
Those who suffer from mental illness are stronger than you think. We must fight to go to work, care for our families, be there for our friends, and act ‘normal’ while battling unimaginable pain.

Don’t trade your authenticity for approval.

You are strong for getting out of bed in the morning when it feels like hell. You are brave for doing things even though they scare you or make you anxious. And you are amazing for trying and holding on no matter how hard life gets.

Just because you aren’t making progress as fast as you think you should doesn’t mean you aren’t making progress.

If you’re not really happy, don’t fake a smile on my behalf. I’d rather you spill your guts with tears every day until your smile is real. Because I don’t care about the show, the disguise, the politically correctness. If you’re in my life, I want you to be in your own skin.

Sometimes you just need to relax and remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can and everything is going to turn out just fine.

My life isn’t good or bad. It’s an incredible series of emotional and mental extremes, with beautiful thunderstorms and stunning sunrises.

You never know what someone is going through. Be kind. Always.

Forget your past, forgive yourself, and begin again right now.

Sensitive people should be treasured. They love deeply and think deeply about life. They are loyal, honest, and true. The simple things sometimes mean the most to them. They don’t need to change or harden. Their purity makes them who they are.

You either get bitter or you get better. You either take what’s been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you.

You may not be able to control every situation and its outcome, but you can control how you deal with it.

Clear your mind. Your heart is trying to tell you something.

When you see something beautiful in someone, tell them. It may take you a second to say it, but for them, it could last a lifetime.

When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control how you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is.

There is a big difference between giving up and letting go. Giving up means selling yourself short. It means allowing fear and struggle to limit your opportunities and keep you stuck. Letting go means freeing yourself from something that is no longer serving you. Giving up reduces your life. Letting go expands it. Giving up is imprisoning. Letting go is liberation. Giving up is self-defeat. Letting go is self-care.

The truth is that the way other people see us isn’t about us—it’s about them and their own struggles, insecurities, and limitations. You don’t have to allow their judgment to become your truth.

Don’t tell someone to get over it. Help them get through it.

There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do, and mostly, live.

This too shall pass. It may pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass.