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  • #160110

    In reply to: I can't move on


    Thank you all so much for your love and guidance and support. All of your words have helped me start to heal and move on and begin to find happiness again.

    ACE, I’m with you! It hurts so bad doesn’t it? Something that really helped me today was I “spoiled myself.” I bought myself something for the first time in months (almost all my money went towards gifts for my ex) and took a bath and watched a movie and just tried as hard as possible to forget it. I put all of his clothes and gifts and pictures of him away and out of sight and it really helped and I highly recommend you do the same. Another thing is I’ve set a two week period and told myself in two weeks I can text him, but I think by that point I’ll almost be 100% healed. I’m an extremely self conscious person but today I really tried to be confident and tell myself things like “I bet his new chick can’t rock jeans like this!” I’ve also found peace in meditation and journaling.

    Again this forum has really saved me from a lot of darkness and confusion and hurt, thank you all for your advice and insight it was all amazing.


    In reply to: Different Relationship

    Dawn R


    We are all afraid of failing and being alone.  That’s part of the human condition.  I don’t know what happened in your marriage.  Instead of beating yourself up for failing, try asking what lessons you learned.  How have you grown as a person?  How has your marriage clarified for you what you really want in a partner/relationship?  What things did you do to help your marriage?  What things did you not do or need to change to help create a better relationship in the future?  How could you become a better partner this time around?  Dr. Randi Gunther has written about “12 Characteristics of a Keeper” (found in Psychology today) of qualities that she believes makes for a good partner.  I tend to agree with them.  How do you measure up to those?  Maybe that’s one “goal” that you can work on for yourself.  And it’s a good list to compare to potential partners.

    As far as meditation, the “goal” is to help shut off the hamster wheel of thoughts.  To sit quietly every day starting small, 5-10 minutes, then slowly increasing to 50 min – 1 hour.  Hay House (Publishing company) Podcast has MANY options for meditations.  You have to sift through them to see which one feels right for you.  Wayne Dyer, Davidji, Sonia Choquette, Rebecca Campbell etc.  I’ve also been listening to the “Abraham Hicks” You Tube series.  Hundreds of hours of talks and meditations about Manifesting the Life that You Want, and to turn away from thinking about the things that you don’t want in your life.  “They” say that whatever you think about is drawn to you, both likes and dislikes.  So to change your point of attraction, you need to change your thoughts/ focus.  It’s really about learning to harness your “hamster wheel” of thoughts and redirect it to think about how you want your life to be, rather than thinking about how it is (in your unhappy state).  Imagining/feeling what it will be like when you have the things/relationships in your life that you desire.

    I’m sorry that you think your relationship might not work out.  Again, what lessons have you learned from being in relationship with your girlfriend?  What things do you like?  Don’t like?  To help you clarify more of what you want in your life.  Maybe start journaling to help yourself get more clear about what you desire.  I’m not telling you to ignore your feelings.  Trying to sweep them away will only help prolong them being there.  You have to honor them and feel them and ask them what they’re trying to teach you.  I’m also just suggesting that you find small things to help you feel a little bit better, like talking to your kids, going for a run, cooking a healthy meal.  Changing your focus to what you appreciate in your life.  Or even just learning to appreciate the little things, like “Hey! I managed to get to work this morning.”  Or “Good for me!  I actually went for a run!”

    ONE STEP AT A TIME.  You didn’t get this way overnight.  You probably won’t get out of it overnight either.  Just keep asking yourself, “What’s the next best thing to do?” in every moment.  Until hopefully, eventually, you’ll start feeling better and better, and looking forward to more of what you desire in your life.  I’m sorry that this is a difficult period in your life.  I hope it begins to improve very soon.





    Hi Saman,

    I’m sorry I’m a little late in replying, I’m fairly new

    on here and just now found this thread. I too suffer from depression, BPD..(although with intense therapy, CBT, DBT, and three 12 twelve step support programs) have been a Godsend to me. Since starting on DBT, I have not self-harmed since 1994.

