
Seek Respect, Not Attention

Help Them Get Through It

There Is a Difference Between Giving Up and Letting Go

Your Anger is a Guide: Embrace It and Set Yourself Free

“Where there is anger there is always pain underneath.” ~Eckhart Tolle

In the sixth year of marriage, my husband shocked me by telling me that he had decided on an open marriage. This would give him permission to do what he was already doing, having an affair.

In one of my rare times of anger I argued and struggled with him. I can still see myself hitting him in the chest as he tried to put his arms around me to reassure me of his love.

As he defended his position, he reminded me that I wasn’t being rational. I …

This Too Shall Pass

Train Your Mind to See the Good

East vs. West: Major Cultural Differences That Impact Our Happiness

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” ~John Milton

I’ve been living in Asia for over a year now, spending six months each in Nepal and Vietnam, with a bit of traveling around India and Sri Lanka in the middle. I wanted to put pen to paper on what strikes me as a few of the major cultural differences between the East and the West. I can see things that each side could do with a bit more of. But here I’m going to concentrate on what I’ve …

Be Soft; Do Not Let the World Make You Hard

It’s Never Too Late for a New Beginning

Healing from Childhood Abuse: Get Help and Take Your Life Back

TRIGGER WARNING: This post deals with an account of sexual abuse and may be triggering to some people.

“No one loses their innocence. It is either taken or given away willingly.” ~Tiffany Madison

Childhood innocence. When I think of it I always picture a baby lying on their back, playing with their feet. They are laughing, cooing, smiling, and lost in a sense of wonder. Full of joy, love, curiosity, and awe. When you look at them you can’t help but smile, and their joy and laughter are infectious. At this moment, they are perfect.

Now have all that taken …

Turn the Page and Start a New Chapter

Politics: Freedom / Religion: Love

Life Is Short

It’s Not Selfish to Make Your Happiness a Priority

How Defensive Pessimism Can Help Ease Your Worries

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.” ~Corrie Ten Boom

You know if you’re a worrier.

You worry about all kinds of negative things happening, without any evidence that they’re likely to happen.

I’m a recovering worrier.

It’s only been in the last few years that I’ve become conscious of the extent of my worry and the impact it has on me, and of how ineffective it is.

My worry paralyzes me, making it hard to think, plan, or act.

But, as anyone who is prone to worry knows, worry can feel …

Two Things You Will Never Have to Chase

There Are Three Solutions to Every Problem

Happy Are Those Who Take Life Day by Day

Hearts Are Often Broken by Words Left Unspoken

Master How to Remain Calm