
3 Ways You May Be Undermining Your Self-Worth (And How to Stop)

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~Buddha

Self-worth comes from knowing that you are enough, just as you are. You are inherently worthy, and you don’t need anyone else’s approval.

I didn’t always hold myself in high regard, or treat myself with the respect I deserved. I’m now in my thirties and live a beautiful life filled with self-love, kindness, and passion, but in my younger years I suffered from low self-worth.

I had my fair share of life lessons and allowed myself to be treated poorly.

I begged for …

How to Have a Peaceful Mother’s Day with a Difficult Mother

Mother and Daughter

“I’d rather be honest and authentic and disappoint some people than to exhaust myself trying to keep up the facade of perfection.” ~Crystal Paine

“You’re the Best Mom Ever!”


“You’ve always listened, loved, and let me lean on you.”

Not really.

For most of my adult life, every year before Mother’s Day I stood in front of a beautiful display of cards fairly bursting with love, and tried to find one that my authentic self would allow me to give my mother, and that my mother would be pleased enough with that the day would be calm and …

Strong People Lift Others Up

Strong people don't put others down

One of the Simplest Ways to Be Happy Is to Let Go

One of the simplest ways to be happy

If You Don’t Heal Your Pain

If you don't heal your pain

Source: Project Forgive

Do What is Right for You

Do what is right for you

Source: Positive Outlooks

Those Who Really Know and Care About You

Those who really know and care about you

Source: Steven Aitchison

Finding Freedom in Illness: A Guide to Suffering Less When Sick (Interview & Giveaway)


UPDATE: The winners for this giveaway include:

  • Naomi
  • KC
  • Lisa Pellegrino
  • Caroline Létourneau
  • Viktor Dmitriv
  • Kristin Kollinger
  • Heather S
  • Erica Lombard
  • Christine
  • Bridget Howe

If you’ve ever been sick for a prolonged period of time, you understand how physically, mentally, and emotionally draining it can be.

Maybe you don’t know what’s causing your illness, or how to treat it, and you’re tired of searching for answers.

Maybe you blame yourself for repressing emotions, not exercising, or otherwise potentially causing your condition; or maybe you don’t hold yourself responsible, but fear that others do.

Maybe you can no longer do the …

When You Miss People

It's hard when you miss people

Be Kind to Yourself

Be kind to yourself

Source: Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life

At the End of the Day, Be Proud of Who You Are

Be proud of who you are

You Are Not for Everyone, and That’s Okay

Quirky Woman

One of the most freeing things we learn in life is that we don’t have to like everyone, everyone doesn’t have to like us, and it’s perfectly okay.” –Unknown

I grew up a people pleaser. It was drilled into me from childhood that it was very important to be aware of what other people thought of me and my actions at all times. Growing up in the south, keeping up with appearances is something that becomes a part of your identity.

While I enjoy the part of Southern upbringing that taught me to always be polite, the part …

5 Reasons You Feel Alone (And How to Change That)


“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” ~Arthur C. Clarke

“You are not alone” is a phrase we speak, hear, and read over and over again.

Testimony and statistics prove that others have lived our types of misfortune. Given that evidence, why is it that so many of us feel as if we are somehow different than all the others who have triumphed over tragedy or are climbing those proverbial mountains?

The seed was first planted ages ago when I was having a conversation with a loved one during …

You’re Doing Just Fine

You're doing just fine

In My World There Are No Bad Kids

No bad kids

Source: Positive Parenting: Toddlers and Beyond

When It’s Time to Let Go: The Freedom of Accepting What Can’t Be Changed

Colors of happiness

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.” ~Helen Keller

Years ago, a friend had a small party for her son’s fifth birthday. I was expecting to spend most of the party talking to the other adults. But that’s not what happened. Instead, at the insistence of my friend’s son, I spent most of the party entertaining him and the other children.

Occasionally, I would escape to the living room to talk to the other adults. But …

Overcoming General and Social Anxiety: There is Hope

Happy Woman

“F-E-A-R has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise.’ The choice is yours.” ~Zig Ziglar

“Face everything and rise.” Good advice, but how do we do that when we feel incapable? Well, I recently discovered an effective tool that we can rely on whenever anxiety comes for a visit. And I just can’t describe how grateful I am for that discovery!

For over ten years I’ve been suffering from general and social anxiety. People who don’t know me well would be surprised to hear that, since I became a master of hiding my feelings. But when …

When You Recognize You Deserve Better

Dont be apologetic

Never Ignore a Person Who Loves You

Never ignore a person who loves you

Source: ilove-agapo.com

Anyone Can Love You When the Sun Is Shining

Anyone can love you when the sun is shining

Source: Positive Outlooks