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  • Sarah

    So here is my current situation.
    I am suffering. The last year has been awful and I am not able to cope just with gratitude and meditation alone

    I have been renting a room to my mom for the past few years because she has been terminally ill with breast cancer. My relationship with her has always been emotionally abusive and extremely stressful. I have taken the stance that I need to help her and honor her as my parent. I knew the suffering that I would have to incur would be in the end to my benefit as I would learn to understand why she hurts me and hopefully learn to forgive her.

    Back in November I became pregnant with my first child. I found out while I was hospitalized for a brain disorder called Intracranial hypertension. I ended up having severe double vision and neck pain. I had to have a lumbar puncture to drain my spinal fluid so I wouldn’t lose my vision. I spent two months recovering from that basically in bed everyday. I feared what my life would be like if I had to deal with this condition along side my already disabling condition of fibromyalgia. I am 23 years old and have no decent formal education and student debt from living with fibromyalgia. I am unable to work.

    The next few months I struggled a lot with my mom. She was getting worse and now has been given 2-3 months to live. I have struggled being disabled and pregnant caring for her. When she was to pass away my mom promised that I would have a decent life insurance settlement to take care of a few things in my life. Last year it was accidentally cancelled and we have been dealing with the stress at the end of her life just to make ends meet. While going into debt trying to keep her alive.

    I feel my body failing me more than ever as I have developed panic attacks. I am worried for the health of my child, myself and all of the years of abuse I have endured by my mom. I feel like I have been left with nothing but sorrow right now and the inability to care for myself and others. I am failing, and that is why my suffering is so large.

    I do have a wonderfully helpful husband and extended family, but I find many of the responsibilities emotionally left on to me. I have always been the bearer of emotional burdens in my family. I am an only child with a mother who has consistantly relied on me. I have never minded, but I am breaking down so fast I cannot cope effectively any longer.

    I am looking for some buddhist resources as I have always found some peace through that. I would appreciate any and all advice to help relieve my suffering. I know suffering is a choice, coming from within.. but I am feeling weak from the constant pummelling of bad news.

    jason holborn

    Last spring doesn’t seem so long ago; don’t beat yourself up too much about “not letting go of this ancient drama”. It’s fairly recent, imho! Big crises need big time to move by. You say you “shouldn’t be so angry and cared”, yet you feel the way you feel and you are the way you are. Imho, that’s a-ok. You have the intention to move on; that’s great imho.

    One useful thing (sometimes, in great emotion, I forget this!) is to write a gratitude list out, or mentally create one. A daily gratitude journal, if you don’t already have one, could be one key to help you move on in the way that you wish to.

    Good luck! Bonne chance!


    Hey Tinyzebra,

    Going through the same… very much the same… only we were together for about a year and a half. It was long distance at first, and things were wonderful when we would see each other, (about 2 weekends a month) and when I moved closer, (not necessarily to be with him, but for school..) things were good at first, but I realized since I was in a new city, I depended on him a lot, I was so vulnerable and homesick that I think it turned him off. He goes through bouts of darkness, as do I, but I think his is worse. I at least do what i can to work on myself, (meditate, write, etc)… and he holds it in and it creates a monster out of him at times. I never wanted to change him, he is a strong person, but when he goes through that darkness, no one can take him out of it, certainly not me. I had already accepted him, with all his faults and flaws, I know all too well that you can’t “change” anyone. But what I failed to realize, is all the “red flags” all throughout. Sometimes he would be more distant than other times. He would only want to see me when he was in a good mood. He would go through moments where he was very vulnerable and warm with me, and then all of a sudden he would turn ice cold and distant. At first I thought it was cause he’s a gemini (dumb, i know!) but then I realized, he’s just messed up,.. and not even I can do much to help him get out of that darkness. So now… it’s been 3 weeks since I decided that I needed to move on with my life. He has been distant with me, so I have been just as distant with him. He asked to see me but then changed his mind… (not sure what that’s all about.) But, I can’t afford my sanity to worry about him, when I really just be directing the energy towards myself. So… if I’ve learned anything these last three weeks it is,
    1) Open up to your friends. While they can’t tell you what to do, the reflection aspect of opening up allows you to hear your situation aloud and makes you see things for what they are.
    2) Do things that make you happy! (I have been taking dance classes and going out to dance & enjoying the music & arts scene in my city.)
    3) Write what you feel, but also write what you want for yourself! Be optimistic. This will pass. There is someone so wonderful out there for you that you just have to believe it and manifest it into your life.
    4) Practice gratitude. Yes, be grateful for your experience, it is teaching you many lessons. For me, it is teaching me that I am stronger than I thought, and that I do have great coping skills.
    5) Cry if you need to, but once you do, more forward.
    6) MEDITATE! It has been my SAVING GRACE!

