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  • in reply to: Carl Jung #83494

    Jung was great! Also read The Hero’s Journey, or anything for that matter, by Campbell. He gets into archetypes and how our stories/myths are reflections on our lives. C.S. Lewis is another one. “May you be old enough to enjoy fairy tales again.” 🙂

    in reply to: Trust issues or am I right to confront him? #83441

    Disclaimer: My advice (above) is NOT popular, but it DOES work a lot of the time!

    Your other option is to tell him, “It’s not working”.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Should I continue to pursue #83439

    Hi Matic,

    Unfortunately, there is a “Hook-Up” culture, especially in college. But, IMHO, it flies in the face of human nature. You are a wonderful, decent man, and one day, sooner rather than later, she’ll be kicking herself for letting such a person go so easily. I hope you find someone worthy of you!



    in reply to: Trust issues or am I right to confront him? #83436

    Hi TheDayDreamer,

    Here are my thoughts:

    1. It sounds like your BF and his ex are really good friends and do have this certain easy going rapport. If it were me and my friends, this is how I would interpret it:

    “Not without a reward” = “Why should I do a big azz favor for you” (while also making reference to the time they were together)
    “I’m not a slut” = “In your dreams, buddy!”
    “And I’m not a bimbo” = “I really think you’re a dumb girl and I wouldn’t do anything anyway. But stop asking me for favors!”

    I interpreted it as he knows she’s taking advantage of their friendship, and he wouldn’t go there. HOWEVER they feel SO comfortable having these kind of fun exchanges.

    2. He lies to you because he wants this easy going friendship with no drama.

    3. If it were me, my solution could either solve the situation or ultimately head for a breakup. I would say, “When you visit her, you have to bring me.” What a bummer, right?? However, I would also paradoxically invite her over. The more she sees you two as a couple, the more any fantasies are eradicated and the more she associates him with you. The next time she asks for help, YOU show up, or YOU show up FIRST and say, “Well, here I am!!” ready to help her put furniture/whatever together. LOL

    4. Go on Instagram and Like and Comment on things she and your BF post! Same with FB. Once a week so you are in their circle. Same with everything. Mark your territory, girl! At the same time, DON’T act upset or like “she’s” a big deal around your BF.

    5. Say “We” a lot, around your BF and to this girl. Post pics of the two of you and the awesome gifts he gives you on birthday/Xmas/V-Day. And of vacation posts. Don’t overdo this. One a month. You’re aiming for subtle but powerful.

    OK, Good Luck!


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Inky.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Am i prone to a life of bad luck? #83372

    Hi JessicaEmily,

    People abusing you isn’t bad luck. Bad luck is a bird pooping on your car or the shop being randomly closed when you planned to be there. Your family made a CHOICE to abuse you! And they’re in court? GOOD!! Once they are sentenced, you will (should!) feel a GREAT sense of justice. What they did wasn’t just to “you”. It is a Social Crime. They CANNOT do what they did and get away with it!! They should be thankful a judge is sentencing them instead of God.

    My main advice to you is to take a self-defense course. There is something about doing that ~ your aura becomes stronger, YOU become physically stronger, and people INSTINCTIVELY know NOT to mess with you! It’s the strangest thing. One family member who used to mess with me tried something (“I was just playing around!”) and because of mere muscle memory I did a very basic, unconscious self defense move and everyone was all “Holy Crap!” Now I have “street cred” LOL.

    Another thing that will happen is the abuse will grow less and less the older you get. It’s easier to pick on a shy young girl than a tough old broad LOL.

    And throw a Victory Celebration for yourself WHEN you reach the One Year Anniversary of being abuse free!!

    Wishing you ALL THE BEST!!!


    in reply to: Health and Fatness #83307

    Hi Jack,

    Exercise is great for getting strong and toned. However, it is secondary to weight loss. Diet is 80% of it. What I do is eat impeccably at home, and then eat “normally” if there’s an event or you have to eat out or are invited to a friend’s house.

    For food I rate Veggies, Fruit and Nuts as “Best”. Meat and Eggs as “Good”. Milk and Cheese as “OK”. Grains as “Worse”. And Sugar as “Worst”. At home I choose the veggies first and go down the list if I have to. Hope that helps!!



    in reply to: Should I continue to pursue #83230

    Hi Matic,

    A half a year may seem like forever but it’s not! Think of it this way: When she returns, you can pick up where you left off! I think she likes you and wanted to take what she could get before she goes away and it’s too late. Unfortunately, everyone “catches” feelings, not just girls and not just guys! That’s why it felt so awkward the next day. You ultimately hit it off and then have to play cool.

    I say be friends. But be warm and affectionate while she’s around. Occasionally contact her while she’s gone. Then when she returns see where you both are!

    Good Luck!


    in reply to: Would you be suspicious if if were you? #83190

    Hi confusedandsuspicious,

    Well, I’ll number my thoughts…

    1. When people lie it’s because they think the other person can’t handle the truth. Or that the histrionics of the other person isn’t worth the trouble. That lying would be so much easier. Yes, it’s even worse being caught in a lie, but the overall trade off day by day must be worth it!

    2. TBH, I didn’t understand nor think too much about the online stuff you wrote above. I’m not dim, but the passwords, the timing, the contact, the this and the that didn’t send any red flags. Not really.

