
People Who Judge You by Your Past

People Who Judge You by Your Past

Source: Project Happiness

What Are You Practicing—Self-Judgment or Self-Compassion?

Woman with heart hands

“You are what you practice most.” ~Richard Carlson

“What are you practicing?” she asked in a gentle, lilting voice.

The entire class was in triangle pose, and at that moment I was comparing my triangle to the young woman’s right next to mine, scolding myself for wobbling out of the pose and simultaneously harassing myself for not being “further along” in my career. (Because if you’re going to hate on yourself, my motto is GO BIG.)

“Are you practicing judgment or comparison?” she tenderly probed.

“WTF!” I thought. “Does this woman have a direct line to my brain?”

“Are you

What to Do When Your Partner Disappoints or Frustrates You

Upset Couple

“Good relationships don’t just happen. They take time, patience, and two people who truly want to be together.” ~Unknown

We are wired to seek “the right one,” the ever-supportive partner, and the loving relationship.

If we get all three, it’s like winning the lottery of life. When we meet someone, we dream of him/her being our soul mate. When we are in a relationship, we hope they’ll love and support us unconditionally, and the relationship will be loving and everlasting.

That would be the ideal world, and, unfortunately, the ideal world isn’t the one we live in.

It took …

Holiday Love Challenge #22: Cut Yourself Some Slack

Holiday Love Challenge #22

Want more ideas to strengthen your relationships? Get Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges.

Your Presence Is the Best Gift

Your Presence

7 Ways to Make Your Workday Awesome

Happy at Work

“When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.” ~Wayne Dyer

I wish my first real boss had read the book Fish. It’s the story of Mary Jan Ramirez, a young widow who took a job managing the least productive and most negative department of First Guarantee Financial, in Seattle, Washington. In fact, the department was referred to as the “toxic waste dump” of the company.

One day she had an epiphany as she observed workers in “Pike Place Fish Market,”—people who had smelly, nasty jobs of cleaning, wrapping, cooking, and serving fish …

The Power of Literal Listening: Take the Stress Out of Communication


“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” ~Ernest Hemingway

If I’m honest, I don’t think I listened to another person until I was in my thirties. I wasn’t really listening, not completely. It’s not that I’m super selfish or vain; I was just so busy doing the mental gymnastics that I thought I had to do to keep up in conversations that I missed what was actually being said to me.

I grew up in a family where it felt like nearly everything that was said had another, unspoken meaning. I remember feeling really confused as a child, …

Holiday Love Challenge #21: Give the Gift of Forgiveness

Holiday Love Challenge #21

Want more ideas to strengthen your relationships? Get Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges.

How to Live a Fulfilling Life: 10 Powerful Lessons from Loss

Man in Rays of Sun

“Make ‘Let go of control’ your mantra today.” ~Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges #177

When the phone call came I was thousands of miles from home. My father was suddenly ill, admitted to the hospital. I was a medical doctor by then, and I felt a foreboding.

My mind went back to my childhood.

Imagine being a little child in a dark room. Every small noise evokes images of vicious monsters lurking in the night. They draw nearer.

You cry out, “Daddy!” And cry out once more. Then your hero comes to the rescue.

Your father shuffles in …

Giveaway: Let It Go Coloring Book for Stress Relief

Let It Go

Update: The winners for this giveaway are:

  • Lyndsay G
  • Beth Casey
  • Marsha Lawrence
  • Claudia Menger
  • Teejayhanton

You can get a copy of Let It Go, Coloring and Activities to Awaken Your Mind and Relieve Stress on Amazon here.

When I was a kid, I could color for hours. I could be a little Type-A about it; if I went outside the lines, I would often rip out the page and throw it away, and I may even have yelled, “I hate coloring!” while cursing my imperfection.

But that was a lie—I loved it. So it was only a matter …

Everything Is Going to Be Okay

Everything Is Going to Be Okay

Source: Notsalmon.com

Holiday Love Challenge #20: Give Someone the Benefit of the Doubt

Holiday Love Challenge #20

Want more ideas to strengthen your relationships? Get Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges.

The Other Christmas Gift

When faced with a tough decision, will these kids pick a Christmas gift for themselves or give it up for a gift for their family? This touching video brought tears to my eyes. What amazing kids!

Holiday Love Challenge #19: Set the Intention for Kindness

Holiday Love Challenge #19

Want more ideas to strengthen your relationships? Get Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges.

The Less You Worry About What People Think

The Less You Worry

Holiday Love Challenge #18: Only Say “I’m Sorry” When You Mean It

Holiday Love Challenge #18

Want more ideas to strengthen your relationships? Get Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges.

Overthinking Is the Biggest Cause of Unhappiness


Source: Lessons Learned in Life

What the Bathroom Scales Are Not Telling You

Feet on Scale

The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.” ~ C. JoyBell C.

At a recent visit to the doctor’s office I had some routine checks done. Afterward, the doctor flipped through the findings and said, “Blood pressure, good. Pulse, good. Weight, okay.”

He then continued talking about other things, but my mind was still on his previous words. “Weight, okay.”

Why wasn’t my weight “good” like my pulse and blood pressure? 

I had managed to completely skim over the fact that my vital signs were

A Simple Practice to Appreciate Our Bodies, Flaws and All

Sunset Silhouette

“Who does not thank for little does not thank for much.” ~Estonian Proverb

I remember the moment so well: I had been seeing a new guy for a few months and I was staying the night for the first time. Up until that point he hadn’t seen me without heavy makeup, as I was careful to always look completely put together while with him.

That night I had to make a decision.

I could fall asleep with my makeup still on, or I could remove it first. Did I feel comfortable enough to let him see me without foundation, eyeliner, …

The Christmas Gift Experiment

While I don’t agree that presents aren’t for receiving (because someone has to receive in order for someone to give!) I love this joyful little experiment. =)