    Okay. Keep your head up! I am going through the same right now… so far, no-contact has been the best option for me. Smile. Do you. Love yourself! You are enough!

    Best wishes!


    Tinyzebra, I can relate so much! And let me tell you, I felt a surge of admiration for you when you noted that you deserve more than you were getting from this relationship. What strength you have! In my experience, what you are feeling is quite “common” as far as wishing he’d call and then beating yourself up for wishing that in the first place. I think it’s important to keep in mind the things that troubled you while you were in the relationship. And yes, it was a relationship, whether you officially defined it as such or not. While you don’t want to dwell on negativity, sometimes it helps to keep a realistic perspective instead of focusing on those happy moments you had with him. My relationship ended in December, though it was a very painful last year+ before that. For my birthday in April 2013, my partner gave me a journal. I was excited to have a forum to write my hopes, dreams, daily gratitude. To express my creativity. Instead, it turned into a 160 page catalog of all the pain, sorrow, anxiety, frustration and disappointment I experienced in that relationship. I had it right before my eyes, this relationship was ALL WRONG. Yet it’s taken me the last six months to feel even remotely “normal” where I’m not crying every day, obsessively checking my phone to see if he’s texted, hoping each email will be from him, etc. I, too, wanted that grand apology. But I think you get a pretty good sense of who a person is and how they operate in a relationship after the amount of time you spent with him. I don’t think people change that dramatically, at least not without tremendous work on their part. So even if he were to call and say he made a mistake, would you just be setting yourself up for more of the same if you went back?

    You may find this link helpful: http://www.baggagereclaim.co.uk/should-i-give-him-a-second-chance-or-a-3rd-4th-20th/ Everything on the Baggage Reclaim site is really great. Though I am trying to limit my time on there and even on this message board because while I think it’s good to commisserate and relate to have my feelings validated, I don’t want to miss out on the joy of life right before me while I spin my wheels in my head about my relationship and my ex.

    Hang in there. It DOES get easier, I promise.


    In reply to: Ready to give up.

    Big blue

    Hi Kennisha,

    One thing that helped me when I was really down was to name something or someone that I’m grateful for. It could be having a bed and a place to stay, a good meal, a book, sunshine, dogs, a smile from a stranger…. Or maybe something about me. I’m a good worker, I make a good cup of coffee, I like children, I have a good sense of humor…. In other words, name some of the good stuff in your life. There’s gotta be some good stuff. Make a list. If it’s people on the list, could you take a moment and tell them you are grateful to know them? If you have a charity that is near and dear to you then you can go help them. If you are able to help them, express gratitude to them back for letting you help them and I’ll guess they said thank you – that was thoughtful.

    You say you can’t win. Just placing in life is a podium finish. Maybe you have an interesting story to write. About the real world struggles you are having.

    Another assignment besides naming something you’re grateful for: ask people questions. Ask followup questions.

    If I may, I want to say thank you to you Kennisha for letting me share a little about me to help you.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Big blue.
    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Big blue.
    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Big blue.

    Thanks everyone.

    Hi Rose Lynn

    Thanks for asking some wonderful questions. As I was sipping my yumm and aromatic Kopi O, a “light bulb” moment occurred and I knew exactly how to approach your questions. Pls note that I am still a work in progress and may not have the “answers” that will satisfy your logic mind to the dot but I will try my best. And no, I am not in Singapore but would love to be there right this moment ;).

    Everyone has opinions but those opinions that do not do us well are the ones that we should try and ditch. So how do you know if an opinion or a personal belief is serving you well or not ? Well, you experience it for yourself. If an opinion brings fear, guilt, unhappiness, discontentment, discrimination, resentment, non-acceptance etc into your life, it is not a useful belief to hang on to. However, if an opinion brings happiness, bliss, acceptance, peace and forgiveness into yours or someone else’s life, it is not a negative belief. I will let you figure out as to which of your opinions or beliefs about anything and everything are positive or negative.