    My depression and anxiety, PTSD, and BPD at one point so bad, I was hospitalized 6 times in three months. Not alot of fun. Now, I am on great Psychiatric medication, Topamax for emotion regulation and medication to control my panic attacks and severe anxiety. I believe I inherited this from my mother. I think my Dad told me she had DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) and she self medicated with Alcohol abuse.

    I I think what might help is every time you worry or get an anxious thought (mine usually happens first thing in morning or before bed) I write it down. Journaling works wonders, because it gets it out of your head, and onto paper. I also learned how to stop self-harm in the hospital, and will help you with that if you would like. I hope you feel better soon. Remember, you are bigger than depression. You are the sky, depression are the clouds, just thoughts. Watch those thoughts, don’t judge them..observe them, but don’t become them. They lie. I always tell myself when I get depressed, “I made it through last time, I will make it through again”.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Eliana.


    Just finished journaling what my hopes/expectations are for a future relationship.  I’m planning on writing more about it and being clearer eventually, but for now I have some good bullet points to go off of.

    Thank you once again for your help.  It has been a pleasure talking to you and receiving your advice.  I wish the very best for you.  Perhaps we will talk again in the future. 🙂



    Dear Anita,

    Okay. I’ll experiment and trust my gut!

    My boyfriend is safe figure in my life. I am struggling quite a bit, however, because my healing is not his responsibility and I also cannot expect him to always reassure me or find my answers. This has led to many arguments in the past because asking him to fulfill the needs I cannot fulfill myself is unfair for him and me.

    While he tries to provide me as much support as he can, I ultimately need to change my own thought processes and behaviors. So, while it’s important to have safe relationships with people in my life, I also want to develop a secure relationship with myself, if that makes sense. But how exactly can you heal and become stronger by yourself? It seems vague and hard to detect any progress, such as when I’m meditating or journaling.

    Thank you!




    I am a 19 year old female normally abroad for university but come back during summers for 4 months. I have been dating my 19 yr old boyfriend for 2 years; we are long-distance except during summers and began dating during high school.

    He is extremely supportive, understanding, and loving. The problem is that now that I am back for the summer, I want to spend most of my time with him. I normally visit him on the weekends and wait for him to finish his work so I can spend time with him. During weekdays, I try to pursue my own interests but mainly wait to see him again. We both agree that I prioritize him over working on my own life, but I do not know how to grow as an individual and put my own life first before him. I have 2 difficulties:

    1. I am extremely lost and not sure how to work on my life. I want to develop personal hobbies, interests, explore more career paths, gain a stronger sense of identity, learn to love myself… but trying to do this simply makes me feel lost, frustrated, and sad. It is not an enjoyable process for me because I don’t love myself enough to be motivated to do it. It is much easier to turn outwards and spend time with my boyfriend, family, or friends to avoid this. I also do not know how to actively work on this; I’ve tried journaling, counselling, meditation, but it continues to be a journey for me.
    2. I am anxiously attached (based on attachment theory) to my boyfriend. Since I felt insecure and sad that my mother was never by my side growing up, my boyfriend has become a new attachment figure. I feel like something is missing when he is not present and I cry whenever I leave him each week. Additionally, because he has so many interests and friends outside of our relationship, I often feel inferior to him and more lost in comparison. He is supportive and reassures me that I am loved, but it does not stop me from feeling small.

    I am aware a lot of it may be because he is my first relationship. I also know the chances of us lasting are slim (since we are young and mostly LDR) and he may be a very temporary, insignificant part of my life. Please do not dismiss my relationship because I am very aware of it, am often worried by it, and I know that during this part of my life, he is important to me and helps me grow.

    I would appreciate any advice as to how I can deal with these 2 difficulties! I feel frustrated, sad, and often pathetic because of them.


    I’ve been increasingly depressed for about 8 months now and beginning to lose hope. I’ve had a rough year, and when I tell friends everything I’m going through they’re stunned that I’m managing.

