
A lot of things broke my heart but fixed my vision.

Sometimes everything hits you all at once. You lose a relationship, change jobs, old friends go and new ones come. It’s up one day and down the next. You have it all together on Monday and by Thursday you don’t have a clue. Life is one big wave and all we can do is flow, grow, and adapt.

The biggest lesson for me this year has been ‘just keep going.’ Lost everything? Just keep going. Don’t know what you’re doing? Just keep going. $0.88 in the bank? Just keep going. People played you? Just keep going. No obstacle has been able to crush me. I keep going.

Severe early childhood trauma creates a child with equally intense coping mechanisms—these children are often seen as ‘mature for their age’ and ‘old souls.’ While maybe true, it often negates the fact that their innocence was taken away at an early age and they are in survival mode.

Know that this, too, will pass. Tomorrow you will wake up with 232 billion new cells in your body. That alone is reason for hope.

The strongest people are the ones who are still kind after the world tore them apart.

The world is already so full of conflict. If we want to create more peace in the world, we have to choose not to take things personally and instead respond with understanding, compassion, connection, and peace.

Dear self: Don’t get so worked up over things you can’t change or people you can’t change. It’s not worth the anger buildup or the heartache. Control only what you can. Let go. ~Love me

As traumatized children we always dreamed that someone would come and save us. We never dreamed that it would, in fact, be ourselves, as adults.

It wasn’t the trauma that made you strong, kinder, and more compassionate. It’s how you handled it. That credit is yours.

Optimist: Someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster, it’s a cha-cha.

I will not change who I am. I will not get angry with you. I will not seek revenge and be spiteful. I will only be smart and change the role you play in my life.

Dear self, don’t allow anyone to trigger you. Let it go. Walk away. You’ll be proud of yourself later.

We all have ‘issues’ because we all have a story. And no matter how much work you’ve done on yourself, we all snap back sometimes. So be easy on you. Growth is a dance. Not a light switch.

Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.

You are not your feelings. You just experience them. Anger, sadness, hate, depression, fear. This is the rain you walk in. But you don’t become the rain. You know the rain will pass. You walk on. And you remember the soft glow of the sun that will come again.

It’s possible to read something you don’t agree with on the internet and simply move on with your life.

Your mental health is more important than your career, money, other people’s opinions, that event you said you would attend, your partner’s mood and your family’s wishes, combined. If taking care of yourself means letting someone down, then let someone down.

Sit with it. Sit with it. Sit with it. Sit with it. Even though you want to run. Even when it’s heavy and difficult. Even though you’re not quite sure of the way through. Healing happens by feeling.

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’