    When people form opinions about things or other people without going through a certain experience or being in that persons shoes, it creates a lot of confusion and disharmony. For example, you ask how do you know when someone is content or in denial ? I can answer that perfectly as I have experienced both. A feeling of content makes you vibrate at high frequencies of positivity – life is good, peaceful, happy and the emotion you feel is love. When you are in denial, everything feels confusing, fearful, resentful, envious or doubtful and the emotion you feel is fear. When we feel the emotion of fear, we are vibrating mostly at low frequencies of negativity. See the difference ? In general Universal energy terms, like energy attracts like. Positivity attracts more positivity and negativity attracts more of the same. You may not be familiar with this at this point but I can go deeper into this later if you wish.

    You may ask so what determines our vibrating frequency ? Our thoughts. What affects our thoughts – everything !!

    When we are critical (you can call it other things as I do not have any issues with terminology) of ourselves, other people or things around us on a consistent basis for whatever reasons, we are thinking negative thoughts, which gives rise to negative energy. You send this energy out into the Universe and what do you get in return – more of the same. Think about this for a little while and see if it resonates with you ? When we send out positive energy in the form of gratitude, selfless service, helping hand, random act of kindness, smiles, happy gestures at home or work, we get more of the same in one form or another. If you do not believe me, try it out for yourself. There is nothing better than experiencing it first hand.

    Now coming back to your same sex relationship. If you have accepted yourself and your partner fully for who you both are and believe in, why do opinions of others matter so much to you ? There appears to be a conflict here and it is not an external conflict but an internal one. I wont be able to assist here but I will share my insight. When we are not able to accept ourselves for who we are, we often look for reasons that can shift the blame to the outside world. Why do we look to point fingers at environment outside of us ? Because it is the easiest thing to do and it makes us feel special and valued in our own eyes. To work on self is a lot of hard work and you need to constantly fight your logic or egoistic mind, which is not pleasant. This is where inner self journey comes into play.

    Some bizarre questions to get you thinking outside of the square: does the Sun refuse to provide sunlight into your home because you are a homosexual couple ? Does the air you breathe in ask you if you are a female before it lets you inhale it ? Do the vegetables or meat that you buy question your competence before you can take them home ? What about the money exchanges that occur on a daily basis – do the bills or coins question if you are a foreigner or a local before it will go in to your wallet ? If you needed blood for whatever reasons, do you question if that blood is coming from a christian, buddhist, Muslim, homo sexual etc. I can ask many such questions and the list is endless.

    What it is all getting to is that nature or things do not discriminate. We humans do. Like yourself, every other human has the capacity to discriminate, form unhelpful judgments or opinions. So can we do our bit to stop it ? Yes, of course. We all have a choice that we can use to better our and everyone else’s lives around us and bring more happiness into it !! How :
    – by choosing positive thoughts over negative;
    – by having a high self-esteem, which comes from working on self rather than others;
    – by having respect for other individuals regardless of what their attitudes or issues are – everyone is doing the best they can in their given circumstances. We cannot be them and they cannot be us just for one simple reason being that we are as unique as it gets; and
    – by being grateful for everything that you have and do not have šŸ™‚

    Time to go and eat some laksa now. Have an awesome weekend and hope Joshua and Inkrid can provide their valuable insights.



    Hi Rose Lynn,

    One quote that always stuck with me is “The grass is greener where you water it.” it can be hard not to be jealous of your friends. I’ve experienced this feeling too, and it can get crippling very fast.

    You seem to already be aware that your friends life isn’t that great. Yes, she has a house, but that doesn’t mean she will be able to keep it if she keeps showing up late to work. You will see by stepping into her shoes that although she has a house other aspects of her life are less desirable.

    It does seem that you have some limiting beliefs about yourself. Don’t look at it as a bad thing though because everyone has at least one limiting belief in their life, even if they aren’t ready to admit it. Once you are able to recognize the negative self talk and limiting beliefs you can start to see the light that the future holds.

    I agree with Inkrid that a good way to move to a better frame of mind is through gratitude and appreciation. Look around you and be thankful for everything you have. You have your health, you are in a country where opportunities are in abundance, you have a partner in life, and regardless of how much you don’t get paid–you have a job, which is better than not having one.

