
Imagine What We Could Accomplish If…


Source: Collective Evolution

Creating a Day Worth Living

Creating a Day Worth Living

Source: Corner Canyon Counseling

May Your Days Be Filled With…

May your days be filled with

Source: Power of Positivity

How to Be Your Own Hero When Faced With a Hopeless Challenge


“You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are.” ~Yogi Bhajan

Can you remember a time when you felt completely helpless?

I do. It was the day my daughter was diagnosed with a serious digestive illness. The doctor told us in the hospital chapel, and he acted like it was a death sentence. His one and only solution was to hand us sets of harsh prescriptions.

I was in shock, and I knew deep down that something just didn’t add up. Her symptoms hadn’t even been that severe, although she had lost a significant amount of weight. What …

Life’s Greatest Miracles Often Come Disguised as Hardship

Colorful Umbrella in the Rain

“Out of difficulties grow miracles.” ~Jean dela Bruyere

The image in my mind is vivid, like an old photograph etched into my brain, where every facet is clearly discernible.

It was a frigid, blustery December night, right before my son’s seventh birthday. The heating unit had gone on the blitz, and the house was so freezing it seemed as though ice crystals would form on the inside of our windows.

Grabbing as many blankets as possible, I wanted to envelope my son with covers, hoping he would feel safe and warm in the cocoon. Time for bed, I reassured him …

Just Because It’s Not Happening

Just Because It's Not Happening

Source: LiveLifeHappy.com

My Future Self Will Thank Me

I will do something

Source: Mystic Sounds

Always Find Time for the Things That Make You Happy

Always Find Time

Source: Positive Outlooks

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome So You Can Thrive and Shine

Let Yourself Shine

“We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” ~Marianne Williamson

I’ve been dreaming about dead bodies again—disposing of dead bodies. Given that I have never actually killed anyone it’s probably a little weird how often this crops up for me. My dream metaphors tend to be blatant and graphic. I think my subconscious mind really wants me to pay attention to them.

I don’t have recurrent dreams per se, but I do get recurring dream themes. Lately my subconscious has been knocking me over the head with …

You Don’t Have to Appear Perfect: It’s Okay to Admit You’re Flawed

You Were Born to Be Real

“Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.” ~Sigmund Freud

If you’re anything like I was, you have an image of yourself that you want other people to adopt. You think people expect that of you or would like you better if that’s who you were, so you pretend to be that person.

Over time, you put on layers of protection to prevent people from seeing the imperfections that would undermine that perception. You refuse to admit to those imperfections. You may also blame others, the weather, or fate for any perceived failure—anything but yourself.

As a result, you can’t …

Create a Life That Feels Good on the Inside

Create a Life That Feels Good

Source: Spirit Science

A Beautiful Heart Keeps You Beautiful Forever

Good looks fade

Source: NotSalmon.com

The Dangers of Being Too Busy and How to Restore Your Health and Sanity

Busy Schedule

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” ~Jim Rohn

Busy doesn’t adequately describe my life over the past few years. Let’s say it was a hurricane of a schedule, with extra storms and a tsunami thrown in. Looking back from my current safe vantage point, I’m not sure how I survived.

The Stress Of A Busy Schedule

In 2011 I was working full time for the civil service and working part time trying to start up my own business. Early in the year I had my son, who turned out to be a non-sleeper …

Believe There Is Good

Believe there is good

Don’t Regret, Just Learn and Grow

Worry Less Smile More

Happiness Is Letting Go

Happiness is letting go

You Are Stronger Than You Know

You are stronger than you know

The Best Way to Be Happy with Someone

The best way to be happy with someone

Saying Yes to Happiness Means…

Saying yes to happiness

Source: Simple Reminders

The Beauty of Uncertainty: Each Day is a Blank Canvas

Every New Day

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain

It occurred to me one day, while staring at my computer at work, that I have always been uncomfortable with the idea of having uncertainty in any area of my life.

I plan my schedule rigidly, including what social/extracurricular activities I’m going to do over the next week. I take very few risks, and when …