
One of the Happiest Moments

Three Unexpected, Life-Changing Lessons I Learned at a Silent Retreat

“Every moment is a choice to begin again.” ~Unknown

By day three of the five-day silent retreat I found myself wondering, “Why did I do this again?”

The pain of sitting in lotus position for eight hours a day was testing my patience. I was frustrated that my mind would only be still for a few moments, before interrupting itself with commentary on the fact that my mind was still, and I wasn’t feeling any spiritual awakening—although not being a particularly “spiritual” person, this wasn’t entirely surprising

So why had I decided to go on a silent retreat in the …

Life Becomes Easier When You Learn to Accept an Apology You Never Got

If You Want to Be Happy, Stop Pretending

“If you want to be happy, don’t do something you don’t like. Don’t say something you don’t mean. Pretending and lying to yourself will only breed unhappiness.” ~Michael Lee

Do you like your job? Do you love your partner? Are you happy? You may answer yes to these questions, but is that what you believe deep down?

Most of us go through life pretending rather than living. We find it easier to tell ourselves that we feel good about something or someone than to admit we don’t. After all, contentment doesn’t require action. By convincing ourselves we’re happy when we’re …

Break the Cycle: How to Stop Hurting Others When You Were Mistreated

“What’s broken can be mended. What hurts can be healed. And no matter how dark it gets, the sun is going to rise again.” ~Unknown

I grew up with difficult and hurtful parents who spoke critically, with the intent to demean.

Each word of sarcasm, each thinly veiled joke or put-down undercut my self-esteem. Each knocked me down a rung in life and kept me from my potential.

Rampant comparisons to other Indian kids succeeding academically, attacks of my mediocre performance at school, and harsh language were my mother’s weapons of choice.

When someone attacks your self-esteem repeatedly, you …

Be the One Who Finds the Gold

You Could Have Defined Yourself by the Dark Days

You Are Not Your Struggles

Don’t Look for Someone Who Will Solve All Your Problems

How to Maintain a Sense of Peace No Matter What Life Throws At You

“Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don’t let what’s happening around you get inside you and weigh you down.” ~Unknown

Do you ever feel like your life is a rollercoaster?

One second, you’re on top of the world. The next, you’re down in the dumps.

For me, this feeling of going up and down began back in high school.

Before then, everything in life seemed like a test run. Sure, there were exams, extracurricular activities, and the usual social pressures. But now that university was only a …

There’s No WiFi in the Forest, but You’ll Get a Better Connection

Sometimes Your Circle Decreases in Size but Increases in Value

3 Steps to Rocket Your Creative Dreams into the Stratosphere

“Do your art every day, no matter how crappy your day is.” ~Ksenia Anske

I was definitely the weird kid. The boy who played with invisible friends out there on the playground during recess. I had what you might call “a rich inner life.”

I guess that’s expected when you’re in grade school. All cool. But as I got older the world began to get unkind. Like the day I realized the stories in my head weren’t really real. Or when that jock guy called me an “art fag” in front of everybody. Or when all the girls said I …

Beauty Is About Being Happy with Yourself

Compassion Dissolves Anger

Hate Hasn’t Solved One Problem Yet

When You Learn to Accept Instead of Expect…

Don’t Wait for Your Feelings to Change

The World Would Be a Happier Place If…

What to Do When Your Need to Please Is Ruining Your Life

“We are captives of our own identities, living in prisons of our own creation.” ~Theodore Bagwell

Have you ever thought you had to do what other people said or they wouldn’t love you?

Have you felt selfish for wanting to put your needs first, or guilty for setting limits with the people you care about?

Have you learned that even when you’ve complied with everyone’s wishes and whims they still weren’t happy, and you weren’t either?

Welcome to the deception of people-pleasing. Welcome to the story of my life.

There is no tragedy greater than being alive but …