    If I may suggest, create a list of everything that you are grateful for in your life, no matter how small, and each morning when you wake up, browse over the list. You will see that it makes an amazing difference on your view of life.


    Dear Tiny Buddha community,

    I would like to ask your help for a publication whose underlying aim is to inspire people to be part of a ā€œpositive (r)evolutionā€. I’M Magazine, (www.magazineim.com) is an independent platform for international solutions-based news on projects, best practices, ideas, people and organizations that are making an impact in the world. Just the type of stories that align with this inspiring website.
    Stories that portray how true leaders are making a difference in the world and inpire and encourage others to actions.

    I’M Magazine is trying to do what you do: share more meaningful news and impactful ideas that those that common sources of information usually do.

    The magazine has been online for five years now thanks to the hard work and dedication of an international volunteer team of journalists, photographers, film-makers, etc. Over and above the articles posted in the last five years, this team has been recording video interviews with extraordinary people who are really making a difference in the world! People like Sir Ken Robinson; Marc Kielburger. co-founder of Free the Children; Hafsat Abiola-Costello, Executive Director of the Kudirat Initiative for Democracy, KIND; Maureen Kellen-Taylor, CEO of ENGAGE; and many many more.

    We have begun to share some of the best moments from these interviews on our newly revamped website, but we still have more than 100 video interviews in our archive waiting to be edited. This is really crunch time for us as we need to raise funds to continue our work, expand the vision and work of the magazine and be able to share all of our content for everyone for free.

    To do this, we have decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo http://igg.me/p/682298/x/4108459.

    Contributions start from only $1, so even a small token participation is important for us to progress. ItĀ“s easy and wonĀ“t take too much time. Every contribution will have a ā€œperkā€ like a poster, t-shirt, online class, ebook…

    We would like to share with you the video message of IM Magazineā€™s founder, Ana Teresa, that shows how IM Magazine enables us to re-imagine our world, to dive into the essence of humanness and feel empowered. http://vimeo.com/90984206

    We hope that if you agree with what we are doing you’ll be able to support by sharing and participating in the crowd funding campaign that we just launched. Please visit our website to see the kind of content that we will be able to make accessible for everyone to tap from for inspiration in their life.

    With gratitude,
    the IM Magazine team.


    In reply to: Career choice


    Hi Parul!

    I may be the absolute worst person to give advice on this subject as I am 48 and am still looking for my right career! However, you and I have similar interests , and perhaps something I have to say will make you think.

    1 – We have the power to help others in any job by the way we do our work with pride and honor and by the way we treat our coworkers and customers. Truly giving to others is a matter of who you are, not what you do.
    2 – No job is going to be 100% perfect! Often we feel that if only I can find the right job, I will be 100% happy! It’s not true! No job will make you totally happy. Shoot for something that feels like at least 60% of the time you will be enjoying your daily tasks. Also, being so obsessed with finding the perfect job is pretty much the opposite of living with acceptance and gratitude.
    3 – I actually earned my master’s degree in counseling. I really thought I wanted to be a counselor, but I found out that good counselors make connections with others easily, and that is not me. I only truly connect with a very few people, and the clients I worked with sensed this. I also realized that what drew me to counseling was probably more a desire to understand and heal myself than really help others. I wanted to help others, but when it came to being in a room with someone I could not relate to, it just didn’t work. That being said, studying counseling has helped me understand people a lot better, which has helped me in my other pursuits. Of course, you might be someone who connects easily with others. If so, this may be the career for you!
    4 – We can never know for sure which path is the best path for us. We can quiet our mind, try to be 100% honest with ourselves, but in the end making a choice will always involve some risk. At some point you have to say, I feel good about this and I’m going to go for it even though I’m not 100% sure! If you end up less happy than you had hoped to be, perhaps you felt drawn to the choice because you needed to learn something from it that will eventually take you to your place of peace.
    5 – Some things you might want to consider as you explore your options more:
    What is it about me that prevented me from finding a fulfilling job in human resources? Is just switching careers the answer, or do I need to learn something from my HR experience first?
    What daily tasks does the career I’m considering involve? Is this really how I want to spend 40 hours per week?
    What has always come naturally to me in life? What activities in life seem to bring me the most joy? Does my career choice involve these things?

    Maybe some of these ideas will help you. I hope so!

    One more idea: Did you consider finding a job in employee wellness? Perhaps in a job like that you could use your existing degree and still help people.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by iamone.

