
Remember How Blessed You Are

How blessed you are

10 Ways to Practice Self-Compassion and Overcome Your Shame

Self compassion

Note: The winners for this giveaway are akarosco and Tyler Bel. Subscribe for daily or weekly emails to get wisdom in your inbox and learn about future giveaways!

“This is a moment of suffering. Suffering is part of life. May I be kind to myself in this moment. May I give myself the compassion I need.” ~Kristin Neff

I consider myself to be a very compassionate person, but I’ve struggled a great deal with self-compassion. Though I’ve now been sober for over six years, back when I was drinking I made a lot of mistakes, and it’s taken …

Just Breathe, You’re Strong, You Got This

You got this

Train Your Mind and Heart to See the Good in Everything

See the good in everything

What to Do After a Breakup to End Painful Relationship Patterns

couple is walking in the rain under an umbrella, abstract colorful oil painting

“When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.” ~Unknown

After my kids grew up and I moved to the city from the suburbs, I became somewhat of a professional dater. I was determined to make up for lost time after over a decade as a single mom, and I was optimistic about my future.

My hopes were dashed almost immediately. Relationship after relationship crashed and burned, rarely lasting more than a few weeks. As soon as they’d walk out the door, sometimes within minutes, I’d fire up whatever dating website I was on at …

Be Like a Tree

Be like a tree.

10 Ways to Deal with the Holiday Blues

10 Ways to Deal with the Holiday Blues

Maturity Is Understanding


Why “Be Positive” Isn’t the Best Advice When You’re Down

Depressed man

“Learn the alchemy true human beings know. The moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given, the door will open.” ~Rumi

As much as I tried to apply personal development ideas in my life, I failed big time.

All the affirmations in the world couldn’t make me love myself.

The more I tried to “be present,” the more all-over-the-place my mind became, getting lost in overthinking.

Mindfulness didn’t work for me either. Observing my thoughts got me to chase each and every thought and analyze it. When I tried “letting go,” I just held on tighter.

This was …

Never Assume That Loud Is Strong and Quiet Is Weak

Loud isnt strong

Never Take for Granted the People Who Travel the Journey with You

Never forget where you've been

The One Question You Need to Ask Yourself When Deciding What to Do

Thinking man

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ~Mary Oliver

I’ve recently discovered that for fifty-odd years I’ve been asking myself the wrong questions. Uh-oh.

Maybe you are too.

The questions we ask ourselves habitually—even when the process is totally unconscious—guide our lives in a very profound way. For me, the two questions that dominated my thinking had very different, but equally pernicious results. They are: What am I supposed to be doing? And What do I feel like doing?

The first question is all about hitting the numbers. What looks good …

How to Release Shame and Stop Feeling Fundamentally Flawed

“But shame is like a wound that is never exposed and therefore never heals.” ~Andreas Eschbach

Shame. Everybody has it. Nobody wants to talk about it. The less we talk about it, the more power it has over us.

Shame goes to the core of a person and makes them feel there is something inherently wrong with them.

I remember when I was a young girl, I struggled so much with feeling I was ‘less than’ others.

There were many nights when I would say prayers to help change me. I didn’t like my freckles. I was …

The Power of Off: Staying Sane in a Virtual World (Interview & Book Giveaway)

Tech Addiction

UPDATE: The winners for this giveaway have been chosen. They are: Akshay Bhat and Kaitlyn.

Have you ever found yourself mindlessly surfing the web, hopping from one site to another, when you didn’t have any specific reason to be online?

Maybe you were looking at a cute cat video on Facebook, and then you ended up taking a quiz to determine which Westworld character you are. And then, five listicles, four memes, three tweets, two comments, and one hour later, you realized you’d spent a whole lot of time doing a whole lot of nothing.

Worse, you may have been …

Not Getting What You Want May Be a Wonderful Stroke of Luck

Not getting what you want

Grudges Are a Waste of Happiness

LIfe it too short

How to Stop Doubting Yourself So You Can Go After Your Dreams

Brave superkid

“The gap between what we do and what we’re capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems.” ~Gandhi

I have lived most of my life with a challenging contradiction.

I am a hopeless idealist and dreamer. And I have also dealt with high levels of anxiety, worry, and doubt, especially as an adult.

You can probably already see how this can go horribly wrong!

I’d have an idea of something I’d like to do.

An idea that would excite and thrill me. I would feel energized—enthusiastic and excited about the possibility of making a dream

The Only Thing We Really Have Is Right Now

The only thing we have is right now

I Vow to Let Go of All Worries

I vow to let go

Be Strong Enough to Let Go & Patient Enough for What You Deserve

Be strong