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  • in reply to: Married the wrong person? Long post alert #236503

    “Thank You, Thank You!” *bows*

    in reply to: Married the wrong person? Long post alert #236367

    Hi MeditateMe,

    Please don’t throw away a marriage with a child for some college boyfriend who broke up with you over “Nothing”.

    They ALWAYS do this, these married or otherwise old college sweethearts!

    Let me lay it out for you: He’s like you, married with a family and he’s getting bored. He digs out his proverbial little black book (what guys had before computers) and stumbles upon your number/social media/address/old yearbook photo.

    He says “I remember Girlfriend Nothing! I wonder what she’s up to? Oh, she’s married *scoffs*. Well, she can’t be any happier than I am! Surely I will give her a call! Then when she dumps her hapless husband for me I’ll renew my vows with my wife!”

    Please, if you’re going to get a divorce, wait until your child is older, and don’t do it because of that sad sap. Save yourself. This is just a test from the Universe.



    in reply to: Erotic fantasies about a female friend #236365

    Hi Again,

    I mean that I have been the person (married woman with children) that a guy friend had an inappropriate crush on.

    If it’s just an ego thing with him, I wouldn’t say anything myself. Let the crush starve itself out. If you say anything, it becomes an Issue/Drama and could last longer by giving it more “reality”. The most I would do is say “I don’t like that” whenever he mentions her in that context, or if their communications and/or communication style gets inappropriate.

    If he is truly in love with her I would say, “It’s not working”.

    Only YOU know deep down which one it is. Trust your gut.


    in reply to: Erotic fantasies about a female friend #236283

    Hi nickita,

    I’ve been his friend (but not calling at 12 AM!!)

    This is what’s going on:

    1. You only call your sister at 12 AM for husband troubles. If I called my guy friend at 12 AM he would only be a sister to me.

    2. She knows (or at least feels) his crush and it is an ego boost for her.

    3. He is not getting validated from her (husband, just giving birth) so he is seeking some sort of validation (if only that his crush is real). THAT is why he is confessing to you his erotic feelings and parallel fantasy life.

    4. The fact that he is also her husband’s friend so they will always be friends on some level. Are you willing to live with that?

    5. He is getting off on you being jealous and/or upset. He thrives on drama. The drama that he exists and matters.

    6. I would tell him you need a break. He’s a smart guy. He’ll figure it out. You don’t have to say anything.



    in reply to: Overwhelmed #235979

    Hi Lucy,

    I’m amazed your boyfriend hasn’t broken up with you yet. (I’m not saying that in a judging way!) If you break up, it might actually be a relief! Then you can begin to look at yourself honestly, with fewer distractions.

    Then see a therapist. Not so you can stop cheating, more so you know WHY you’re cheating.

    Is it really because of your parents? Were you not that into your boyfriend and weren’t being honest with yourself? Are you a highly sexual person? Are you afraid of saying “No” in words AND deeds?

    Concerning Monogamy: “Just because you’re a vegetarian, doesn’t mean bacon doesn’t smell good”!

    Maybe have an open relationship next time.




    in reply to: How do I stop blaming myself for not being more successful #235875

    Hi Azelastine,

    It sounds like she’s the real loser here.

    Reality Check: You are only in your twenties (still young!). You have a job (Awesome!). You seems to live within your means and are responsible (unless you’re not telling us something). In short, you are doing great!

    As you know, especially after I’m sure reading finance and success articles, making money is only ONE THIRD of it! The other two:

    1. Investing

    2. Saving

    Throw some of that money into the stock market, be a good steward and watch it grow. DON’T dip into that Principle!! (The secret!)

    Then save the money you do have. Live like a cheap bastard. Make it an art form.

    Before you know it, you will be a Millionaire at Thirty and a Multi-Millionaire at Forty. You will meet a nice girl who is WORTHY of you! Who WON’T marry you for your money (or dump you for the perceived lack thereof). What a wonderful surprise awaits this girl when she realizes that you can live like a Prince!

    The other girl will look on, kicking herself for unceremoniously dumping you, as you live your life, in love, with children, complete with a white picket fence and a dog. And what will she have? Only Karma will one day tell…..



    in reply to: No physical intimacy on my birthday… #235705

    Hi dreaming715,

    Wasn’t this the guy who doesn’t initiate by nature (one of your last posts)?

    Answer: You are fighting his inner nature. He is not a sexual guy. Don’t take it personally. It has NOTHING to do with you!