    Thanks Cameron for your post. I was meditating on a similar idea today for someone else. I would like to share my insight if you do not mind šŸ™‚

    I hope that Al @simpleal will share his insight as well as he has offered very useful solutions to Dee in an another post. Matt @amatt , need your help here again, pls.

    First of all Cameron, congrats for entering the third decade of your existence on this planet and commencing your spiritual journey. You are an extremely insightful soul but I feel that you may not be aware of this. You actually know whats causing your suffering: attachment to a want. A need for a family, kid and husband is causing you grief rather than happiness as you are unable to fulfil this at present moment.

    Look, I do not have a crystal ball to say when you will have your own future family but I do know you will. As soon as you let go of the want, it should happen. Every want, which is hard to fulfil comes with an underlying lesson. In your case, I think you need to prove to yourself that your happiness is not dependent on getting a husband, kid or having a family. You are complete and whole on your own. When you let go of this attachment, you will become a much more fulfilled being.

    How do you let go ? Have faith that all is happening for your highest good and will continue to do so. Trust your higher self to provide the right environment for your want to be fulfilled in the future. Continue with the meditation as it will help with letting go and aid you in becoming detached to this want. Meditation will also prepare you for the journey that you are going to undertake in the near future :). How awesome !!

    I will share an example of a personal friend who was so desperate to have a husband, family and kids that she went through all odds to find a partner. As soon as she gave birth to her son in the 2nd year of marriage, husband fell sick with a simple pneumonia. Unfortunately, for unknown reasons, he became more unwell and died in an ICU a month later from various complications. She was devastated. Took her a few years to get over this but her want for a husband didn’t end. She got married the second time and unfortunately, got divorced in less than a 6 months due to some personal reasons. After 9 years of suffering, I think she must have had enough so she took up meditation to find her answers. Now after a year of practicing, she is content and living happily with her son (who unfortunately is mentally handicap). According to her, She has finally found her solace. Could she have avoided so much hardships and suffering ? I don’t know as I am not God as yet šŸ˜‰ but, it seems the life lessons were staring her into the eyes for a long time even before she started her journey of suffering. I can share many such stories with you as I get to hear them first hand.

    The moral of the story is to: enjoy what you have, offer gratitude for everything and if something is not happening as you want despite trying, let it be. Learn the lesson, which this experience is teaching you and flow freely with life. Do not be hard on yourself. When the time is right, things will happen and provide you with the happiness that you deserve. In the meantime, continue your attitude of gratitude and meditation. If you can do some selfless service such as feeding the needy or children that will be an icing on the cake.

    Loads of positive energy coming your way and thanks for your update on higher self. Much appreciated.



    Hi Emma,
    I also had a binge eating disorder when I went through college. I am sorry that you are struggling with this and good for you for seeking therapy. That helped me immensely. I understand that feeling that of being in a circle you can’t break where every solution to the problem is a problem – self acceptance means gaining weight which means more urge to binge. What helped me:
    *Gratitude – strange as that sounds, it helped me to recognize that the eating disorder was a way for me to get through a difficult time. Sometimes, too, it means that you actually are the strong one in the family as it lets the family focus on you rather than more difficult issues they are unable or unwilling to address. I keep a journal by my bed now where I write 5 things I’m grateful for at the end of the day.
    *Forgiveness for bingeing- realize that setbacks are part of the process. I considered it a check in to see if that’s really where I wanted to be. Everytime I realized it wasn’t where I wanted to be, my resolve to move forward strengthened. In an experiment by Peter Skillman, he found that multiple iterations almost always beat single minded focus around an idea. In “The Zigzag Principle” by Rich Christensen he found the road to success is never a straight line. In other words, we learn more and have greater success when we have “failure” as well as success.
    *God doesn’t make junk! – This was from one of Marianne Williamson’s books. I don’t know if you believe in god or a higher power but when I heard this, it healed a part of me that thought I was a horrible, worthless person. I would recommend any of her books or CD’s.
    *Explore ways to be self expressive (with compassion) – whether that’s making a vision board, writing, dancing, singing. I don’t know about you but sometimes this was hard for me because I wanted my creative expression to be perfect. In “The Up Side of Down: Why Failing is Key to Success” by Megan Mcardle she writes that there are two mindsets: Fixed Mindset where challenges are a dipstick to measure how high your ability is and a Growth Mindset where challenges are an opportunity to deepen your talents. I encourage you to embrace the Growth Mindset in your journey.