    My boyfriend broke up with me a year ago and I was thriving at first, but then a wave of grief came over me in about August-September and hasn’t left since. It manifested in a bit of a weight gain, and around the same time issues with my family got worse. My mom has been mentally a little “off” for most of my life, but fell into a psychosis in November and has been a mess since. My dad got her into the doctors to change meds and get back into therapy, but nothing has really worked. She’s recently developed a lot of toxic behaviors, like doing extreme things to get attention and abusing alcohol.

    My father has a lung disease that can’t be cured, and while he’s currently sort of “ok”, his life expectancy is compromised and his health is not the best. If he were to get an infection, there’s a chance it could be fatal.

    My other sister has a lot of mental issues, one mainly being schizophrenia. She is 29 and has been in and out of jobs and suffers from serious delusions and paranoia. Unfortunately because she can’t keep a job, she can’t get health insurance and get treatment. She finally just moved to Portland to live with my other sister and hopefully get some care there.

    My OTHER sister has an autoimmune disease that could potentially be fatal one day too. She also suffers from mental illness and cannot work.

    I can’t stop gaining weight from stress, over eating, and I also sometimes binge eat. I’m trying to keep that under control as to not let it become another stressful burden in my life. But I’ve gained 15-20 lbs this past year after being a stick my whole life. I suffer from severe body, weight, and food issues. I’m trying to normalize it because I know it stems from everything I’m going through. However, part of me thinks it might be a hormonal imbalance because those things can go hand in hand with depression.

    I just feel like I have a perfect storm of a shitty life right now. My boyfriend dumped me and my life turned to shit. My family fell apart, I gained a bunch of weight, and I’m miserable most of the time. I’m seeing a therapist but I don’t know how much it’s helping. I think it’s good to process everything I’m going through, but I don’t currently really feel any benefit. I’ve been going for a little over a month and she finally suggested yesterday for me to go on anti-depressants.

    I resent the fact that I have to “work so hard” to not be depressed. I.e., yoga, meditation, journaling, eating right, exercising, getting blood tests and going to the doctors, continue to nurture my hobbies, etc. So many small little things I have to do, whereas I used to just do whatever I wanted with no thought to it!

    I have boundaries with my family for the most part, but my issues with my mother are fairly pertinent lately and my Dad needs my help on what to do sometimes. He does not demand any help of me but I can’t let him go through this alone. He’s the only one at my house with my mother. I’ve even offered to come move home and take care of her/help out if we end up needing to put her in a facility or rehab of some sort.

    Life just sucks right now. I feel like a failure. I never saw myself in this position, I never ever ever thought I’d need antidepressants. I DON’T want to take them, as I feel like my depression is mainly circumstantial. Today I feel a decent amount of energy and positivity, but they are few and far between. Whenever I have a good day I think I’m on the “up and up” but then something happens and it brings me back down. I so badly want to believe that this is a bad year of life and that something amazing is waiting for me on the other side. What do I do? Have any of you beat your depression? What did you do?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by sadpeach.

    Hi everyone,

    I have posted a couple times over the past month about a couple topics. First of all, I want to say thanks to those who have responded to me. Your perspectives have been greatly received and appreciated. I’ve been reflecting a lot about my interactions with my dad  and how those interactions have influenced my personality and role in relationships with various people. I realized that I do not care what others think when it comes to strangers, but that I strive for attention when it comes to close friendships and romantic interests. I’m in the midst of rewiring my mind to have firmer boundaries and to spend more time with those who value me as a person.

    Regarding my dad, it has been over six months since I have contacted him and don’t have plans to do so in the forseeable future. I’m learning now that it is OK for me to have moments of anger. Regarding a love interest with a close friend, I have since realized that this person is truly not interested (for a variety of reasons independent of me). Instead of taking it person or trying to vie more for his attention, I’m opting to move on. I have a good friend who is getting married in Germany this summer and I decided that I am not going to go to the wedding, but will spend time with him and his wife on a different weekend. Flights for me to go later in the month are significantly cheaper and I feel that while he values me as a friend, I’ve definitely put more into the friendship than he has. I’m not trying to make this a ‘tit for tat’ situation, but at the same time, am learning to value myself more by not putting myself in situations where I am spending huge amounts of money to attend an event. I sent a message and he said that he would love for me to attend as it would be a big party, but would totally understand if I couldn’t make it and provided dates that would work for him and his wife to meet up.