    At least he planned an elaborate celebration, took you out to dinner, and you got your nails done!



    in reply to: Completely lost #235463

    Hi John,

    I have had two miscarriages, and let me tell you: IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT! Yell it out loud. “IT IS NOT MY FAULT!” Read, rinse and repeat.

    Women have been hunting, gathering, herding, working on farms and doing manual labor while pregnant throughout all of human history. What was she doing? Lifting a truck? Did you tell her to lift and carry a tree or something? Because honestly, if she was just lifting a heavy box and this happened… IT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED ANYWAY! It was ready to happen at the next picking up of the laundry basket or young child. Believe it. Please.

    The reason why she’s kind of sort of blaming you is because, hands down, she is blaming herself.

    And that was ten years ago. This miscarriage is the “blame” for the Issue of Choice: She’s just not feeling it.

    Well, I think she is very selfish. Don’t you dare go through or start the divorce proceedings yourself. Let HER do all the work.

    Meanwhile, you know what you should do? This would make me look at my husband differently or in a good way:

    1. GO TO THE GYM.

    2. Come home hot, sweaty, upbeat, and with a smile on your face.

    3. Make sure you dab a little cologne on you, wear a gold men’s bracelet, and/or wear snazzier collared shirts every day. But be subtle about it! (Trust me, she’ll notice!) Make her think that You look dam good, you clearly have a song in your heart, WHAT’S GOING ON?

    No More Sad Dad,


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: I should have said what I felt #235395

    Hi Eyre,

    This could be a lesson (or two!) for HIM as well:

    1. Never assume

    2. Say something

    I prefer to let the guys make the first move or declaration of affection myself (so don’t beat yourself up) but that is just my old fashioned self.



    in reply to: I’m losing interest in my boyfriend #235239

    Hi Sierra,

    I would break up with him based on you not being that into him alone.

    The emotional abuse is just the nail in his coffin.

    Break up with him. Tell him he did it to himself. YOU should give yourself a nice new boyfriend for Christmas! (If you’re into someone.)

    Sometimes you’re a Life Lesson to other people.

    Meanwhile, enjoy your studies and independence!



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Inky.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Guilty and confused. #235107

    Hi Julian,

    I agree that this is totally normal. It’s not just you drifting from the Mormon religion. You would be becoming more independent anyway. The fact that Mormonism is the backdrop and your father is a bishop makes the whole process so much more intense.

    For most people religion may be a part of life. For your parents regular life takes a back seat to Mormonism (which IS “Life”). The religion is paramount.

    It seems like there’s some cognitive dissonance going on with them. Intellectually they know that you are drifting away, and that you are almost an adult. These new house rules sound ridiculous, even to themselves, and they are just biding their time while raising you “right”, and they know that you are just going through the motions.

    I predict that when you are an adult out of their house, the relationship might (I think eventually will) get better. It WILL feel awkward for a year or two. Not gonna lie!

    Good Luck,


    in reply to: To block or not to block #234829

    Hi Ariene,

    I personally love to leave ’em hanging!

    Let the Friend Request languish in your Notifications! Laugh as your Messenger blips that it’s them, but they never get a response! Delete negative comments on your Social Media as unapologetically as if you were the editor of Vogue!

    It drives them CRAZY!

    Then when they’ve seen 12 or so of their comments awkwardly out there with no response, they will realize that no response IS a response! They will “take a break” from you themselves. Then after six months they will Messenger you to see how you “are”.

    THAT’S when you block them!

    Laughing Maniacally,


    in reply to: My bf blocked me and lied about it. Why? #234485

    Hi Tanya,

    What gia wrote is the best advice ever! Make new enduring friendships with loyal, truthful people!! What you had with this guy may very well have been an illusion. But the real thing is out there and always has been!

    Yes, I’ve been through the inexplicable “blocking” drama traumas online. They block you somewhere for some semblance of control, I think. But it’s so funny that they keep at least one line of communication open!! And then deny that they ever blocked you!!!

    Hang in there!



    in reply to: Can someone change in a relationship? #233869

    Hi mallllh,

    If the changes are less than a year old, then they may very well be surface-y changes.

    But when it’s say, three years later, then hopefully those changes in behavior have become a good habit that he will have internalized.

    Hope that helps!


    in reply to: Stuck between two #233443

    Hi Abiira,

    I know I’m late to the conversation here, but:

    I vote for Guy #2!!

    I give you permission to choose Guy #2.

    (Guy #1 needs a life lesson that you cannot lose someone’s trust and then get back into a relationship with them so easily if at all. You are giving him the If At All treatment. Which is GOOD!! When he gets out of college, believe me, he will NEVER cheat again! Tell him “You had your chance”.  And mean it.)



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