    Do you realize how powerful you are? All that energy that is currently going towards this struggle means that you can do amazing things once you break free. You already have a tremendous amount of insight and a strong desire to move forward. It is possible to recover!



    Luna ~~~
    Through your words I felt such a glorious warm feeling, much like the sun when it has remained hidden for a few days or a cozy wool blanket on a bitter cold evening. Cherish the wisdom and the strength you have growing within yourself and the desire to become the YOU, you once knew and loved. Relationships with a significant other seem to blossom for awhile, even go to extreme periods of estacy and then fizzle out for no real good reason, I know that empty feeling much too well. Allow your heart to sing within your chest like a songbird high above in the trees, love yourself and celebrate life to the fullest. Simple random acts of kindness are now the fuel for my soul, I do them recklessly without looking for any reward or an uttered word of gratitude. I share kindness for only two reasons: 1) There is never enough kindness in the world and 2) I enjoy the way it makes me feel deep inside, happy because I do it.

    I totally admire how you have empowered yourself and broken free from the shackles of your past by moving forward. You chose to not become a roadside victim but a victorious young lady. You have discovered how the simple things that go unnoticed can bring joy to our hearts.

    YOU have inspired me today and I appreciate your positive energy, it is contagious..


    In reply to: Life is a Mess


    You are still a kid Yuvi. Enjoy life and don’t worry about what others are saying or doing. You just focus on your life, pls.

    Forgiveness is a choice. If you are able to forgive people, you become free. If you hold on to resentment, you become a prisoner of your own emotions and logical mind. Life becomes a pain and full of miseries. If you can do one thing for yourself, start with a gratitude exercise each morning. Think of things, which are good in life and offer your gratitude. When we adopt an attitude of gratitude, everything becomes more beautiful with time.

    But, hey no stress. Enjoy your youth. These days won’t come back.



    hi everyone, i decided to write this to hopefully cheer someone up. This is my journey of how i find myself back, the girl i love and i thought she will never come back.

    _The most beautiful time of my life is. Enjoying the food I’m eating, appreciate every single little bites, thanking for those that made the food, those that harvest the ingredients, and those that die for us to have food to stay alive for today and survive tomorrow. To enjoy every little bits of it, identifying the tastes that is melting away in my mouth and saying thank you… for keeping me alive. Listening to music and experience the feeling the way that song makes you feel, every single beats makes you wanna move around and feeling so happy, can’t help but smile but hope. Drinking the tea, thank you for the bee… without you, where would i get my honey from? Thankyou for the cows, without you where would i get my milk tea from and again thank you for the people that harvest the tea leaves. These are little simple things that makes me enjoy life so much.
    And realise, everything on earth have a purpose both good and bad.
    Feeling so loved.

    _There are time in life, you work so hard to find your identity. But you took yourself for granted just to realise when you lost the person you love, you will never let her leave if you meet her again. Being in love with yourself is like any other relationship. You been alone for all your life, needs company from others, never feel complete… Then one day, you suddenly awake and found yourself, which is your best friend; your soul mate; your other half and your own unique identity. Something happened, you feel completely lost again. So now you know, what you want to keep, who you want to be and what you will always be. And you will try to find that person within again, and this time with the more understanding you will never give up on yourself ever again… Never take the relationship with yourself for granted, you fall in love once and you might never find it again.

