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  • in reply to: Closure with an ex…but I am still seeing him #215781

    Hi Mae,

    Trust your instincts on this one. Your instincts, by the way, are SCREAMING at you not to get involved with him again. Sure, he may say all the right things, but your gut is telling you what is actually happening here.




    Hi Hey Its Jess,

    Usually when people don’t think much of us AND let us know it, it’s because they are jealous of our ambitions. Meaning, their worst fear is that you (YOU!) succeed.

    You upstart, your mere presence, optimism and plans irritate them!

    The thing to say to yourself when they drive you crazy is “So What?”

    They insult you: “So what?”

    They roll their eyes at you: “So what?”

    They mention famous person doing the exact same thing you are and how anyone or no one can do it: “So what?”

    Say this to yourself enough times and they will get angry/frustrated and finally (eventually) give up on making you feel bad when they see you remain happily unfazed.

    Good Luck!


    in reply to: Why should I be the only one that has to change? #215339

    Hi koko vega,

    Two paradoxical truths are:

    1. People change all the time. Change happens naturally. You are probably wiser and more mature than you were in your twenties, for example.

    2. On a fundamental level, people don’t tend to change that much at all. Sure, you can “surface-y” change for a time, but most people drift back to who and what they really are. Unless your change becomes an ingrained habit, it’s not going to happen.

    Him going through all your stuff: That’s just a trait of his insecurity. If you are utterly boring, there is nothing that he can find. He will get bored and stop (eventually) but do tell him it’s tiring. I would keep one thing password protected and let him know it. Tell him it’s to make sure there’s SOME mystery in your relationship! 😉

    Aside from him changing, you changing, it sounds like you need to break up with him. It’s gotten stale.



    in reply to: Girlfriend Broke Up with Me – Its all my fault #215285

    Hi Heartbroken Man,

    This sounds counter-intuitive, but the best way to get her back at this point is to ignore her completely ~ unless she reaches out to you first. You don’t even have to tell her you’re doing this. She will wonder what happened to you. She might wonder if you’re OK. She might even speculate (with more anxiety than she’d be willing to admit to) if you have indeed moved on or even met someone else! Who knows. Warning! It could take years, but curiosity should get the better of her one day.

    You mentioned a couple times that you put college before your relationship. As if you had done something wrong! NO! You SHOULD have put college first before some girl. What some women don’t understand is that a man, too, needs to build a nest. What future could you have with a future spouse if you HADN’T gone to college or advanced in a career? Never be sorry for that. Never.



    in reply to: Lovers & Friends is it possible? #215283

    *Thank you anita!! *bows*

    And a Happy Fourth of July to everyone! Let us all watch fireworks wherever we are and eat a tasty pork/beef/vegan hotdog and forget about all our troubles… just for a night!


    in reply to: Lovers & Friends is it possible? #214905

    Hi GaneshaMF,

    Two thoughts:

    1. You and all the other girls he encounters ARE on the buffet table of his life. The man is still technically married.

    2. Him saying  that he wouldn’t be faithful if he marries again because he was a good husband and look where it got him… That is a HUGE, screaming, waving red flag with warning sirens blaring with it.

    Stop with the “friendship”, stop with the hope, just… Stop!

    Don’t hang your hat with this guy,


    in reply to: Toxic Friends #214687

    Hi grace,

    The good news is there are 7 billion people on the planet. At least some of them would be likely friends for you. Meaning these toxic frienemies will be diluted in the greater goodness you would receive from humanity. You just have to make a CHOICE. Hint: it is better to be alone than to be with people who make you feel bad.

    Choose Good People,


    in reply to: New relationship but can’t stop thinking about my ex #214533

    Hi Jane,

    No one can give us closure. Only WE can give ourselves closure. So there is no need for you two to meet.

    Also, how come he gets to call all the shots? How come he gets to break up with you and then he gets to decide you will get back together as if the other guy did not exist?