    3. Online I only go on a dozen sites. Yet I have FB Friends who clearly know me, and I clearly knew them when I Accepted them, but I have NO idea now how I know them IRL! Are you sure some of the stuff isn’t unconscious or innocent? I would totally believe in the business contact. Nor would I like someone cracking into my passwords. I’ve had my email password changed. I wasn’t angry. Nothing was going on, but I understand why a partner would do that in an insecure moment. And by the way, if you’re doing that, you BET he won’t write ANYTHING incriminating online EVER!

    4. That being said, you must be picking up on something in the ethers. I don’t think your Partner is having an affair. Are there people out there that are or were sniffing around him? Probably, considering you’ve been together 20 years and he travels for business. Heck, I get hit on shopping at the store! It happens.

    5. Why aren’t you two married? You might as well be and would be better financially and for next of kin issues. Call me old fashioned, but it’s time. And it will change the spiritual energy of the relationship.



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne or destiny? #83168

    Hi Lucie,

    The Secret, or the Law of Attraction, is based on one of the Laws of Hermeticism. In other words, it’s hardly new!! And what they don’t tell you is that there are Nine Other Laws!!

    Does the Law of Attraction work? Yes. But kind of. Your consciousness and other people and the world has its hand in the pot too!!

    And for Astrology, your birth chart is great for looking at your personality. But as for predicting the future ~ unless your Rising/Ascendant Sign and your Moon sign are exactly the same as your Sun Sign ~ and you follow a fabulous astrologer ~ I don’t put much stock in that. Too many variables.



    in reply to: Fwb relationship/friendship so confusing! #83117

    Hi marvelgirl,

    I’m going to say that you guys did things backwards. For some reason it’s difficult to get into romantic relationship mode after you do passionate mode first. You miss the getting to know you, the will-he-won’t-he, the butterflies. And he does too, by the way! Men are geared to pursue what they want and if it’s just handed to them, they focus on other things.

    I’m not sure how you can turn this around. You guys being with each other seems like a habit. You are default go-to buddies.

    If it were me I’d say, “Let’s have dinner and a movie OUT.” And not have sex that night but do have cuddling. Dress up for him. Somehow change the script. Say, “Now that you are special to me I want to make this special. If you don’t feel the same way now, you now know that I’m looking for a relationship, and maybe it will work out one day if I’m not with someone.”

    If he says “No” say “Goodbye my Friend” and don’t have hookups with him again.

    If he says “Yes”, great!

    Good Luck,


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Don't know how to slow down in life #83062

    Hi Annie,

    I was (am) an introvert too. And I did find love. And you did once. If it happened once, it can happen again, right?? There is no time limit, no “Oh, I better find a BF before college runs out!” My DD, for example, does NOT want to get involved in a relationship right now because it would interfere with her current Plan/ “Mission in Life” ~ to successfully get a Material Science degree. She doesn’t want a distraction!

    I predict one day, when you least expect it, a quiet, yet in shape (LOL) guy will meet you. It will all work out. It usually does. 🙂

    in reply to: Trying to find my father #83040

    Hi thisismeagan,

    One possible explanation is that he must feel shame. Shame and guilt for being in jail and for the lost years. Someone told me once that it gets to the point where the time has been so long that the person thinks it’s TOO long to ever make going back an option.

    If you’re up for it ~ and it’s TOTALLY optional! ~ find out where he lives now (a private investigator can help you with that). And contact/Visit him. Also visit and contact your siblings. Don’t worry, despite what people say, their lives won’t be “ruined”. He did after all, bring it on himself. You do exist. You Do!!

    Now, after you visit these people, if they act like anything less than family ~ at least you tried. Then you can leave ~ on YOUR terms!



    in reply to: Don't know how to slow down in life #82998

    Hi Annie,

    Wow, that takes me back! I have vivid memories of doing the exact same thing ~ being at certain place hoping to run into “him”! Don’t feel bad, we’re not crazy. My college room mate made a spreadsheet of her crush’s classes and where he was most likely to be at certain times of the day/week. Now THAT’S crazy!! LOL! What’s crazier is it (eventually) worked!!

    If you crave touch, you can get a massage, or you and all your friends can treat each other to back and shoulder rubs. You can also be the hugger friend. Everyone likes a hug! Then you’ll feel more like a human being. After all, we don’t have to be in a relationship for physical contact! Even going to the hairdresser and getting a cut, and shampoo would be good.

    Back to the guys. I don’t think seeing them or talking to them is necessarily bad! But if you’re going to do that, go all out like a Japanese dating sim LOL. Find SEVERAL cute guys on campus and “run into” and talk to each one! If you dilute the obsessiveness and treat it as a fun game/diversion it would be better for you mentally. In the meantime, you can also let other guys make the first move and talk to you!



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Apartment noise and fear #82943

    Hi Brian,

    While trying Anita’s advice, I would also get wall to wall carpeting, drapes, heavy tapestries on the wall, and lots of pillows. These will reduce the sudden, loud, tinny sounds to muffled, subtle thumps.

    It DOES make a difference!!



    in reply to: Emotional turmoil… #82875

    Hi Bernadette,

    I would find the common denominators. Where (in general) did you find these guys? How did you meet them? What did they all have in common? What did you yourself do in each of the relationships?

    Once you find the box, you can break out of it.



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