    I usually write a little note right on the spot when i feel something, and these are little notes i wrote today when i finally feel myself again, feel alive and happy.
    I went through a break up which i never understand the reason why, and the hardest break up are ones you don’t have an explain why. We broke up and i was left to blaming on myself. Before this relationship i was a heart broken girl, i was so innocent and although i know about life here and there but it was no way like now, after being so heart broken i found myself… i was awake and I was soooo in love with myself, i view my life as heaven and everyday i would wake up to gratitude, and iwasn’t forcing myself to feel so much love, so much appreciation and gratitude, i just felt it… my mind started brighten and i love being with myself, doing things with myself and i was like a best friend of my own!
    I have always been a very emotional girl, this is why i can feel so much for me, and for people around me and sometimes i feel things that does not exist. Anyways, my point is… i lost myself, the girl i fell in love with after this relationship because i sacrificed myself for a person i opened my heart to, to realised… he never felt the same, although how much he admired me and care for me and wish to love me and wanted to marry me, there was never love between us and the journey finding myself back after this break up took a month but it felt like YEARSSSS.
    I did not get upset of the break up because i didnt blame on myself or him, because all i did was being too genuine and he took me for granted, but that wasn’t my fault… that was me, i am genuine and i am proud of that, it takes another genuine person to feel the same but he wasn’t, but i could not blame him. You can’t tell anyone how to feel, behave or how to live:)
    I was so lost and unmotivated… although i function normally everyday, doing my hobbies and find things to do, and trying to remember how did i over come my other break up and how did i find myself, but it didnt come to me and i wasn’t enjoy my hobbies at all… I locked myself in my room all day and for almost 2 weeks, and an introverted side of me came out. I realised, i needed no comfort from anyone because what if one day no one is around? you still need to learn how to be happy even by your self.
    Anyways, i thought to not to force to rmb how i feel back then and believe that this is just a phrase and we have only broken for a month. I didnt feel lonely i was just so bored and i remembered why i loved myself i did not feel bored at all.. i was so content and HAPPY almost for no reason, everything around me made me happy! The trees, the grass, the music EVERYTHING!
    I started to hang out in nature by myself more and trying to find myself back, everyday i try to rmb the things i did back then… But the feeling i felt back then, just wasn’t there.. I can repeat the same things i did for all i want, but the feeling i feel did not feel the same.
    So today, i woke up and told myself.. ok, i need to relax… just appreciate everything, i listen to a song i really like to lift up my spirit, eat something for lunch and made myself some tea. Said to myself, social life like Facebook made me depending on people for social when really i should spend more time with myself and i did not do enough of that. the moment i spend time with myself.. it all came back, take care of myself, enjoy the food i eat, be thankful… and just smile and keep smiling, try to think positive about everything and everyone. Stop revolving your life with others but your self… have faith and believe, be proud of yourself that you have survive through many things for this long. And those little notes was how i feel today..
    I now know, once i find myself 100% i will never let myself go again, because this is how hard it is to find her back. I now know who i exactly want to be. We all have many personalities, angry, egotistic, a positive or negative personality, bubbly or cheerful… but you will find a personality that you will forever want to stick around with and i just hope… Please, appreciate little things in life, show compassion and forgiveness and think for others. Spend more time with yourself.. rmb, you will never find yourself if you always spend time with others… I hope, people here somewhat understand what i wrote, it is really hard for me to express my feelings for people to understand because this is my way of understanding myself and how i get there, may not work for you but just try. Give it a try.. <3 love and peace.


    In reply to: Forgiveness


    I am overwhelmed with emotion at the forthright truth you have been willing to share with me. I do recognize and acknowledge that I broke trust first and do acknowledge that I need to forgive myself for that.

    One of the things I notice as I read all of these beautiful responses is that my immediate reaction is to dispute any suggestion. I want to say that if he had only done this or that, then I wouldn’t feel this or that. I am making him responsible for my emotions when I actually know that this is not his responsibility.

    It is true that there there is always something that brings up these feelings and I never know where it will come from. The reason for me writing this in the first place is because he took me to work yesterday. We share a car and though he was off yesterday, he decided he needed to take me to work. It triggered negative feelings and wondering why he wouldn’t stay home and catch up on rest or whatever else he needed to do. And the next thing I knew by last night, it turned into me being angry because he rarely compliments me and then it turned into me vocalizing that maybe we should not be together. WHAT HAPPENED?! How did it escalate so quickly? Why am I unable to forgive? Why does one thing turn into 30? I am making him feel like I am giving him a laundry list of things that are wrong with him. I DO NOT want to do this but do not know how to break the cycle.

    My partner is a straight up, old school alpha male. He does not know how to express feelings but says he is willing to learn and to try. He is good and loyal. He works and comes home. He works multiple jobs to do what he can to provide for our family. He is an amazing father to my 10 year old son (who lost his bio father last summer).

    I just want to stop. I would like to know what feelings he may be experiencing, but he is unable to actually put them into words. I don’t want to make him feel like crap. I want to show him love. I feel like there is something wrong with me and I am ruining something amazing.

    Much gratitude to all who have responded. I am humbled and appreciative.


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