    As for my friend who states she is in dire need and needs a loan, I have decided to give her a Visa gift card for $200. I offered to pay for various expenses and that request was denied. This past week, she has called almost daily and sent me a request on Venmo for $2000 (which I ignored). I have reflected back on this friendship and I realize that she has blurred the lines. I own part of this as I never spoke up. For several years, we did not live in the same city and I barely spoke to her, so I never noticed the dynamics. Now that I do, I do not want to be an enabler. At the end of the day, her problems are not mine and she could do a lot more to help herself. I plan to put a lot of distance in this relationship as it is not healthy for me right now (I do want to keep the friendship).


    I’ve been journaling and reading a lot more. I’m truly in a good place and am looking forward to having more growth.


    Dear Maria:

    To leave a relationship with minimized emotional pain and distress to you and to him:

    * leave it just once- make it final. If you end it and then re-start it only to end it again, and re-start it … that would cause unnecessary pain to both parties.

    * when you explain to him why you are leaving, make your explanation honest, simple to understand, and short. No lies, no “it’s me, not you” and such.

    * expect discomfort and distress for yourself (and for him) following the breakup and be prepared for it, form a plan of action. As far as your expected distress you can plan daily exercise, getting together with a friend weekly… journaling (maybe here, on this thread), etc. As far as his expected distress, plan if and how you will respond to future emails/ texts, phone calls and such. Plan on what you will write to him. That way you will be less likely to respond impulsively to his efforts (if there will be), to re-connect. Plan how you will react to lack of efforts on his part. Plan for the possibility that he will get a new girlfriend soon after (however you think it is unlikely).



    Thank you all for your feedback, I agree whole heartedly with what everyone has said and I truly appreciate all of the input, tips and advice <3

    anita, to answer your question, when I am “in a mood” I am overwrought with anxiety. I think the worst about everything, and I think I am right and justified in all thoughts. I become self-righteous. I think I’ve cracked the code to peoples actions and behaviors towards me, none of it is ever good, and so I take it upon myself to call them out. This is when I start a fight, because I think I am expressing my pain, when really it’s accusatory and doesn’t come off well. It’s fear…it’s needy and codependent, I think. Because as Inky has said, this is when I should be leaving the situation when instead I stick around thinking I’ll earn respect or something by making my true feelings known. This never works out, and people drop me first, or they keep me around for whatever reason but never truly respect me. I am fortunate that I do have solid friendships, they’re just 3000 miles away as I moved away from home for my career.

    To expand upon what jes has said, I think journaling would probably be the best route for dealing with grief? It’s one think to forgive, but I have not been able to let go of the feelings that it’s left me with. Talking it out into a page would probably do wonders for releasing it from my soul, in conjunction with the breathing that VJ has suggested.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Annonymous.

    Yes, absolutely physical exercise. It’s the best way to get out of your head, make you feel better about yourself, and help you sleep better at night afterward. You can also throw yourself into a project – cook a big meal, start a jigsaw puzzle, do some home improvement, clean your closet…

    I also find listening to podcasts is good. Try Dear Sugar Radio if you want some advice and commiseration, or Radiolab for something more educational.

    Therapy helps if you can afford it and it’s accessible to you. Talking to friends/family helps but it’s not quite the same as having a professional you pay to listen to you and who won’t get tired of you. I’ve found that if I complain too much to friends or family and they start to burn out on me then I feel even worse. They also don’t always give the best advice.

    Journaling helps – schedule 30 minutes every day to write out all your thoughts and feelings. If thoughts come up outside that window you can tell yourself you need to wait until the scheduled time.