    Feelings come. Feelings go. The next time you feel nostalgic about your ex, think about the feeling, “Oh, that’s nice” and then move on. With or without Guy #2. No guilt. Don’t feel guilty about your feelings. Obviously the new guy knows you still think about your ex. One does not simply get over a four year relationship so quickly.



    in reply to: wanting a relationship #214373

    Hi Grace,

    Maybe the guys in your HS are just not for you (especially if you’ve known them all your life or if your school is small). AND THAT’S A GOOD THING! Why force yourself into dating someone who’s like your brother?

    Relationships are incredibly distracting! This is a pivotal year (16/Junior) academically for you. Best to concentrate on that.

    What could happen is you’ll eventually find yourself in a relationship just to have one. Do you really want that?

    When I was sixteen I didn’t have a boyfriend in my high school, but I did have one. Looking back, it was a PAIN IN THE AZZ! I actually hated it. Wish I blew everyone off until twenty two. But that’s another post….



    in reply to: How do I let go? #214199

    Hi BookWorm,

    This new guy is not for you. You are several hours apart. You are just beginning to crawl out of your marital/emotional quagmire. AND I suspect this guy is suffering from a heavy case of nostalgia. When men go through their predictable life crises, they cast back to and herald people they knew in high school. Lucky Girl!

    My wish for you is to be legally divorced. May you sleep in your own bed, in your own place. May you spend one year happily alone. May you meet someone you have never met before. May he be local. May he be loving. To the future! (not high school)



    in reply to: Why Did He Talk To Me Only After I Blocked Him? #214001

    Hi Lisa,

    Always trust your instincts. You were actually very kind accepting his FB request.

    Him copying you was a way to try to subtlety  get your attention (kind of like the mirroring technique), him being inept in social media (using your style as a template) OR most probably, he was letting you know that you were being watched. Because how dare you not have dinner with him.

    One of my old Friends (and some relatives) used Aggressive Liking and Commenting on Every. Thing. I. Did. You have to simply endure it or risk the social fallout of blocking them. (Good for you!)

    Then when you Blocked him he invited you to a Christmas party. What’s with this guy?? Why does he have your email???

    Next time trust (and follow!) your instincts. If things get awkward, be OK with that.

    Let it be Awkward!


    in reply to: low self esteem #213881

    Hi Joanna,

    Just remember: He wanted to go out with YOU! He texted YOU! He confessed his feelings to YOU! He went out with YOU!

    It sounds like you’re doing great and not even trying!

    Whatever you’re doing, keep it up!

    In other words, You Are Enough!



    in reply to: Dumped due to future distance #213789

    Hi James,

    Hope I’m not late to the party and you will check in once more!

    I think that:

    1. You had sex too soon.

    2. She tried to control the situation. You were clearly on a pre-planned holiday with your friends (I’m assuming you told her this) and she texts you that she wants to meet (NOW!) to break up. I would have ignored her too.

    3. Then she gets all pissy and doesn’t like how you talked to her on Saturday night and then DOESN’T want to meet up. How else did she think you would have been? She was dumping you!

    4. She sounds very immature.

    5. If you can “Hide” her on social media, at least you won’t have to see her posts. If it makes you feel better, I rarely reach out to the FB Friends I’ve had major connections with. (I’m kind of down on FaceBook, etc. anyway.) The connection was “too real” and I don’t want them to be just another social media friend. It diminishes what we had. Let her have her surface-y social media relationships with her 1,000 Friends. What you had was Real. Remember that. Too bad she wasn’t ready for it.



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Dumped by the girl of my dreams about a month ago #213573

    Hi just_let_go,

    I remember trying not to cry (again!) at work after a breakup and the boss saying, “Inky, you’re bringing everyone down.” Then he quoted the lyrics to the song Everybody Plays the Fool. Awkward, but it happened to me.

    The breakup may have seemed sudden to you, but it had been brewing for quite some time in her mind. That’s why the rejected one has a harder time. It’s the shock of it all (on top of the rejection).

    Consider it a blessing. Now you can find an agemate who is on a similar path who doesn’t have (or can cope with) mental issues who is sexually compatible with you. It may seem impossible, but with 7 billion people on the planet, these compatible people are out there.



    in reply to: what is true love according to you? #213571

    “Thank you, thank you!” *bows*

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