to an extent, behavioral similarity too. At times it felt that he was not even considering me as an individual person and just as a copy of my grandfather, assuming that I would do a certain thing just because my grandfather would do it that way. I don’t know why but he did have a problem with me not being ‘like’ him, in my thoughts, actions, behavior and other things. One reason he acts differently towards my younger brother is because he probably sees himself in his personality, he finds a similarity.

    I also agree with your idea that when I would use to think as a child that everything is aright between me and him, there used to come another ‘sermon’ or an incident of his bad treatment. My last hopes of having good terms with him in future were quashed after his inexplicably unkind treatment during my disease, there was no going back from that point. Now, when I live abroad away from home, he tries to get close to me and acts very cordially; but the more he tries the more I get repelled because I have decided to maintain a distance with him going forward.

    One common thing between my intrusive thoughts and my issues with my father is rumination. Since childhood I would use to ruminate over incidents of his unkind treatment and that happens even now when I think about a past situation or hypothesize about a future confrontation. It leads me to rage fits at times although I am usually a calm person. If I remember correctly, back when I was a kid/teenager, there used to be times when I would be filled with rage, despair and frustration and I would cry myself to sleep.

    What I am not able to understand is that how the scholarship situation triggered the CSS inside me? even though during that time of emotional turmoil, I thought about my struggles with disease and anxiety but not about my childhood struggles? Do you think there were thought patterns responsible (like low self-esteem, externalization of self-worth etc.) that I developed as a result of childhood trauma and they gave me problems during the scholarship issue?




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