Forum Replies Created
March 24, 2017 at 4:47 am in reply to: Does one need to think of other people 100% of the time in order to be nice? #141441
ParticipantDear Henry Alec McLoud,
Life is actually many shades of grey, filled with subtle, ever changing colors! How do you view words that by definition are opposites of itself? For example, “Bittersweet” and the phrase “Tough Love”. You have to get over that black and white thinking of yours and live in the nuanced world we actually live in! Yes, focus on yourself ~ first. Complete your school work and your chores. Then see where you are.
ParticipantHi Wendy,
I don’t care if the abuser is depressed or is abusive out of habit and just happens to be depressed. It doesn’t matter. This bears repeating: It doesn’t matter!
He (she?) doesn’t abuse random people on the street, does he? Of course not! They know when to turn it on or off. They are choosing to show their dark side to you!
Dear, you have to teach people how to treat you. Unless this is a dependent child or an infirm parent, whenever you are dealt with a ration of abuse, LEAVE. Return after a goodly amount of time with no contact/communication. If abused again, leave for longer. (Days, weeks, if not months or years). I’ve done this. What happens is they rather quickly learn to behave better (or throw a tantrum and end the whole relationship).
Good Luck!
ParticipantHi Elisabeth,
In a normal person (and yes, you are normal!) the feeling of anger is a signal that something is wrong. And believe me, your father is wrong! I have written a couple of posts about my own emotionally absent narcissistic father if you want to go in my forum history here. I have gotten many amazing responses!
What I tell myself is this: “Wow. He missed out on so much.” Reframing the situation in this way has helped.
And also the decision (for me) to be the Good Daughter and visit him on or around his birthday and holidays.
He is such a narcissist I know he loves the attention, but it would never cross his mind (even randomly) to call me. Six visits/phone calls to him a year I can live with.
And guess what? All the other people who feed his narcissism? He doesn’t call them either. And they know it. If they dropped the rope you think he would contact them? Nope!
And lastly, I act as if I am beloved. I literally imagine God as my real father. I have a visualization where an angel hands my dad a letter written in gold saying that I am God’s child now and that dad gets to see me on certain days of the year. And that on other days he needs to get special permission to see me. My dad sputters in narcissistic rage but is too afraid of the angel to act on it.
Remember, we aren’t set aside, we’re set apart.
ParticipantHi Blue Ocean,
You should leave and not tell him you’re leaving. Take an Uber to a bus station or train station or airport. Call your family to pick you up from a second undisclosed location. Or take advantage of your local women’s shelter which you will use temporarily until you can figure out how to come home. After several years you will have a lot of stuff in your apartment/house. Leave the stuff. Forget the stuff. The stuff isn’t important. Just go home.
ParticipantHi Harleen Bajwa,
Is there anything you want to know?
ParticipantHi Csaba,
I know you don’t want to be a trainer, BUT you CAN work at a gym!
What I would do is:
1. Move half an hour closer to your current job
2. Only work 9-5. These two things will buy you at least two hours of your life back.
3. They won’t like it with the reduced hours. Well, what are they going to do? Not give you the promotion they weren’t going to give you anyway?
4. After you’ve been there a good year ask for the raise. If they don’t give you one, work at a gym. Any gym. Or a natural foods store. Because health IS what you actually love. Now you can give other people that love, help them and show them the light.
ParticipantHi pussycatlover,
People like having sub-worlds where it’s like the other parts of their lives don’t exist for that one moment and place in time. The computer is perfect for this! So what you had WAS real ~ in the context of your website. If you met him IRL, what would that look like? He probably lives prohibitively far away, and I bet he’s fat, bald, old and/or unemployed ~ no matter what his profile pictures might “tell” you.
Let it go or accept it at face value for what it is. There is a name for what you two are. They call it “friends”.
ParticipantHi Phyllis,
If I’m reading this correctly, I love how he had no romantic feelings towards you.. and then suddenly once he is in a poly relationship THEY love you! Again, if I’m reading this correctly (please clarify if I’m not!) it’s like they had a meeting and YOU (lucky girl!) were chosen. Because how boring is it to be in a poly relationship when you look like any other monogamous couple.
But believe me, THEY will be the Primary Relationship.
Tell him he’s not a sultan living in the ancient world. So you will not be part of his harem.
As long as you’re moving, move on.
ParticipantHi Rich,
If you wait until you are 100% before you start a relationship, you will never have a relationship LOL.
As for being black/Hispanic, there are plenty of attractive white women with black husbands. We have had quantum leaps in our society, even in the past decade, regarding inter-racial couples. On TV commercials and in movies I’m seeing more and more of it being portrayed. This is HUGE. When you are represented in the cultural narrative it is affirming and gives other people permission to be themselves.
Don’t be afraid to express interest in women you like. And if you find something in a woman you don’t like, that too is a blessing because it solidifies in your mind what you DO want.
Blessings to You,
This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by
ParticipantHi Isra,
I love that side story! This is one of those rare examples of a person who will always have pure love for you! Your grandfather’s spirit would be pleased.
ParticipantHi Heartbrokengurl,
I know this is hard, but don’t wish him happy birthday. If he brings it up, of course, say, “Happy birthday!” but don’t go out of your way. An ex is an ex for a reason. And an ex shouldn’t be a good friend in an active way. You don’t want to give him hope that you’ll get back together and you also don’t want to be a downer either. And yes, an ex contacting you on your birthday is a bummer.
Good Luck,
ParticipantHi Felix,
A few things come to mind.
1. If your grandmother wanted you at her deathbed, she should have treated you better when she was well.
2. The phone works both ways. If your parents don’t contact you, it’s really up to you whether you want to be “The Good Son” and contact them.
3. Your partner wants you to just move out after you get another job. Laugh at her. I don’t know the rent/mortgage situation, but if the place is in your name as well, SHE can move out. Seriously. You have to work to be in a relationship with someone. You (she) also has to do the work to get out. Tell her to do her work. She wants out so bad, she can move. Or, conversely, have a relationship with you.
4. There is a reason your dog is your best friend. Dogs are awesome! It’s people who are broken. If you want to find Your People, volunteer at an animal shelter. You will find others like you. Dogs need to be walks. Cats groomed.
5. Find a faith community. If religion isn’t your thing, go to a meditation center. It really helped me when I was going through a spiritually/emotionally hard time.
Good Luck!
If you have a lot of people around you that love you, that’s a good sign. The good sign is that you appear to be naturally likable and that people are drawn to you. No need to go on dating sites or actively look for someone. I bet that someone will enter your life naturally. Just let it happen. No seeking, just receiving.
ParticipantHi Natalie,
If you are artistic, or even if you find a nice print, you can frame it so he can hang it on his wall. When I was younger I made a cartoon for the Dean and years and years later found out it was hanging in his office until he retired!
ParticipantHi Brayden,
I just thought of an additional meaning. Have you heard the term “Backseat Driver”? In the dream you were the one (the backseat driver) who told your dad to look at something, inadvertently causing a car crash.
So, IRL, your dad is metaphorically driving the FAMILY car. But IRL do you ever give your dad advice? What would happen if he followed it? Do you fear eventually being the head of the family? And yet don’t fully trust your dad to do the job? And is your mom in the symbolic passenger side and is just “along for the ride”?
Fascinating dream!
This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by