
5 Things You Need to Tell Yourself After a Painful Breakup

Girl on a swing

Have you ever experienced a breakup or divorce but still loved the other person you were saying goodbye to?

I met my ex-girlfriend on a rooftop in Istanbul. I had just sold everything I owned to travel the world, and she was a tour leader in Asia.

She was everything I had been searching for: beautiful, confident, and funny. I followed her to India and China. She followed me to Australia. When the money and visas ran out, we moved back to Canada, found an apartment, got a cat, and shared a strong, healthy relationship for over five years.

And …

It’s Not Too Late

Not too late

Don’t Change Yourself to Win Someone’s Heart

Dont change yourself

You Don’t Have to Go It Alone: How Asking for Help Brings Us Closer


“Asking for help does not mean that we are weak or incompetent. It usually indicates an advanced level of honesty and intelligence.” ~Anne Wilson Schaef

For most of my life, I’ve exhibited contradicting behaviors.

On one hand, I believe wholeheartedly in collaboration, and have always been quick to help others out. I do it at work and in my personal life. Helping a stranger parallel park, listening to a friend as they go through a hard time, these are common occurrences for me. Once I even helped a blind man walk over a mile to the nearest church…IN …

Less Judgment, More Love

More love

Do the Best You Can

When you know better

5 Easy, Natural Ways to Reduce Stress

Meditating on a beach

“It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos.” ~Donna Karan

Like my grandfather, I have always been a weather geek. I check the weather news daily and, for as long as I can remember, thunderstorms, warm/cold fronts, and clouds have fascinated me.

Close friends of mine will be the first to tell you that I have the bad habit of stopping someone mid-sentence to point out cirrus clouds, or a storm on the horizon.

But it’s more than just a nerdy interest. Looking at thunderstorms and clouds has always had a calming effect on me.

A few years ago …

Be Strong Enough to Stand Alone

Be strong

You Can’t Change Yesterday

You cant change yesterday

Don’t Give Up

Dont give up

The Strongest Hearts Have the Most Scars

The strongest hearts

What It Means to Love

Be open, honest, and kind

Cut Yourself Some Slack

Cut yourself some slack

Life Is a Cycle of Happiness, Sadness, Clarity, and Confusion

Woman Looking Up to the Sky

“Life is a cycle, always in motion. If good times have moved on, so will times of trouble.” ~Indian Proverb

Two years ago I went on a volunteer trip to Vietnam, where I had hoped to find both myself and my purpose (ambitious), but instead found a rocky adventure that continues to teach me things to this day.

I was in the middle of a difficult time that was secretly a rebirth. It’s always hard to see that when it’s happening, isn’t it?

For a few amazing months, everything made crystal clear sense, and I felt like I could …

The Best and Most Beautiful Parts of Ourselves

Our wounds

Love Is What You Do

Love is what you do

Healing After an Affair: How to Get Through the Pain of Infidelity

“I will breathe. I will think of solutions, I will not let my worry control me. I will not let my stress level break me. I will simply breathe. And it will be okay. Because I don’t quit.” ~Shayne McClendon

It was a Wednesday afternoon in late July, and I felt like my entire world was coming to an end. My husband of almost eleven years had become distant, and during a phone call on my lunch break he told me he couldn’t do this anymore. That evening he told me he no longer loved me and wanted a divorce

Love Yourself First

Love yourself first

Every Day Brings a Choice

Everyday brings a choice

How We Avoid Our Feelings and How Embracing Them Sets Us Free


We numb our minds and heart so one need not be broken and the other need not be bothered.” ~Peggy Haymes

Feelings are important, no doubt about it. They communicate all sorts of information to us. I don’t know about you, but I’ve preferred to ignore some of that information. Raise your hand if you would much rather feel the good feelings and just jump right over the not so good ones.

Okay, so it’s unanimous. We all prefer the good, happy feelings. I expect we are all experts at finding ways to avoid the uncomfortable ones. But …