
If you’re giving your all and it’s not enough, you’re probably giving it to the wrong person.

Sometimes the most valuable lessons come from people who didn’t intend to give them.

Expect nothing and appreciate everything.

When we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about our own need to be critical.

When people treat you like they don’t care, believe them.

Be strong enough to let go and patient enough to wait for what you deserve.

H.O.P.E. Hold on, pain ends.

Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.

There are two ways to be happy: improve your reality, or lower your expectations.

We cannot achieve more in life than what we believe in our heart of hearts we deserve to have.

As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss.

When the wrong people leave your life, the right things start to happen.

Stop worrying about what can go wrong and get excited about what can go right.

We spend precious hours fearing the inevitable. It would be wise to use that time adoring our families, cherishing our friends and living our lives.

As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease. When you act out the present-moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care, and love—even the most simple action.

Hug harder. Laugh louder. Smile bigger. Love longer.

There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.

When you choose to see the good in others, you end up finding the good in yourself.

The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them.

Making a big life change is pretty scary. But know what’s even scarier? Regret.