    Also you can try to write a letter to your ex who you are hung up on (don’t send it!!). Get everything out that you wish you could say to him/her. Say what hurts, what you’re confused about, good memories you shared, lessons you learned. Then burn the letter or throw it out.


    First off, I am so sorry about the breakup, those are always tough. My best advice I can give you is to stop comparing yourself to other people as nothing positive can come from it (this is something i struggle with!). People may look like they have the perfect life from the outside, but everyone is on their own journey and at some point in the past, future, or present they have dealt with hard times. Also, 34 is very young! I know a lot of people who would kill to be 34 again (haha), it’s NEVER too late to “start over”! I have found that true love/happiness doesn’t come when you’re searching for it, you have to be happy with who you are as a person, alone, first and stop worrying about the future. Just focus on the present, let go of expectations, maybe try meditating and journaling (i have started writing down things i am grateful for each day, it really helps), and be happy with who you are, “baggage” and all. You are a beautiful soul and someone will be very lucky to be your significant other one day. When that day will be, dont worry about it!! Enjoy the journey, best of luck to you.


    In reply to: Coping with depression


    Thank you all so much for taking the time to offer some advice for dealing with anxiety and depression.

    Zipp – I shall change my routine up, you’re completely right. We get stuck in a routine and I believe we then link our routine to feeling depressed so the cycle continues, You think I sat here yesterday, I felt weak and ill in the kitchen when cooking yesterday, I felt so low and tired sat on the sofa last night. You have to change the routine a little and getting out each day even for a short walk or a sit in the garden can help do that. I am also going to teach myself to crochet.

    Emily – Thank you. I love that mantra and I am going to write it in my journal now. We get so pulled into the mind when our anxiety is high, it’s no wonder panic hits at times and we get wrapped up in those scary thoughts. Also journaling positives and grattitude is a great idea. Thank you.

    Jennnifer – I am going to try that green juice daily now, I used to in the summer but as soon as the weather changed I stopped. I will do that for sure. I do take a b complex plus b12. I also have magnesium each day. I seem to be very tired due to my thyroid illness that’s still trying to be medicated enough but I take vitamins to help me along the way.

    Nina – Lovely advice and I shall take all your ideas on board. I have started getting out a little. Today was the third day I have been out and walked my dog, just for 8-10 minutes but that’s a huge start. I am going to try to do this each morning, energy depending as I do have a chronic illness. I think I am struggling to accept my thyroid illness and I find that hard but I need to accept who I am now, accept I am fatigued and weak but be hopeful things will get better. Thank you for your lovely suggestions.

    VJ – Thank you for your recommendations. I am going to look them up today.

    Thank you all.


    Hey Nina! Im still in the middle of my biggest challenge and I dont think I will ever be out of it. My biggest challenge is more of a goal I have set for myself and it is to stay grounded and in touch with reality no matter how anxious or depressed I feel (I suffer from both anxiety and depression and my coping mechanisms involve escaping my reality thru various non substance related means). Meditation has helped, journaling has helped. My anxiety often gets the better of me, and accepting that that is going to happen sometimes has helped too.

    Adam P

    Hi there Jen,
    The problem is not that you have difficulty selecting a career path, it’s the self discipline that you lack. The career path is just an “extra” addition in your life and the lack of self discipline adds to or complicates it. I would go back to your first post and after rereading it, suggest journaling ALL your thoughts and feelings regarding both Chinese and Digital Design. It’s obvious from your first post that you enjoy language and culture. Not to mention that you already know a language from the nation that has been and will continue to be heavily involved with both the economic and political sectors of the world. With the culture career, you placed outside/external barriers to succeeding. With the Digital Design, you don’t even enjoy it.How do I know? You just told us. I would do some more self digging when it comes to a career in language/culture with your background in Chinese and DEEPLY analyze yourself in both the culture career and digital design career. As well working on your self discipline is your 1st key step and if you can afford it, maybe hire a life coach.
    Thank You and Take Care

Viewing 15 results - 286 through 300 (of 416 total)